Billionaire Protector

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Billionaire Protector Page 6

by Sam Crescent


  Back at his place, all of his brothers stood in his main living room. Anna was in the kitchen, making up some food. Franny had left after the service. Russ had poured himself a strong whiskey and was standing beside his window overlooking the city, sipping at his drink. Anna couldn’t drink as she was still on pain medication, which he monitored. Her arm was healing up nicely, and still had the cast on, but she was able to use it.

  “Wow,” Lewis said, speaking first.

  Russ glanced toward the kitchen, but didn’t see any sign of Anna, so he nodded. “Tell me about it.” It was the hardest thing he’d ever experienced in his life, and he hated it. Holding Anna while she poured her heart out would stay with him forever.

  “I didn’t even know the woman, and it was hard,” Richard said, clearing his throat.

  Every one of his brothers nodded in agreement.

  “What’s going on with you and her?” Jackson asked.

  “None of your business.”

  “It’s not like you to take in one of the women we’ve saved,” Sean said.

  Russ glanced around the room, and saw all of his brothers staring back at him. They looked concerned.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “We’re worried about you.” This time John spoke up.

  Nine men stared at him, each of them dressed for the funeral they had just been to.

  “You don’t have to worry about me. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Do you really know?” Lewis asked.

  “You can back off right now. Anna needs my help, and if I like having her around my apartment, then she’s going to stay.” He liked coming home to the scent of her cooking, and listening to her read at night. Russ shared his business with her, and told her what had happened during his work day. They had a good thing going. At night, they sat in front of his large television and watched movies together.

  The only time he spent at the club was to help the brothers looking over the devices that had been given to them.

  They had gotten a lot of information, and had also been able to match certain orders to women who had gone missing. The cops were on the search in all areas, abandoned warehouses, anything that could be used to store women before transport.

  The loading docks were also heavily watched to see for any suspect activity. They were going to find these women, and make it work.

  “She’s different for you,” Lewis said.

  Gritting his teeth, Russ stared up at the ceiling.

  “Tina’s feeling lonely,” Jamie said.

  “Stop it. I don’t give a shit what she’s feeling. She’s free pussy, and anyone can have her. I’m fine, and I’m happy. Deal with it.”

  “I’ve got some food ready. I put a large casserole in the oven before we left, and it’s perfect,” Anna said. She stood on her crutches, and they all walked past her toward the food. The smell was amazing, and when he saw all eleven plates made up, his mouth watered.

  “Chicken enchiladas make for a great dish.” Anna lowered herself down onto a seat. “I want to thank you all for coming today. I know you didn’t know Karen, but she’d have thought it was a hoot you all being here.”

  “Your friend was very beautiful,” Richard said.

  “Yes, she was.”

  In the past couple of weeks, Russ had come to see that Anna had low self-esteem. She didn’t think she was beautiful or in any way attractive. When he tried to get close to her, she pushed him into the friend category, and it annoyed him. He was struggling with his arousal, and she didn’t seem all that affected by him.

  Once his friends finished their food, he saw them out, and told them he wouldn’t be by the clubhouse later. He had no intention of leaving Anna alone.

  Anna was cleaning away the dishes when he made his way back into the kitchen.

  “Sorry about them.”

  She smiled. “It was nice to cook for a large crowd. Admittedly I had made these in the hope of them lasting for a couple of days in the fridge, but it felt good to cook for so many.”

  “You’ve got another hospital appointment at the end of the week. I’ll take you.”

  “The doctor believes my two casts could come off. It’ll be a lot easier, and I can go back to work. I’ll be happier when I can pay you back.”

  He stepped close to her. “No. You’re not paying me back, and I don’t care what you say. Keep your money, and don’t insult me.”

  “I’m not trying to insult you.” She placed her hand on his chest, over his heart. “Thank you for today. I wouldn’t have been able to get through that alone.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He covered her hand with his, touching her.

  She licked her lips, and that small peek of her tongue was nearly his undoing. He leaned in close, but as he did, Anna took a step back. She hadn’t looked up, so she obviously didn’t know what he was going to do.

  Clearing his throat, he waited for her to lift her head.

  “I’m going to go and get washed.”

  “I’ll be out here. I’ll set up the DVD Player. Do you want something romantic?”

  Anna shook her head. “No, not romantic. Something scary.”

  Watching her curvy ass walk away, Russ sighed. She didn’t have a clue that he was fighting this need to claim her. Running fingers through his hair, he kicked off his shoes, and removed his jacket. Rolling his sleeves up, he set up a horror movie and took a seat. Minutes later, Anna walked in on her crutches, and sat down beside him. She wore a pair of pajamas with donuts on. She looked so adorably cute. What stopped the cuteness was the sway of her full, ripe tits. His mouth watered as he saw one puckered nipple press against her shirt. His dick was rock hard, and he was finding it hard to focus.

  “Do you want to press play?” she asked, turning toward him.

  Fuck, this was going to be one long night.

  “Erm, who is Tina?” she asked.

  He reached for the remote and paused.

  “Tina?” he asked.

  “Free pussy?”

  “So you heard.”

  “You weren’t exactly quiet. It’s all I heard. Tina, she’s a club whore, and she’s free pussy.” She moved toward the corner of the sofa, turning to look at him.

  “Not my finest moment.”

  Anna laughed. “You’re a guy. I just want to make sure I’m not going to have some woman screaming at me that I’ve stolen her man.”

  “You’ve not. I’m not hers to steal.”

  She ran fingers through her hair, closing her eyes as she did. The simple action distracted him as it pushed her chest out, and now he saw how big and ripe her tits were. He couldn’t wait to get his mouth on her, and his hands. He’d press her breasts together, slide his cock between those rounded globes, and tit-fuck her. She’d lick the tip of his cock, and when he came, he’d spill his cum all over her chest.


  Jerking his gaze back to her eyes, he tilted his head to the side. “What?”

  “Do I have something down me?” She pulled her shirt out, and looked down.

  “No, you don’t have anything down you. What did you say?”

  “Is there any woman I need to worry about?” she asked. “I never asked you before, but I’m kind of worried now. Do you have a special someone in your life?”


  “No. That’s it. No?”

  “Yes.” Pressing play on the movie he cut their conversation short.


  He laughed. “Is there a guy out there for you I should be worried about?”

  Anna snorted, which pissed him off. “No.”

  “Are you a virgin?”

  “That’s personal.”

  “I’m not a virgin. I’ll share with you if you share with me. I’ve done anal.”

  “Oh, God, stop. Fine, I’m not a virgin.”

  “I love giving oral as well.” He flicked his tongue out, and Anna covered her face.

  “You’re a perv.”

p; “No. I’m a man who is comfortable with what I like. I like pussy, and I like to make sure my woman is satisfied.”

  “Ha, I thought you said you didn’t have a woman.”

  “I don’t. Just think of how good it could be if I was to take a woman for my own.”

  Anna chuckled. “I don’t know, Russ. Tell me.”

  “I love sex, and I love to have it regularly, the dirtier the better. I’ll be very imaginative in the bedroom.”

  “Are you advertising your skills?”

  “Yes. Do you want the role?”

  “Let’s watch the movie.”

  For several minutes they watched the opening scenes with the murder and gore. He knew it was completely unnatural for Anna to watch a horror flick. She was all for the nice endings, romance, and crap.

  “Have you really done anal?” she asked.

  “I’ve done a lot of stuff in my time.”

  “Like what?”

  “Now that would be telling.”

  “Okay, keep it to yourself.”

  Now she had his curiosity rearing its ugly head.

  “Fine. Yes, I’ve done anal.”

  “Did it hurt?”

  “What? No, I’ve not had anal done to me, but I’ve done it.”

  “You’re a giver, not a taker?”

  “Sorry, baby.” He reached out and locked his fingers with hers.

  “Do you wish you were at the club?” she asked.


  “I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to go back to the club. It’s part of your life, and they’re amazing men.”

  “I’m exactly where I want to be.” He gave her fingers a squeeze. All he needed to do was get Anna back on the same track with him. Russ truly believed he had his work cut out for him.

  Chapter Seven

  Anna stared down at her leg, and released a sigh. She was nearly good as new. Her arm was not going to be coming out of the cast anytime soon. She was able to move it, and still cook providing she didn’t put too much strain on her arm. The food Russ bought didn’t require her to cut or dice anything, as he bought it pre-diced. It was a lazy shortcut, but she had been able to cook pretty much one handed in the past couple of weeks.

  She still couldn’t believe that she had been staying with Russ for over two weeks, nearly three. She’d spent two weeks in the hospital prior to that. So much time had passed already. Five weeks in total without Karen, and she was coping.

  “Are you okay?” Russ asked.

  Glancing up, she saw him leaning against the doorway. He was wearing another business suit. It was Russ’s MO, business suits during the day, and at night, the leather jacket came out. She loved his leather jacket, and in the past couple of weeks, she’d started to love the man who wore the leather. She loved him as a friend of course.

  Anna wouldn’t dream of there being anything else between them.

  “I’ve got good news,” she said.


  “I’m no longer on pain meds, and my arm is setting fine. We’ve got another couple of weeks, and they might get to remove the cast.” She held her arm up.

  “Everything else? All the bruises and cuts?”

  “Fine. It’s all superficial. I’m perfectly fine.” She climbed off the bed. “I’m good to go back to my apartment now.”

  “I don’t think so. Until that cast comes off your arm, you’re not going anywhere.” He placed his arm over her shoulders, leading her out of the room. “I think I should take you out for dinner.”

  Glancing down at her clothes, Anna groaned. “I’m not exactly dressed for dinner.”

  “Your clothes are easily taken care of. One stop to a store, and you’ll be perfect to take out to any restaurant.”

  “I don’t think so. I’m not restaurant material.”

  He cursed, tutted, and gripped the back of her neck. She shivered at the possessiveness in his touch. Russ turned her head so she had no choice but to look at him. “You keep on saying shit about yourself I’m going to put you over my knee, and spank your ass.”

  “What?” Her cheeks tightened at the thought of his hand coming down on her butt.

  “You heard me. I’m tired of you constantly putting yourself down. Stop it, or I will punish you for every bad word you say against yourself.”

  “Don’t be an ass. You won’t do it.”

  “You think I won’t?”

  She shook her head and smiled.

  “Then it looks like I’m going to have to show you how annoyed I get with it. I’m counting, and that’s one.”

  Anna rolled her eyes, not believing one word he’d said.

  She was thankful that she was able to climb into his car without any help from him. Running fingers through her hair, she released a sigh.

  “What are you in the mood for? Italian? Chinese? French?” he asked.

  “You pick. I like it all. You should know that by now.”


  She didn’t say anything, leaning her hand on her hand, and staring out of the window.

  Thirty minutes later they stopped outside of an expensive looking boutique.

  “Russ, they won’t have my size. Please, let’s go home.”


  “This isn’t funny.”

  “Shut up, Anna.” He parked his car, rounded the car, and forcibly removed her from the car, and she was surprised that he was able to do so without even hurting her. He was annoying her with how easily he could move her. She expected him to break into a sweat or something.

  They walked into the large designer boutique, Russ showed his business card and told them he wanted several cocktail dresses and outfits. Before Anna knew what was happening she was being ushered toward the dressing rooms.

  “I’m Laura,” the woman said.


  “I’ve dealt with Russ several times. He always spends well.”

  Standing still, she blushed as Laura pulled out some measuring tape, and started to take down her measurements. For the next ten minutes Anna blushed through the entire ordeal, hating every second of it.

  “I’ll be right back with dresses for you.”

  Laura left the room, and Anna sat down on the seat, glancing at her reflection. The bruises on her face had faded, and all that remained of the attack was her arm in the cast. The bruises around her ribs were still there, but they were a distant memory now.

  “I’ve got some dresses here. Russ likes them, and he wants to see you in the red.”

  “I’d prefer blue,” Anna said, wincing when Laura held up a silk red dress. “That material will cling to everything, and I’ve got a lot of everything.”

  Laura tutted. “Russ has instructions, and he likes them to be adhered to.”

  Sighing, Anna took a deep breath, and decided to go right ahead, and get stuck in. “All right.”

  Removing her clothes, Anna wiggled into the dress that surprisingly fit perfectly. Laura secured the back, and when Anna turned back to look in the mirror she was surprised to see that she actually looked okay. Her hair fell around her in waves, and the dress seemed to push her breasts up.

  “You look beautiful. Your sneakers won’t work though.”

  Before Anna could stop her, Laura opened up the curtain, and there was Russ outside.

  “That’s five,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes, and waited as he looked. “What do you think?”

  His gaze traveled down her body, and she was sure she detected heat in his eyes.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “I’ll go and get some black heels.”

  Laura was gone, leaving them alone.

  Placing her hand on her stomach, Anna looked down. “You think I’ll do?”

  “More than do.” Russ stood up, and moved toward her.

  “You come here often.”

  There was something predatory with his steps. She was the prey, and he was the predator.

  “Not really. Some of the women at the club needed n
ew clothes. Laura takes care of them.”

  “Is Laura one of your women?” Anna asked, surprisingly jealous of her.

  “No. She auditioned for the part but never made it.”


  Russ laughed. “Do you really want to know?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She needed to create that distance so she stopped thinking about Russ as a man. He needed to remain a friend, nothing more.

  “She didn’t like being fucked in the ass, nor did she like swallowing.”

  Anna jerked back, and Russ caught her, holding her wrist. “I keep forgetting you’re part of an MC. The whole business persona confuses me.”

  “That’s the idea, baby.”

  “When you first started the club, did people take you for granted? Think you were weaker than they were?”

  “Yes, and it was their mistake. It was a mistake they never made again.”

  “I can see that.”

  He caressed her wrist, and she glanced down at where he was touching. The distance she was trying to create between them wasn’t working. Russ stared at her mouth, and she found herself biting her lip.


  “I’m so sorry. I went and didn’t even think about asking your size,” Laura said.

  Jerking away from Russ, Anna turned to Laura. She was thankful the other woman had interrupted them.

  Laura asked her what size she was, and when Anna answered, Laura smiled. “I picked that one up. Talk about lucky.”

  The shoes were placed in front of her, and stepping into them, Anna was shocked by how comfortable the fit was. The heel wasn’t too big either, which was a relief. She hated wearing heels.

  Running her hands down her thighs, she stared at Russ once again. “How do I look?”

  “Stunning.” He turned toward Laura. “I want to see all of the clothes I picked out for her.”

  “You picked out this dress?”

  “Yes. I have good taste I think.”

  She made her way behind the curtain, and tapped Laura’s arm. “Did he pick the size?” Anna whispered the question so he wouldn’t hear.

  “Yes, I did. I picked very well, didn’t I?” Russ said, speaking through the curtain.

  Closing her eyes she groaned.

  “I’d take that to mean seven now.”

  “You can’t count.”


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