Efendi, His Imperial Highness Şehzade
Bayezid Osman, 212
Ekenhead, Lieutenant, 190, 208
El Ronquillo, Spain, 39
Elgin, Lord, 164-5, 172, 188, 200, 219-20, 222, 224, 229-30
Elgin Marbles, 161, 219-20, 224, 229
Elvas, Portugal, 34
English Bards & Scotch Reviewers, 8, 220
English Palace, Istanbul, 200-3, 207
Ephesus, Turkey, 182, 195, 208
Ereend, Albania, 123
Estremoz, Portugal, 34, 140
Etolica, Greece, 142
Everett, Rupert, 144
Exodus, from Messolonghi, Greece, 143
Faisal, King, 113
Falkland, Lady, 243
Fanari Bay, Greece, 136-7
Farewell to Malta, 236
Farouk, King, 113
Fauvel, Louis François Sebastian, 219-22
Ferguson, Captain of HMS Pylades, 176
Finlay, George, 68
Fisher-Turner, Barney, 207
Fities, Greece, 141-2
Fletcher, William, 8, 11-2, 14-5, 30, 35, 52, 60, 97, 106, 110, 114-6, 124, 133, 135-6, 149, 155, 179, 208, 213-6, 226-7, 249
Florou, Rosa, International Byron
Society, 142, 254
Flynn, Errol, 6
Forbes, Lady, 243
Foresti, George, 89, 92-3
Foresti, Spiridion, 81-3, 86, 88-93, 95, 101, 106, 110, 127
Fourgeaud-Laville, Caroline, 221
Fraser, Mrs., 92, 236
‘Friese’, 8, 11, 12, 30, 35, 52, 60, 94
Fugitive Pieces, 5
Fulton, Lt. Gen. Sir Robert and
Lady, 55, 57
Galaxidi, Greece, 155-6
Galt, John, 62, 74, 218
Garrison Library, Gibraltar, 52-3
Giaour, The, 175, 220, 245, 250
Gibraltar, 11, 20, 23, 30-31, 35, 49-53, 55-62, 71, 94, 107, 163, 205
Gibraltar Chronicle, 52, 54-5
Gillian, see Strathcarron, Lady
Giraud, Nicolo, 165, 217, 229, 231, 233-5
Gjirokastra, Albania, 121-123
Gonzales Byass, 45
Gordon, Catherine, 13th Laird of Gight,
Byron’s mother, 3, 7, 14, 42, 44, 48, 60, 64, 71, 90, 125, 135, 161, 195, 214, 237, 241
Gordon, James, 44-5, 47
Graham, Andrew, MBE, 75, 78
Grand Bazaar, Istanbul, 207
Greek War of Independence, 2, 137, 143-4, 146, 153-5, 171, 201, 216
Grenoble University, 222
Grillo, Beppe, 77
Guillena, Greece, 39
Gulf of Amvrakia, Greece, 102, 137
Hagia Sofia Museum, see Santa Sofia
Hand, Jessica, 202-3
Hanson, John, 3-5, 7-8, 60, 152, 181, 216
Hashtan, Dr. Simon, 40
Heathcote, Lady, 243
Hebrew Melodies, 250
Hellespont, see Dardanelles
Hill, Hon. William, 74
Hints from Horace, 220, 237
Hitler, Adolf, 113, 130
HMS Acteon, 11
HMS Hyperion, 49-50
HMS Pylades, 176, 179
HMS Salsette, 182-3, 185, 189-90, 201, 204, 208-9, 212-13
HMS Spider, 92, 94-9, 101, 103, 106
Hobhouse, John Cam, 5-6, 8, 10, 11-13, 15, 22-6, 28-34, 36-7, 39-43, 46-50, 53-55, 57, 60, 62, 68-9, 71-4, 76, 80-1, 83-6, 88, 90-98, 100-7, 110, 114-16, 120-1, 123-7, 132-34, 137-42, 147, 149, 152, 154-5, 158-9, 165-8, 170-1, 174, 176, 179-184, 188-9, 192, 195-6, 200-202, 204, 207-14, 217, 219-220, 225-6, 232, 234, 237-8, 241, 244-6, 248, 250-1, 254
Hodgson, Francis, 5, 15, 23, 63, 217
Holland, Lady, 243
Holmes, Sherlock, 6
Hours of Idleness, 5
House of Lords, 3-4, 7-8, 86, 94, 129, 146, 186-7, 201, 219, 241
Hoxha, Enver, 113, 121-3
Hydra, 229, 230
Hymettus, Athens, 164, 217
Ibrahim Pasha, 106, 121, 123
Innocents Abroad, The, 238
Institut Français, 222
Ioannina, Greece, 93-4, 101, 103, 105-14, 121, 127
Ionian University, Corfu, 218
Its Kale, Ioannina, Greece, 108
Izmir, Turkey, 86, 176, 178-81, 183-4, 192
Jauzzion, Théophane, 184, 187, 190, 193, 213
Jersey, Lady, 243
Jocelyn Lord, the Earl of Roden, 47
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 6
Juan Carlos, King of Spain, 113
Karagjozi, Professor Afrim, 110
Kastrosikia, Greece, 137
Katouna, Greece, 139
Kea, Greece, 212-3
Kidd, Capt., 11, 14
King George III, 72-3, 92, 95, 106, 211
Lake Pamvotis, Greece, 108
Lamb, Lady Caroline, 242-4, 250
Lansdowne, Marquis of, 110
Lara, 250
Lawrence Hotel, Sintra, 29-30
Lazaretto, Malta, 230-3, 237-8
Leake, Captain William, 94-5, 106-7, 125
Lear, Edward, 238
Leigh Fermor, Patrick, 206, 237
Leigh, Augusta, 69, 242, 245-6, 249
Leigh, Medora, 246
Leka, King 1 of the Albanians, 110, 112-3, 123, 127-8, 130
Levant Company, 109
Les Liaisons Dangereuses, 243
Leveson-Gower, Lady, 243
Libohova, Albania, 119-21
Livadia, Greece, 161
Liverpool, Lord, 144
London Greek Committee, 165
Londos, Andreas, 146, 154-5, 159
Loutraki, Greece, 137-9
Louvre, Paris, 220, 222, 225
Lusieri, Giovanni Battista, 165-8, 172, 217, 219
Macaulay, Rose, 29
MacBrearty, Colonel Bryant, 231
MacCarthy, Fiona, 12-13, 253
Machala, Greece, 239-41
Macri family, Athens, 165, 170, 176, 215-6
‘Maid of Saragossa’, see Augustina
Makridis, Andreas, 165, 169, 171-4
Malta, 11, 60-1, 66, 68, 79-88, 90-3, 95-6, 98, 100-1, 106, 114, 152, 163, 166, 213, 215, 219, 228-36
Manfred: a Dramatic Poem, 66
Marathon, Florida, USA, 174-5
Marathon, Greece, 174-5
Maria Teresa, Queen of Sardinia, 73
Marsamxett Harbour, Malta, 83, 229-30, 238
Matthews, Charles Skinner, 5, 241
Melbourne, Lady, 243-4, 246
Melville, Herman, 238
Mercouri, Melina, 222-5
Mercouri, Spyros, 223-4
Messolonghi, Greece, 101, 136-7, 141-5, 147, 149, 151, 254
Michelis, Sylvia, 225
Milbanke, Annabella, 242-3, 246
Monastery of Alias Egios, Zitza, 115-6
Monastiraki, Athens, 164, 170
Monesterio, Spain, 37-9
Monserrate, Beckford’s palace and gardens, 26-7
Montemor, Portugal, 31-3
Monument to Lysicrates, Athens, 216, 218
Moore, Sir John, 22
Moore, Thomas, 68
Mouktar Pasha, 108-9
Mount Parnassus, Greece, 156-8, 174
Mount Pentelicus, Greece, 164, 173
Murray, Joe, 8, 11-2, 15, 30, 35, 52, 60
Murray, John, 12, 42, 107, 241, 250, 254
Museum of Greek Folk Art, Athens, 225
Museum of Personal Hygiene and
/> Toilet, Athens, 225
Navarro, Abbate Giacchino, 88
Nelson, Admiral, 2, 51, 75, 80-2
New Acropolis Museum, Athens, 224
Niccolo, Signor, 106-7, 109, 132
Nicholson, Sir Harold, 68
Nicopolis, Greece, 101-3, 137
Niven, David, 6
Nixon, Richard, 113
North, Lord, 218
North, Hon. Frederick, 218
O’Brien, Patrick, 82
O’Hara, Lauren, 230
Oakes, Commander of the
British Forces, Major-General
Hildebrand, 86, 88
Oateater, pet horse, 4
Oliver, Captain, 94, 98-9, 101
Omar Pasha, 216
Orino, Greece, 117-8
Oswald, Major-General Sir John, 83
Otto, King of Greece, 147
Oxford, Lady, 244
Palacio de Seteais, Sintra, 28
Parga, Greece, 100, 137-8
Parker Mr., 99-101
Parthenon, Athens, 165, 170-2, 220, 224, 229
Parthenon Sculptures, see Elgin Marbles
Patras, Greece, 11, 92, 95-6, 99-101, 106, 133-6, 147, 149, 151-5, 165, 179, 216
Paxman, Jeremy, 219
Pelicciotti, Leonora, 74
Pendeli Monastery, Greece, 173
Pentelicus, Athens, Greece, 164, 173
Pera, Istanbul, 195, 200-2
Phyle, Greece, 163
Pigot, Major-General Henry, Governor of Malta, 79
Piraeus, Greece, 176, 179, 190, 213, 226, 239
Plaka, Athens, 166, 171, 216, 218
Plaque of the Ergastines, 221-2
Plato, 63, 146, 175
Plumtree, Capt. Terry, delivery
skipper, 13
Poems on Various Occasions, 5
Pope, Alexander, 3, 205
Preveza, Greece, 92, 94, 98, 101-3, 111, 132-7, 139, 141, 143, 145, 147
Princess Elizabeth, packet ship, 11-12, 16, 19, 22
Princess of Parallelograms, see Milbanke
Qestoral, Albania, 121, 123
Radat, Albania, 117
Rancliffe, Lady, 243
Reagan, Ronald, 113
Recidencial Boas, Montemor,
Portugal, 33
Reform Club, London, 200
Ritz Hotel, London, 113
Roman Agora, Athens, 169-70
Rosa, General, 152
Rosebury, Lady, 243
Roumeli, 206-7
Rowland, Tiny, 128
Rumsfeld, Donald, 237
Rushton, Robert, 8, 11-12, 30-1, 42, 60, 67
Said, Edward, 230-1
Salaóra, Greece, 103-4, 134, 137
Salvo, Marquis of, 90
San Marco Fortunato, 99-101
Sanguinetti, 23, 30-1, 33-5, 39, 41, 60
Santa Olalla, Spain, 37
Santa Sofia, Istanbul, 195, 207
Sarakis, Spiridion, 229
Satyricon, 217
Scott Montagu Douglas, Lord, 206, 212
Segalen, Victor, 221
Selçuk, Turkey, 183
Sestos, Turkey, 189-91
Sevilla, Spain, 31, 39-41, 44-5, 163
Sheerness, England, 238-9, 241
Shelley, Lady, 243
Siege of Corinth, 250
Sintra, Portugal, 30, 34, 163, 164
Sitwell, Lady, 244
Skourta, Greece, 161
Smith, Sir Sidney, 22
Smyrna, see Izmir, Turkey
Sokollu Mehmet, Istanbul, 195
Soru, Renato, 77
Spencer-Smith, Constance, 89-90, 92-3, 95, 114, 233-4
St. Demetre, Greece, 105, 134
Stadium, The, Athens, 168-9, 217, 226
Stanhope, Lady Hester, 218, 238
Stanzas Composed During a
Thunderstorm, 90, 114
Strané Samuel, English Consul, Patras,
Greece, 101, 106, 152, 153-4, 165, 216
Strané, Paul, French Consul, Patras,
Greece, 152
Strangelove, Dr., 237
Strassoldo, Countess, 90
Stratford de Redcliffe, Lord, see
Stratford Canning
Strathcarron, Lady, 12-3, 16-20, 55-6, 160, 172, 184, 190, 193, 237
Suleyman Aga, Voivode of Athens, 164
Suleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul, 208
Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Istanbul, 195, 208
Sultan Mahmoud II, 196, 198, 204, 209, 211, 215
Sultan Selim III, 198
Susan, Queen of the Albanians, 128
Swann, Mr., 99-100
Tagus, River, 19, 23, 190
Talavera, Battle of, 36
Temple of Artemis, Turkey, 182-3
Temple of Aphaea, Aegina, Greece, 170
Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, 166, 169
Temple of Poseidon, Sounion, Greece, 170, 175-6
Temple of Theseum, Athens, 170-1
Temple of the Winds, Athens, 169, 171, 225
Tepelenë, Albania, 107, 109-10, 121-4, 127
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 232
Thebes, now Thiva, Greece, 161-2
Themistocles, 174
Three Anchors, Gibraltar, 53
Tirana, Albania, 110, 127-8, 130, 203
Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, 195, 209
Townshend packet, 60-2, 69-71, 74, 83-4
Treaty of London, 144
Treaty of the Dardanelles, 201
Treaty of Tilsit, 81-2
Trelawny, Edward, 174, 238
Tres Reyes, Sevilla, Spain, 42-3
Trinity College Cambridge, 4
Tunis, 226
Twain, Mark, 207-8, 238
Utrera, Spain, 43-4
Valley of Sweet Waters, Turkey, 205
Vasco da Gama, SY, 9-11, 13, 19-20, 50, 92,
98, 156, 179-80, 183-5, 187, 190, 194,
200, 237-8, 253
Vassallo, Peter, Professor, 87-8, 92, 95
Vassily, 111, 114, 133, 134, 149, 179, 187,
213-4, 228
Vaubois, General, 80
Veli Pasha, 109, 133, 154, 216
Venola, Trici, 207
Venta de Duque, now Vimieiro,
Portugal, 34
Venta Nova, now Vendas Novas, Portugal, 31
Vittorio Emanuele I, King of
Sardinia, 72-3
Vonitsa, Greece, 137
Waggood, Captain William, 230
Walden, George, 171
Wales, HRH Prince of, 57, 129
Wales, Princess of, 57, 243
Watson, Dr., 6
Wedderburn-Webster, Lady, 243
Wellesley, Lieutenant-General
Sir Arthur, 22
Wellesley Henry, 47
Werry, Francis, 180, 183
Western, Captain, 84
Westmoreland, Lady, 243
Wilde, Oscar, 243
Wilkes, Captain, 101
Wilmot, Anne, 244
Wingfield, John, 241
Wortley Montagu, Lady Mary, 205, 207, 255
Wynn’s Hotel, Falmouth, England, 10, 14
Zalongo, Greece, 136
Zantakis, Andreas, 140, 179, 213-4
Zitza, Greece, 115-6
Zog, King of the Albanians, 112-3, 118
Zogroffo, Demetrius, 229
arron, Joy Unconfined
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