Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series

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Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series Page 13

by K L Rymer

  I don’t mean to be so bitchy. He is just trying to help, but I’m not buying it. This is the same guy who tripped me up on our first day. Who tried to kill me on Halloween. Let’s not forget that.

  So give a girl a break for being cautious. His good looks and charms don’t pardon all his crimes.

  We stand in a brightly-colored birchwood forest full of red and orange leaves. The sky’s a fierce blue, and the grass a vivid green. The hills on the horizon seem to move.

  And then there is that strange, soft hum. It’s soothing, and I’m tempted to meditate.

  Just a shame we have to interrupt the peace with our fireballs.

  We follow Myrddin to a tall column of rocks. They stand in a circle like Stonehenge, and that is where we train.

  Matthew goes to stand at one end of the circle, and now we face each other. Thank god I no longer have to look at his gorgeous face.

  It looks as if we are going to duel for real, but Myrddin merely puts us in this position so that we can practice. So long as we don’t purposefully attack each other, then we’re good. Not that neither of us has tried. I’ve burned Matthew a few times, and he’s scorched my hair more times than I can count.

  The first time we dueled, I was so nervous. I didn’t trust him one bit and sent a nasty blow of red his way. Lucky Myrddin counteracted the attack on time.

  Myrddin can evade magic with one wave of his hand. He can steal it too and seal it up inside a vial. Scary stuff.

  Thank god he’s one of the good guys.

  The headmaster stands to the side of the stone circle. “Now, just as we practiced. But remember, Bryn, you are not to scorch Matthew’s face.”

  I blush bright red. “I... I know...”

  I hear Matthew chuckle at the other end of the circle, and I narrow my eyes. Screw him and that handsome snigger; it so doesn’t do things to my head.

  We take our stances. I keep my feet apart, holding my palms together to form magic. It took me several tries at first, but I got it in the end. What helped was having Myrddin ordering Matthew to attack me, so that way I thought I was in genuine danger.

  My headmaster and archnemesis had turned on me. What was I supposed to think? That’s when I nearly burned Matthew.

  Matthew moves into his stance and I scoff. He keeps one leg behind and the other forward, keeping his arms far apart. My stance is so much better, but there is a reason he holds his hands like that.

  It’s how he channels his lightning. The freak.

  The White Dragon could control the weather and the skies after all. It could make it rain and thunder too. The Red was more focused on the earth.

  Polar opposites by nature. Just like me and Matthew. He has his head far up in the clouds (and his ass). And I have my feet planted firmly on the ground.

  Myrddin raises his hand and I concentrate on my power. Soon a flaming red ball appears between my palms.

  On the other end of the circle, Matthew creates a branch of white lightning between his hands, offering me a smirk. His hair stands up like Einstein’s, and his eyes are alight with mischief.

  My stomach lurches. How am I supposed to go up against that?

  Myrddin drops his arm at last, and Matthew launches the first attack. That lightning zaps across the circle, and I dodge just in time. It scorches the stone column behind me and I growl, adding more juice to my magic.

  “You fucking asshole!” I throw my fireball, but he steps out of the way nonchalant, and he even has the audacity to yawn.

  I clamp my teeth together and roar, throwing more fireballs, and he dodges all of those too with backflips and somersaults.

  He would definitely be good at dodgeball. Unlike me, who gets hit in the face. I give an involuntary shiver. Junior high memories...

  “That all you’ve got, human?” he chides, landing gracefully on his feet. He smooths down his red blazer, sneering once again.

  The bastard is loving this...

  I release a long, frustrated yell, “Fuck you, cunt!”

  Hey, what can I say? It’s that time of the month. So I’m seeing far more red than I would like to today. (I don’t mean to be so gross, but it happens to us all, ladies.) Combined with the leaking, the gnawing cramps, and Matthew’s smug, sexy smirk... I’m furious.

  My fireball spins toward its target, but I was too fast for Myrddin this time. It takes Matthew out in an instant, and he flies backward and hits a rock.

  His long, painful scream echoes through the pocket world.


  I just killed Matthew Humphrey IV.

  Chapter 20.

  The whole academy found out that I attacked Matthew.

  They totally found out, too, that we were receiving private sessions with Myrddin, and many were pissed to say the least.

  But not so much as they were when they’d discovered that I’d attacked the most popular, beloved boy at school. As if the academy doesn’t antagonize me enough being Mendacious. Now I’ve just further proved that I was in the house that I was always meant to be in.

  Now I’m evil. Dangerous. A killer.

  Oh, don’t worry. Mattie’s perfectly fine. One trip to the ward and he was back on his feet in no time. The school’s nurse is a very powerful angel—Ms. Bethany. She’s beautiful too, so Mattie was in capable hands.

  Unfortunately, I’ve also made things harder for my fellow Mendacious. The other houses sneer and throw things their way in the halls, and I have never felt so guilty.

  Then there are our scores. Now we’re down to minus twenty.

  Poor Felicity hasn’t left her room all week, watching classes on livestream instead. Being small, she’s obviously the easiest target. Only Damien, Jack, and Zahara have been spared (since no one would dare mess with a titan, a demon, and a scary Unseelie chick). But Nora, Thomas, and Felicity got it bad.

  Damien once again ignores Felicity though I did see his eyes flaming when Macson tripped her up in the hallway and made her bite her tongue and bleed to death.

  Macson hasn’t been seen since. Not that anyone has noticed. Everyone was so hung up on poor Matthew.

  It’s my fault anyway why they are suffering. I never should have let my anger get the better of me. And I also hate to admit... but I feel bad about hurting Matthew. I took things way too far.

  What else was I supposed to think? I’ve been told that the guy is my mortal enemy and that I must defeat him lest he reigns doom upon the spine of the White Dragon.

  In fact, it’s starting to get old—prophecies about dragons, battles, everything.

  I haven’t even laid eyes on Mattie since. Hell, I’ve been avoiding him.

  Myrddin has also called off our private sessions (since the whole school came forth demanding that they wanted private sessions, too).

  Who knows when or if they will start up again. To be honest, I don’t even know what will become of my fate at the academy.

  I could possibly face expulsion. Not that the other houses haven’t cried out for it.

  Myrddin has never looked so grim lately. He has gone from easy-going, cheerful headmaster to gloomy old man in a matter of days. Perhaps he blames himself for not trying harder on getting Mattie and me to see eye to eye?

  And that just makes me feel worse. Myrddin has been nothing but kind to me the moment I arrived, helping me settle at the academy.

  I don’t want to be expelled. I don’t want to leave my Mendacious family. How will sweet little Felicity cope without me?

  Sure I will still have Bangor, but I can’t miss my chance to graduate at one of the best supernatural schools that the world has to offer.

  How else will I hone my magical skills?

  Just taking field notes and dissecting crabs doesn’t quite cut it.

  Right now I have been summoned to the headmaster’s office, and a bad sensation swells inside me. The sneers and sly remarks follow me all the way, but I keep my head high. Though deep down I’m crying. I cannot lose my place at the academy. I’ll gladly be Mattie’s bitc
h for a week if it meant I could stay.



  The last insult was directed by Caleb (another of Mattie’s jerks), but I only have one goal on my mind now—make it to the headmaster’s office alive.

  Unfortunately, as I round the bend, I bump into the frozen form of Angelina. I stagger backward when I spot that fierce spark in her ice-blue eyes.

  So that’s what a vampire looks like when it’s pissed? Her jaw is clamped tight shut, and her gaze alone is enough to incinerate me to ashes.

  She’s still hot though and I writhe with jealousy. For a fact, being angry just makes her hotter.

  No fair.

  I take a step back. “H-hey there, Angel—”

  Without warning, she grips my blazer with incredible strength and throws me into the nearest classroom. I go flying against the desk and spin around, placing my palms together.

  If she tries anything I will blast her face.

  She shuts the door and whirls around, and her blazing blues land on my palms. “What? You going to blast me like you did Matthew? Go ahead... I dare you...” she snarls the last word and I see those pearly white fangs.

  Shit. This girl is out for blood.

  Well, she won’t be getting any of mine today. I’ll gladly scorch her face (self-defense after all).

  Angelina throws her head back, and her psychotic laughter rebounds off the walls. I don’t even know whose classroom this is, but the little creatures inside the cages scuttle around nervously.

  Finally, she stops and fixes me with that sharp gaze. “Heed my warning, human... If you lay another finger on Matthew, I will personally come after you myself, and put an end to your miserable existence.”

  My left eye twitches as I keep my palms aloft. She dares threaten me. I will put a wooden stake through her heart and douse her in garlic oil.

  Angelina makes a weird scoffing sound next, and it’s like she has a fur ball stuck in her throat. She turns back toward the door, but before she leaves she whispers, “It’s been some months since I had my last feed... So stay off my shit list, human. You don’t want to end up dead. Forget the sugar-coated crap you’ve seen in your mindless books and TV shows. Vampires are fucking messy. We leave no trace. So, beware...”

  She opens the door and slams it shut, and I gnash my teeth. I’m not scared of her...

  I rush forward and yank the door open, and now I yell down the hall, “Yeah, you’d love that wouldn’t you, you perverted freak! Eat me up like a fucking cannibal! Whatever floats your boat, Angelina!”

  It’s probably not the wisest thing to say to a vampire chick who has just threatened to eat you, but I don’t care. I really am not afraid. I’ll go all Buffy on her ass if it has to come to that.

  I growl and stomp the rest of the way down the corridor. As I reach Myrddin’s office, I raise my fist to knock, but then I stop upon the sound of that strange man’s voice inside.

  “You will keep that girl away from my son, Myrddin...”

  Judging by the smug, cool tone and the accent, it’s Matthew’s dad—the great Matthew Humphrey III.

  He’s supposed to be some bigshot, right? So much so that he’s bossing Merlin round.

  “Mr Humphrey, if you will please just sit and let me—”

  “It won’t work. Your plan.”

  My blood runs cold. Does he know what Myrddin’s true intentions are? As always my ever cheerful, careful headmaster plays his part and delivers that hearty laugh. “Whatever are you talking about, Mr Humphrey?”

  It turns deathly silent. There comes the sound of a creak next, and it appears that Matthew’s dad is leaning over Myrddin’s desk. “You won’t convert my son. His destiny was set from the moment he was conceived. He will be the one to ride the White Dragon and rule these lands. And he will defeat your precious protégé.”

  I’m guessing that protégé is me. Not bad I’d say. Merlin’s protégé or Merlin’s Apprentice.

  The Wizard’s Apprentice...

  I’ll gladly come at the Humphreys with my army of magical broomsticks.

  Myrddin doesn’t respond. Instead, I hear the sound of hot liquid pouring into a teacup. “Care for some tea, Matthew, so we can discuss this further?”

  His dark voice sets my nerves on edge. He’s pissed.

  Matthew Humphrey III snorts. “No thank you. I was just leaving.”

  “What a pity...”

  I suppress my own snort. Myrddin’s a badass.

  Mr. Humphrey stops on the other side of the door, and the shadow of his legs are just visible beneath the gap. I have nowhere to run. So I will just have to face Matthew’s father.

  The handle twists and I take a deep breath. The door doesn’t open. The man on the other side turns back to Myrddin and snarls, “I will be speaking to the senior faculty about her immediate expulsion. I hope you’re aware of that.”

  “You can do as you please, Mr Humphrey. You are after all a kind benefactor of my school, donating all those books and supplies. We’d be lost without you...”

  More sarcasm. I like this side of Myrddin.

  Mr. Humphrey growls like a little terrier and the sound is so unattractive. “Well, so long as you’re obliging.”

  The door yanks open and the man steps forth. I stand like a Buckingham Palace guard.

  Matthew Humphrey III turns my way, and the look he gives me could rival his son. Yet he lacks the flair; his eyes don’t light up like Mattie’s. I get a good look at his face. I guess Matthew got his looks from his mother then. This man is vile, on the inside and the outside. He’s bald with a pointed face and a twisted beard—the face of a stereotypical villain.

  He wears a pinstriped suit with a fancy bowler hat, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

  Who does he think he is? Charlie Chaplin?

  He has a cane too that he probably uses to whack his servants when they’ve missed a spot on the kitchen floor.

  Matthew Humphrey III may not have the glowing orbs and the raw magic that his son possesses, but he’s still one powerful mage. I can sense it radiating off his form. As awful as the cologne he doused himself with that morning.

  It stinks up the hall but I keep my face straight. This is a man who would gladly see me expelled and worse. It’s written inside his dull, black eyes.

  His nose wrinkles when he gets a good look at me, and now he turns away swiftly. The tails of his suit flap behind him.

  I don’t breathe again until the sound of his cane disappears at the end of the corridor, and now I place my hand on my beating heart. I have never been so afraid in my life. That man... he wasn’t all that right.

  “Come on in, Bryn.”

  I startle at the sound of Myrddin’s voice, and now I bow my head, making my way inside. My headmaster gazes at something I can’t see as I sit down, twiddling my thumbs.

  He takes some time to compose himself. Meanwhile, I try to calm my rapid breaths. I can’t stop the stinging sensation forming at the back of my eyes, but I won’t cry. I’m not that kind of girl. I don’t wear my heart on my sleeve.

  Leave that to the Felicitys of this world.

  Myrddin heaves a great sigh and finally, he looks me in the eyes. His hazel irises shine, and a lump clogs my throat.

  I’m going to be expelled.

  I couldn’t stop myself in the end. The waterworks came at last, and now I’m bawling in front of the most famous wizard who has ever lived.

  Myrddin gasps, “Miss Williams! There is no need to cry.”

  But I go on, and soon I’m drowning in my grief. I hate the strangled sobs coming from my throat. I sound like a cat getting strangled as much as I hate that saying. I’m an animal lover.

  “Come now.” He rises and comes around to stand beside me, and now he hugs me to his chest.

  I cry into his bright, starry blue suit. “I’m... sorry...”

  “It’s okay. The fault’s mine. I was a fool to think that you two could get along. It’s obviously much more
complicated than that.”

  I shake my head. “No... I shouldn’t have attacked Matthew. It’s my fault.”

  The sounds of my sobs bounce off the wall, and then a cool breeze wafts through the room.

  Next, there comes a small whimper and I look down to see Gelert. He tips his head, giving me those sad puppy eyes, and I splutter and throw my arms around him.

  If there is anyone who knows sorrow, then it’s Gelert.

  Myrddin exhales and hands me the pink handkerchief from his pocket. I wipe my tears, hoping it’s not the same one he gave Matthew to wipe his sweaty lip. “T-thank you...”

  “It’s no trouble, Miss Williams.”

  Knowing that I’m in good hands now—or paws—Myrddin seats himself in his wingback chair again and pours me tea. “Here.”

  He hands me the flowery teacup and I take a sip. The warm taste soothes my soul. I have a few more mouthfuls until the liquid is all gone, and now I glance up at the headmaster.

  Myrddin offers me a warm, crinkly-eyed smile. “Feel better?”

  I don’t, but I still nod. After all, the whole school hates me and I’m going to be expelled. And to top it all off, I won’t get to see my Mendacious family again.

  Suppose they could always visit me at Bangor, but it wouldn’t be the same. I’ll actually miss Damien and Felicity’s stupid love antics.

  Before I leave I will have to make them confess their love for one another. That way I will be able to sleep easier at night knowing that my friends are living on when I’m gone.

  I place the cup back on its saucer and peer up at the headmaster. “Professor... am I really going to be expelled?”

  He blinks and then to my surprise, he lets out a bellowing laugh. Both Gelert and I jump up in shock.

  “Oh, don’t listen to that blathering fool. He’s all talk. I’m the headmaster in the end, and I’m the one who makes the final decision. The faculty don’t scare me.”

  He seems so sure of himself, but I still doubt his words. If enough of them vote to see me gone, then they will gladly go against his wishes. Maybe even fire him in the process.

  They have to be some bigshots to even have that kind of power over Merlin.

  “Don’t you worry about that,” he continues. “I have it all covered...”


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