Yours Royally: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides Book 3)

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Yours Royally: A Cinderella Love Story (Billionaires and Brides Book 3) Page 31

by Krista Lakes

  So much for Owen's call.

  As I stepped out of the main ER doors, the frosty night air stung my face. It smelled like it might snow later. I adjusted my scarf to keep the draft out of my coat and began the long walk to my car. I was just hoping it would start with the bitter cold and a semi-dead battery. Note to self, I really needed to get that fixed. Just as I reached the curb, my phone began to buzz.

  A grin cracked my face as I didn't even pause to look at the caller ID and just hit "Answer".

  "Owen?" I asked excitedly into the phone.

  A siren from the ambulance room sounded, covering up any response I might have heard. I shot an irritated glare toward the ambulance driver, hoping that Owen was still on the line. I nearly dropped my phone when I looked over though.

  Instead of seeing a bashful EMT, there was Owen, leaning against the hood of the ambulance with a bouquet of flowers. He grinned and pushed himself off the red hood and gracefully sauntered over to where I stood, my jaw resting on the pavement. He reached over and gently hit the "End Call" button once he reached me, the contact bringing me out of my shock at seeing him.

  "What are you doing here?" My mind was spinning. This had to be a trick my brain was playing. Owen was supposed to be in New York working for Jack, not bringing me flowers at an ER in Des Moines.

  "It's a little after 7:30, and I said I would call you. So, I'm calling you," he said quietly. His breath frosted the night air as he spoke and he was close enough that I could almost feel his warmth. I was torn between reaching out and touching him to make sure he was real, or just holding still and letting the dream continue. "These are for you."

  He held out the flowers, the plastic lining rustling as he uncovered the protective shell so I could see them. They were soft pink plumeria flowers. I took a deep breath, the sweet fragrance instantly bringing me back to the warm sun and sand. I realized they were the same type of flowers that I had been wearing in my hair.

  "They're beautiful," I whispered. My eyes flickered up to look at him and his blue eyes made my heart skip a beat. Even in the garish light of the garage he was gorgeous. I kept hoping he would lean down and kiss me.

  "Not as beautiful as you," he whispered, and for a moment, I believed him. He tipped his chin down, angling to bring his mouth to mine, but then a cold wind whipped my hair, flinging the tiny strands that had escaped my messy pony tail into my eyes. It must have hit him too, and I remembered we were standing in the middle of an ambulance receiving bay.

  "Thank you," I said as I shivered. Owen looked perfectly warm in his long black wool overcoat, but my own coat was just a little short in the sleeves and let in bursts of cold air whenever I moved. Owen rubbed his gloved hands up and down my arms as soon as he saw I was trembling.

  "Let's get you out of the cold. Follow me. I have Chinese food in the car." He reached for my hand and began pulling me gently toward Visitor Parking. I followed eagerly, my stomach growling for something other than hospital coffee and the bagel I stole from the doctor's lounge for lunch.

  "Chinese? How did you know to bring exactly what I was craving?" Sesame chicken sounded like the most delicious thing I could imagine at that moment. Well, at least as far as food went...

  "I'm just that good..." He smirked like it was true, but it quickly crumbled into a guilty grin when I raised my eyebrows. "Emma told me it was your favorite. I was going to get us reservations at a French restaurant, but she made sure I knew that you could be a grouch at the end of your shifts and I would be risking my life taking you anywhere nice in scrubs. So, I have comfort food and a bottle of wine in the car."

  I shook my head. "As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. I probably would have killed you in a horrible and gruesome fashion if I was expected to go out tonight. Chinese gets you extra brownie points."

  Owen laughed. My night was infinitely better now, the stresses of the busy shift drifting away on the the last of the winter winds. This was the best way to end a shift. A large black limousine loomed up out of the darkness, purring softly in a corner of the visitors' lot. Owen opened the door and I slid in, the smell of delicious food steaming the tinted windows.

  "Oh my god, it smells amazing in here! What all did you get?" I wriggled out of my jacket and bent over one of the brown paper bags, tearing into it like a rabid badger.

  "Sesame chicken, lemon chicken, shrimp lo-main, spicy beef stir-fry, wontons, dumplings, egg-rolls, and egg fried rice. I hope I got something you like."

  I paused long enough in my frantic opening of the bag to grin up at him as he shrugged gracefully out of his coat. "Something I like? You got everything I like!"

  He relaxed into the seat, rolling his shirt cuffs up, his blue eyes watching me with a twinkle. "Good. I'd hate for you to starve."

  I popped a dumpling into my mouth and made a funny face at him, enjoying the way his face crinkled when he laughed. He leaned over and dug into one of the bags until he pulled out a box of fried rice and a pair of chopsticks. He easily started eating the rice with the cheap wooden sticks.

  "How'd you learn to do that?" I asked, my mouth full of chicken and dumpling.

  "I travel a lot. Japan is a big market and there are a lot of business meetings over dinner." He easily maneuvered the tiny grains of rice into his mouth like it was easy to get them to stick together and not fall all over the leather seats.

  "Japan? That must be exciting," I said, taking another bite of sesame chicken. Owen nodded and continued eating his rice.

  "I don't get to go there often. I mostly travel to the Middle East and recently to growing parts of Asia and Africa."

  "Aren't those parts of the world dangerous?"

  "A little. But, it's my job, so I do it. If I go to Japan sometime soon, would you like to go with me?" He lifted his chopsticks neatly to his mouth without a single grain of rice falling off.

  "I don't know. Emma's wedding was the first time I've ever left the country. I'm not really big on traveling." I avoided his eyes and dug around in the bag for the egg-rolls.

  "What? I thought everyone liked to travel." I could feel the question dancing in his blue eyes as he looked at me. His smile made my heart race. I swallowed my food down hard.

  I didn't want to tell him how traveling made me nervous. How I didn't do well away from home or that I loathed the idea of getting on an airplane. The trip for Emma's wedding had taken four shots of whiskey just to get me okay with the idea of the plane taking off. Coming home hadn't been much better.

  "I guess I just like home. I like having my life in one place and knowing where everything is. I like road trips to see old friends, but all my favorite things are right here. Why would I want to leave?" I said, a wry smile on my face to disguise the nervousness I felt at even talking about it.

  Owen nodded thoughtfully before shrugging and giving me one of his trademarked smiles. "The invitation still stands. I would love to take you to Japan."

  "How about you just come with me back to my place?" I held my breath for a moment. I wasn't the one who was usually so bold, but the man did fly out and bring me flowers in a limo.

  Owen's face darkened and he set the now empty box of rice down carefully on the seat.

  "I can't, Kaylee. I want to, I really, really want to, but I can't. I have a meeting in the morning."

  "Oh," I said. I shrugged. "You sure?" I felt a small twinge of rejection, but I knew he didn't mean it that way. I still felt it, though.

  "Kaylee, I wish more than anything I could stay with you tonight, but my flight leaves in an hour and I have to be on it. I'll probably be late for my meeting as is." Owen's blue eyes held mine and I could see the wish reflected in their depths.

  "What do you mean, you'll be late as is? It can't be any later than nine and New York is, what, a three hour flight?" I asked slowly.

  "The meeting isn't in New York. It's in Abu Dhabi. And I guess technically the meeting isn't tomorrow, but the time changes just get confusing." He looked up apologetically. "I really just wanted
to see you again."

  "You flew three hours in the wrong direction, just to bring me Chinese food and flowers?"


  I was floored. No one had ever done anything like that for me. I felt a warm glow start in my chest, a happiness that made me smile involuntarily. He really did like me.

  I leaned over and kissed him. The world was tipsy and wonderful, but somehow incredibly right as our lips met. His hand grabbed the back of my neck, his fingers tangling in the mess of my ponytail, pulling me closer to him. I slid across the leather seat, heat and desire searing through me. All I wanted was to kiss him, to touch him, to be with him.

  His shoulders were strong under my hands, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me into him. I loved the way he smelled, the way he tasted, the way he groaned into my kiss like it was the only thing in the world he had ever wanted. He nibbled on my bottom lip, his tongue dancing with mine as his hands roamed my back and sides.

  I began unbuttoning his dress shirt, trying very hard not to simply just rip the buttons off instead. "Kaylee, my flight..." he groaned, but he didn't bother to finish the sentence, letting me continue working on his buttons. The last two, I ripped off.

  As soon as his shirt was undone, he reached for my scrub top, lifting it easily over my head and tossing it next to the car door. I giggled as he ran a finger across the strap of the tank top I wore underneath, loving the way his fingers tickled across my skin. He slipped a strap off one shoulder, pushing the bra strap with it, and leaned forward to gently kiss the bare skin. I shivered with anticipation and he pushed the second set of straps off as well.

  He licked his lips, his pupils going wide as he traced my collar bone from the shoulder to the center of my breast bone and down into my cleavage. With gentle fingers, he caressed the swells of my breasts peeking out from the tank top. I leaned my head back and let out a sigh of pleasure. This was exactly what I needed after a shift from hell.

  "Excuse me sir, but it is time to go to the airport. If you give me the young lady's keys, I will start her car before we leave," the limo chauffeur’s voice came over the intercom. I stiffened for a moment, thinking he was watching us, but the privacy screen was still in place.

  "If you give him your keys, he'll give us a few more minutes," Owen whispered, brushing a stray strand of dark hair off my cheek. I quickly scrambled for my coat, digging into the pockets for the worn keys. Owen hit the button on the privacy screen, lowering it just enough to let me slide the keys through.

  "It's a gray Dodge Neon, third row from the end in the main employee lot," I told the driver before Owen raised the screen back up. I heard the car door open and close, soft footsteps disappearing into the night.

  "We have only a couple of minutes," Owen whispered. His eyes were dark with want as he looked me up and down, seeing something that he wanted very badly. "But I just can't say no."

  "Then we better make it quick," I replied, kissing him fiercely. I still wasn't looking for a relationship, but when a perfectly muscled man flies three hours to bring you dinner and flowers, it's hard to say no. Especially when your body is screaming yes.

  "I don't have a condom," he said softly. I gave him a wicked grin.

  "It's okay. I'm on birth control... and I trust you."

  He pulled down sharply on my shirt, dragging my bra along with it and exposing my breasts to him. His tongue was on my nipple in an instant, turning it into a hard nub of pleasure in his mouth. I moaned softly, pushing my chest further into his face and reaching to fumble with his belt.

  I felt his strong hands slide over mine, easily undoing the button and zipper. I let my hand slide into the opening of his pants, and gasped as I felt his full length ready for my touch. He bit down softly, sending a gentle shock through me and deep into my core. I ran my hands up and down the length of his shaft, feeling him somehow continue to swell.

  I pulled at the strings holding my scrub pants to my hips, feeling the comfortable fabric loosen and fall. Owen sped it along, pulling them off as I kicked my clogs off and squirmed out of my pants. As soon as my legs were free, I straddled Owen's lap, kissing him and drawing his tongue into my mouth. His manhood pressed up against my underwear, begging for entrance, and I pushed my hips down into him.

  He wrapped one arm around me, his fingers splaying on my back while the other slid my panties to the side. For a glorious moment he sat poised at my entrance, our eyes locked, breathing heavy. Then slowly, so slowly, he slid into me, inch by glorious inch, until I could hold no more.

  A shiver of pleasure ran down my spine, and I began rocking back and forth, taking as much of him into me as I could. I never wanted this to end, but I heard the driver open the door and start the engine. Owen pulled me closer to him, thrusting his hips upward with a need that couldn't be stopped. His hands pulled my hips and back into him, our bodies pressed together, skin rubbing against skin.

  The limo slowed to a stop, and I knew we didn't have much time.

  "Sir, your flight is in less than twenty minutes," the disembodied voice came through the intercom. Owen's mouth opened as he panted for breath, his body beginning to shake with exertion. I kissed his ear, feeling the velvety softness across my lips as I whispered his name. I wanted him so badly, my entire spine was on fire with longing.

  We locked eyes, and his mouth dropped open. I nodded silently, quickly, letting him know it was okay. With a groan of release, Owen spasmed underneath me. I leaned my head against him, his shoulders heaving with effort. He wrapped his arms around me, keeping me close for a moment longer, absorbing me into him.

  "That wasn't quite what I expected when I came out here," he murmured into my ponytail as it ran down my back. "I really did just come to bring you flowers."

  I giggled and sat up, looking into his perfect face. His hair was mussed and his cheeks flushed, but his eyes held mine like a magnet. I didn't want to ever look away.

  "Just don't go telling anyone that all it takes is flowers," I said, only half joking. Owen stretched his neck and kissed the tip of my nose.


  A knock on the privacy glass broke into our moment as the driver reminded us that we couldn't stay like this forever. Owen kissed me once again before helping me slide onto the seat and back into my pants. We were both dressed again in moments, hardly a trace left behind as Owen opened the door to let me out.

  It was dark and cold outside, and all I wanted to do was jump back into the limo and back into Owen's arms. One look at him told me that he felt the same way, but he dutifully opened the driver's door to my beaten up little Neon. Emma had offered to buy me a new one, but this one worked just fine, other than an old battery.

  I set the bouquet of flowers and the bags of extra Chinese food in the back seat, coming back around for one more kiss. Owen pulled me close, his lips and tongue hot compared to the winter's night. I kissed him like I was drowning and he was air. Like I needed him in order to breathe. I wasn't sure anymore that I didn't.

  The chauffeur coughed discreetly after too short a time. Owen cupped my cheek and gave me one last quick kiss that made my lips tingle for more before turning away. I got into the warm driver's seat and watched as he hurried into the limousine. I raised my hand, not wanting to wave goodbye as the door closed and he drove off into the night.

  I drove home, unable to decide if I was happy or sad. The two emotions played tug-of-war, pulling me toward glad I had seen him back to gloomy he had left. I barely made it into pajamas before collapsing in bed, drifting into dreams of Owen.

  Chapter 10

  Six A.M. came far too early the next day. I groaned and rolled out of bed, the wood floor creaking and cold under my feet. I heard the automatic coffee pot sputter, and I trudged into the kitchen, wishing I could just go back to my dreams with Owen.

  The flowers were still in the plastic on my kitchen table. At least I had put them in water before collapsing into bed, so they were still beautiful and vibrant. I lowered the cellophane wrapping and took a
deep breath. The soft floral notes didn't remind me of the ocean anymore. They reminded me of someone with blonde hair and deep blue eyes. I smiled, enjoying the memory. I wondered what Owen was doing right then.

  I snapped myself out of my thoughts, quickly drinking my coffee so that I could get in the shower. I had another twelve-hour shift in front of me, and no matter how much I would rather spend my morning daydreaming, I had work to do.

  The ER was busy for the first half of the morning. Patients trickled in at a steady rate, keeping me busy as I raced around between the rooms. Despite the work, I was walking on air. I knew I had a silly smile on my face as I went through my routine, but I didn't care. I had seen Owen last night and it had been fantastic. There was nothing that could spoil this day for me.

  "Hey, Kaylee, you have a visitor in the waiting room," Allie called from the desk. I frowned slightly. It couldn't be Owen, he was probably in the middle of a desert by now. No one else would need to come visit me at work, or at least they would know to call first.

  "Who is it?"

  "Security didn't say."

  I handed her the chart I had just finished and told her I would be back in a minute. Visitors weren't allowed in the actual ER, so I headed out to the waiting room to see who it was. The heavy metal doors dividing the waiting room from the ER clanked shut behind me and my heart sank. Standing there joking with the security guard was my ex-boyfriend.

  "What are you doing here, Michael?" I asked, trying to stay polite. I had told him a hundred times not to bother me at work. I had been the one to break it off with him, but I got the feeling that he wasn't ready to let me go.

  "I came to see you, Kay! I thought we could get lunch." I hated when he called me Kay. You mean, you thought I would buy you lunch. He smiled at me like he was doing me the favor. I motioned him away from the security guard to a quiet corner so that we could talk privately.


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