Yours Royally: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides Book 3)

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Yours Royally: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides Book 3) Page 19

by Krista Lakes

  Sabrina nodded. “I've been thinking a lot about that.”

  Marco stayed silent. His heart pounded in his chest, eager to hear her decision.

  “You're right. I did have some hesitations about going with you,” she said. “I was so scared about a girl like me being with a guy like you. I thought that you and I could never mix. We come from such different backgrounds. I told myself this, over and over, until I started to believe it. Even my Aunt Faye, who I've confided in about the situation, said the same things.”

  Marco looked down at the table as his heart sank. “You aren't coming with me, are you?”

  Sabrina dropped his hands and gently touched his cheek. “Marco, look at me. I'm not finished saying what I need to say.”

  He looked back up, to see her eyes shining in the moonlight.

  “The part of me that didn't think something could work between us was the same part that had kept me stuck in the trailer park in Memphis for all those years,” Sabrina said. “I've been full of doubt for most of my life. I thought that nothing would ever get better, that I would be forced to work random jobs forever and just squeak by, like my parents always have. But look where I am now.”

  She motioned her hands to the beautiful scenery around her and then upward toward the moon.

  “I'm sitting here with the most incredible man on a beach in Hawaii,” she said, now tearing up. “I've been to New York and seen buildings and places I had only ever dreamed of.”

  Marco's heart swelled as he listened. He was so deeply touched by her words.

  “What I'm trying to say, Marco, is that I'm no longer listening to the voice inside of me that tells me beautiful things can't happen to common people,” she said, as she reached forward and squeezed Marco's forearms. “I'm not listening to that voice of doubt ever again.”

  Marco smiled hesitantly. “Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?”

  Sabrina bit her bottom lip and nodded. “I'm going with you, Marco. I'm going back to Orsino Island with you.”

  The words hit Marco's eardrums and it took a second for it to register in his brain. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

  “You're serious?” he asked. “Please tell me you're serious. I need to hear it.”

  Sabrina shook her head, as she grinned. “I'm not messing with you. I want to be with you, and if that takes moving across the world, then I'll do that. I'm coming with you.”

  Marco jumped up from his chair and stepped over to Sabrina. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her passionately in front of everyone at the restaurant. He knew the other patrons were watching, but he didn't care. The girl of his dreams was going to be coming home with him. Nothing in the entire world could bring him down. His heart was filled with the kind of joy and excitement he hadn't ever experienced.

  That was when he said the words. It was as though his heart said them, not his brain. They just came out without a second thought.

  “I love you, my beautiful Sabrina,” he said.

  Sabrina gracefully touched his cheek and looked deep into his eyes.

  “I love you, too.” Her words caused goose bumps to pop up in Marco's skin.

  They were silent for a moment, their eyes locked with the moon above them. The full moon, the auspicious one. It was part of the reason that things were working out so well, at least that was what Marco believed.

  “Let's get out of here and go back to the cabin,” Sabrina said, with seductive eyes. “We have some celebrating to do.”

  Marco had only one thing on his mind as he opened the cabin door and held it for Sabrina. He wanted to get that dress off of her and kiss every square inch of her skin. He wanted to celebrate her decision to go with him, giving her as much pleasure as he possibly could.

  As soon as they were both inside, he closed the door. The only light that was on was in the kitchen, but it lit up the living room with a romantic glow. Sabrina turned around. She was biting her bottom lip and Marco could tell that she was just as turned on as he was. No words needed to be spoken. The passion between them was obvious and talking would have dampened the mood. It would have watered down the lust in the air.

  He stepped up to her, bringing his hands to her hips. Their bodies collided, but he didn't stop there. He took another step forward, until Sabrina was pressed against the wall that separated the kitchen and the living room. She exhaled with a soft moan and looked up into Marco's eyes. Her expression was one of desire and seeing it caused Marco's cock to get hard.

  They kissed and Marco felt her hands wander up and down his sides. Her typically delicate touch was not so delicate this time. She tugged on his clothing, un-tucking his shirt and removing his belt in a matter of seconds. Meanwhile, he brought his hands to the bottom of her dress and slid it up to her belly. He could feel the heat from her core, radiating toward him. He dropped his hands down and touched the bare skin of her upper thighs, letting his fingers dance over her panties.

  By the time he broke the kiss, Sabrina had managed to unbutton his dress shirt completely. She reached forward and tugged it away from his shoulders. Marco shimmied it off, letting it fall to the floor behind him. They were both breathing harder now, panting with need. Nothing mattered in that moment besides their attraction toward each other. It made no difference that he was a prince and that she was a broke girl from Memphis. Right there, in that cabin on Hawaii, the only thing that mattered was how they'd satisfy the craving they both felt.

  “I want you so bad right now,” Sabrina whispered. “Take me.”

  Marco's eyes drifted down her body. Her nipples were hard and pressing against the silk dress, begging to be released. The bottom part of the dress was still bunched up around her belly. When his eyes got to her panties, his cock throbbed underneath his slacks. She was so turned on that the front part of her underwear had become wet with desire.

  He stepped forward once again, this time slipping his fingers into her underwear and tugging them down. She leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes as he shimmied the panties off of her, all the way to her ankles. Then he dropped to his knees in front of her. He wanted to taste her and pleasure her at the same time. He wanted to spoil her like the future queen that he hoped she would be.

  Marco lifted one of her legs and draped it over his shoulder. Sabrina kept her back pressed against the wall and slowly bucked her hips toward his face. He looked her up and down quickly, then leaned in. As soon as his tongue touched her clit, she moaned out and gripped a handful of his hair.

  “Yes,” she whispered, pulling his tongue into her.

  His hands went to her thighs as he flicked his tongue sensually against her, changing pace and pressure in accordance with her squeals of pleasure. He sent her flying into beautiful oblivion, not just once, but twice. By the time he was done, Sabrina's leg was trembling over his shoulder.

  She reached down and placed her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look up at her. Her eyes were dilated and her chest rising and falling rapidly.

  “Let's go to the bedroom,” she said.

  Her words sounded more like an order than a suggestion, but Marco didn't mind one bit. He got up from the floor and followed Sabrina to the bedroom, his eyes glued to that magnificent butt of hers as she walked ahead of him.

  As soon as they got there, she pulled the dress off over her head and set it on top of the dresser. She was now wearing only a bra. Marco stepped behind her and undid the clasp that held it on, letting it fall off of her shoulders. Then he turned her around to face him so he could kiss her again. This time, Marco's hands were able to roam all over her naked skin. He pulled her close, feeling her wetness as she collided with the front of his slacks.

  Their tongues continued to dance, while Marco took off his slacks and underwear. He stepped out of the clothing and bucked his hips forward, sliding between her thighs. The top of his dick dragged against her entrance, causing both of them to moan together softly. He gritted his teeth, wishing to just lay her down
on the bed and enter her right there. But he slowly pulled away and held his index finger in the air.

  “One moment,” he said, with a smirk.

  He went straight to his suitcase and pulled out a condom. They were going to need more of these soon. He slipped it on as he approached her once again.

  “Now where were we?” Sabrina asked, taking the words right out of his mouth.

  Marco let out a growl as his hands went to Sabrina's rear. He lifted her from the floor and carried her a few steps over to the bed, setting her down. Her hands were wrapped over his shoulders, her breath hot against his naked chest. She leaned in and kissed him, gently biting his lower lip as she pulled away. When she laid back, she wrapped her legs around Marco's waist, putting his cock in the perfect position to enter her. He was still standing on the floor next to the bed, looking over the love of his life who laid before him.

  How in the world did I get so lucky? he thought to himself.

  Everything about Sabrina's body turned him on. Her beautiful hair, blue eyes and innocent smile. Her firm breasts, the lines of her hips and the way her legs flexed when she walked. She was, in no exaggeration, absolutely perfect in Marco's eyes.

  He paused for a moment, just admiring her. She brought her hands to her breasts and gently fondled them, teasing him with the action. It only made him want her more.

  “Take me,” she said for the second time that evening. “I need you.”

  Marco slowly pressed into her. Sabrina gasped and leaned her head back, closing her eyes. He entered her, feeling her wetness wrap his cock until he was all the way in. Pleasure pumped through him as he bucked his hips back and forth. While he continued the movement, he leaned forward and kissed the top of her breasts. The sweet smell of her perfume was on her chest. He breathed it in as he danced his lips around her nipple.

  This moment was incredible for him, but for so many more reasons than just the sex. He was on cloud nine because he knew that he was going to marry the girl he was making love to. This wasn't just a fling or a one-night stand. This was the real deal. This was what his heart had been seeking for years and he finally had it.

  Marco circled her nipple with his tongue, gently flicking against it. It grew firm to his touch and he moved his face over to give the other one equal attention. He was so turned on by her that he had to slow down the pace of his thrusts to keep from climaxing too soon. He wasn't usually one to orgasm so quickly, but Sabrina did something to him that no other woman ever had.

  “That feels so good,” Sabrina whispered. “God, I love you.”

  Marco slowly pulled his face away from her breasts and looked into her eyes. She looked dazed, with a half smile of pure bliss. He loved that expression of hers. It made him want to go harder and deeper. He grabbed her legs and pressed them toward her chest, then increased his pace. Ecstasy filled his body as he pounded her.

  Sabrina's breasts swayed up and down to the cadence of his thrusts. A thin layer of sweat had begun to cover her skin and there was just enough light in the room to make her shine. He could have admired that view all day and all night for the rest of his life. But when she begged him to flip her around, he couldn't say no.

  “I want you to take me from behind,” she whispered, before biting her lip.

  Her words took Marco's breath away and he found himself more turned on than ever before. He took a step back and then gently turned her over on the bed. She bent over in front of him and looked over her shoulder. His eyes moved downward, noticing those two little dimples on her lower back that he loved so much.

  God, she's perfect, he thought.

  Grabbing her hips with both hands, he stepped forward and slid his length back in. The pleasure filled him again, only this time it was more intense. His jaw dropped and his eyes closed, as he rocked his body against her. The feel of her flesh in his hands, the way their sweat-covered skin collided, the wetness of her flower around his length. It all added up to be the perfect experience for Marco. There was no other place on the entire planet that he would have rather been than in that cabin with Sabrina. That was his heaven.

  When he opened his eyes, he saw that Sabrina was facing away from him. She had buried her face into a pillow, muting her yelps of pleasure which had grown significantly in volume. She was climaxing and Marco knew it. So he increased his pace, pounding his body into hers with more vigor than before. Within a few seconds, she lifted her head and drew in a quick breath. He watched her grip the blankets on the bed with both hands as she let out a guttural moan. At the same time, Marco felt her clamp around him.

  While keeping the same pace, he reached forward and fondled her breasts. He let her nipples slide between his fingertips, gently pinching the firm nubs to give Sabrina the extra sensation.

  She went silent for just a moment and then exhaled, relaxing her head into the pillow in front of her. When she released her grip from the blanket, Marco noticed that her hands were trembling. A contented smirk crossed his face, knowing that he had made her climax.

  But Sabrina wasn't the only one who couldn't hold back any longer. Marco's loins ached for release. He brought his hands back to her hips and continued rocking his body against hers until all of the pleasure and sensation culminated into one perfect moment of orgasm.

  He closed his eyes and held himself inside of her as his body exploded with ecstasy. His cock swelled and his balls clenched, releasing all of his sexual tension and passion in just a few short seconds. After the intensity had passed, he opened his eyes and took a breath, feeling dizzy with bliss.

  “You're amazing,” he said, shaking his head in awe.

  Sabrina laid on her side and Marco crawled up next to her. They cuddled up, entangling their naked bodies. A cool evening breeze blew in from the open window, falling lightly upon their skin. It felt refreshing to Marco and the smell of the nearby ocean was nostalgic. It reminded him of home.

  He kissed her forehead and wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her close. They were silent for a while, just enjoying the sound of the waves outside in the distance. Marco was still in shock that his life was coming together in such a positive way. Things were really falling into place for him.

  “I'm glad you're mine,” he whispered, as he affectionately touched Sabrina's bare shoulder.

  “Me too.” She lifted her gaze and smiled. “I'm really excited to see Orsino Island and to meet all of your family.”

  Marco nodded. “It's going to be wonderful. Orsino is a paradise. I'm looking forward to sharing it with you.”

  Sabrina snuggled her face toward Marco's chest and giggled. She seemed just as excited as he was about it.

  The fact that she's willing to accept my unusual circumstances says so much about her. She's uprooting her entire life to come with me and that's not something an average woman would do, he thought. This girl is worthy of everything I have to offer. She deserves to be a princess and spoiled with the greatest of all things. I hope that I'm able to offer her all that she desires in life.

  Marco grabbed the edge of the blanket and wrapped it over the two of them. Then he relaxed into the bed. His mind was filled with the best of thoughts. He especially looked forward to the following day, when he'd get to introduce the woman he loved to both his father and his country.

  And what better way to show her off than at the ball Magdalena has arranged? He thought, as he drifted off into a deep sleep.

  Chapter 17


  Sabrina's face was practically part of the window of the car as she and Marco were driven up the long and winding paved driveway toward the Palace. After a nine-hour flight, the two of them were finally on Orsino Island and she was about to see the castle that Marco called home. She was beyond excited about it, but also desperately nervous. This wasn't just about seeing where her lover lived, this was also about meeting his family. That by itself would have been enough to make a girl nervous, even in a normal situation. But this situation was anything but normal.

  “Are you
okay?” Marco asked, reaching across the backseat to touch Sabrina's shoulders.

  She nodded, but inside she felt nothing but turmoil. Her heart was pounding out of her chest and her hands were clammy. When she turned to face Marco, she was greeted by his warm and reassuring smile.

  “I can tell you're nervous,” he said, bringing his had affectionately down her back. “But I assure you, there's nothing to be nervous about. You're going to love it here. I promise.”

  Sabrina smiled and scooted close to him. “I already love the island. It's beautiful here. Reminds me a lot of Hawaii, actually. I'm not nervous about that, but I am a little bit anxious about meeting your family.”

  “My father is going to adore you,” he said. “Trust me. It will all work out.”

  Except for the fact that I'm the last person they'd expect to be your girlfriend, Sabrina thought.

  “I hope you're right.” She fidgeted with her hands as she spoke. Then she turned to face the window once again. Her jaw dropped as the palace at the top of the hill came into view.

  The massive structure stood tall against the blue sky and appeared to be at least as wide as a few city blocks. It was made of white marble, which was beautifully complimented by the red-colored roof and an ornate gold design surrounded the building, just below the roof line.

  It's like the White House, only far more intricate and dazzling, she thought, taking in the view.

  She glanced over to Marco and then back toward Orsino Palace. She couldn't believe her surroundings. Her reality was quickly becoming more grandiose than anything she could have ever dreamed.

  The driver pulled the car up to the front of the Palace and an armed guard in a black suit opened the rear door. Sabrina smiled nervously as she stepped out. Marco was close behind her. He placed his hand on her lower back and led her toward the stairs.

  “Welcome to Orsino Palace,” Marco said, leaning toward Sabrina. “I'm glad you're here with me.”


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