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Greek Billionaire's Blackmailed Bride (The Rosso Family Series, #1)

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by Leslie North

  She gave a moan. She shouldn’t...they shouldn’t. The risk of being caught...being seen...left her pulse pounding hard. And left her even wetter. Opening her eyes, she stared at the woman in the mirror.

  Antonio had mussed her hair, left it wild around her face—and her eyes seemed even wilder. With one hand, he held her wrist and held her palm over her breast. With the other, he held her fingers between her thighs. She ached—she needed—she started to rub herself.

  “Yes...yes...” Antonio’s voice purred in her ear. She glanced at him and saw the same wildness in his eyes—the same need. Letting go her wrists, he plunged his fingers into her. She came with a shout and he covered her mouth with his, swallowing her cries. His fingers pushed deeper and she collapsed against him, unable to stand. Unable to do anything but come apart under his touch.

  The tremors shook her, and Antonio quieted his touch until she could pull in a breath and look at him again. Her skin burned—with embarrassment and pleasure. He smiled at her. “Now will you start to think you are beautiful?”

  She nodded. She couldn’t do anything else. He kissed her. A touch of his lips, a flicker of his tongue. She tried to pull him down for more but he stepped back. She swayed. “You should dress now.”

  He left the dressing room—left her still shattered.

  And she knew then that she was going to really have to watch her step.

  Because she was too close to falling for him—and that would only lead to heartache when he divorced her and they went back to their separate lives.

  Chapter Ten

  “Where is she?” Alexandra asked. She and Eva had burst through the front doors of the house. “Claire? Where are you?”

  Antonio had texted her that he was marrying Claire—wasn’t it just like him to text that kind of news. Alexandra had been stunned by the announcement—and that Antonio was even putting it in the paper, just as required to marry. She’d known about Antonio’s past with Claire. Antonio hadn’t wanted to talk about it, and neither had their father, but Dareios had told Alexandra everything, and she in turn had told Eva. Now they were both dying to meet the mysterious Claire.

  Was she really what their father had said—a poor American who wanted to marry money? If she was, she was about to get her wish—and then Antonio would pay her and she would go. But what if she wasn’t that? Alexandra couldn’t imagine her brother ever falling for a woman who just wanted money from him. He was too smart for that—he always had been. But if Claire was a wonderful girl, why had Antonio let her slip away? Alexandra knew she had to meet this girl—and then she would decide if she could let Antonio do this terrible thing of marrying just to inherit.

  Alexandra turned to Eva and pointed to the stairs. “You try upstairs.” Eva gave a nod and ran up the stairs. Alexandra started to search the downstairs. Pulling open a door, she ran into strong arms that caught her. She looked up into Dareios’ laughing blue eyes.

  Her face warmed and she ducked her head to hide her reaction. He’s your brother’s best friend. That makes him off limits. But she knew the real issue—Dareios was more like her brother. And that was all he was.

  “Kalimera, Alexandra. What? No hug for me?” He swept her into his arms and spun her around. Putting her on her feet, he grinned. “You grow prettier every that you’re not a pesky teenager, following me and your brother around. Or are you still following Antonio?”

  Alexandra stepped back and shrugged. “I am looking for Antonio...and Claire. Have you seen them? We were supposed to be here yesterday, but Eva wanted to see a new shop that opened in Athens.” She knew she was talking too much, and she snapped her lips closed.

  “Sure. Claire is in the back room, playing with her new toys.” Dareios jerked a thumb over his shoulder.

  “Toys?” Alexandra asked.

  Dareios grabbed her arm and started walking her down the hallway. “Antonio asked me to set up a recording studio here for Claire to use. I’ve been two days bringing in equipment, and Claire’s been meeting with this documentary maker—Nick Stavos. They’ve been going over scripts. Now I’ve got to get some builders in to sound proof the room so Claire can start doing her narration for the film.”

  He led her into a room that seemed all wires and levers and buttons and lights. A girl with long, blonde hair was bending over one of the boards, running her hands over it as if it was a lover.

  Dareios cleared his throat and the girl jumped and straightened. She smiled, and Alexandra thought she liked this girl. She had an open face and warm eyes. She also stuck out her hand. “You must be Alexandra—you look so much like the portrait of your mother.”

  Alexandra pulled Claire into a hug. “You’re going to be family—so we don’t shake hands.”

  Stepping back, Claire grinned. “Where’s Eva? I might as well meet all the family.”

  “She’s looking for you upstairs. Are you busy?”

  Claire shook her head. “Just drooling over the equipment—Antonio doesn’t do anything by half measures, does he?”

  Alexandra grabbed Claire's hand and pulled her from the room. “Come on, we will go sit by the pool, have drinks and dinner and get to know each other.”

  Dareios called out, “Just remember, when it comes to swim suits, live by the motto that less is better.”


  Dareios heard feminine laughter and knew he’d been forgotten. They’d gossip, drink and swim—and he’d miss the sight of those beautiful bodies. Giving a sigh, he turned off the lights in the studio and went in search of Antonio. Maybe he could convince the man to take a few hours off to hit the gym. Anything would be better than sticking around here to torture himself with visions of Alexandra in a swimsuit. The girl just loved to taunt him with her body—but she was more like a sister to him. And Antonio would kill him if he ever treated Alexandra as anything but a sister.

  He found Antonio a few minutes later in the drawing room with Claire and his sisters. For the past two days it had seemed to him as if Claire was almost avoiding Antonio—she seemed to want to spend all her time in the studio. But he also saw her watching Antonio anytime she thought Antonio was not looking at her. He was not quite certain what was up with those two. He’d heard the story from Antonio that they were to marry—young lovers parted and now together again. He did not quite believe the story, but there was a spark between them. And a strain. However, it was not his job to ask questions—he just hoped Antonio knew what the hell he was doing. Claire seemed a nice girl. Dareios had always liked her, and he was starting to worry for her.

  Antonio was also starting to look like a hungry man every time he stared at Claire. He looked away from her now—and he looked a little guilty as if he’d been caught thinking of things that should be kept in bedrooms. But he put on a bright smile and waved for Dareios to join them. “We’re taking the rest of the afternoon off. Grab a suit from the pool house and join us.”

  Dareios offered a slight smile. “Sure. It’s a beautiful day out there.” And he wondered if this day could get any more complicated.


  “If I stay in this water any longer I’m going to shrivel up and become a prune,” Claire declared. She climbed out of the water, her skin wet and glistening. Antonio put a towel over his lap. It was getting worse.

  Ever since he had taken Claire shopping, he had wanted more of her. He thought of her at night—and in the mornings. He seemed to always be hard—and always to be thinking of her.

  They had swum and eaten a delicious meal of kabobs, Gaia’s dolmas—which she made with pine nuts and mint as well as rice and grape leaves—and a salad of cucumbers, feta cheese, tomatoes and Greek olives. Claire had gone back into the pool to burn off some of the calories, and Antonio had had to keep himself still and seated so he would not follow her. He wanted his hands on her again. He wanted to feel her come apart in his arms. But he knew he’d frightened her a little. She’d been careful around him for the past two days. And after she’d come out of that dressing room where
she’d come apart in his arms, she’d made certain that he stayed where he could not see her strip down.

  But now he could see her body.

  Her swimsuit—a one piece—clung to every curve. She might think it modest, but he could see her nipples had hardened from the cool water. Water slid from her thighs, and he could only think about how wet she had been when he had made her touch herself. She was beautiful—she was Aphrodite stepping from the sea. And he wanted her to know that.

  He had much to make up for—she had thought he had agreed with his father. And that was wrong.

  Eva climbed out of the steps and squeezed the water from dark hair. She wore a tiny bikini that left Antonio frowning. She was getting to be too old to wear such things—she was barely covered. She saw him frowning and stuck out her tongue at him, and then said, “I’m coming up with you.”

  “Great. See you all at dinner,” Claire grabbed a towel and headed into the house. Eva followed her, her towel draped over her shoulder.

  Antonio’s cell phone rang and he answered absently, “Hello?” He listened for a few minutes and then he frowned. “Don’t I pay you to handle such things? What do you mean, he demands?” He heard a babbled excuse and rolled his eyes. “Fine. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  “Antonio? What’s going on?” Alexandra asked.

  He hung up and grabbed his towel. “Nothing to worry about. A minor problem, but with an account that has been with the family for a long time.”

  Alexandra wrinkled her nose. “Someone father knew.”

  “Exactly. And someone who thinks our family has nothing better to do than to drop everything. I’ll have to head into the city.” He didn’t mind, however. He’d been meaning to drop by Diamond Club Danelian, the most exclusive jewelers in Athens—and one of the best in the world. He needed to buy a ring for Claire. He also needed some space from Claire—he only had to look at her and he wanted his hands on her. He ached to have her in his bed, but she was right. They were two different people from two different worlds. He had to remember that. This was only a pretend marriage. A sham. When the time came, he would arrange for photos of him with another woman, and Claire could divorce him for adultery. He frowned—he didn’t like the idea, but his father had forced him into this. He started for the house. “I’ll be back in time for dinner, but if I’m not, don’t wait for me.”


  Alexandra stood watching her brother’s back disappear into the house. Was it her imagination or did it seem like Claire and Antonio were avoiding each other. She could swear the looks that had passed between them this afternoon showed more than a little interest—yet, here they were heading off in opposite directions. Shouldn’t a couple about to marry be holding hands and thinking up excuses to be together?

  She turned back to the pool in time to see Dareios climbing out. Rather than use the stairs, he pulled himself from the water and turned to sit on the edge of the pool with just his feet dangling in the pool. She could see small rivulets of water running down the muscles of his back. She’d always enjoyed being around Dareios, but since she’d come back from university, something had changed.

  It had been easy to ignore the change while dealing with her father’s death, and everything that had been included, but now she was at a loss for how to deal with him. Did she just keep on treating him as she always had—as he seemed to want?

  She’d dated a lot while in college, but growing up with a father like Matthias, she had learned to keep to herself—and to keep all her relationships light and away from her father’s notice. She’d had Antonio’s example of his failed fling with Claire to guide her, and that had taught her that it was just better if she didn’t ever bring anyone home. She gave a sigh—maybe she just wasn’t cut out for a relationship.

  Sitting down on the edge of the pool a few inches away from Dareios, she bumped her shoulder against his. “What do you think of Antonio and Claire?”

  Dareios glanced at her and shrugged. “I think Antonio will do what Antonio always does.”


  His mouth twisted into a smile. “He’s too like his father at times. He thinks he knows best, but I’m not sure Claire thinks that is true. She’s good for him—in a way. But...”

  He let the word trail off. Alexandra bumped his shoulder with hers again. “But what? They don’t really match? You can’t tell me those two aren’t dying to jump into bed.”

  Dareios frowned. “I can’t believe you’re talking about your brother’s sex life. Maybe it’s just wedding jitters that has them both...both acting a little weird.”

  “If by weird you mean acting like they can’t look at each other, but also can’t help but look—and like each of them is an explosive they don’t dare touch—you’re right about that. I thought...well, Antonio could be a lot more attentive to Claire.

  Swinging his legs out of the pool, Dareios pushed to his feet. He stared down at her. “They’re getting married next week. If Antonio’s set the date, that’s that. He’s already sent in the newspaper announcement, and had me get Claire to get her birth certificate here. He’s even rushing the American Consulate to get all the paperwork done in record time. That sounds pretty serious to me.”

  Alexandra parted her lips and was about to tell Dareios about the conditions for Antonio to inherit. She closed her mouth again. Antonio had either told his friend—or he hadn’t. It wasn’t up to her to question that. She pushed to her feet as well and faced Dareios. “I think you’re being about as unromantic as Antonio.”

  “And I think you’re pushing into your brother’s business. He’s a grown man. Let him handle this.” Dareios strode away, grabbing his towel as he left.

  She watched him, admiring the view. But she wasn’t about to admit that he was right. There was a spark between Claire and Antonio—she was going to have to talk to Eva about that. And she and Eva were going to have to see if they couldn’t fan that flame a little. Her brother might think he was getting married just to inherit—but there was a reason their father had left Villa Livia to Claire. And now Alexandra was starting to think her father had been smarter than anyone ever knew.

  But how could she and Eva make the very stubborn Antonio admit that he needed Claire to be more than a wife for a month?

  Chapter Eleven

  Alexandra and Eva planned the ambush so they caught Antonio coming back from the city two nights later. They’d already exhausted Claire with a day walking Athens—now they waited for Antonio and pulled him into the drawing room.

  “Well?” Alexandra asked.

  “Well, what?”

  Eva rolled her eyes. “What about the wedding? What about a ring? What about the cake? Are you going to marry Claire with her in jeans?” Heading to the bar, Antonio poured himself a glass of ouzo. Eva sat up. “Pour me one, too.”

  He glanced at her. “You can have lemonade. I’ll ask Gaia to bring some.”

  Eva wrinkled her nose. “Never mind.”

  Alexandra plopped down on the sofa. “Antonio, let us help you.”

  “I took Claire shopping already,” Antonio said. He took a sip of the liquor. He remembered how he could smell Claire on his fingers all that day. They hadn’t found a wedding dress for her—and he hadn’t been able to lure her into any more private dressing rooms.

  With a wave of her hand, Alexandra dismissed Antonio’s efforts. “She doesn’t have a dress. And you don’t have a ring.”

  “I’ve ordered one. It will be ready.”

  “Do you have favors for the wedding guests? Candied almonds for luck? And what about blessing your wedding bed? Aren’t you going to hold with any traditions?” Eva asked.

  Antonio frowned. Alexandra knew they could only push their brother so far—and then he would go even more stubborn than father ever had. Smiling, she said, “Let us help, Antonio. We have nothing else to do. Eva doesn’t start school for three months yet, and I...well, I’m at loose ends.”

  He sat on the couch arm. “You could come into
the city with me.”

  She shook her head. “I am not getting a job in the family business just because I am family.”

  Sitting up, Eva said, “Antonio, have you thought where you are going for your honeymoon?”

  He shrugged. “I was thinking Kato Antikeri maybe. Or perhaps Crete. Claire liked Crete last time we were there.”

  Alexandra stiffened. She swapped a look with Eva and knew her sister was thinking the same thing—these two should not go back to someplace they’d been before. That might only stir up old memories and old hurts. They needed freshness. Smiling, Alexandra nodded. “Kato Antikeri—you should definitely go to Villa Livia. But not just for days. Take a week. Or even two.”

  Antonio stood. “I don’t think Claire would like two weeks with nothing more to do than read a book.”

  “You could swim,” Eva said.

  “Picnics. Explore,” Alexandra added.

  Antonio looked from Alexandra to Eva and back again. “What are you two plotting?”

  “Nothing.” Both girls said the word at the same time. Alexandra could feel her face heating up, but she kept her expression blank.

  “I like Claire,” Eva said. The words came out with such force that Alexandra turned to stare at her sister. So did Antonio. Eva’s chin jutted out. “I do. And if you’re going to dump her after a month, the least you can do is give her a great time during that month. Don’t cheat her out of a great time on Kato Antikeri.”

  Alexandra glanced at Antonio. Now his face had darkened with a blush. He threw back his ouzo and grimaced. “I’m not going to cheat her out of anything. But I’ll think about a week—or two on Kato Antikeri.” Putting down his glass, he headed out of the room.

  Eva came over to Alexandra and offered up her hand for a high five. “That went better than I thought it would. Now what?”

  Alexandra smiled. “ we make Claire fall in love not just with Antonio but with Greece. She needs to realize her heart is here.”


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