Friends Forever

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Friends Forever Page 1

by Titania Woods



  To Christopher



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9



  Chapter One

  ‘Now then, class.’ Madame Brightfoot hovered in front of the Daffodil Branch fairies and patted her bright purple hair into place. ‘Today we learn a new dance! Today, we learn how to find creatures in distress.’

  Twink Flutterby shot an excited glance at Bimi, her best friend. ‘Glimmery!’ she whispered. It was a fairy’s duty to take care of nature, but as first-year students, Twink and her friends hadn’t had many chances to do this yet.

  Bimi’s dark blue eyes shone. ‘I wonder if we’ll actually get to help something?’

  A thrill rippled through Twink’s wings. ‘Oh, I hope so! I’d love to tell my parents that.’ Twink’s parents were both Fairy Medics, and it was Twink’s dearest wish to follow in their wing strokes some day.

  ‘Form a circle!’ called Madame, waving her slender arms. ‘Quick, quick!’

  Madame Brightfoot’s Dance class was held in an enchanted ring of mushrooms near the wood. Behind them, the great oak tree that housed Glitterwings Academy was ablaze with autumn, its leaves on fire with red and gold and orange. Hundreds of tiny windows wound their way up the tree’s trunk, and the grand double doors at its base looked shiny and welcoming.

  The Daffodil Branch fairies stood in a circle, holding hands.

  ‘Flower position!’ Madame shot up into the air, her spiderweb dress shimmering.

  The fairies opened their wings so that the very tips of them touched. Twink squeezed Bimi’s hand. Across the circle, she saw her friend Sooze bouncing on her toes, and she grinned. Sooze loved trying anything new!

  Clasping her hands, Madame slowly sank back down to earth. Her voice was low and solemn. ‘Now, this dance is very different from the others you’ve learned. It is a most serious dance.’

  She looked around the circle, her expression grave. Twink swallowed. The class grew very still as they all gazed back at her.

  Finally Madame nodded. ‘Close your eyes, everyone.’

  Twink shut her eyes, listening closely as Madame went on.

  ‘You must all concentrate together on hearing any nearby creatures in distress – and with the magic of the dance, you’ll be able to understand what they’re telling you if they respond. Now . . . two skips left, two skips right, dip, twirl, and rise.’

  They began to dance. The air felt alive with sparkles as the magic gathered.

  ‘Now rise!’ said Madame’s voice.

  The fairies lifted into the air, their wings humming softly. ‘Again!’ directed Madame. ‘Concentrate!’

  Does anything need our help? thought Twink as her feet moved in the air.

  They repeated the dance over and over. The magic swelled until it felt like a thousand tiny bubbles swirling around them – and still the dance went on. Wasn’t anything going to happen?

  Are there any creatures that need our help? thought Twink again, concentrating harder than ever. We want to help you!

  Suddenly she heard it: a small, frightened voice inside her head. Yes! it called. Help me, please! Twink gasped, and almost dropped Bimi’s hand.

  Where are you? she thought eagerly.

  The little voice came again. In the wood! Please help me!

  We will! thought Twink as loudly as she could. Don’t worry, we’re coming!

  ‘Stop the dance!’ shouted Madame suddenly. ‘All land!’

  Twink’s eyes flew open. She and Bimi stared at each other as they drifted down to the ground.

  ‘Did you hear it, too?’ whispered Twink.

  Bimi nodded, her eyes wide. ‘It sounded so scared! What was it?’

  ‘You might well ask!’ said Madame, overhearing her. She shook her purple head. ‘Ah, this is a most unfortunate thing. But it is a lesson you all must learn sometime. Who can tell me what that voice was?’

  The class stared blankly at her. In the silence, a large bumblebee bobbed past. Finally Pix raised her hand. ‘Was it a sort of bird?’

  ‘No, not a bird!’ said Madame. The fairies looked at each other in surprise. Pix always got the right answer.

  ‘It was something dreadful, something awful!’ A shiver ran through Madame’s silver wings. ‘Dear children . . . that voice you heard was a wasp.’

  A wasp! A startled gasp ran through the class. Twink felt like icy water had been thrown over her. The Great Wasp Wars had ended centuries ago, but the fairies had never forgotten the terrible things the wasps had done.

  Madame nodded grimly. ‘Yes, a wasp. Now you know what they sound like. Never forget! It is a voice to shun!’

  Twink bit her lip as she thought of the tiny voice, pleading for help. Maybe it had been a wasp, but it had sounded so alone – so frightened. She slowly raised her hand.

  ‘What, Twink?’ Madame smoothed her hair.

  ‘Aren’t . . . aren’t we going to help it?’ asked Twink.



  Madame’s eyes bulged. She opened her mouth and shut it again.

  Twink gulped. ‘I mean – well, I know it’s a wasp and everything, but it’s hurt. It’s out there in the wood somewhere, and –’

  ‘Enough!’ cried Madame, flinging her hands dramatically over her ears. ‘We do not help wasps! No fairy has helped a wasp for a thousand years – they are treacherous, vile creatures.’

  Twink’s wings felt clammy. Everyone was staring at her, wide-eyed with horror. Even Sooze looked alarmed. ‘I – I just thought – we’re supposed to help nature –’ she stammered.

  ‘Not that sort of nature,’ snapped Madame. ‘Not another word, Twink! Now, everyone join hands and we’ll do the happy breeze dance, to blow these unpleasant thoughts away.’

  They did the happy breeze dance, but it didn’t cheer Twink up much – not even when the merry wind tickled her wings and toes. As they flew back to school after class, she glanced over her shoulder at the wood, wondering where the wasp was. Was it badly hurt?

  Bimi jostled her with a wing. ‘Twink, you’re not still thinking about that wasp, are you?’

  Twink hesitated. ‘It’s hurt, that’s all.’

  ‘Oh, Twink!’ Bimi made a face. ‘It was probably only pretending to be hurt, to trick us! You can’t trust wasps – everyone knows that.’

  ‘Maybe,’ said Twink doubtfully.

  They flew into the school with the rest of Daffodil Branch. Inside, Glitterwings was a high tower of golden light, with fairies darting in and out of its many branches.

  ‘Fairy Dust class next!’ cried Bimi. ‘Come on!’

  Their wings blurred as they jetted upwards. Their Fairy Dust lessons were held near the very top of the tree – it was always a race to get there on time after Dance class!

  Twink banked left to avoid a chattering crowd of hovering Third Years. ‘But, Bimi, listen!’ she panted. ‘What if it wasn’t pretending? What if it really needed help?’

  Bimi shook her head. ‘Then let another wasp help it! Honestly, Twink, what’s wrong with you? Think about the Great Wasp Wars!’

  Twink sighed. ‘I suppose you’re right.’

  ‘I know I am!’ laughed Bimi in exasperation.

  With a qu
ick hop, they landed on the ledge of their Fairy Dust classroom. Smoothing her wind-messed pink hair, Twink flitted to one of the spotted mushroom seats.

  Bimi sat beside her, and the two girls smiled at each other. They had been best friends since their first term at Glitterwings, and Twink knew that no one was more sensible or fair-minded than Bimi.

  She’s right, Twink decided. I’ll forget about the wasp.

  Bimi was also one of the prettiest fairies in the school, with her midnight-blue hair and gold and silver wings. Twink often felt very plain beside her. Her own wings were just boring old lavender!

  ‘Well, that was a glimmery Dance lesson, wasn’t it?’ Sooze swooped into the room and landed with a bounce. ‘Talking to a wasp – ugh!’

  She gave an exaggerated shudder, and several of the girls laughed. The young fairies all lived in Daffodil Branch together, and all wore yellow or white daffodil dresses, along with the school’s jaunty oak-leaf caps.



  Miss Sparkle arrived, and the class took their seats. ‘Good morning,’ she said in her dry voice. ‘Today we are going to discuss how to use fairy dust in the dark.’

  Twink held back a groan as she pulled out her pink petal-pad to take notes. She could hardly wait to be a second-year student, when they could actually use fairy dust, instead of just talking about it!

  ‘Now then.’ Miss Sparkle folded her thin white wings behind her back and regarded them sternly. ‘Although fairy dust glows in the dark, this is only a reflection of the moonlight. Therefore, on moonless nights, you must . . .’

  Twink’s snail-trail pen slowed as she thought of the wasp, pleading for help.

  No, she thought firmly. Bimi’s right. It was just a trick. And taking a deep breath, she started to write again.

  The Great Branch was the largest branch in the school – a long, wide space lined with mossy green tables and spotted mushroom seats. A different flower hung over each table for each of the dorms, so that the Branch was like a springtime garden, bursting with colour. Glow-worm lanterns hung from the ceiling, and arched windows let in the sunlight.

  Dinner that night was a crunchy autumn nut cake, served with a sweet nectar sauce. The fairies murmured in appreciation as the school’s butterflies flowed into the Great Branch, lightly dropping an oak-leaf platter on to each table.

  Twink loved nut cake, but somehow she didn’t feel very hungry. She glanced at the windows. Twilight was coming. Was it very dark in the wood, she wondered?

  ‘What’s up, Opposite?’ asked Sooze from across the table.

  Twink forced a smile. ‘Nothing,’ she said.

  Sooze had bright lavender hair and pink wings, and Twink had the opposite, hence Sooze’s nickname for her. The two girls had been best friends once, and were still close – even though Twink knew that Sooze wasn’t always very dependable!

  ‘Still mooning about that wasp, I suppose!’ sneered a pointed-faced fairy from the end of the table.

  Mariella! Twink bit back her response.

  ‘Watch it, you,’ said Sooze sharply. ‘Remember what happened last term!’

  The term before, the entire first year had stopped talking to Mariella when Twink and her friends had caught her out in a nasty prank she’d played against Bimi. Mariella’s cheeks reddened at the mention of it. Clapping her pale green wings shut, she scowled down at her acorn cup.

  Her friend Lola, sitting beside her, squeaked, ‘But Mariella didn’t do anything – it was Twink! Imagine wanting to help a wasp! That’s something only a real wasp brain would do.’

  Lola laughed loudly at her own joke. Mariella snickered, and flipped back her silvery-green hair.

  The rest of the table fell silent. Twink’s face burned. Even though nobody liked Mariella or Lola, Twink could tell that her friends agreed with them.

  ‘Oh, come on – she just felt sorry for it, that’s all,’ put in Bimi. ‘I did too, until I knew what it was.’

  Pix fluttered her yellow wings doubtfully. ‘Yes, but still . . .’

  ‘You can never trust a wasp!’ put in Sili, an excitable fairy with silver hair. Her large eyes widened, and she lowered her voice. ‘Why, my father said that –’

  ‘Will everyone just stop!’ burst out Twink. ‘I haven’t helped a wasp, and I’m not going to!’

  ‘Well . . . that’s all right, then,’ said Sooze with a sudden grin.

  Everyone laughed, and Twink felt herself relax. Suddenly she was starving. She picked up her nut cake and took a bite. Of course she wasn’t going to help a wasp! The whole thing was just silly.

  After dinner, Miss Shimmery, the HeadFairy of Glitterwings Academy, hovered above the platform at the front of the Great Branch. ‘Your attention, please!’ she called, clapping her hands. Her rainbow wings gleamed like opals in the light of the glow-worm lanterns.

  The school turned towards her, their faces expectant. Miss Shimmery smiled. ‘I’ve an announcement to make,’ she said in her strong, low voice. ‘We’re going to have a special project this term, and we’d like the whole school to participate.’



  A buzz of interest rippled through the Branch. Miss Shimmery held up her hands for silence. Her white hair looked like a piece of cloud.

  ‘We’d like for each and every student to do something for the betterment of the school,’ she went on. ‘You can write a song, or make something, or create a new spell – anything you like! But whatever you choose should improve our beloved school in some way.’

  Her eyes held a faint twinkle as she scanned the crowd. ‘You have two weeks,’ she added. ‘At the end of that time we’ll have a contest, and the best three projects from each year will win sparkle marks for their branches!’

  Miss Shimmery drifted back down to the platform. The Great Branch erupted in eager conversation.

  Sooze bounced on her seat, fluttering her wings. ‘Glimmery! I’m going to invent a new dance. Madame will love it!’

  Pix looked thoughtful. ‘I think I’ll write about the history of Glitterwings,’ she said. ‘I bet there’s loads of fascinating stuff in the library! What about you, Twink?’

  Twink shook her head. ‘I’m not sure yet.’ As the conversation went on, she saw that Bimi had a worried expression on her face. ‘What’s wrong?’ she whispered.

  Bimi sighed. ‘Oh, I’m no good at this sort of thing! Everyone else’s project is sure to be better than mine. You’re all so clever.’

  Twink started to laugh, and then stopped. Bimi was serious. ‘But we’re not!’ she protested. ‘Only Pix is really brainy; the rest of us are just ordinary. You’re as clever as any of us.’

  But she could tell that Bimi wasn’t convinced. She rubbed her lavender wing against Bimi’s gold and silver one. ‘Why don’t I help you?’ she suggested. ‘I mean, if you’re really worried about it.’

  Relief burst across Bimi’s face. ‘Would you? Twink, that would be glimmery!’

  ‘Of course I will,’ said Twink. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll do it together!’

  As the fairies got ready for bed that night, Twink lingered by the Daffodil Branch window. Under the moonlit sky, she could just see the dark outline of the wood. Was the wasp still out there, somewhere? Twink shook herself impatiently. Why was she even still thinking of it?

  ‘Glow-worms out in two minutes!’ called Mrs Hover, the matron. Her stout footsteps echoed as she bustled about the branch. ‘Twink! You’re not even dressed for bed yet, you silly fairy! Come on, flitter-flutter.’

  ‘Sorry, Mrs Hover!’ Hastily, Twink pulled on her soft cobweb nightgown and hopped into bed. The cheerful yellow daffodil that hung overhead swayed slightly.

  ‘Goodnight, Twink,’ said Bimi sleepily from the next bed. Her long hair spilled across her cotton-bud pillow like a field of bluebells.

  Twink pulled her petal duvet up under her chin. ‘Goodnight, Bimi.’

  ‘Glow-worms out,’ ordered Mrs Hover. ‘Goodnight, my dears!’ Daffodil Branch fell into darkness as Mrs Hover left, closing the door behind her.

  Twink turned in her bed, trying to get comfortable. What was wrong with her, anyway? Everything was just as it should be. Her moss bed was welcoming and cosy. Her best friend was right beside her, and on her bedside mush-room, the drawings of her family smiled at her in the moonlight.

  Why did she feel so troubled?


  Chapter Two

  The wasp huddled under a fallen log, shivering in the chill autumn night. Though he longed to fly home to his family, he couldn’t. One of his wings lay bent and crumpled against his striped back.

  The wasp was very young – only a baby, really – and now he blinked back tears. The night was so dark, and he was alone. What had happened to the friendly voices that had found him that morning? One of them had seemed especially kind, and had said they’d come and help him.

  But no one had come.

  An owl called somewhere in the wood, and the wasp trembled. What in waspdom was he going to do? His parents didn’t know where he was. Nobody did.

  Then it came to him. The voices had found him, so perhaps he could find the voices, if he tried! Closing his eyes, the wasp concentrated as hard as he could. Help me! Please! I’m here in the wood! I need help!

  Nothing happened. The wasp refused to give up. He thought even harder, calling out to the friendly voice that had promised to help him.

  The moon moved slowly across the sky as the night passed.

  Help me! Please!

  Twink awoke with a start. The wasp! It was calling for her, pleading for help. But no, it couldn’t have called to her – wasps didn’t have magic. It was just a dream, that was all.

  Twink frowned uncertainly. It had seemed so real . . .

  Stop it! she told herself. It was only a dream. You really are a wasp brain if you get so upset over it! Pulling her covers up over her ears, Twink closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep.


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