Tainted Rose (The Starlight Gods Series Book 2)

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Tainted Rose (The Starlight Gods Series Book 2) Page 18

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Multiple snickers replied which made my shoulders drop.

  “Oh shit, she’s gonna sulk guys. Okay, you can remove the blindfold now.” Marcus panicked, giving me permission to finally remove the stupid piece of cloth.

  Kai’s hands moved from my waist; his body pressed against me as he helped untie the blindfold; the slow action made it difficult for me to not get distracted.

  Before my hormones could attempt to play with my feelings the blindfold fell; my eyes opened slowly as the sunlight greeted them. It only took a second before my eyes widened and my jaw dropped as I stood there speechless.

  The usual spacious backyard was decorated with multi-coloured strings; round, floating circles and other decorations I had no idea what they were called.

  The empty pool, that was located on the far right of the backyard, was now filled with sparkling, clear water. I was beyond stunned; my eyes landed on the human size, unicorn float, its white appearance and rainbow coloured tail and hair glittered from the sun’s rays. The shiny, gold horn tempted me to touch it; the float continued to ride the still water with the assistance of the soft, warm breeze that made an entrance.

  There was a table off to the side of the pool, loaded with various dishes, a BBQ machine stationed a few feet away. Nighty was relaxed in one of the six, white, beach chairs lined along the pool’s edge, in the pathway of the sun’s perfect warmth.

  I glanced around to the group before me; my star knights.

  “Surprise Makoto.” Ryder walked forward, the others positioned themselves in a row. Ryder reached for my hand, before he knelt down. His left-hand lifted and pressed against his chest, the others follow suit.

  I was in shock, unable to tell them to rise as they knelt before me; the others copied Ryder as their left hands rested on their chest – their appointed coloured marks on full display.

  “Makoto, our Princess. We apologize for not only putting you in harm’s way with the school exam, but for not being truthful to you. We should have sat you down and told you about EliaseAnne. Instead, we assumed you wouldn’t be able to handle such news and that was wrong of us. I know how strong you are, the other’s witnessing such strength when we needed you the most. I hope with Mother Starlight’s help, you can come to forgive us, your knights. We feel horrible and are ashamed of such actions. Please, find it in your merciful heart to forgive us.”

  They nodded their heads, none of them daring to lift them till I gave them the command to do so.

  It took me a few seconds before I found my voice; feelings of joy, excitement, love, and adoration flowed through me as I stared at my knights, who created this show of apology.

  As if the power within me recognized what they had done, a wave of tranquility overflowed my senses – my body fell into the trance like state I had experienced when establishing their knight bonds.

  “Thank you. Rise my star knights. Abandon any thoughts or fears of your Princess being upset with Thy actions. You are forgiven, the Starlight gods as my witnesses.” The power flowed off my words; their markings glowed lightly before it dimmed.

  They all rose to their feet, light smiles on their lips as relief blossomed on their expressions. I smiled back, my body returned to normal as the power faded away, giving me control once more.

  Eli ran up first and embraced me.

  “YEAH!! Everything’s back to normal! Now, for the fun to begin. Sorry boys, I’m kidnapping Mako for ten minutes,” she exclaimed, before she grabbed and lifted me up.

  I shrieked as she flung me over her shoulder with ease, walking back towards the house. “ELI! Hey, I can walk myself!” I yelled.

  “You were just complaining about the death inducing prickling grass and now you can walk. Too late, you just gotta enjoy the ride.” She continued forward, ignoring my light pounds against her back.

  “MEW!” Nighty ran to us from the open glass door, clinging to Eli’s jeans before climbing her way up to her unoccupied shoulder. She poked her head out from Eli’s straight locks before small mews escaped her.

  “Aren’t you happy?” I rolled my eyes, but giggled at my familiar’s excitement.

  “Don’t take too long. The food is going to get cold!” Marcus called out.

  “TEN MINUTES,” Eli yelled back as we entered the house.

  Didn’t take us long to reach Elias’ and Eli’s room. Her hand pressed on the knob, which began to glow, and the click indicated approval.

  She walked in, closed the door before placing me lightly on my feet. Nightmare jumped off her shoulder, headed straight to the bed – a decorative, rectangle box awaited me; the green glittered wrapping was securely tied with a gold, silk ribbon.

  “What’s that?” I asked, astonished by its beauty. I’d never seen a present in real life; only witnessed such delicacies in picture books when I was younger. I never got to celebrate my birthday or Christmas at the facility, so I’d sit alone in the library, stacking multiple books and pretending to host my own party – the piles of books my presents.

  Eli walked towards it, lifting it in her arms before turning to face me; her expression filled with remorse.

  “It’s for you Makoto. We decided our Princess deserved something from all of us, but I’m giving this first gift. It’s a little token of appreciation and is required for the events to come,” she confessed, blushing slightly.

  “Can I open it?” I whispered; my body was hesitant, but wanted to unravel and reveal the contents held within.

  “Of course.” She walked up to me, placed the medium sized box in my hand, and ushered me over to the bed to open it.

  I shuffled over, trying to keep my composure as I began to open the box, making sure to be gentle, so I could save the beautiful wrapping and ribbon for safe keeping.

  Nighty sat quietly next to the box; her tails wagged back and forth as she stared intently at the box. If it wasn’t for me attempting to open it, she looked as if she wanted to pounce on it.

  I removed the final sheet of wrapping before opening the box, revealing something neon; my hands gripped the clear packaging and pulled it out.

  I blinked back the tears that threatened to escape.

  “This is...the clothes people wear when they go to a beach?” I questioned, glancing at Eli who nodded in agreement.

  “This one is a bikini. It’s generally called a swimsuit or swim wear. It’s what female shifters wear to the beach. You can use it at the pool,” Eli explained.

  “I can wear it now?” I asked, holding the two-piece, neon pink swimsuit to my chest.

  “Of course,” she urged. I placed the package on the bed, Eli helped me fold the wrapping paper neatly, putting it in her drawer till I could take it back from her later.

  I made my way to the washroom; Nighty walked in front of me, dragging the packaged swim suit in her mouth as she strolled towards the bathroom.

  I quickly changed out of my clothes, putting the bikini on. The bikini was neon pink, outlined with black, the matching bottoms fit perfectly. It was always nice to find a pair of underwear that fit my butt cheeks, with only enough showing to not attract the world’s attention. I guessed swim bottoms could do the same. I was tying the back string of the bra, when Eli poked her head.

  “Are you—” She announced but stopped; her eyes doubled in size as she took a slow glance of my body.

  I hadn’t hidden my multiple markings; the thick swirls and lines wrapped around my legs, the blossom roses looked more vibrant. With most shifters, the majority of markings were one colour, but of course, I had to be the odd ball and have different variations – the blossomed, red roses were vibrant against my pale legs.

  My other markings cradled my waist, stopping just under the bra. My final marking was on my biceps, usually hidden by most clothing or due to my magic – the dark blue circles intersected with one another in a repeated manner. I’d left my hair down; the loose brown locks were still curly from Daniel’s morning hair service.

  “Uh...are you supposed to feel, well, naked
in these things?” I questioned as my faced flushed at her obvious display of attraction.

  “Yeah, pretty much.” Eli opened the door, walking in.

  My eyes widened as I took in her figure, my heart skipped a beat. From her small boobs, the black swimsuit cradled them perfectly, to her markings on her chest and left leg. Her curves were perfectly portioned, and her height made her look like a swimsuit model in those magazines.

  I attempted to ignore the sensations that flowed through me as I continued to blink at her, trying to find words.

  “Guess Midnight’s not the only one who has a little crush,” Rose announced.

  “I don’t blame them. Elias is hot, so it’s only understandable that Eli would be just as attractive. Even more so,” Lexi admitted.

  “We gotta make sure someone takes a recording with that weird device Marcus has for memories,” Hope suggested.

  “Maybe I’ll ask Kai to stalk them and draw a picture when they finally kiss,” Lily suggested, sounding pleased.

  I can fucking hear you! Weren’t you listening to my conversation before? Can’t handle this. Go away.

  I shooed them out of my mind, Rose remained. I hated her stubbornness to obey.

  “You shifters and your morals. Hmph,” she commented before leaving my mind. Of course, she wanted the last say.

  “As much as I’m intrigued to know what inner conversation just occurred in your mind, it’s way past ten minutes. Let’s go.” She reached out for my hand. I didn’t hesitate, placing mine in hers, the action rewarded me with a smile before she leaned down.

  “And you look smoking hot Makoto.” Elias deep voice whispered against my ears; a pair of lips kissed my sensitive spot.

  I froze; the goosebumps flowed down my skin at the sudden touch. Eli pulled away from me; her eyes still glowed as she winked, the glow faded away. Eli blinked before she frowned.

  “Stupid Elias. OI, this is my turn! You can’t go interrupting my Mako time. Go to sleep or something. Ugh, don’t nag at me, it’s annoying. Whatever,” she huffed, turning her back on me for a moment.

  She wasn’t the only one who needed to compose herself, my face was cherry red and my body hummed for more. The day I’d get revenge on these hormones.

  “Let’s go,” Eli whispered, tugging for me to move forward.

  We walked out of the house; the boys were in a circle. Their expressions all so focused, they were probably discussing when we’d be returning home. I was excited to return, but I wanted to enjoy this blissful moment before having no other choice than to face reality.

  They all turned at once as we approached, their eyes grew wide – their expressions reminded me of the time I’d cooked them breakfast. Even Kai was sporting the same stunned look, the pencil he was previously spinning between his fingertips, fell into the pool.

  I blushed, the attention made me nervous. I quickly hid behind Eli.

  “Do I look weird?” I questioned, gulping. I could see them struggling to speak.

  “If I look bad I can go chan—”

  “NO!” they all yelled suddenly. Eli laughed, stepping away from me before turning to face me.

  “Don’t mind them. They’ve just never seen a female shifter look as hot as you. Now, don’t you guys have something to give our Princess before we get this party started?” Eli proposed staring at them.

  I looked in confusion as they conversed amongst themselves first, coming to an agreement before Kai walked to the back of the table, kneeling down and picking up a large, decorative box – the pink, glittering wrapping paper twinkled in the light with a rainbow ribbon wrapped neatly around it.

  I gawked at the oversized present. My eyes had already begun to sting, trying my best to hold back my tears. Kai stood before me and presented me the gift with a beautiful smile on his face.

  “This is for you Makoto. This is from all of us. I hope each gift reminds you of how special you are to us.”

  I nodded, speechless as I accepted the gift. I knelt down to the grass, too caught up with opening the present to care about its prickliness.

  It didn’t take me long to open the gift, once again ensuring the wrapping paper was intact, so I could save it for memory sake.

  There was multiple clothing, courtesy of Marcus, a pink apron with the words My Princess Rules, a chibi, brown haired girl with blue dot eyes wearing a gold crown and holding a frying pan as a specter from Elias, a variation of recipe books and a selection of my favourite novels from Ryder.

  I noticed a small, leather black book. I inspected the simplistic cover, pulled the gold string that held it together before opening it.

  I gasped, the front page presented a striking image of me, sketched in the finest details with various colours. My usual turquoise eyes were an exact replica on the cream like paper.

  It was just a facial image of me smiling. I flicked through the images – Ryder holding me in his arms, his lips pressed against my forehead as I smiled, an image of Marcus and I sitting in the meadow, glancing at the sky as I pointed at the butterfly passing by, an image of Daniel laughing, his glasses on my face as his hands were tangled in my hair, finishing up a braid, an image of me and Elias, holding hands as we’re surrounded by glowing fireflies – Nightmare on the top of my head as her three tails were frozen in place.

  The last page was an image of me and a fork in my mouth, my face filled with delight as my rosy cheeks puffed into enjoyment.

  “Kai. They’re all beautiful,” I admitted as a tear rolled down my cheek. To think we’d only just met, finalized our bond and he’d taken the time to draw all these images. Eli knelt beside me, rubbing my back gently.

  “Kai’s a well-known artist. He’s been drawing since he was five and ever since has excelled. Shifter’s all over the galaxy request his work. He has a cycle waiting list and goes down to Earthala twice a cycle for major art exhibits that sell out.”

  I nodded and closed the sacred book. I’d have to make a spot in my drawer for Kai as well. The compassion he’d already shown made me excited to get to know him and maybe, one day love him as I did the others.

  I looked at the concealed packaging of the last gift, opening it up to reveal a bunch of lingerie in different colours, a few books with pictures and a pouch filled with hand crafted jewelry.

  I turned my head to face EliaseAnne.

  “Is this from you?” I didn’t recognize my soft voice, unable to explain the gratitude that overflowed within and love I felt.

  “Yup. You can never have enough sexy undergarments. I got a set for each knight’s colour. I know; you can thank me later. The books are some of my favourites from my manga collection and the jewelry I made for you and Midnight...since you guys liked the bracelet I made. I placed a protective spell and you never know when you’ll need an antidote spell for poison etcetera so. I thought it would be good to wear something protective and fashionable...uh…and it would make me happy.” She whispered the last part, glancing away.

  “Thank you EliaseAnne,” I whispered. I leaned forward and pressed a solid kiss on her cheek. I smiled up at her – those wide orbs of green blinked in shock as her cheeks burned red.

  “You’re welcome...ah this is embarrassing,” she mumbled, glancing away.

  Wait. I didn’t get anything from Daniel? The mere thought made me frown. I could feel Hope’s disappointment as well.

  “Stop moping. Daniel! Don’t you have something to give our Princess?” Eli turned to face the angel shifter who flinched, fixing his second pair of gold rimmed glasses since Eli had hidden the borrowed pair in my souvenir draw.

  I smiled, happy that my “inner” thoughts were answered. Guess this bad coping mechanism is handy at times.

  “Uh, yeah. Hold on,” he acknowledged, rushing to grab something underneath the table, hidden by the table cloth. He returned, holding the neatly packaged box, the dark, shiny magenta wrapping topped off with a gold bow.

  He swallowed before facing me directly. “Makoto. Here’s my gift to you. Well,
it was my idea, but I needed Marcus’ credit card to get it,” he sheepishly admitted.

  “It’s only cause what he got you, we don’t have here,” Marcus pitched in, smiling as his arms relaxed behind his head, his bare chest distracted me for a moment.

  “Focus Mako. Play time later,” Lexi reminded, unable to hide the impressed tone in her voice. Right.

  “Thank you, Daniel.” I reached out, took the box from him before neatly tearing the wrapping. A white box with a picture of something was displayed in front – the words IPHONE 8.

  “What’s an iPhone?” I pondered.

  “It’s a phone. It’s what we use to communicate with one another,” Daniel explained, taking the box from me and opening it up to reveal the communication device in a dazzling pink case. I beamed at the sparkling object.

  “IT SPARKLES! Is that diamonds or something?” I asked, afraid to touch it without breaking it.

  “It’s Swarovski rhinestones. They’re real, too. Don’t worry; I got my brother to put a spell so none of them will fall off. Oh, it’s water proof, too,” Daniel acknowledged happily.

  “YOU GOT HER THE NEWEST IPHONE! I fully asked you a rotation ago Marcus to get me one! What the fuck happened there, huh?”

  I turned to see Eli approach Marcus whose eyes were wide with fear. He quickly jolted behind Kai.

  “Kai! Save me. I’m innocent! I told Daniel’s brother I needed a phone at his younger brother’s request and he got me that! I didn’t know it was the latest fucking one. Stop whipping me with the wind!” He cursed; the wind picked up and hit them both. Daniel’s…brother?

  “Elyion!” Kai snarled, the wind dropped at his command. Elyion. Who’s Elyion?

  “Ugh! I’ll get my revenge on you Marcus, just you wait! And Kai...ugh. Why couldn’t I be a demon. I’d just plan your death with no guilt,” she mumbled, the second half, my sensitive ears heard every word.

  I giggled at their exchange before my eyes returned to the gift before me, my heart filled with happiness. I took the phone from his hand, inspecting it. I wonder.I lifted the phone up aiming for the pool.

  “MAKOTO! DON’T YOU—” Eli yelled, but my hand move on its own accord, the phone soared through the air into the water.


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