Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6]

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Commando Cowboys Entice Their Beauty [Wyoming Warriors 6] Page 16

by Paige Cameron

  “Jewel Camilius, have you come to be joined with Aleron Alois and Raoul Sherwyn?” Elle asked.

  “Yes,” Jewel said in a shaky voice. Suddenly, her nerves had made her legs weak. It was really happening. This was a major change in her life.

  Elle smiled at her reassuringly, and both of her men moved close, where she felt their heat and love radiating toward her. When she glanced up at them, her heart steadied. She knew this was right and where she wanted to be.

  Her parents placed one of her hands in each of her men’s hands. The Priestess looked at all the parents.

  “Do all of you agree to this joining?”

  “We do,” they said.

  The Priestess raised her hands and spoke in their lovely ancient language while she swayed back and forth in front of the threesome and moved her hands over their heads.

  The beauty and sanctity of the moment seeped into Jewel, reassuring her. For the first time she felt completely a part of the tribes and not an abnormality to be hidden away. She was free to love and be herself. Without looking, she knew her father, who was now sitting in the front row behind her, was smiling and sending his blessing to their union.

  When the chanting stopped, the Priestess began the regular ceremony much like any other except the words were repeated with each man. At the end of the vows, Aleron and Raoul removed their halves of her ring from their pockets.

  The Priestess blessed the rings before they slipped their sections on her right hand. Once both halves were together the rings formed one wide band. On the top, diamonds formed an unbroken circle. In tiny letters on one side the word love, and on the other forever, were etched.

  Aleron and Raoul raised her hand and kissed her finger, then they put out their hands, Aleron’s on top, Jewel’s in the middle, and Raoul’s on the bottom. The Priestess from the third tribe stepped onto the pavilion, and Elle moved back. This Priestess also wore the traditional gown. She carried the gold cloth.

  She wrapped the cloth snugly around their wrists and then clamped her hands on the top and bottom of theirs. “Go forth forever bound to each other.” She raised their hands, and she and Elle sang more of the beautiful flowing words. The audience joined with them. When they were finished, the third tribe’s Priestess unwrapped the cloth and hung it around Jewel’s neck.

  Elle stepped forward, and they both said, “You are the center, the one who holds the whole together.”

  Dozens of flower petals flew into the air, and the guests cheered.

  Aleron, Jewel, and Raoul turned to greet their family and friends. Then they hurried back down the aisle with petals clinging to their hair and clothes. Outside a loud cheer rang when they came through the trees. All three tribes were waiting for the reception, and all were enthusiastic with their well wishes.

  Jewel blushed and was slightly overwhelmed by the mass of people. Aleron and Raoul held her close between them. As people greeted them, her husbands introduced her to more of their friends and people of the third tribe.

  Raoul found her a place to sit at the front of the crowd and stayed with her while Aleron got food and drink for them. At one point in the festivities fireworks lit the early morning sky.

  Finally, Mitch, Daren, Garth, and Lann walked onto the temporary stage built for the meeting. The crowd quieted with all eyes on the leaders.

  “We want to welcome the third tribe to our ranch. We can all be proud that together we have vanquished our enemies,” Mitch said. A cheer went up. He waited and then spoke again.

  “I know Garth and Lann have spoken to you about living here in Wyoming with us. At least the ones of you who want to make the change from New Mexico. You have a choice. We decided the only fair way to do this is by taking a vote with all three tribes together. We’ll have you raise your hands. If it is close, we’ll do a written ballot. Garth and Lann, do you want to add anything?” Mitch turned to them.

  Lann came to the microphone. “I want to thank the other two tribes for treating us so well and working hand in hand to defeat our foe. To my people, I say vote as your heart tells you. We will talk more about logistics after the vote. Does anyone have questions?”

  “Who will lead the group who stays in New Mexico?” a man called out.

  “That will be determined. Garth and I will probably move back and forth between the two places for now.” He waited a moment more before Mitch joined him, and they asked for a vote.

  A huge cheer went up with their hands. There was no doubt almost everyone agreed with the move to Wyoming.

  Daren and Garth joined the other two on the front of the stage. Daren spoke in the microphone and asked Nick to come up.

  “Nick will explain about building cabins, permanent homes for all of you.”

  Nick took the mike from Daren. “Greetings, everyone.” Another cheer. He laughed. “From my understanding the third tribe will be living on the new property we have just purchased. Your leaders, Garth and Lann, are buying the property for you.

  “There’s plenty of land. In the next few days you’ll all have a chance to see the area and talk with your leaders about the plans I’ve drawn up to develop your ranch. We’ll put as many of our men as we can spare and all of yours to work on building the homes. We’re going to have to get them up this summer. When winter comes you need to be out of the tents.”

  “Yes,” a number of women shouted.

  “Today we celebrate a wedding and a new beginning for our three tribes. Tomorrow, we get to work.” Nick waved and walked off the stage.

  “When can we get out of here and head for Oregon?” Raoul whispered to Jewel.

  “We have to stay a little longer, and then we’ll tiptoe out,” Jewel said.

  “I’ll check with Mitch and be sure the jet is ready for takeoff.” Aleron left them and moved through the crowd to find Mitch.

  Cassie waved to Jewel from the back door of the ranch house. “I want to speak with Cassie,” Jewel told Raoul. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll walk to the door with you to make sure this crowd doesn’t swallow you up.” He put his arm snug around her and with his other arm he cleared a path. “I’ll wait right here,” he said as she joined Cassie inside.

  Cassie handed Jewel two small wrapped packages. “I went ahead and wrapped them. If there is anything you want different when you see them, let me know.”

  “Thank you so much. I have my suitcase here ready for our trip. I’ll just put them inside.” She unzipped her smaller case and hid the gifts. She hugged Cassie.

  “By the way, I spoke to Nick. He’s already drawing up plans for your house. He’s in his element and so excited about all the homes to be built,” Cassie said. “He’ll probably have your sketches ready when you return. Have a wonderful honeymoon.”

  “Thanks for everything. See you soon,” Jewel said. She went back out the door to join Raoul before he got too curious. Aleron had just walked up.

  “We can be on our way. No one in this crowd will miss us, and the jet is ready to go. Our friends know we’re leaving.”

  “The suitcases are packed and right inside the bedroom where I dressed for the wedding.” Jewel opened the door and led them inside. “Here’s mine, and yours are by the other door.”

  Aleron and Raoul grabbed the cases. “Lead the way, pretty lady. We can’t wait to get you alone in that cabin,” Raoul said.

  Within thirty minutes they were in the air. Jewel looked down at the vast territory below. It was home to her now in a way it had never been before.

  Raoul whispered in her ear, “I don’t guess we could start our loving now then continue at the cabin.” He gave her his tantalizing smile. Aleron grinned from the other seat beside her.

  “This is a small jet. The pilots would see or hear us. Behave a little longer.” She kissed first one and then the other. “I promise I’ll make it worth your wait.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Daren and the other three leaders stood outside the cell where Nate had been placed. “What are we going t
o do with him?” Daren asked.

  “Our choices are to use the machine to wipe his mind clear or to wait and see if he returns to his old self,” Mitch said.

  “You’d let him live after what he’s done?” Lann asked.

  “He did it against his will. I suspect Phillip reinforced whatever spell they had over him and directed him to threaten us,” Daren said.

  “We’d put a monitor under his skin deep enough he can’t easily get it out, and he’d be asleep when it’s put in so he wouldn’t know where it was inserted,” Mitch added. “Then we’d know exactly where he is at all times. I’d also have one of our men with him at all times as a backup until we felt we could trust him with just the monitor.”

  “He’d see the scar and know you put something inside his body,” Garth said.

  “No, it’s tiny. We’d keep him sleeping for twenty-four hours. After that he’d be completely healed.” Mitch peeked in the door window. “He’s sitting on the side of the bed holding his head. Shall we go in and evaluate where he is at this time?”

  “Yes,” Lann said. “And I for one agree with your plan.”

  “I do, too,” Garth said.

  “Then it’s unanimous. If he’s out of the spell now, then we can plan to insert the monitor tomorrow,” Daren said. Then he unlocked the cell door.

  * * * *

  Raoul drove the SUV that had been waiting at the airport for them. He glanced at Jewel sitting between them. “We have a few surprises for you.”

  “I love surprises. When do I find out what they are?” Jewel asked. She turned her head when Raoul passed her turn and went through town. “Well, we’re not going by my place, so that’s not one of them.”

  “Be patient, you’ll see.” Raoul kept going miles farther along another road. Finally, he turned to the right on a narrow, bumpy tract. “We’ll have this road graded and a gate put at the bottom and another at the top.”

  “This doesn’t look like the place Rae described to me,” Jewel said.

  “It’s not. Our first surprise is we bought the other place she and Garth were shown. Rae really liked the place, so we hope you do. We thought we’d buy our own cabin so Garth, Rae, and Cad could come to Oregon on vacations at the same time as us, if they wanted to,” Aleron said.

  Raoul turned right onto an even narrower road. At the end, an A-frame house faced an opening in the trees to look out over the mountains. When Raoul parked the truck, Aleron got out then Jewel.

  She circled around looking at everything. The cabin was surrounded by dense forest in the back. The view in front was breathtaking.

  “What do you think?” Raoul asked.

  “I love the woods and the view. We can run here and Aleron can fly with no worries about anyone seeing us or bothering us.”

  “Let’s check the inside.” Raoul put his arm around her waist.

  “You mean check the bedroom?” she teased.

  “You can have a quick look at the rest of the house first.”

  “Very quick,” Aleron added and grinned.

  “Ah,” Jewel said when she stepped into the great room. Huge windows divided by a rock fireplace gave a view of the mountains, valleys, and crystal lakes. She stood staring at the beauty.

  Raoul hurried her along. He took her hand and led her down a short hallway to the left of the kitchen where she had a brief glimpse of a small bedroom and bath.

  When they returned to the great room, Aleron pointed to a winding staircase. “The master bedroom and bath are up those stairs.” He led the way.

  This bedroom was much larger and painted a pale green, one of Jewel’s favorite colors. From the open front there was the same view as downstairs, and to the back two windows faced the woods.

  Aleron took her hand. “Garth told us we’d especially like the bath.” He opened the door and stood back for Jewel to enter.

  The walls were cream colored, and along the left wall were two sinks and a long counter. On the right was a huge shower tiled in a much darker green. Three showerheads were angled to spray water all around a person.

  “Shall we christen the shower?” Aleron asked.

  “Absolutely,” Jewel said. “But first you have to unbutton my dress without tearing it or losing a button.” She laughed when they groaned.

  “I’ll start at the top,” Raoul said. “You start at the bottom.” He glanced across at Aleron.

  Jewel’s heart beat rapidly as the two quickly finished their tasks. Aleron undid her bra and Raoul swept her bikini panties off.

  “This is my favorite way to see you,” Raoul whispered in her ear and nibbled at her earlobe.

  Aleron kissed her neck and ran his hand through her hair. “Our wife, forever.”

  “Oh.” Jewel jerked and pushed Raoul away. “I almost forgot my surprise for you two.”

  Raoul pulled her body back against his. “It can wait, sweetheart. He can’t.” He motioned toward his hard cock.

  “Let’s get in the shower.” Aleron turned on the faucet, and then, he and Raoul undressed. As soon as the water was warm they all got in.

  Aleron put his arms around Jewel from the back and cupped her breasts as the warm water ran over their bodies from all directions. Raoul kissed her mouth thoroughly and ran his finger across her clit.

  She moved restlessly between them. Desire swirled in a tight coil in her abdomen and sent heat rushing through her veins. Her love for her two husbands made her heart swell with happiness.

  “I’m going to put your legs around my waist, honey,” Raoul said. When he did, she tightened them around his body. His hard cock pulsed against her lower lips.

  Aleron moved against her back. He nibbled at her neck and shoulders while his hands continued to caress her breasts, and his fingers tightened on her peaked nipples.

  When Raoul put his cock at her opening and surged inside, exquisite pleasure shot in all directions in her body. She was held tight between her men while Raoul moved in and out in long steady stokes. Aleron’s cock pulsed against her buttocks and his hands and teeth raised her desire to the boiling point.

  She lay back against Aleron and turned her face so he could kiss her. Raoul held her tight at the waist and pounded into her pussy. She clenched tight around his girth and then unclenched as he slid outward. Aleron pinched her sensitive nipples.

  A warm gush of rapturous delight started at her core and spread to every cell. She yelled out as her orgasm grabbed her and took over.

  Raoul plunged in two more times. He called out her name as his warm seed spilled into her.

  Gently, Raoul let her legs down. He hugged her and kissed her lips. Aleron still kept his hands on her upper arms to keep her from falling.

  “Are you all right?” Raoul asked. “I wanted you so bad. I didn’t mean to be rough. And we forgot the condom.”

  “You weren’t. It was perfect. I felt all three of us were as one. About the condom, I talked with Cassie and saw her workshop. If you all build me an art studio in our new house, similar to her workspace, and I can have help with the house so I have time to paint, then I’d like to have a baby.”

  “That’s great. We’ve always planned to have your art studio included in the house plans,” Aleron said.

  “I agree, too. That would make me very happy.” Raoul got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. “I’ll leave to you two to play. I’m going to collapse on the bed.”

  Aleron chuckled. “He’s very subtle.”

  Jewel rubbed her body against his. “I’m hungry for my other husband.” She circled his large cock with her hand. “I know you won’t mind pleasuring me.”

  “No way. I’m always ready to love you, darlin’.”

  Taking the soap in his hands, Aleron washed all over her body. As he moved along he kissed each area. Her skin tingled from the seductive attention. When he finished the front he turned her. He slowly slid his lathered hands down her back and cupped her ass.

  He kissed her butt. “Sweet and tender.” His husky voice flowed in her vei
ns like a strong shot of cognac, warm and sensuous. Then his fingers trailed down her legs and he massaged one foot at a time. Jewel wanted to melt into a puddle at his feet.

  When he stood up and turned her to face him, he whispered, “Don’t get too relaxed, I’m not through yet.”

  In one quick move, she slid down his body and took his dick into her mouth. Her tongue tasted and licked around his girth, then she moved her head up and down his length. He reached for her and pulled her up.

  “The feelings you’re creating are so exquisite that if you continue, I’ll be finished in a hurry. Put your arms around my neck.” He raised her legs to circle him and put her back against the tiled wall. He lowered his head and kissed the side of her neck on his way to her breast. His cock rubbed against her pussy lips.

  Aleron sucked on her breast, and she felt an instant response in her pussy. Moisture seeped out. He went from one breast to the other, licking, kissing, raking his teeth gently across the tips of her nipples.

  Jewel’s body was on fire. Her desire was a needy ache in her core. “Take me please,” she moaned.

  He positioned his cock at her opening but held still for a second. “This is going to be slow and easy, my love.” Then he carefully slid in a tiny bit.

  Jewel wriggled, trying to push herself down on him, but he was in control. She felt her pussy walls stretching and the pulsing of his cock. He held her gaze with his gorgeous dark blue eyes.

  “I love you.” He mouthed the words and let his cock slide in a little further.

  “I want you and I love you, Aleron. Stop tormenting me.”

  “Ah, but when I sink all the way in it will be so much better than if I’d rushed.”

  She sucked on his lower lip and wriggled more. When she heard the catch in his breath, she knew she was getting to him.

  Finally, he pushed all the way inside. Her pussy rippled in delight around him. He cupped her butt and began to move faster in and out then, just when she thought she’d reach her peak, he slowed.


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