Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series

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Merlin's Supernatural Academy: Complete series (Books 1-4) : A Young Adult Supernatural Academy Series Page 57

by K L Rymer

  Matthew tried his best to help me too since he felt partially responsible for why I failed my exams in the first place. Well, he’s not wrong; he’s more than partially responsible, but I have decided to forgive him.

  Why not? I’m getting tired of being mad at him all the time, and besides, our dragon family just got bigger. We are the proud aunt and uncle of a beautiful blue dragon now.

  Angelina never lets Azure out of her sight, and the two have become inseparable. The vampire tells us she can even read the dragon’s mind from time to time, and vice versa. I’m happy for my former bully. For the first time since I’ve known her, that permanent scowl has left her face, and she even smiles now. And truth be told... she’s never been more beautiful.

  Happiness is all one needs to achieve real beauty, and it just melts your heart.

  It’s the morning of my resits, and I’m just about to leave through the portal to the human realm when Myrddin stops me. “Well, it’s not as if I could prevent you from going. When your mind is set, it’s set.”

  I smile to myself. Damn right it is.

  The wizard smiles, and the skin wrinkles around his eyes. “I’m proud of you, Bryn. You’ve come a long way since the first day I met you. Now look at you... on your way to gaining two degrees...”

  “And not to forget saving the world too,” I counter. “Soon our dragons will grow, and we can beat Matthew Humphrey Senior’s ass. No offense, Matthew, but your dad’s going down.”

  The handsome mage boy chuckles. He stands on Myrddin’s right, folding his arms across his solid chest. His tight black shirt does wonders for his physique, and I’m enamored.

  How I’d love to run my tongue all over him. Makeup sex is the best kind of sex, so I’ve heard...

  “None taken, Bryn,” he replies. “I feel the same way. It’s bad enough I share a name with the man, but it’s time to give Daddy Dearest the middle finger.”

  Myrddin chortles, throwing a fatherly arm around Matthew. “Yes, but there are much politer ways to send the message, young Matthew.”

  Like what, killing him?

  Double standards, hey.

  I meet the wizard’s hazel eyes, seeing my own staring back at me, and now silence drifts between us.

  I chew my lip, deciding whether I should say the next thing on my mind. Myrddin has always been there for me after all. It’s the least he deserves. I even promised myself that I would tell him back when he was MIA and I thought he was dead.

  Yet I hesitate. There just seems to be something so final in what I’m about to confess. Plus, it shows my weak side, and I hate showing my weak side.

  But screw it. I deserve this too after a lifetime of having a shitty father, so I throw my arms around him, then say, “I love you, Professor. Thank you for everything these past two years. You changed my life for the better.”

  The wizard chokes up as I take him by surprise, and now he pats my head. “You’re welcome, Bryn, dear. It... it has been a pleasure teaching you... truly. My... my daughter...”

  I squeeze him tighter and then finally, I let go. When I look up, he has tears in his eyes. Of course he does. He’s always been a sensitive pansy after all.

  Speaking of sensitive pansies, Brynmawr comes to bid me good luck, nudging me with his massive snout. “Go and get yourself that lizard degree, kid.”

  I roll my eyes. “Zoology and Herpetology.”

  He blinks. “Yeah... if you say so.”

  I grind my teeth as I glance at Gwyneira.

  “Well, good luck, Bryn,” she says

  “Thank you, Gwyn.”

  A sad, reflective moment passes between us. We’ve both really come a long way. Considering how we started out hating each other’s guts, the beautiful White Dragon no longer thinks I’m a whore, and that’s enough to get me through the next couple of hours.

  Despite all the real shit and danger I’ve been in, I’m still nervous about my exams.

  What if I fail? What if I fail in this war against Matthew Humphrey senior?

  No, I can’t think like that. We will beat him.

  The others offer me hearty farewells. Felicity and Nora hug me tightly while Damien ruffles my hair. Zahara punches my arm as Jack nods his head.

  Thomas hands me notes. “Just something to read before you go into the examination room.”

  I slip them into my pocket. “Thanks, Thomas.”

  “And remember to throw them away before the exam. Cheating is wrong after all.”

  I smile at him tightly. “I’ll bear it in mind...”

  I bend down to say goodbye to the babies as they gather around me like puppies. The only two missing are Shadow Stalker and Elvira. They prefer to hide away in a dark cave deep in the woods as the spirit oasis is too bright and cheerful for them.

  They’ve all gotten so big already. Soon, they will be big enough to fly. I can’t wait to see Fel riding Sparkle Hearts one day. That will be a sight to behold.

  I’m sure the pixie will be a badass rider.

  Before I slip away, I catch Angelina’s gaze. She smiles, and it’s a genuine one too. Azure lays curled up in her arms.

  “Good luck, Bryn,” she says.

  I grin back then slip away into the portal. Despite my protests, Mathew comes in after me, and I roll my eyes.

  He insisted on accompanying me like a chivalrous knight. How sweet. But I will admit, it feels nice to have him back by my side protecting me, even though I don’t need protection.

  “You really don’t have to come with me. I’m a big girl. I can get by on my own.”

  Mattie’s lips pull up with a smirk and my panties drool.

  Fuck... I forgot how that devilish smile of his always used to make me wet.

  “I insist, human. It’s the least I can do for messing up your exams.”

  I shrug. “Yeah, well... bygones be bygones.”

  He snickers at my remark as we arrive at Bangor. The portal opens in a small back alley where no one can see us, and I repeat. No. One. Can. See. Us.

  I feel the electrical charge in the air already as Mattie and I are finally alone, and the next thing I know, he has me thrown up against the wall.

  I shrink in his magnificent presence as he towers above me, pinning me to the brick with his rock hard chest, and now it’s like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. Literally.

  I can’t tell what’s harder; the wall or Mattie’s solid brick chest.

  His gaze wanders up and down my trembling form as that delicious, chiseled mouth tugs at the corners, and now I want to press my finger against that sexy dimple.

  I’ve missed those lips. I’ve missed all of him.

  His gray, smoldering eyes penetrate me now as they settle on my dark hazel, and his pupils expand. “Well... good luck on your exams. I’m sure you’ll do great.”

  I smile, smugly. “I don’t need luck, Humphrey.”

  His eyes give off a white flash as he lifts my chin in his hands, bringing my lips to his. His features soften. “I... I really did miss you, Bryn. I searched all over for you and you were right. Your stepdad Larry is a disgusting pig. Your mum deserves better.”

  Wow, what a way to ruin the sexy mood as that fat couch potato fills my mind now.

  Not to worry; my chivalrous knight is on hand as he brushes a thumb across my lower lip, and I shudder, closing my eyes at his sensual touch.

  The pooling starts in my underwear but I came prepared this time; I have an extra pair of panties in my bag.

  I brought it because I tend to piss myself sometimes when exams come around, but it’s from drinking too much coffee (not because I’m scared).

  “I’m in love with you, Bryn. And I just want you to know that I will stay by your side. I will never betray you again. You’re... the only one who can save me after all.”

  My eyes bulge as he throws the L-word at me, and now tears threaten to escape. “Oh...”

  He snorts, throwing his head back. A few seagulls take flight on a nearby wall. “Oh? Is that
all you’ve got to say?”

  I shut my eyes, shaking my head. “No... I mean I love—”

  He cuts me short as he brings those full lips to mine again, and my breath hitches.

  We’re breathing into one another’s mouths again, and now I can almost taste him. I start to salivate.

  “It’s fine, Bryn. I know how you like to act like the tough girl. Even though you’re totally not tough.”

  Now that snapped me awake. He doesn’t think he gets to distract me with his hot, steamy breath and sweet lips.

  “I am very tough!”

  He smirks against my mouth. “Really? Tell that to Princess Sparkle Hooves...”

  Damn, he got me. But he’s right; I totally love that unicorn.

  I offer him a pointed look and he quirks his brow. “So, are you going to fuck me against this wall or not? Hurry up, Humphrey, I haven’t got all—”

  He tucks his hands beneath my knees and shoves me against the wall, knocking the breath from my lungs, and now his eyes burn white-hot.

  My heart thumps.

  Oh, shit... this is really happening.

  Sexy wall sex...

  Mattie zips his pants down, then spreads my thighs apart as he touches my entrance with his swollen head.

  Shivers run up and down my spine as I feel his pre-cum dampening my panties. Holy fuck... I’m so aroused.

  He doesn’t take his mouth from mine as he nips my lower lip, making me groan in delight.

  “Hurry... stick it in before my time is up. We have ten minutes.”

  With a growl, he slips his thumbs beneath my panties, pulls them down, and now he enters me for the second time.

  Thank god I was already slick; this would hurt like a bitch. I’m still kind of a virgin after all. I’ve only had sex once.

  He sniggers, his eyes alight with that eerie white glow as he plunges deep inside of me, stretching my tight walls, and I tremble all over. “I see you’re still a little tight. Not been practicing while I’ve been away?”

  I throw my head back, gazing up at the cloudy sky as he thrusts. “P-practice with what? I couldn’t exactly take a vibrator with me. I wasn’t alone on the road, you know.”

  “I meant the wolf... I see the way you’ve been looking at him.”

  My mind crashes back to reality as I open my eyes, staring into his white ones. “You mean Thomas? Come on! He’s just a friend. How petty and jealous can you be—?”

  I gasp as he hits a spot that makes me see fireworks, and heat spreads through my entire body as I’m about to release.

  Ten minutes I said, and he got me to orgasm in three. So hot.

  Soon we’re both close as Thomas... I mean, Matthew rams into me, over and over, skin slapping against skin, and now he grunts, ejaculating his seed all over my hungry pussy.

  Don’t worry. Supernaturals can control their gonads. I won’t get pregnant any time soon.

  The lights dance behind my eyelids as my orgasm sends glorious waves throughout my body, and now we lean our foreheads together, gasping into each other’s faces.

  Matthew shuts his eyes, rubbing his nose with mine as he whispers, “Thank you, Bryn, for everything... You really have saved me.”

  I kiss him softly. “I love you too, Mattie.”

  His eyes reopen, and now I gaze into those satisfied, gray slits. He’s still inside me as I have my bare ass pressed up against the wall.

  That’s going to hurt tomorrow.

  Finally, he pulls back out of me and zips himself back up. “Let’s get you to your exam.”

  Great. Now I’m going to be sitting in the exam room full of his seed.

  I drop back down to my feet, pulling my panties back up. “Yeah, after I wash first.”


  I never had time to wash, so I had to sit there with a chafed ass.

  I stink of sex.

  Luckily for me, I was the only person in my year who failed to do her exams this past summer, so I don’t see anyone I recognize.

  The room’s pretty much empty so I sit in a corner, writing in my exam paper.

  Thank god I had those geniuses, Thomas and Angelina. I would be struggling now.

  I’m that absorbed in my paper that I don’t notice the room turning dark.

  I’ve almost reached the last page.

  Lucky for me, this was the only exam I had to do. My grades were high enough for all my other modules so I let those be. I had to give the school faculty a good enough reason why I couldn’t attend on the day of the exam.

  No, I couldn’t tell them that a big ass black dragon from the North Pole came to wreak havoc on my other school.

  I said I was sick. Simple.

  All sound disappears, and I drop my pen, wondering if my hour is up. I give a sharp intake of breath.

  I’m... the only one in the room as I sit in an empty, black void, the wooden desk the only thing keeping me grounded.

  My heart thunders in my chest as I close my eyes, telling myself it’s not really. Maybe I just blacked out from the pressure of exams. Yep, that’s it.

  A set of footsteps echoes through the emptiness, slowly stalking their way toward me, and I can’t move. It’s like I’m frozen to the chair.

  It’s not like I have anywhere to run.

  Soon a figure emerges from the shadows, and my eyes land on that tall man.

  He has greasy, black hair smoothed back on his skull with a hard set jaw, and I’ve never seen him before. He wears a nice suit, one that really brings out his muscled torso.

  He’s built like a rhinoceros.

  “Who... who are you?” I whisper, my breath fogging before my lips.

  When did it get so cold?

  The man in the black suit sniggers, stepping closer now, and I see those thin dragon pupils at last.

  I know who he is... I’ve never actually seen him in his dragon form yet since he’s so colossal. Instead, he always used to hover above the academy like a permanent storm cloud.

  After all, he brings winter and darkness wherever he goes.

  The Black Dragon.

  “Times up. You’re coming with me, child. There’s someone who wants to meet you...”

  A chill spreads through my veins as I know what he plans to do. He plans to kidnap me and take me away to the academy so Matthew senior can lock me up.

  That would really put a nail in Mattie’s coffin after all.

  I can’t even call him. He’s still standing outside the examination room.

  I’m not even sure if I’m still in the human world.

  The Black Dragon stops beside my desk, taking my chin in his ice-cold hand as darkness sweeps over me.

  Before I leave, I send Brynmawr one last message.

  “Brynmawr, I’ve been taken hostage by the Black Dragon. Tell Myrddin and the others before it’s too...”

  I don’t get to finish as I am sucked away into the nothingness, and blackness fills my world.

  The last thing I see before I leave is Mattie’s handsome face.

  “Please save me, Mattie.”

  Epilogue - Matthew

  Several months later.

  I’ve barely slept ever since Bryn vanished. Hardly ate.

  How could I let her out of my grasp? I got her back only to just lose her all over again. No thanks to my rotten father...

  He got us in the end, but there was no stopping Bryn. She was determined to not cower away like the rest of us, and live life as normally as possible, and now look at where it has got her.

  Kidnapped by my father.

  I swear I will definitely kill him. The next time I lay my eyes on him, he’s dead.

  I don’t even know if she’s dead or alive. Brynmawr can’t get through to her, which is no surprise. The Black Dragon blocked out all telepathic connection between me and Gwyneira too. It was only when I finally reunited with the White Dragon that we re-connected.

  Myrddin assured me Bryn was fine and that’s she’s tough, she can handle herself, but I know he was lying throug
h his teeth. He’s as shit scared as I am. Yet he’s Mister Sunny Optimistic after all, and will always see the brighter side of things. Yet Bryn is still new to our world. She has nothing against a powerful mage like my father.

  In fact, the morning she vanished, I was prepared to take down my father there and then and kill him like I always promised, but Myrddin told me I would only be giving the man what he wanted.

  We needed to plan our next strike carefully. Not only was Bryn in danger, but the rest of the supernatural and the human world.

  My father plans to rule over all.

  And we must stop him at all costs.

  Not long now...

  The dragons have got bigger. They’re just about ready to fly, and their riders are as eager to rescue Bryn as I am.

  No point in waiting any longer. There’s no time like the present they say.

  It’s finally time to kill Father, and save Bryn and Mother in the process.

  Bryn, I’m coming for you...


  Merlin’s Supernatural Academy: Conquering the Dragon


  Book #4

  Chapter 1 - Bryn

  Screw the Black Dragon...

  There I was finishing up my exam, but then the cold, wintery son of a bitch had the nerve to kidnap me.

  Well, at least he had the heart to let me finish my paper first before his shadow consumed my entire being.

  That’s so kind of him.

  I have no idea how much time has passed as I sit inside a black void, losing my frigging mind. I can’t feel my toes. At times I think I’m dead, but then the angry pounding of my heart reminds me that I am, very much, indeed, alive.

  Alive and kicking (I’m ready to kick some dragon ass).

  I just wish I knew what was going on out there.

  How is everyone coping without me? How’s Mattie, Myrddin, and Brynmawr? Hell, even Angelina...

  Most of all, how are those precious babies.

  They must have all gotten so big now and I smile to myself as I picture Felicity riding Sparkle Hearts over a magical rainbow.

  So sweet.


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