Loving My Pack

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Loving My Pack Page 4

by Lane Whitt

  Maksim sighs deeply. “Can you just, for one moment, try to see things from a wolf’s perspective?”

  “That’s hardly fair.” Tristan speaks up, offended on my behalf.

  Maksim raises a hand to stop any other protests. “I am aware of Kitten’s past and the fact that it is not her fault she wasn’t raised to be who she has become. I just want you to understand that you now have a child that you are claiming as your own, who will be older than any other children you have. In effect, a first-born son who is now known as Michael Ivaskov. As in, it appears to others you have named him after your father and a beloved Alpha.”

  “But I didn’t name him.” I say in a duh tone. “He’s nine and already had a name. All of us took the Ivaskov name when we came here. You told us to,” I remind him.

  “Yes, and I understand that.” Maksim nods slowly. “However, others will not. Do remember that I had two sons once, two brothers. One was born to be Alpha, the other was never considered. Does that sound familiar to you?” His pale green eyes narrow on mine, crinkling in the corners. I can tell this is a hard subject for him, even if I want to hate him for what he’s asking me to do.

  “It does, and I understand where you’re coming from,” I say as gently as I can, patting his hand awkwardly. “But I will never abandon Mikey. Not physically, emotionally, or even in title. He’s my family now. He’s mine in any way that counts. If I’m to be princess, then he’s to be my little prince. If and when I have another son, maybe a future Alpha, then the boys will have to work out their issues as all brothers do. I hope what happened to your sons doesn’t happen to mine, but I refuse to put such a separation between them for the sake of what might happen.”

  He pulls his hands from mine and stands abruptly, choosing to pace the carpet in front of me. My eyes widen when he’s suddenly in my face. “You are so stubborn! Just like him!”

  The room explodes in point-two seconds. In a flash Maksim is across the room with a mad-as-hell Remy pinning him to the wall. Albert is holding out his notepad like a shield as he tries to placate the room of angry wolves. Logan stands fully in front of me, shouting expletives, and Tristan sits next to me, mumbling in that calming tone of his to soothe me.

  Well, I don’t need to be soothed. I stand up, displacing my wall of Logan to move around him. “Enough!” I shout, making the room quiet.

  “Remy, you can release him. He wasn’t threatening me, and he isn’t going to hurt me,” I say carefully. Something about telling Remy what to do never sits right with me, but I’ve learned that if I ask instead it makes it easier. To my relief he releases the older man, but he doesn’t allow him to move away from the wall. Good enough.

  I move to get closer to them, still staying slightly behind Remy so he doesn’t become angered again. “Maksim…Grandfather. I know that, while your words might sound harsh and calculating, you are actually trying to help me. I know you feel guilty for what happened with both of your sons, and are trying to save me from that fate.” I pause so that my mates present can let that sink in. I had first thought the same as them, that an old Alpha didn’t want a non-Ivaskov on the Ivaskov throne. But the truth was in his eyes. The pain of losing two sons, one in cold-blooded murder and the other to corruption. I’m not even a real mom yet and I can’t imagine surviving that.

  I looking my grandfather dead in the eye, I continue. “But we won’t allow that to happen with my sons, your great-grandsons. We learn from the past so that we may have a better future, right? And I’ll be here, and my mates will be here. And you’ll be here for the boys, too. If we all work together to make sure that hate and jealousy don’t fester and grow between them, then they don’t stand a chance, right?” I try to smile and add levity to the situation. It probably comes off as more of a grimace.

  Something must have worked because I can almost feel the tension leaving the room. Grandfather wipes under his eyes before clearing his throat in that manly way of his. He comes to me, kissing the top of my head and offering a shaky smile before exiting the room with his shoulders back and his head held high.

  “Well, that was impressive. Sometimes I wonder…” Albert trials off with a shake of his head and a curious grin.

  “What do mean? You wonder what?” Tristan asks as he stretches out on the small couch comically. His long legs hang off the end, but he seems quite content.

  Albert blinks at us, having obviously forgotten we were still in the room or something. He adjusts his glasses and straightens his already-straight tie. “Oh, nothing. It’s just a thought I’ve had for a while.”

  “Would you care to share this thought?” Remy drawls out, sending a suspicious glance in the Omega’s direction.

  Albert’s eyes meet mine and pin me in place. “I think that’s a conversation I should have with our princess first.”

  My face contorts in confusion. “Uh, I’m just going to tell them what you tell me,” I admit with no shame. Surely, he knows that. Albert’s eyes flit nervously about the room, traveling from each of my mates.

  “How about just the three of us for now? Would that help?” Remy throws out. Albert relaxes slightly, but still doesn’t seem happy about it.

  Logan snorts in amusement. “I think that’s our cue, homie,” he says to Tristan. They each offer pecks on my cheeks before making their way out. Remy comes to sit beside me, laying his arm on the back of the couch behind me. I scoot closer, loving the warmth radiating off him.

  Albert remains standing, too nervous to sit it seems as he paces back and forth in front of us. “Princess, can I ask you a question first?” I nod my head. “Who is the Alpha?”

  “In my family or the pack?” I respond quickly.

  Albert instantly stops his pacing to stare hard at me. I can feel Remy staring at the side of my head as well. “Ah, see, they’re supposed to be one and the same,” he states, like that was his point all along.

  “Well, they are the same. Sort of. I mean, Remy is the Alpha in our family. He always has been, way before I came along. And he and my other mates are the Alphas of our pack.”

  The room stays silent for too long, in my opinion. Thankfully Remy thinks so, too. “What does this have to do with what you wanted to speak to Kitten about?”

  “You see, I have this theory. Actually, I’ve had this theory ever since I officially met the young princess, and I’ve been seeing evidence of this theory’s truth. But none more so than just a few moments ago.”

  “And what truth is that?” Remy almost growls. I understand his frustration. Sometimes it’s like pulling teeth to get information out of Albert. I wonder if it’s an Omega thing.

  “That which makes Kitten different, or special, also makes her an Alpha.” Albert pauses to let that sink in.

  “I thought females couldn’t be Alphas. Or that natural wolves were born Alphas or something,” I state.

  Albert nods. “Yes, in every case before you a male has been born with the rank of Alpha. I’ve been watching you from the beginning. I’ve seen how the pack responds to you, how I respond to you. Your mate situation is a unique one, which made me think any confusion I had on who was the true leader of this pack was due to that.”

  “But you’re saying that’s no longer the case?” Remy asks him.

  “I’m saying that Alphas are Alphas, leaders are leaders, and just because rules and laws say one thing doesn’t change that fact. Kitten sees you as her Alpha. Whether you were born a wolf or not, it’s who you are. My theory is that the two of you are an Alpha pair.”

  “Is that even a thing?” I ask. I’ve read the books around here on wolves and wolf history. An Alpha pair was never mentioned.

  “It’s not, no. Females have never taken on a leadership role in a pack before. But you’re different. From the start you’ve made it your mission to help this pack, and it’s no longer because you’re the only one in your family to have the Ivaskov name. All of your mates now have the name and power that comes with it. Even now you could sit back and allow them to lead us
all, but you won’t.”

  “Ugh!” I groan in frustration. “See? This is what I was talking to Finn about the other day. Your rules change too often, so no one knows what’s true and false. You’re all operating on hearsay and old wives’ tales, but none of you have been told the same things.” I wipe a hand down my face. It’s pure craziness.

  “As I said, it’s just a theory of mine.”

  “What exactly do you expect us to do with this? Wouldn’t this pack, and every other, rebel against the thought of a female in charge?” Remy questions.

  Albert shrugs a lean shoulder. “I don’t expect you to do anything. I just thought you should know what I’ve noticed. The princess just took an old Alpha with control issues, and not only put him in place but gave him a lifelong purpose. Maksim will now make it his mission to make sure your sons will not end up like his. Also, as the Omega of this pack, my loyalties and wolf stay firmly with the Alpha. I hope it does not displease you to learn that I feel no strong pull towards your other mates, but I do feel equally drawn to you and the princess.”

  I share a look with Remy, but once again I know we will be talking about this in private. Now’s not the time. However, Albert continues. “I realize this is something to think about and talk about with your other mates. I would like the two of you to consider taking on the role of an Alpha pair, and your other mates as Betas. I think it would do well in putting the pack at ease and giving them a very clear chain of command. Something this recovering pack could really use.”

  Albert bows low to the both of us, but I stop him mid-stride to the doorway. “Albert, if your loyalties lie with us, then why are you always with Grandfather?” I ask him.

  To my surprise, he laughs. “Because you will not allow me to be by your side. I’m sure you’re not aware of it, Princess, but you isolate yourself from everyone but your mates.” I blink a few times in shock at his retreating back.

  I frown and turn to Remy. “I do?”

  “Pretty much,” he answers with a raised eyebrow. “I thought you were doing it on purpose. Like Ash does.”

  “I’m always around people. When am I ever alone anymore?” I bite my lip, trying to figure out the answer to my own question.

  “He means the rest of the pack, not us or Mike,” he counters.

  “I’m around them. I mean…they’re around. I say hello to everyone!” I try to defend myself.

  “I know you do, Love,” Remy says gently as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “As I said, I thought you were doing it on purpose. I see now that you were just unaware. You’re not used to being a part of a pack. Even with just us guys, it’s different because you’re our mate. You see, most packs are very close to one another. Even this one, with all its issues, is a very tight-knit community. They’ve looked out for each other as best they could. They were raised together, hunt together, eat together, and even relax with each other.”

  “But there’s so many of them! How am I supposed to do all of that with everyone all of the time?” I question.

  Remy shrugs. “I don’t think anyone expects you to be best friends with every single wolf here; you’re a princess after all. It wouldn’t do well to be too close to too many people, but I think they expected you to at least form a small group of close friends by now.”

  “Have you?” I ask him.

  “Have I what?” Remy answers, though the grin on his face lets me know he knows what I’m asking.

  I simply stare at him, awaiting his answer. “No, I haven’t gotten close to any of the pack members. I have my family as far as I’m concerned. There are many men I’ve grown to respect, and even a few I trust, but no one expects more than that from me.”

  I make a face at him. “Why do they expect it of me, then?”

  “Because you were meant to be raised with these wolves. These are your people; they always have been and always will be. They look at me and see a changed wolf that doesn’t belong, but when they see you, they see a wolf pup they should’ve been allowed to help raise. A best friend they should’ve had, a girl to spoil and play with, and a howl that should’ve joined their midnight melody for the past twenty-one years.”

  “You belong here,” I whisper quietly, buying time to let what he said play out in my head. The thought makes me sad, and I wonder if the other wolves are sad, too, about all we’ve apparently missed.

  Remy leans over to kiss the top of my head. “They accept me and the others because of you. But you’ve missed the point. My point was that, as much as these wolves belong to you and are yours, you belong to them and are theirs.”

  I nod my head in acceptance. “I get it. Do you think they’re angry with me for not befriending them?” I wonder.

  “I don’t know, Kitten. Probably not. My guess is that they’re just confused. You’ve already shown yourself to be a champion for them, and they love you for it. I’m guessing they can’t understand what it was like to grow up outside of the pack anymore than you can understand them growing up inside of it.”

  “You’re just full of wisdom today, aren’t you?” I say half-jokingly to lighten the mood. I don’t know what it is about today, but apparently it’s deep conversation day and I’ve been given way too much to think about already.

  “Guess what, Kitten?” Remy says after a long pause.

  “What?” I ask.

  “We’re all alone,” he says with a devilish grin, eyes filled with heat.

  “Hmm... I suppose we are. Just what do you plan to do about that, oh observant Alpha of mine?” I tease with a wide smile gracing my face.

  “First and foremost, I plan to get you behind a door that locks and then maybe I’ll give you that tongue-lashing you deserve.” A giggle escapes me as Remy picks me up in his strong arms, bridal style.

  As we enter the hallway and he makes his way briskly toward our floor, I wrap my arms around his neck and whisper in his ear, “Tongue-lashing, huh? I thought I only got those for being good.”

  A copper-colored eyebrow raises at my question. “Oh? And have we been bad, Kitten?”

  I bite my lip and nod slowly. “Very bad.” I answer, hoping I don’t sound like a dork and that he gets my meaning.

  I squeak in shock as Remy seems to miss a step, his arms tightening around me. Before I can react further, though, my legs are released momentarily only to have each thigh grabbed and parted around his waist as my back touches the wall. A deep rumble from within him vibrates my entire front, but it’s the intense pool of liquid silver in his eyes that makes me utterly melt inside.

  His rough, callused fingers brush my outer thigh, distracting me. “Are you sure? I know you’ve played to my brand of foreplay before, but you’ve never asked.” His deep, gravel-like voice is more of a purr as he leaves his statement open for an answer. His firm lips trail lightly up the delicate column of my throat, causing my breath to hitch and my nails to dig into his shoulders.

  “I like it,” I tell him honestly. He grinds his hips into me, hard, before pulling back. Oh, I like that. “I like seeing you dominant, and powerful, and in control.” He does it again, making me pause to catch my breath, as it’s coming faster now. “Only to lose every ounce of that control at the end…with me…to me…in me.”

  “Fuuuuck,” he growls in my ear. “You are exquisite for a man’s ego. Last chance, Love. You sure you want to play?”

  “More than anything,” I respond quickly, meeting his eyes with determination.

  Remy keeps me wrapped around him as he pulls us away from the wall, probably to hide his noticeable excitement from the onlookers who were casualties in our very public display. As caught up as I am in my Alpha, my hearing still picks up the comments.

  “Do you think she knows she’s giving off enough pheromones to knock a dude out?”

  “Her? Did you not feel how strong the pull from the Alpha was? Took everything in me not to submit and it wasn’t even directed at me.”

  “Cold showers for the whole house again, huh? We need more damn fe
males around here. If the Alphas insist on putting that much orgy energy into the air, I demand a damn partner.”

  The last is met with agreement and laughter, and thankfully we’ve gone far enough up the stairs to be able to tune them all out. One step onto our floor and Remy’s lips attack mine. Hot, demanding, and as hard as the rest of him. His hands slip from my waist to my backside, squeezing pleasurably as he rocks me up and down his covered length. I release a growl of my own into his mouth, feeling frustrated at all these dang clothes between my mate and me.

  I gather the fabric of his shirt, ready to tear it open, but I’m stopped by one of his hands grabbing both of my wrists. I break away from the kiss to pout at him.

  “Tsk, tsk, naughty girl. You said you wanted to play, and when you play with me it’s always by my rules,” he taunts.

  “What game do you think they’re playing?” Tristan’s voice speaks up from behind me.

  “No clue, but it looks pretty fucking fun if you ask me.” Logan replies, sounding highly entertained.

  Twisting my head around as best I can, I see the two of them leaning against each side of the wall in the hallway where our bedrooms are. “Do you guys just lean on things all day, or what?” I joke, trying to hide my embarrassment. A quick kiss to one of them in front of the others is one thing, but I think it’s fairly clear what Remy and I are up to and I’ve tried not to rub anything in anyone’s face so far.

  “What do you say, Kitten? Up for a couple more playmates?” Remy asks before nipping at my collarbone. My mouth pops open in shock, surprised my Alpha wants to share. While I’m pretty sure he’s joking, I can’t help my body’s reaction to the thought. Between my nipples tightening painfully hard and squeezing my thighs to alleviate the throbbing of my core, I think I give myself away.

  Remy takes a deep breath, those silver orbs of his swirling with lust. “Do you boys smell that? I think our little mate likes the idea.”


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