The Arrangement [Box Set]

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The Arrangement [Box Set] Page 20

by Abby Weeks

  She looked around at the little tent she was inside. Eight men’s legs in their places, all of them looking identical, and at the far end of the table Midge’s long, slender legs. She wished again that she was in Midge’s position. She found the fork and grabbed it and braced herself for the awful embarrassment of climbing out from under the tablecloth. She could only hope that no one at the other tables would notice that she’d been under there.

  It was uncomfortable being cramped down there and she turned around but before she could pull up the tablecloth she felt James’s legs holding her tightly in place. Then Edward stretched out his own legs, blocking her from getting out. They’d created a little pen with their four legs and she was locked in. Short of making a big scene and forcing her way out, she was stuck where she was.

  While James held her with his legs, she saw Edward’s hands go to his crotch and open his fly. She couldn’t believe what was happening. This was absolutely mortifying. She was in a completely public place, under the table, and Edward was pulling out his cock under the tablecloth. Then, with his finger, he beckoned her over. It was the rudest, most obnoxious gesture April could imagine. His ego was so big that he knew that all he had to do was beckon with his finger and she’d do what he wanted. He assumed that she’d see what he wanted and obey without question.

  And of course, what choice did she have? Was she going to force her way out from the little prison he’d created and make a huge scene in this exclusive hotel? Not only would it be mortifying, but she had no idea if Herb would ever let her speak to her children again if she ruined this deal with Andersen Strathern. She couldn’t understand how these men got into such positions and had so much power and it was always her who had to live with the consequences. She didn’t want Andersen Strathern’s business. It had nothing to do with her. She might be benefitting from the lavish lifestyle that the firm could afford but she had never asked for it. She had been perfectly happy with her ordinary life in the suburbs. This was not her doing and yet she was the one under the table being beckoned over to Edward’s veiny little cock.

  She made her way over to his crotch, which wasn’t easy in the confined space beneath the table, and put her hands on his knees. Then she felt James’s shoe on the back of her head, pushing it forward. It was an unnecessary insult as she was going to lean over and put the little flab of cock in her mouth anyway. She opened her mouth wide and wrapped her lips around it. Immediately it began to stiffen. She felt the soft, fleshy thing grow and harden as she ran her tongue around its tip. By the time Edward was fully erect, what had been a tiny piece of meat had grown to a considerable size, at least eight inches long, with a thick vein of semen running down the bottom side of it. James’s foot mercilessly pushed her head down onto the massive organ and it was all she could do to stop herself from choking on its enormous size. She opened her mouth as widely as she could and let the penis slide freely up into her throat and back down again and again, James’s foot all the while pushing the back of her head.

  The penis seemed to ripen like a fruit, growing and stretching up into her mouth, the tip throbbing with the pulse of Edward’s heart, his blood flowing into it and preparing for a massive ejaculation. She could feel his orgasm approaching but before he could come he reached down and pulled her off of his throbbing, aching cock. He didn’t want to come yet, it seemed. That didn’t bode well. It meant he had a lot more in store for her later on.

  Edward turned her head and she turned with it. She was facing James now. She could see that James’s cock was out of his pants too and she wondered if these two men were maybe brothers. She knew they weren’t but James’s penis was just as long and thick as Edward’s and she knew that a cock of that size was a rare thing. She didn’t understand how both of them had such massive dicks. She pictured them grinning at each other above the table and fought the urge to bite James. She could never do anything like that though, no matter how much she wished she could.

  She felt Edward’s foot on her back, shoving her rudely toward James’s crotch, and she knew what she had to do. She crawled over to him and brought her face close to his already stiff cock. He must have felt the warmth of her breath on it because he reached under the table and forced her down onto the rigid shaft. She resisted his push, and instead of taking the cock all the way into her mouth she licked the tip gently. He seemed to like this and relaxed his hold on her. Then she let her tongue slide down along the long shaft of the penis, licking it all the way to the end where it joined his body. He was holding her head and began stroking her hair, obviously enjoying what she was doing. She allowed her tongue to run up and down the underside of his penis, getting it as wet as possible before finally taking the head of the cock into her mouth. James was throbbing inside her as she moved her mouth slowly up and down as far as she could.

  She wondered again at the size of him. She never in a million years would have guessed that James and Edward were so well endowed. Everything about their behavior had suggested that they were stingy and petulant, not the kind of men associated with great sexual endowments. Now she knew that they both had massive dicks and it didn’t seem to make any sense. She would have thought that men with dicks this large would be generous and confident and charming. It just went to show what she knew. Few things in life made much sense, it seemed.

  She sucked on the bulbous tip of James’s huge cock, making sure she licked it as much as she sucked until eventually he began to throb with the preliminary motions of what would become an orgasm. However, just as Edward had done, he stopped her too.

  He closed up his pants, forcing his erect penis back inside. She wondered what was going to happen next and was completely mortified when she saw that he had pulled up a corner of the tablecloth so that he could speak to her directly.

  —You may come back out now, he said.

  April looked out past him at the dining room. Everything was exactly as it had been. It didn’t appear as if anyone had noticed that she was underneath the table giving head to whoever wanted it. She was still utterly mortified though. She was sure someone would notice her climbing out from under there and guess what she had been doing. How could she possibly be so bold. She thought she would rather remain hidden under the table until the restaurant was closed than climb out in full view of everyone. She knew for certain that everyone at her table would guess what had been going on. There was no way they wouldn’t have noticed a member of their party was missing, and when she suddenly appeared from under the table they’d know exactly what she’d been up to. How could she possibly get up and continue her evening with them? How could she look any of them in the eye? What would Walter do?

  —Come on, pussy, James said. Unless you want to work your way around the entire table.

  That did it. She didn’t know where the courage came from but she simply crawled out past the tablecloth and rose to her feet with as much dignity as she could possibly muster, trying to look as nonchalant and normal as she could.

  To her limitless relief, the activity in the dining room continued without even a sign that she had been noticed. The people at all the other tables continued with their chattering, the restaurant staff went about their work, and the only people who noticed anything at all were the nine people sitting around her own table.

  She looked around at each of them. Edward and James were smirking like schoolboys. She would have liked to slap them for putting her through this but she couldn’t. Next to them, Herb and Pete looked completely blank, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened at all. Then she looked at Frank. He was supposed to be the one who would protect her. She’d felt so safe in his strong arms. Now he only looked sympathetic. He might not have liked how she was being humiliated in public like this but there was nothing he could do about it. It was his firm, these were his partners, and the whole thing was partially his arrangement after all. He was as guilty as any of them.

  Then she looked at Walter. The look on his face was the very last thing in the world she wanted
to see. He looked enraged. He wasn’t moving, he couldn’t say anything, but April had never seen him so jealous and angry in her life. She knew she would have to face him later and her heart sank. She’d had no control over the situation at all, it was so unfair of him to hold it against her, but she knew he would. He might even hit her again. She wanted to cry. She realized she was afraid of him and really didn’t know what he was capable of anymore. She didn’t know why he’d agreed to have his wife treated like a whore if it was going to make him mad, but again, so few things made sense any more when it came to men.

  Next, the older Andersen Strathern men, George and Jonathan, looked quite surprised. They seemed to be genuinely nice men, friendly and warm, and they were still trying to figure out where she’d been and what she’d been up to.

  Finally, Midge’s face almost made her cry when she looked at it. There was nothing but kindness and compassion in her expression and all she wanted was to get back in the limo with her and drive home. If only she could do what she wanted.


  BEFORE APRIL COULD EVEN TAKE her seat, Walter was up and grabbing her by the wrist. Not only had she been forced to endure the humiliation of climbing out from under the table, now she was being visibly dragged through the dining room in front of all the diners.

  When he got her to the lobby, he swung her around roughly. She would rather have been anywhere in the world than there with him. She could hardly look at him. He was so angry and full of hate. It was getting late and there was no one in the lobby other than the doormen, and even they were on the outside of the glass doors.

  —You fucking slut, Walter said.

  —Walter! What are you talking about?

  —What am I talking about? Are you kidding me?

  —I had no choice.

  —You always have a choice.

  —Walter! I’m completely powerless in all of this. It’s all arranged by you and the firm.

  —You enjoy it, don’t you?

  He came up to her and she braced herself. She couldn’t trust him not to get violent anymore. He didn’t hit her but he was so close and menacing she wished he would just do it and get it over with.

  —You’re a slut, April. I’m not going to stand by and watch my wife get off with every man she meets.

  She didn’t say anything. She didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t asked to be here. He had told her to come.

  —Alright, Walter. I guess I’ll get in a cab and go home and wait for you. The dutiful wife. That’s what you want, right? Let me just tell Herb he’ll have to impress Andersen Strathern without me.

  Walter looked at her and then past her back into the dining room where Herb was sitting with the clients.

  —You bitch, he said and hit her hard across the face.

  The impact of the strike stunned her. She just stood there in silence as tears of pain welled in her eyes like crystals of ice forming in winter. She looked before her at the man who was her husband and she didn’t know what to do. He was the one who was conflicted and disloyal, not her. He was the one who wanted her here, who wanted her winning business for the firm. It wasn’t her choice.

  —Walter, she whispered but she didn’t even know what to say to him anymore.

  The look on his face was one of complete rage and disgust. She could tell he hated her. He just stood there glaring at her with utter contempt and then, before she knew it, he’d struck her across the face again. The pain was blinding but it was the shock that really hit her. She was shaking. She didn’t know how to get herself out of this.

  And then, out of nowhere there appeared the figure of a man behind Walter. Her eyes were still full of tears and at first she could just see a blurry outline. Then she made out the shape of the concierge she’d smiled at earlier dressed in the hotel’s distinctive red and black uniform.

  —Is there a problem here? he said.

  April’s eyes cleared enough to see him. He was about thirty with black stubble and a tanned face. He was tall and handsome in a rugged way, well built. He looked more like a lifeguard or a soccer player than a hotel concierge.

  Of course Walter looked right past him. To Walter, the only thing that mattered was money, and anyone who worked at a hotel obviously didn’t have any.

  —Get out of my face, Walter said to him harshly.

  —Is there something you need help with, sir?

  The way the employee spoke told April that he was confident. He maintained the politeness that a staff member at the Saint Regis would be expected to use toward a patron but there was something in his voice that made him sound in control of the situation despite the fact that he was calling Walter sir.

  —Get lost, kid.

  Walter turned back to April but before he could speak to her, the concierge had his hand on Walter’s shoulder and leaned in to speak in his ear.

  —If you touch this lady one more time, buddy, you’re going to have a problem.

  Walter was surprised at how brazen the concierge was. He looked at him anew. The man was obviously stronger than Walter, more muscular, taller, younger, but as always what it came down to for Walter was money.

  —Excuse me? Walter said indignantly. Do you know who you’re speaking to? I’ll have your job.

  —I’m not kidding, mister. I saw what you did. You lay another finger on her, you so much as think about it, and you’re going to have to answer to me.

  Walter looked around for a manager or someone he could run to to make a complaint but there was no one. He eyed the employee but he lacked the confidence to get in a physical confrontation with him. Walter might be able to get the guy fired but he wasn’t willing to take a punch for it. Instead he grabbed April by the wrist and dragged her back into the dining room.

  Before she was out of the lobby she turned back to thank the guy who had helped her. He was standing there, tall and strong, watching them leave. She had never seen anyone so handsome despite the fact that he was wearing that funny concierge uniform, and silently she mouthed a heartfelt Thank You.


  WHEN THEY GOT BACK TO the dining room the others were already standing. April was finally able to join Midge at the far end of the table as they waited for Herb to lead them out of the restaurant.

  —What happened? Midge said.

  —I’ll tell you later.

  —Did he hit you.

  April nodded. She was grateful for Midge’s concern but she knew this wasn’t the time to discuss it. Midge put her hand on April’s arm to comfort her.

  —They’ve had me under the table before, Midge said. I hate that old trick.

  April said, —The whole time I was just wishing I could sit with you.

  —I know. Me too.

  —You had all the nice guys at your end.

  Midge smiled consolingly.

  —I don’t know how nice any of these guys are, she said.

  They followed Herb out into the lobby. The guy who had helped her was still there, standing by the elevator with his head bowed, looking at the floor. Walter pretended not to see him but April knew he had it in for the guy. He would probably have him fired later. It was so unfair, she thought. This poor, handsome guy would probably lose his job for stepping in to defend her and there was nothing she could do about it. She felt a burn of hatred for Walter but she concealed it. Her cheeks were flushed enough from being slapped so much.

  The concierge pushed the button for an elevator. When it arrived Herb stepped in, followed by Walter and the rest of the men. Midge went in with them and April stood outside, hesitating for a minute. She looked at her concierge and he looked up at her and smiled kindly. He was so handsome that she just wanted to grab him by the hand and make a run for it.

  —April, honey, Walter said from inside the elevator, his voice scratchy and hoarse with anger.

  She gave the boy in the uniform a last, sorrowful look before stepping into the elevator. As the doors closed she felt as if she was being locked into a prison. She prayed she would see that man a
gain, the only person in the entire place willing to put his neck out to defend her.

  The eleventh floor of the Saint Regis was reserved for luxury suites. This was the place where important politicians and wealthy businessmen stayed when they had business in the capital. Herb used a keycard to open the wide oak door leading to one of the suites.

  —Midge, sweetheart, this is your room.

  Midge was all smiles as she stepped forward into the suite. The room was of the most stunning luxury but April had such a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach that she hardly noticed it. All nine of them stood at the wide entrance to the suite and watched as Midge walked toward the bed. She had a sexy, sophisticated sway in her hips and she looked stunning as she made her way to the huge, satin bed. When she got to it she slipped off her shoes, the red soles flashing elegantly, and crawled onto the bed on her hands and knees. April watched what Midge did carefully. She figured she would have to do the same thing when it was her turn. Midge adopted a position like a puppy on her hands and knees, facing the opposite wall so that her ass was facing the men at the door. The men were all smiling and nodding as they admired her cute bum in its vulnerable position.

  Herb was already at the door to the next suite.

  —This is your room, April.

  April hadn’t pictured it being like this. She’d thought she would be with Midge all night. She’d been separated from her almost the entire time since they stepped out of the car. First during the meal and now in the bedroom she felt the loss of her friend’s company sorely. Midge seemed to be handling it a lot better but then she hadn’t been seated next to James and Edward during dinner, and she had a lot more experience in this life too.


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