Savage Ecstasy

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Savage Ecstasy Page 38

by Janelle Taylor

  A voice startled her from her melancholy state. “I see the General has given you sad news.” She opened her eyes and looked General has given you sad news.” She opened her eyes and looked up at Powchutu. He saw the tears which threatened to spil. She only nodded, afraid to speak lest she burst into tears.

  “Come, I wil walk you back to your quarters.” He knew he was doing wrong. He knew he dared too much, but he could not stand there watching Alisha suffer al alone. He shouldn’t even approach her, much less talk and walk with her. But he did, and Alisha accepted his company.

  She was unaware of the aghast stares and malicious frowns cast their way as they walked along. She was only aware of her many problems and the friendship and comfort offered by this one man. She realized he was speaking to her. She turned to listen.

  ”… not trust him, Alisha.”

  She questioned in confusion, “Who are you referring to, Powchutu? I did not hear who you were talking about. My mind was stil in the general’s office.”

  He stopped and faced her. He repeated his warnings.

  “Lieutenant Gordon is known as a man who entraps women with his looks and charms. He wil try to capture your heart. Do not trust him. He has made it known he is after you and wil not rest until you are his.”

  The knowledge that the people at the fort were discussing her personal life was appaling. She recaled the looks the lieutenant had. given her—the ones she had unconsciously dismissed which had made her feel so uneasy.

  “Lieutenant Gordon is nothing to me, Powchutu. I wil not alow him, or any man, to take advantage of me… ever again…”

  “I only warn you to be careful of him, Alisha. You are stil weak and hurt. I wil give you protection from him and the others,”

  he promised.

  he promised.

  She smiled up at him and was about to thank him for his noble gesture. Abruptly, he was shoved backwards and fel into the dirt. A dark blue blur was at her side immediately. She whirled to face the flashing blue eyes and the furious mood of Jeffery. He glared at Powchutu with intense hatred and contempt. Alisha could see the livid rage beneath his tanned skin. His lips were curled into a snarl, revealing clenched teeth.

  “How dare, you speak to her, you filthy savage! If you so much as glance at her again, I’l skin you alive.” His fists were baled into weapons, ready to kil. “You savvy, Injun?”

  Alisha grabbed Jeffery’s arm. “No! Stop this! He was not bothering me. We were only talking. Your rude behavior is uncaled for, Lieutenant Gordon.”

  He glared at her in stunned surprise. “Stay out of this, Alisha!

  This is between that scout and me. It’s none of your affair. I’l handle the red …”

  “Lieutenant Gordon!” She screamed to silence his next few words. The familiar use of her given name and his presumptuous tone angered and alarmed her after what Powchutu had just told her. “Yes, this is my affair. It appears I started it by talking to him. I shal settle it. Both of you wil…”

  Powchutu had instantly leaped back to his feet like a cat. He took a defensive position—feet apart, shoulders hunched, fists clenched, eyes and ears alert, muscles taut and agile. He was ready to spring for an attack on Jeffery the moment he moved.

  “You can’t defend that savage!” Gordon fired at her.

  “There aren’t any sides in this argument! He did nothing improper. Also, Mr. Gordon, he is not a savage, no human being is!

  He is a soldier just like you. He has offered his friendship and I have He is a soldier just like you. He has offered his friendship and I have accepted it, just as I accepted the friendship you offered minutes ago.” She had hoped this last statement would cool his fiery temper. Powchutu stepped forward. “I wil fight my own battles, Alisha. He is right. This is between the two of us.”

  A smal crowd was gathering around the three of them. As the heated words flew back and forth, some of the men began to shout encouragement to Jeffery and ridicule to Powchutu. The two men studied each other’s eyes to watch for the first hint of attack. Neither of them would back down or apologize.

  Alisha’s head whirled with the feeling of déjàvu. She was suddenly back at her fortress, reliving that same nightmarish event which changed her entire life and brought her so much suffering. Mesmerized by the mob and its actions, she gazed around in fear of what they could entice Jeffery into doing. Her panicked eyes rested on the scout. The truth she had failed to acknowledge dawned on her: the icy eyes, the facial expression, the malevolent mood, his physical features and voice—he was the shadow, the counterpart of Gray Eagle! Alisha warned herself she must be very careful to remember he was Powchutu, her friend … Nothing more …

  General Galt was somehow at her side, shouting orders and admonishing al the men. When he had the situation under control, he asked Jeffery and Powchutu to explain this outrageous behavior and conduct. The two men only glared at each other in silence. Alisha spoke up and gave the details of what had occurred. She related the entire incident without bias, much to Jeffery’s and to Powchutu’s vindication.

  General Gait wisely decided he had better not take ‘ sides between these two men. He put an end to the matter, and said, “No damage has been done, Lieutenant. Miss Wiliams says Powchutu damage has been done, Lieutenant. Miss Wiliams says Powchutu didn’t insult her in any way. I order you men to forget this whole thing and get back to work. I might remind you, we have more urgent matters to take care of than hot tempers.”

  Over Jeffery’s demands, the matter was dropped. The men muttered amongst themselves as they moved off to return to their duties. Only the lieutenant, Powchutu and Alisha remained in the yard. Powchutu knew it would be best for both himself and Alisha if he left things alone for the time being. He stalked off in silence. Jeffery stared at his retreating back. He turned to face Alisha.

  “I fail to comprehend your tolerance and forgiving nature toward men like that. It was his kind who did to you those things you wish to forget. Why, Alisha, why?”

  She met his gaze and answered, “Powchutu had nothing to do with my capture or treatment. A man cannot take the blame, nor the credit, for another man’s words or deeds. It is I who fail to understand your behavior just now. He is a felow soldier, not your enemy. If you despise and mistrust him so much, then why do you keep him here? I would think the position of scout would be deadly in the hands of one’s foe.”

  He studied the emerald eyes and sweet face for a short time. He quipped, “Chacun à son gout!” He saw her confusion. Was it possible she truly did not understand why the scout must be ostracized? Perhaps she did not recal her French.

  “You see, Powchutu is a bête noire. Even though we need his services, we do not have to accept him or like him.”

  “Somehow, I do not see him as a necessary evil. Nor do I see any of you alowing free choice of friends and ideas. I think what you have here, Lieutenant Gordon, is an état intolerable.” She had understood his words and fired back at him in perfect French, much understood his words and fired back at him in perfect French, much to his pleasure. Her accent was impeccable.

  Jeffery grinned mischievously at her choice of words. He made a mocking, sweeping bow and retorted, “Touché, Alisha.”

  His mocking gesture and tone were amusing. She smiled, knowing she had struck home. “I do not like to see anyone il-used or abused. Suppose you were Powchutu … would you like to be viewed and treated as he is?’

  How could he argue with such a lovely, tenderhearted, naive fool? He was using the wrong tactics on this girl and if he didn’t alter them, he would be left out in the cold. He relented as far as she could tel. His voice was melow and soft.

  “I see your point, Little Heart. No, I would not care to trade places with him, or with anyone. Maybe I was a little hasty with my accusations. In the future, I wil try to control these envious impulses to colar him. I just lost my head when I saw him with you. I assumed you were either too polite or frightened to tel him to leave you alone.” He flashed her a boyish
, innocent grin which she could not resist responding to. His charm was at its peak. Seeing his change in behavior was winning him points, he pressed his advantage. “I’l have to instruct you about this land and its people. You’l understand then why I reacted in such a manner. Perhaps you wil forget and forgive my rash behavior. Trêve?”

  Her guard was cast to the wind. She smiled and replied,

  “Trêve, Jeffery…”

  Score one, he mused. By the time I am finished with your education, you’l believe and trust anything I tel you. “I am afraid you have a great deal to learn about life out here. I am also afraid it wil be difficult and painful for a girl like you, Alisha.”

  Anguish touched her teary eyes. She whispered, “That was the Anguish touched her teary eyes. She whispered, “That was the same thing my uncle told me just before he was kiled. You are correct when you say this truth wil be painful and difficult. Stil, the fact remains— Powchutu did not personaly have anything to do with my problems. I cannot blame him for what they did to me and my life.”

  He observed her very closely. He was more determined than ever to have this fresh, unspoiled girl. With a few changes in attitudes and emotions, she wil be a treasure… a real treasure. These qualities must have cost her dearly in the Oglala camp. Even that bastard Gray Eagle knows a jewel when he sees one. He clenched his teeth at the thought of that warrior brutaly ravishing this fragile creature. Stil, he could understand why even a savage would desire her. I wil be the man to teach you the gentle side of love, ma petite. You wil gratefuly come to me in time, he vowed confidently.

  “Come, I’l see you back to your quarters.” He took her elbow and escorted her to the Philseys’ door. Once there, he asked to see her again the next day. She hesitated, but he would not alow her to say no. She was embarrassed and worried about her impecunious state.

  She realized it would be unwise to antagonize her new aly, so she accepted. She would worry about her other problems later. She quickly entered the door, hoping to get to her room before Mrs. Philsey caught her. It was futile. From the expression on her face, Alisha could tel she knew about the scene outside. She quickly went to her room.

  The days traveled by at snail’s pace for Alisha. There was nothing to do. She read, rested, did her smal laundry, did her grooming and sat. She was bored. She had come to a crossroad in grooming and sat. She was bored. She had come to a crossroad in her life and found al paths were blocked to her. Her fate lay in the hands of strangers.

  Mrs. Philsey developed a pattern of sending her meals in by Doc, or leaving them at her door. She would not alow Alisha to socialize or eat with them. Even though Doc objected to this rule, he could not change his wife’s mind, nor did he have the courage to go against her wishes.

  Doc went to check on Alisha daily. They would banter lightly, for an invisible strain had developed between them. It was guilt on Doc’s part and fear of pressing him too hard on Alisha’s. Her injuries were mending nicely and would be completely healed in a few weeks. He told her one day the welts would soon vanish, leaving only smal, lined, White scars to remind her it ever realy happened. Alisha wondered if the scars on her heart and soul would also heal someday, or if there would always be scars to remind her of her visit to Hades.

  She found herself looking forward to Jeffery’s caling, if only to avoid her loneliness at the Philseys’. No one else visited Alisha. Certainly, the women did not. Powchutu avoided her, too, thinking it best to keep a low profile at the fort. He did not want to cause her any more trouble. So, as the days passed, Alisha found herself more and more in the young lieutenant’s company.

  Powchutu’s warnings went unheeded. Alisha pushed his warnings to the back of her mind. She and Jeffery seemed to have so much in common, besides backgrounds and education. Her spirit hungered for the vitality he radiated. She needed to absorb some of the self-confidence which flowed from him to her. He represented a link to her past and hopefuly to her future. In this rustic, crude wilderness, Jeffery was civilization and chivalry. He was al the wilderness, Jeffery was civilization and chivalry. He was al the things she missed and yearned to have once more.

  Jeffery was cautious not to rush her, and kept her off her guard with his charm. Sir Lancelot himself would not have presented a more galant knight than Jeffery did to Alisha during those long days. He reminded her of al she had lost, and refreshed the dreams of youth in her heart.

  When he believed his hold was firm and secure, he became more demanding on her time and emotions. He began to ask more questions about her future plans and her recent past. She had come to delude herself as to what he was offering and preparing her for in the near future.

  Struggling to retain this ilusion, Alisha would attempt to restore their lighthearted banter. If this failed, she would withdraw into silence. She would refuse to continue the confusing, frightening discourse, forcing him to back off and attack from another front. His subtle advances and personal remarks about the two of them became more frequent and more intimate. Most of his comments and actions were never quite clear in intent. She turned away and rebuffed his slightest touch.

  Each time Jeffery tried to touch Alisha; Gray Eagle’s face loomed before her like a dark specter. She would freeze and pul away. A light kiss on the forehead, or a brush across her lips did not bother her; in fact, she found it enjoyable and novel. But soon, Jeffery would try to kiss her more ardently and Alisha would pnly feel terror.

  He determined to wear down her fear with persistent charm and romance. Even after what she had experienced with Gray Eagle, she was stil naive and innocent. He would take her face between his hands and gaze down into her panicked eyes of green. between his hands and gaze down into her panicked eyes of green. But he never realized she panicked because of him. He could feel her flinch when he touched her hair and nestled his face to her ear, or when he “accidentaly” touched a forbidden place. He was very experienced in the art of seduction. This green, unsophisticated girl wouldn’t stand a chance against his knowledge. With his persuasion, she would be in his bed in his arms before she knew what had taken place, he thought. Once there, she would have no desire to ever leave. His only problem was her terror of love and men, perhaps even of her own emotions. He had no doubts that he could not tear down that wal of fear around her heart and mind.

  But the process of breaking down Alisha’s defenses was not as easy as Jeffery schemed. For whenever Alisha was with him, thoughts and images of Gray Eagle haunted her mind. Her soul cried out in torment, why do I feel I betray Gray Eagle when Jeffery reaches out to me? She did not realize it was not Jeffery she was reaching out for. It was the love and security she thought he was offering to her.

  Alisha dreamed she spoke to Gray Eagle: I hear your voice in the winds. I see your face in the night. I feel your touch in my slumber. Do you possess some power of voodoo? Can you bring me such suffering even though I am physicaly free of you? Did you cast some spel upon my heart which prevents me from loving another? Have you imprisoned my soul forever as you once did my body?

  Jeffery is al the things I could ever want and need in a man. He is life and you are death. Why can I not respond to him? Is it love I fear, or Jeffery, or do I fear to alow him the same power you held over me? Jeffery is my one hope for a new life and freedom. held over me? Jeffery is my one hope for a new life and freedom. He is the hope of regaining myself, my happiness and peace of mind.

  Then Alisha would silently cal out to the lieutenant: Help me!

  Jeffery. Help me to love you. Teach me to want you, to respond to you and your touch. In time, you can replace him in my heart as you have done in my life. You must! Free me from Wanmdi Hota!

  “What troubles your thoughts, ma petite?” Jeffery broke into Alisha’s reverie.

  She paled even more, then flushed guiltily. Was she so transparent she had alowed her most intimate emotions and torment to show, and to him of al people? “No matter how hard I try to forget, Jeffery, sometimes my memories sneak in around the edges of my mind t
o torment me.” She turned away from his keen eyes as tears began to rol down her cheeks. “Wil it never go away or stop hurting, Jeffery? Wil the terrible emptiness and humiliation always be there? I have no one…”

  He reached out and puled her into his arms to comfort her. She cried like a hurt, frightened child. She desperately clung to him for the strength and consolation he offered. He sensed how much she needed him and it gave him a feeling of power over her. He embraced her tightly and possessively, whispering soft, soothing words into her ear. Her vulnerability and nearness overcame him and he began to cover her face and lips with hungry kisses. His hands moved up and down her back, caressing and fondling. His insistent tongue probed her mouth and one of his hands tenderly cupped her breast. He was so caught up in his hunger for her that he did not immediately realize she was trying to push him away. She pleaded fearfuly with him to stop. This was the rash behavior such as Horace displayed that day, but there was no rash behavior such as Horace displayed that day, but there was no Ben here to help her this time. He was too powerful to fight and she could not seem to reach him with words. She struggled harder.

  “Please, Jeffery, don’t! You can’t! I can’t… stop! Please stop… Too soon… Not here, not now… Time, I need more time!

  Jeffery!” He was actualy going to seduce her! He would take her in the grass like some harlot. He didn’t want her; he wanted a woman, any woman. Her tears were from anger and bitterness and she fought like a cornered tiger.

  He cooed in her ear, “I can make you forget what he did to you, Alisha. Don’t pul away from me. Let me teach you the way of love and gentleness. I won’t rush you or hurt you. Let me love you, Alisha. I want you… Need you.. . Here… Now.. .”He pleaded with her in a husky voice overcome with desire.

  Jeffery gripped her wrists so tightly he was hurting her. His lips bruised hers. His breathing was rapid and hot against her face. His hands grew bolder with their caresses. He pressed his hardened manhood to her body and rubbed against her. He was at the point where she could not reason with him. His eyes held that same lustful, evil look the trapper’s had held that day when he was about to rape her. Wild, sheer terror raced through her veins. Shaking violently, she cried, “No! Jeffery. I said, stop it! Let me go!”


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