Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series

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Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series Page 28

by K L Rymer

  But she surprisingly kept it together. If she has cried, then she has done it in complete silence.

  Maybe she has grown up.

  These days she busies herself with her new friends Jessika, Row, and Laura. It’s nice to see Magnanimous accept a Mendacious, but still... I miss her.

  Right now she doesn’t even look our way, least of all Damien’s. The pixie has gone back to pretending that the demon doesn’t exist. She did try to make amends with him, but he spat her apology back in her face.

  Luckily for Damien, the stories she accidentally spread about him didn’t last for long. Damien is the school psycho. If anyone pisses him off, well... his eyes go red.

  He may be a psycho, but he still has a heart. He had shown a vulnerable side to himself in front of the whole school after all, so I can imagine he’s hurting right about now.

  But like a typical man, he doesn’t show it.

  Don’t worry. I’ll get him to confess that he misses her.

  Angelina leans in close and whispers, “So... I’ve been to Dinas Emrys.”

  I whip my head around. “What?!”

  A few students peer up at us, and I hide my face, trying not to give myself away. I see Zahara looking over. Damien, however, only has eyes for Felicity.

  The vampire flips her bleached blonde hair. “That’s right. Not even a stone’s throw away from here.”

  My heart pounds and I ball my fists. “You... you went to the site of the Red Dragon before me? You... you had no right... That was my destiny!”

  Angelina lifts her head from her notebook. “Well, it was about time one of us went.”

  I pinch my lips, keeping my burning, hazel eyes on her.

  How dare she... I’ve been training all year, promising Myrddin that I would stay far away from Dinas Emrys until the time came for me to wake the beast. But she goes ahead and beats me to it.

  I hate her.

  She cackles softly, and I give her a warning glare. “You watch it, Ambrose.”

  Angelina scoffs. “Relax, I was just looking around. It’s nothing more than an old ruin anyway. Plus, it smells of humans. I had to keep my restraint and not go off on a blood frenzy.”

  She smirks and I glare at her over-glossed lips, spotting that prominent philtrum just above her Cupid’s bow. Similar to the one Mattie had and I curse.

  Screw these beautiful supernaturals.

  “So... are you going to ask me all about it? Remember, it only appears to be a ruin...”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh, the suspense is killing me...”

  I flinch next as Zahara flings her pencil at the back of my head, totally ruining my mojo. “Shut up, Williams. I’m trying to listen.”

  I grumble, rubbing my skull as I glare at Angelina (though really I should be scowling at Zahara since she’s the bitch).

  The vampire sneers once again. “We’ll talk more on it later. Don’t worry.”


  We didn’t talk later. Angelina decided to drive me nuts and not tell me anything instead, just so I had to admit that I needed her.

  She wants me to beg, get down on my knees and tell her she’s the queen of everything.

  I’m sick of the bitches at this school.

  To make matters worse, there’s going to be a Yule ball this Christmas, and I don’t have a date. Right now I would be happy to have my name pulled out of a hat. Even if I got stuck with Swamp Boy. At least I would have someone to go with.

  Speaking of Swamp Boy... he’s less green, gelatinous, and oozing these days. Maybe he was just going through a phase.

  It’s mid-November, so Christmas is just around the corner. They’re playing Christmas songs everywhere now...

  I yank the door open to the girl’s lavatory on the second floor.

  Next period doesn’t start for half an hour, so I have time to cool off. I go to the furthest sink and turn the tap, splashing my face with cold water.

  That’s when I hear a ghoulish crying sound, and my skin pales beneath the garish lights.

  It’s coming from the third stall down, and I creep forward, spotting that shadow beneath the door. The crying suddenly stops, and I roll my eyes.

  I’m such an idiot. I’d know those soft sniffles anywhere.

  “Who... who’s there?” a squeaky voice asks.

  I sigh. “Felicity... open up.”

  “B-Bryn? What are you doing here?”

  “The same reason anyone else uses the lavatory...”

  “Oh...” She pauses again, taking several deep breaths.

  “Why are you crying?” I ask now. “Has Jessika been a bitch to you? I knew that sweet façade was all a farce!”

  “No! Jessika’s been sweet. She’s a good friend, truly. It’s just...”

  “Then what?”

  Felicity hesitates, and I can just picture her biting her lip. “Can... can you keep a secret?”

  I blow my cheeks. “I guess.”

  “J-Jessika is going to get Macson to ask me to the Yule Ball.”

  My blood boils, and I bang on the door. The pixie yelps. “Felicity! Have you gone insane?! Don’t you remember how he treated you last year?”

  “Of course I do! But I can’t go to the ball without a date. All the other Magnanimous girls have one, except for me...”

  I laugh. “Yeah, but you’re not Magnanimous, Fel. You’re Mendacious.”

  She breathes a wretched, lonely sigh. “Yeah... I know.”

  I raise a brow. Is that longing I detect in her tone? I suppose it’s fair. I would have liked to have joined Audacious if I had to be honest. Thomas would have gone to Ingenious if he’d had a choice too, and Nora would be in Magnanimous along with Fel. Jack would be in Audacious with me.

  Zahara and Damien are the only two of us who truly embody Mendacious.

  I frown at the door now. “Felicity, let me in.”

  She does as I ask, and now we both sit on the dirty floor of the bathroom stall. I wait until she composes herself, but I’m just glad that we can still share these tender moments. Felicity will always be my friend. No matter how wayward she goes.

  “Do... do you think he will be mad?” she says.

  “Oh, yes... you know him, Fel. Red eyes aglow, shadows over his face.”

  She produces a sweet laugh, lost in her fond memories of Damien. “Yeah...”

  I look her square in her blue eyes. “Don’t betray him like that, Fel. He loves you to the core. He won’t stop looking at you in class. It’s creepy.”

  I wouldn’t be surprised if he watches her sleep at night too amongst the shadows. Damien’s not all that right. In fact, I sense a certain, demonic shadow in the girl’s lavatory right now as we speak, and I shake my head.

  Watching her taking a pee too? For shame...

  I don’t bother telling Fel though.

  The pixie hiccoughs and wipes her eyes. “If he really does love me, then why did he break up with me?”

  I don’t look away from her shimmering blues. “Because you were driving him insane with your constant outbursts. Seriously, Felicity, you need to get a hold of your emotions. You could always be like me in the end, you know—dumped by your ex while he burns down the school on the back of a white dragon. Compared to He who Must Not be Named... Damien’s a saint.”

  She sniffles again. “I... guess so... I’m sorry, Bryn. I’ve been ignoring you in class and sitting with Jessika instead. Can you forgive me?”

  I smile. “It’s fine. You’re allowed to have other friends. Just every once in a while, come and say hi, okay? There will always be a space at our table for you.”

  She beams now, showing off those lovely, milky white teeth. “I promise.”

  We embrace, and she’s an instant stress reliever. Why bother with a puppy when you could just have a pixie for a best friend? Not that Gelert hasn’t been of any help though.

  “Come on, let’s go. People shit in these things.”

  I help her up to her feet and we leave through the door. On our way out, Angeli
na leans against the wall, and I double back.

  I didn’t even see her there. Is she stalking me now?

  For the first time ever, Felicity gives the vampire a bright-eyed smile, and it appears she genuinely likes her now. “Hi, Angelina. You want to walk to class with us?”

  Angelina remains ice-cold while the adorable pixie beams like a wide-eyed child. I know that Angelina doesn’t care for her much and was only using her so we could throw the party, but I will punch her in her perfect face if she keeps scowling at my little friend like that.

  “Sure... you go on ahead, Felicia...” Angie says.

  Felicity giggles. “Felicity...”

  “If you so say.”

  The pixie throws her pink backpack over her shoulder with the millions of keychains, then skips down the hall for next class.

  Angelina releases an exasperated sigh when she’s out of earshot. “Ugh, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. How can you cope?”

  I glare at that vampire Barbie, balling my fists. “One more word, Angelina...”

  We have an intense stare-off as she pierces me with those icy blue orbs. Whereas the blue of Angelina’s eyes is as cold as winter frost, the blue of Felicity’s is as warm as the summer sky.

  Finally, Angie gives me a seductive smirk as she peels her back away from the wall. “My room. 7 pm.”

  I pull a face. “No thank you. You’re cute and all, but there are a million girls I’d choose over you, Angelina.”

  She bares her white fangs, gripping my wrist. The skin bruises and I gasp, meeting her azure eyes once again. They’re glowing.

  “Just be there...” she whispers, wafting her cool, minty fresh breath all over my face.

  I yank my arm free and move away from her, catching up with Felicity at last. All the while she continues to probe me with those blue beacons, and I shiver.

  The psychopath.

  Chapter 9.

  I stand outside the room of the vampire princess, glaring at that “Keep Out” sign. It’s beautifully written in elegant scrawl, despite its negative connotation.

  Well, if she wants everyone to leave her alone, so be it. But before I have a chance to leave she swings the door open, and my heart pounds when I see her attire.

  She’s... in her frigging underwear! I knew it. She was luring me here all along.

  I take a step back. “I’ll... I’ll come back when you put some clothes on, Angie.”

  As I go to turn back up the hall, she drags me inside and slams the door, and now I’m trapped.

  Oh, sweet merciful god. Please, save me!

  The vampire chuckles and damn that sound is sexy. No wonder Mattie kept her around for so long; she’s even tempting me now, and I’m straight.

  Well, at least I thought I was straight.

  “Relax, Bryn. I don’t have anything you don’t have...”

  Yet I keep my eyes pinched shut. “Just... just put some clothes on already!”

  She scoffs and starts to dress. I steal a peek because, well, I’m a curious creature. Angelina keeps the tight corset on as she slips on her blue blouse, and she really is a goddess (she doesn’t even need the corset). I can just envision all the girls at Victoria Secret right now breaking their hearts crying when they get a look at that curvy, athletic build.

  She’s just out of this world, and I swear to never eat cake again. Not that it would make a difference.

  Finally, she’s dressed, and I fold my arms. “So, why did you summon me here if not to seduce me?”

  Angelina rolls her eyes. “Trust me. You’d be my last choice too, Bryn. I’d even take the pixie before you.”

  I growl like Marge Simpson as she stalks toward her desk. I get a good look at her room then. She has a velvet curtain around her bed, plush cushions, and expensive-looking sheets, and I’ll admit she’s done a good job.

  Our rooms at Mendacious tower are bare at best (though Felicity has turned hers into an enchanted, pink wonderland full of plush toys and fairy lights).

  Angelina pulls out a silver shard of armor from her desk drawer next, and I move closer. “What is it?”

  She arches a brow. “You tell me, Bryn. You’re the zoologist.”

  What’s my other degree got to do with this?

  The vampire exhales and shoves the silver shard into my hand. “It’s a dragon scale. White silver. Remind you of anyone’s dragon in particular?”

  My heart thrashes in my chest as I hold up that smooth scale. My face reflects off the shiny surface.


  So, dragons can shed their scales. Much like snakes and lizards can shed their skin.

  I guess they’re not really lizards though, especially as their bodies are capable of producing heat like mammals and birds. Well, they do breathe fire.

  Gwyneira’s scale looks to be keratin-based, the same protein that makes up our hair and nails. But the truth is... dragons are neither lizard nor mammal. They are beasts that belong to a completely different realm that surpasses our own evolutionary timeline.

  The dragons of the east resembled various creatures. So there’s that to take into consideration.

  I glance up at Angelina. “Where did you find this?”

  She looks me dead in the eyes. “Atop Dinas Emrys.”

  My head spins and I collapse onto her bed. “Then... then that means...”

  “He’s been trying to find a way inside and kill the Red Dragon.”

  My body trembles all over. Gelert senses my distress, coming through the wall to stand by my side. He wouldn’t normally go into anyone else’s room, but I needed him.

  I reach out, petting his scruffy head.

  Angie grumbles. “Ask me the next time you want your dog in my room, Bryn.”

  I’m too numb from shock that I barely register the significance of her words. “So... you see him too. No one else can.”

  She smirks. “I’ve always been able to see him. I just liked to go on pretending that you were a crazy bitch talking to invisible dogs.”

  The vampire steps closer and Gelert snaps his teeth at her. She does the same and he whimpers, hiding his face against my leg.

  I glare at her.

  She narrows her eyes. “He started it.”

  I release a breath and take Gelert’s big head in my lap now. Angelina continues to stare at him. “He’s the dog from the tale of Beddgerlert, isn’t he? The one the prince killed.”

  I close my eyes. “Yes.”

  Angelina hums in interest. “And you know what other legend resides by Beddgerlert, don’t you, Bryn?”

  Finally, I meet her glowing blues. “Dinas Emrys.”

  “That’s right. The home of the Red Dragon. And we’re going there. Tonight.”

  My eyes widen and now I cock my head sideways along with Gelert. We must look pretty adorable.

  Angelina yanks me up to my feet, throwing her arm around my shoulder. “Time to wake that red son of a bitch.”

  My heart thrums. “Wait... no! Myrddin said that I should—”

  Before I have time to finish my sentence, she teleports us out of the room and the tug seizes hold of me at once. Gelert’s barks echo in the distance.

  It looks like we’re really going through with this.


  The cold hits me like a wave the minute we land, and I stagger several steps, falling to my knees. Wind howls all around, blowing my hair and deafening my ears, and I squeeze my eyes tight shut.

  White puffs escape my lips as I shiver, digging my hands into the spongy grass below. There’s old rock debris too, covered in moss, but I don’t dare open my eyes.

  I promised Myrddin...

  “Angelina... take us back, now!”

  “No. We’re doing this tonight. No more messing around. We’re going to stop that bastard before it’s too late!”

  She moves off, dodging the rock debris with ease. Somewhere, I think I can still hear Gelert barking for my return, but it’s just a distant echo now.

  He won’t be co
ming for my rescue any time soon.

  The icy air seeps into my veins, and I channel my magic to keep me warm. It’s not the best time of year to be standing on a hill in Snowdonia, but it’s too late for regrets now.

  If I had my pin I would transport back to the academy myself. Unfortunately, I haven’t really gotten the hang of teleporting without the use of a charmed object yet, so it looks like I’m stuck here.

  So, Dinas Emrys... I’m really here.

  I may as well get a good look at this famous hillock—the so-called fortress of the great red beast that I am destined to wake.

  Slowly, I peel my eyes open. We stand on top of a hill in a picturesque valley, surrounded by trees and hills. There’s also a glistening lake that reflects the moon, and I’m glad it’s night.

  We’re less likely to run into anyone.

  I rise to my feet and squint. It’s too dark to see, and I’m scared of tripping over a rock. So I summon my red fire and use it to guide my way over the jagged hilltop.

  “Careful now,” Angelina calls over her shoulder a few feet ahead of me. “This is an archaeological site after all. We’re not actually supposed to be walking around without permission. But we’re supernaturals. We can do what we want.”

  “N-no... we... we can’t...” I chatter through my teeth as I’m still cold. “Angelina, we need to go back. This is dangerous. We need Myrddin.”

  “Daddy can’t help you now, Bryn. You need to do this for yourself. Do you want Matthew to win?”

  I flinch when she says his name.

  “Didn’t think so.”

  We soon come upon the site. It really is nothing more than an old ruin. I’ll admit I’m still pretty impressed since its ancient and all, but that’s just what it is. An ancient fort.

  Angelina watches me carefully as I hold up my red flame. She inclines her head at the ruin. “Well, get to work.”

  I stare at that old rock. “Well... I have no idea where to start.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You could start by using your magic. Touch the ruin and see if that does anything. There’s supposed to be an underground cavern.”


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