Savage Ecstasy

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Savage Ecstasy Page 9

by Janelle Taylor

  “You!” she murmured, recognizing the brave, and fainted. Gray Eagle laughed to himself as he picked her up and carried her to his horse. White Arrow held her as he mounted and then handed her up to him. “She wil have many more surprises before this day is over,” Gray Eagle vowed.

  The group of prisoners and victorious Indians began their long The group of prisoners and victorious Indians began their long trek through the forest toward the Sioux encampment. Most of the prisoners were dirty, bloody and weary even before the treacherous walk began. Their clothes were tattered and soiled with sweat, blood and dirt. They trudged along in grief and pain. The attack had been a complete success. They had been taken unprepared and by surprise as Gray Eagle had planned and predicted. Al four and a few other prisoners Gray Eagle wanted had been taken. Many of the warriors led stolen horses heavily laden with booty.

  The captives staggered along, tied together in chaingang fashion, near the end of the advancing column. They coughed on the dust kicked up by the horses and occasionaly tripped over protruding roots and rocks. Wearily, they were pressed on and on, some in a daze. Cries and pleas for mercy and pity were heard many times from the women, but only curses and threats from the three men. Al went unheeded by the braves.

  Alisha slowly became aware of movement, of being held in someone’s arms, close to a man’s chest. The noises and smels brought comprehension and reality to her fuzzy brain and senses. Her eyes opened and she tried to sit up. Her eyes made instant contact with the brave’s. The look in his flinty eyes was enough to instil terror and momentarily subdue her. She sank back into his arms. The cramping and pain in her wrists and arms told her that she was bound securely with her hands behind her back. His right arm ran between hers, then under her right side and held the reins. His left hand lay familiarly across her abdomen. He was now gazing straight ahead. She studied the expressive lines of his face, now relaxed in freedom and confidence. The tightness in his jaw was gone and the coldness in his eyes was missing. She tried to gone and the coldness in his eyes was missing. She tried to comprehend the brutality this ruggedly handsome man was capable of inflicting. How could anyone do what he just did and look so unconcerned and uncaring? Did it not bother him at al that he had just kiled so many people and destroyed their homes? Anger filed her mind at his smug coldness.

  A reckless mood came over her and she squirmed and wiggled in his grip. She preferred to be thrown to the ground and forced to walk like the others than to remain so near to him. Instantly, his left hand was on her throat, squeezing off the air. He shook her violently and spoke swiftly and ominously in his own language. She struggled and gasped for air as blackness filed her vision. Shocked by his reaction, she saw how greatly her resistance had angered him. She ceased to struggle and he loosened his hold on her neck. She labored to breathe as she stared wild-eyed at him. She watched the tightness in his jaw dissolve into a smug look. She read the sneer in his eyes as his hand slowly moved away from her neck, across her bosom and rested once more on her stomach. He could feel the pounding of her heart and the trembling in her body. She wil think again before she tries something like that, he thought. His eyes left hers and returned to scan the horizon. She knew now that she must remain calm and clearheaded until she had a chance to escape. Recaling his actions at the fortress, she thought, I wil do just as he did. I’l not cower or show fear. I wil be as brave as he was. She stiffened in determination. But her brave front and determination began to crumble instantly as she realized that al the things she had heard and been told about these Indians must be true. Unaware that she spoke aloud, she whispered, “It’s true! Al the things Ben, Horace and the others said? They realy are savages and barbarians? What a fool I others said? They realy are savages and barbarians? What a fool I was not to listen and believe. Maybe he would be dead and the others stil alive if I had not interfered. Never in my wildest imagination would I have believed such people existed. What wil they do with us prisoners? Al those people butchered… .” Her stomach churned and she was grateful for the fainting spel which had prevented her from viewing most of it. “So much blood and pain… why… how could anyone be so cruel?”

  She stopped murmuring and thought to herself, he looks like any other man physicaly, even better than most I’ve seen. But what matters is his conscience. How could he do what he did? Why did I not see what he was realy like? Am I that naive about men and life?

  The others were right. How could I have been so stupid, so righteous, so stubborn? I’m partly responsible for their deaths and suffering… oh God, why didn’t I know any better? Why didn’t I listen to them and Uncle Thad? Surely, we’l al be dead tomorrow…

  Tears began to flow down her cheeks and she whispered in anguish, “Uncle Thad, I pray you died quickly.”

  They rode slowly because of the walking captives. Gray Eagle could feel the dejected, heart-broken emotions of the girl. She has much to learn of life and the Indian, he thought. Hers is a different kind of fear and grief from the other wasichu. They had known what to expect and were not surprised by our actions. But she is confused, hurt and frightened. She does not believe or accept what she sees and feels. Can anyone be this innocent? he wondered. Watching her eyes and face, he knew that his answer was “sha,”


  The riding and walking seemed to go on endlessly. Exhausted physicaly and emotionaly, Alisha fel asleep in his arms. Gray Eagle physicaly and emotionaly, Alisha fel asleep in his arms. Gray Eagle felt her body relax and knew that either she slept or had fainted again.

  He shifted his arm to look into her face. Her hair was in wild disarray, her cheeks were streaked with tears and dirt and her face was very pale. Even so, her gentleness and beauty came through. Gray Eagle thought of the cruel lessons she must learn before she became his wiling slave. He would push her to the edge of fear and despair only to bring her back, grateful and obedient to him and his commands. Yes, her lessons must be swift and harsh to avoid a build-up of pride and rebelion. The sooner she learns and accepts her place, the easier for both of us, he thought. He lifted his eyes and silently thanked the Great Spirit. Wakantanka and the Oglalas had been avenged. Today and for al days, the wasichu paid for the ravage of the red man’s lands, forests and people; for to kil the land and animals, is to kil the Oglalas. You have given us victory over our enemy, he prayed. We give you thanks.

  Dusk settled; the night approached as Alisha stirred in his arms. Soon, they halted near a narrow stream. Some of the warriors watered the horses and tied them to a rope tied to two trees. Others built campfires and seemed to be preparing to stay the night. The captives, except for Alisha, were deposited in a heap and tied together back to back for the night. They were given neither food nor water.

  Alisha sat beside a campfire with Gray Eagle and the other brave who always seemed to be close to him. The two men ate and talked while she stared heartbroken at the others. She could not make out who was in the group in the twilight. But two faces nearest the light of the fire met her gaze. One was Kathy’s terrified nearest the light of the fire met her gaze. One was Kathy’s terrified face as she struggled to get nearer to the man beside her. That man was Horace. He glared at the two braves, wishing that he had a knife to slit their throats.

  Horace’s emotions at Alisha’s predicament ran from anger to distorted pleasure at her downfal. I’d like to see her refuse him as she’s done me so often, he thought with spite. I should have had the courage to take her myself. Now that filthy savage wil have her first. Damn! She’l wish later that she had let me teach her a thing or two. But knowing the treatment white female captives received, Horace’s desire for her love finaly outweighed his desire to see her hurt.

  Alisha saw the look of sympathy and anger in his eyes and was grateful that he did not wish to see her harmed. He knew that she was unaware of her situation. He mused, I wonder if that redskin intends to keep her for himself or share her with his friends. She’l never be able to endure what he’s got in mind for her. Damn the filthy bas
tard! Sweet, beautiful Alisha …

  Alisha thought about Horace and their relationship. Should I have handled the situation with him differently? Was part of the trouble my fault? I was wrong about so many things. Could I have been wrong about him, too?

  She recaled what had taken place between them. Horace had traveled here with the McDoogans. He was a young man in his early twenties, tal, lanky with a slender build. He had light brown hair and cow-brown eyes. He had worked as a carpenter’s apprentice near the St. Louis settlement. His employer had died when they arrived there. The McDoogans had taken a liking to him and took him under their wing. He was hired to help Jed, who was also a carpenter.

  also a carpenter.

  Horace was considered nice looking and a fine catch, but he was crude and brash on many occasions and this disturbed Alisha. She recaled many unpleasant situations with him. He had been sure that he could convince Alisha to marry him… it was no matter now. But at that particular time in her life, marriage and love were the last things on her mind, and especialy to Horace. She recaled one day in particular when most of the men were out hunting. Horace, too, was thinking of the same incident, as he gazed at her hungrily.

  He had been watching her for a long time that morning long ago, the gentle swaying of her hips, the soft sound of her voice, the sparkle of life in her eyes and the aluring expression on her face. His whole being had flamed with lust for her. He had wanted to stroke that shiny hair, kiss those honey lips, feel her naked body touching his, hear her cal to him in heated response and know the ful depths of her womanhood and innocence. He had wanted to pul her into the wagon and take her that very minute. He would have forcefuly done so many times if she hadn’t been so closely guarded by that uncle of hers. He could hardly speak to her or get near her without Thad appearing out of nowhere.

  But that day, he had made sure Thad was out hunting before he approached her. Their wagon had been at the edge of the camp at that stop and Alisha had been working on the side away from the circle. He had slowly and quietly sneaked up behind her and whirled her around into his embrace and kissed her hungrily. His kiss had burned with desire as he thrust his tongue into her mouth. He had backed her into the wagon where she had no leverage by which to resist him. She wiggled and kicked at him until he pinned her legs between his. She had felt the hardness between his legs her legs between his. She had felt the hardness between his legs even through her clothes and petticoats. She had screamed at him through a covered mouth and tried to turn her head away, to no avail.

  Suddenly, he had been wrenched away and thrown

  backwards, but not by her uncle. Ben had noticed the scene beside the wagon from where he was chopping wood. He had lashed out at Horace, “That ain’t no way to be treating no lady and especialy Miss Alisha! You keep yore hands off’n her or I’l forgit that we’ve become friends!”

  Her chest had heaved in anger at Horace’s behavior and in frustration at her lack of self-defense. Her eyes flashed insults at him. “If you ever touch me again, I’l… I’l… Just don’t you ever come near me again, Horace Swint! Never!” She was so upset, proper words failed to come. She had wished to heap coals of fury on him, but was so unaccustomed to being accosted by a young man, she could not think of the best way to verbaly flog him. Horace had stalked away, after retorting, “If you weren’t so damn beautiful and tempting, I wouldn’t give you a second look!”

  He acted and spoke as though she should be grateful for his attentions.

  Kathy had also witnessed the scene between Horace and Alisha that day. She fumed at the way he begged the slightest crumb of response from her, when she would have given him anything he wanted, simply for the asking. She had watched many such incidents, green with envy. She wanted Horace for herself and he wouldn’t give her a simple look or word as long as Alisha was around. She had flirted with him brazenly. In the way of unrequited, distorted love, envy turned to jealousy and jealousy to hate. Kathy felt the first two emotions for Alisha already and the third was felt the first two emotions for Alisha already and the third was quickly folowing. One day, he’l tire of chasing after her skirts and turn to me, she had thought. I’l have him yet, even if I have to trap him! He’s a man and men are always hungry for a woman. Afterwards, the men wil force him to marry me. She thinks she’s too good for him! Why can’t he see that I’m the one for him, not her?

  But Horace had stubbornly refused to fal into Kathy’s clutches. He conceitedly reasoned that Alisha could not hold him off forever. After al, he was the best catch available. She’l come around, he would tel himself.

  Alisha’s eyes moved to Kathy and tried to focus on the look of hatred written there. Why does she hate me so, she wondered? I tried to be friends many times, but she wouldn’t let me. Doesn’t she see that I have no hold on Horace? That I dislike him and scorn him? But even now, Horace’s eyes were only for Alisha. Kathy could have been a rock for al he cared or noticed. Kathy’s father Thomas had been a dirt farmer back in Tennessee. But just like his daughter and wife Mary, he had the attitude and appearance of bitterness and failure. Alisha once heard that Thomas had pretended to work on the large farm of a relative. She heard that this relative had paid for their trip West just to get them away from his own family and plantation.

  Thomas’s mealy-mouth whining and leeching had been a problem and nuisance to many on the way out West. Many could hardly believe that he had made it al the way. Maybe he had more spunk than any of them had realized. Maybe there were other reasons for his personality, like his wife and daughter. Alisha always believed that there were reasons for the way al people thought and acted that were not solely their own fault. Life had too many acted that were not solely their own fault. Life had too many outside, uncontrolable influences. Maybe that was why she tried to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and friendship. She persisted with her offer of friendship and help to al until she was sure that they did not want it or deserve it, just like Horace and Kathy…. Kathy was much like her mother in personality and looks. Both were sulen, drab, unfriendly women, especialy to other women. She had what her uncle had caled a mousy look. He had told her once, “Stay away from that kind of woman, Lese. They spread their bitterness to those around them. They don’t want friendship or kindness. They’re like the leeches the doctor uses. They suck the joy and happiness from the people around them and leave the scars to prove it.”

  Maybe he had been right in his assessment, for Kathy had rebuffed al her attempts at friendship and kindness. How unhappy and miserable such a life and existence must be! It is too late now to learn of joy and happiness for you, Kathy, Alisha pondered. At least, I have happy memories to remember until…

  An elbow nudged her ribs and she turned to face Gray Eagle. He held food to her lips, because her hands were stil bound behind her. She looked at the food he offered and turned away in refusal. Gray Eagle grinned at White Arrow, who watched with keen interest. He puled her head into his lap by her hair and tried to shove the food into her mouth. Angrily, she clenched her teeth together tightly, defying him. If the others couldn’t eat, than neither would she. He was only doing this to further torture the others who were hungry and thirsty. Wel, she would not be part of it!

  He clamped his hand over her mouth and nose, cutting off her air. White Arrow carefuly observed this clash of wils. She struggled to break his hold on her face. Her eyes were wide with struggled to break his hold on her face. Her eyes were wide with fear and alarm. Her chest began to hurt from the lack of air and her face reddened. Stil, he held on and stil she gritted her teeth and struggled. Her ears buzzed and lights danced before her eyes. Her vision began to blacken. She blinked her eyes several times and shook her head slightly, trying to clear it.

  She ceased her struggles and nearly went limp in his lap. He felt her jaw slacken and her body relax. Surrendering defeat to him, he released his hold. Her lungs fought for fresh air and her chest heaved in relief. Her vision cleared and the ringing in her ears went away.

; Just as she regained normal breathing, he stuffed the food into her mouth and held it closed with his hand. She glared at him, but knew that either she had to chew the food or choke. Accepting her defeat, she began to chew the food. She was forced to eat and drink while the others watched in hunger, thirst and envy. Thankfuly, he made her eat only a smal amount, just enough to prove his power and torment the others.

  Ben shouted insults at her treatment and was silenced by a sharp blow to the side of his head. She lurched forward to go to him, but was held back. Poor Ben, she thought, he always seems to be there when I need help.

  She thought about the kindly giant of a man, a rogue of sorts. Early during their trip West, they had become good friends during Mrs. Frazer’s ilness. She thought of the many days she had carried food to the Frazers and helped with the chores. Many nights she had been so tired after doing both families’ laundry, cooking and dishes that she would fal into her bed-rol exhausted. Ben would chop the wood for her and bring fresh meat and fowl for her to cook for them al. As soon as Mrs. Frazer was strong enough, she cook for them al. As soon as Mrs. Frazer was strong enough, she took over her own chores with not so much as a simple “thank you.” Ben’s gratitude and help ever since then made up for her rudeness and coldness.

  Ben had been a blacksmith in the settlement of Virginia back in the colonies. He was a huge, burly man with powerful arms and shoulders, accustomed to heavy, hard work. He had been one of the best and busiest workers and successful hunters on the trail. But Ben was a man of conflicting natures. If a man were his friend, he would do anything for him. But if he did not like someone, if someone did him an injustice, he could be a harsh, cold enemy. Ben was usualy an easygoing, wel-liked, happy felow. He was always laughing and joking with the other men and oftentimes the women. He inspired hard work and cooperation among the men, many times taking the lead.

  She had no doubts he had saved her from being attacked by Horace that day. He had become like a big brother to her since then and never let anything like that occur again. They had talked and joked at the end of many long, hard days. He had told her al about the smithy business and Virginia. He had said that he had been forced to flee after a fight and the death of the son of the area’s wealthiest and most powerful plantation owner. Now, his new smithy shop would never be built. Al of their hopes and dreams had been dashed that morning.


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