The Marriage Clinic: 5 Book Series Bundle (Dr. Foster's Marriage Clinic 6)

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The Marriage Clinic: 5 Book Series Bundle (Dr. Foster's Marriage Clinic 6) Page 4

by Sylvia Redmond

  “That’s a girl Diane” Jill said, as I tried to prop myself onto my elbows.

  I immediately felt her hands underneath me again, stroking my tits as Raymond continued fucking me. I looked up for a moment at her, through eyes that were hazy with my lust. I watched her smile as she tweaked my nipples, and her long fingers started tugging on my nipples. I felt my body starting to shake again and I heard Dr. Foster’s voice.

  “Don’t let her climax yet!”

  I felt her fingers leave my breasts and I heard myself whine as Raymond started fucking me faster. I felt his hands on my hips holding me steady as he started to increase his pace and his thick cock started sliding back and forth faster. I could feel my pussy throbbing as it clamped down on him as he moved. I was aching and knew I was right on the edge and then I felt his fingers start to tease my ass.

  I felt myself start to hyperventilate as the orgasm hit me and I felt my body go rigid. I could feel my pussy clamping down on his big cock as he pushed my buttons and my body exploded. I felt Jill’s hands on me trying to hold me steady as my body thrashed and I realized that she had started to untie me. I could still hear Foster’s voice over the intercom as my body came apart at the seams.

  “Don’t let her climax yet!”

  Chapter 5

  “So how’d it go?” Steve was asking me.

  We were sitting at our breakfast table on Saturday, having our morning coffee. My body had still not recovered from whatever it was that I had gone through the night before. I felt like every nerve in my body had been rubbed raw and I was surprised I had the strength to sit up straight in front of him. I certainly didn’t have the strength in me to tell him what had happened.

  “It went well. The doctor was nice” I said.

  God that sounded weak!

  “Ok, I get it” he said. “You’re probably working through a whole bunch of shit, you can’t tell me until you’re finished with your sessions. That’s fine.”

  I was satisfied with that. I needed time to tell him what had happened. I didn’t have the strength to deal with it now, and the truth was it was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me. I didn’t know how I could ever tell him, but I did know I was getting horny just thinking about it.

  “So how were the dance lessons?” I asked him, and I realized I was a whole lot less interested in his answer than I would have been the week before.

  “I have to admit, it was not nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be” he said. “Although, I feel like I need to be completely honest with you. We are still being completely honest with each other, right?”

  “Steve” I said, laughing off his question, hoping I sounded more genuine than I felt. “Of course we’re being honest with each other.”

  “Well” he said, “The instructor teamed me up with another woman who is at the same skill level as I am, and I kind of have a feeling she was hitting on me. I mean, she’s seventy years old, but still, as long as she doesn’t break a hip, I think she could give you a run for your money.”

  “Ha ha, very funny – jackass” I told him.

  “So anyway, they started with explaining the different types of dance…” he started telling me.

  He was talking away about his dance class and I wanted to be interested but I couldn’t stop thinking about the night before. I had signed away my consent to the doctor thinking he was going to be giving me some kind of corny Rorschach test and I had ended up getting the living daylights fucked out of me. Under any other circumstances it would have been criminal, but I had signed myself up for it and I had enjoyed every last minute of it.

  “And then Vivian – that’s my partner’s name, the seventy year old – Vivian was supposed to do this spin…” he said as he prattled on.

  I had another appointment this coming Friday to return to Dr. Foster’s clinic. My mind was telling me the proper thing to do was to not ever go back. My heart was telling me that I shouldn’t return and I should tell Steve what had happened. But my body, my body was telling me something else altogether…

  “So this Friday she’s going to start teaching us the tango. Vivian and I are going to be tripping the light fantastic. What about you? Are you scheduled to go back again to Foster’s place on Friday?” he asked.

  “Yep” I replied, without the slightest inkling of hesitation. “Same time Friday night…”

  Chapter 6

  “You should be very proud of yourself Diane” Dr. Foster was saying to me. “Your previous session was fantastic, I think you’ll be surprised at how quickly you’ll start to see things change in your relationship with your husband.”

  I was in the doctor’s exam room looking at the big bed. I had already undressed down to my bra and underpants and I was wearing the robe. I was listening to him talk in his matter-of-fact tone about how good it was for me to get fucked in the previous session. Hearing him talk about it in a clinical, expressionless way was starting to temper a little of my anxiety.

  “Thank you doctor. To be honest, it wasn’t what I was expecting – I had even considered not coming back at all” I confided to him.

  “Nonsense” he said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “It’s perfectly natural to feel apprehensive about these things when you are just starting to learn to open your mind and become a more sexual person. In two months you’ll wonder how your marriage ever survived without it.”

  His words were soothing but I still found my eyes going back to the big bed.

  “Tonight will be a little different” he told me. “I’m going to send Amanda in to work with you. She’s a beautician, and she’ll work with you to clean up your appearance a little.”

  He nodded to me and left the room before I had a chance to say another word. I was momentarily relieved that he had told me I would simply be seeing a beautician, but at the same time I was more than a little confused.

  Why had he asked me to strip and put on the robe for a beautician?

  I only had a minute to ponder the question before I heard the soft knock on the door. The door opened and I saw Jill enter the room, along with another girl I had not seen before. They were both wearing the light shirt and shorts outfits that were apparently the uniform of the doctor’s clinic. The girl that I had assumed was Amanda was carrying her beautician supplies.

  “Hi Diane” Jill said and I felt myself blush, immediately thinking about the way she had touched me the previous week.

  “Hi Jill” was all that I could muster before turning my head in embarrassment.

  “This is Amanda” she said. “She’s going to help us give you a little trim.”

  I watched Amanda smile at me before she turned to walk to the table along the wall and put down her trimming supplies. I wondered where it was the doctor found his staff. Amanda had the same lithe, model-pretty good looks as Jill. I watched her as she put down her things and she walked to the far side of the bed.

  “Why don’t you just take off your robe and lie down honey, and let us get started” Jill said, as she motioned to the bed.

  I looked at the two of them as they waited for me and I hesitated for the slightest second. I looked at the one way window behind me, and I realized that Foster would be on the other side waiting. I resigned myself to my fate and let the robe slip from my shoulders as I stepped back to the big bed. I slowly laid down on the bed as I watched the two girls approach me from either side.

  “That’s good” Jill said as the both approached my head.

  They each reached out simultaneously and grabbed an arm. I felt my arms pulled above my head and felt the familiar tickle on my wrists and Jill secured me. When they released me I knew better than to try to free myself but I tugged anyway, out of reflex. I was now helpless and at their mercy as I felt the stiff cords holding me tight.

  Jill sat down on the bed next to me as Amanda went back to her grooming kit. I watched as she rummaged through it and retrieved a pair of scissors. She returned to the bed and smiled as she looked at me, before bending over
to hook her fingers into my panties. When she started pulling my panties over my hips I realized exactly what it was they had in mind for me.

  “Diane” Foster’s voice came over the intercom. “Amanda is going to shave your pussy. You have expressed a reluctance to let your husband perform oral sex on you, because it feels dirty. It is very common for women to feel this way, and by shaving you I hope to restore a feeling of cleanliness to you about your pussy.”

  I listened to his explanation as I watched Amanda examining me. She ran her fingers through my pussy hair and spread my pussy lips open. I knew what she was seeing because I knew what I was feeling. My pussy had been wet from the moment I walked back into the room. The very memory of what had happened here a week before had me charged up, and now I had a new stranger touching my most private of places.

  I watched her as she ran her fingers through my pussy hair and started to snip with her scissors. She started at the top of my bush, and she had her free hand resting right above my clit as she trimmed me. I felt her fingers on me, touching me and rubbing as she trimmed. I could feel my pussy getting wetter in spite of myself, and I felt my body starting to squirm.

  “Try to be still honey” Jill said. “I know it’s difficult.”

  I shut my eyes and tried to focus but all I could feel were Amanda’s nimble fingers working my pussy. She continued to trim with her right hand and had her left hand just barely resting on my clitoris. I had originally been embarrassed but my pussy was itching so bad all I wanted was to feel that hand on me. I tried moving my hips in vain just to make contact with her. She finished her work and brushed her hand across my wet clit and I heard myself moan.

  “Almost done” Jill said, and I opened my eyes to see what Amanda was doing.

  I watched as Amanda hopped up from the bed and went to her grooming kit. She returned a moment later and got back on the bed with something in her hand. I saw the glint of steel and still wasn’t quite sure what she had until I felt her back between my legs. I felt her rubbing the lather on me and at once I knew what she was doing.

  “Try to be still honey” Jill said, and I felt Amanda starting to shave me.

  It took every ounce of willpower I had left in my body to keep from moving. She had that damn hand back on me, resting on my clit as she did it. She shaved me slowly and thoroughly, and I knew by the time she would be finished my pussy was going to be as bald as a baby’s butt. I was trying desperately to breathe deeply and keep my eyes closed, but I could feel every erogenous zone in my body throbbing.

  “All done” I heard Jill say, and I felt Amanda’s hands leave my pussy.

  I opened my eyes and I watched as she got up and went to her grooming kit one last time. She put her supplies away and returned to the bed with a washrag. I watched as she got back onto the bed and returned to her spot between my legs.

  “She just needs to clean you up honey” Jill said, and I felt Jill’s hands as she started to rub my shoulders.

  I felt Amanda between my legs, rubbing me with her moist cloth. She ran the textured fabric back and forth across my bald pussy, and I could feel every stitch of fabric against my smooth skin. I felt Jill running her hands down my arms and behind my back. I felt her fingers twist and I realized a moment later she had gotten my bra undone.

  I felt Amanda’s fingers on me again as she spread my bald pussy open. The feeling of the textured cloth was replaced by the warm, wet feeling of her tongue as she started to lick me. Before I could respond I felt Jill’s expert fingers sliding my bra off and circling my nipples. My body started to twist but my bound arms kept me firmly in place. I heard Dr. Foster’s voice start talking even as I was beginning to moan.

  “You need to open up Diane” he was saying. “You need to be more relaxed sexually. It’s OK to be aroused by the touch of another woman.”

  My body was squirming as he talked. I turned briefly to look at the one way window before throwing my head back again. I could feel Amanda’s tongue as she moved over every part of my bald pussy. She had my legs spread open wide as was touching parts of me with her tongue that had never been touched before. I felt myself begin to gasp as I felt Jill’s body pulling up alongside of me.

  “It’s OK to be aroused by the touch of another woman” I heard Foster saying again.

  I felt Jill’s hands on my breasts as Amanda continued to bathe me with her tongue. I felt Jill circled one of my nipples and give it a tweak with the tips of her fingers. My mouth opened on cue in a gasp and a moment later I felt Jill’s warm mouth on mine.

  She took me by surprise as I felt her tongue entering my mouth. I was hesitant at first but reciprocated naturally as I continued to feel the warm throb growing between my legs. I felt her free hand rise above us and start to move as I felt the ropes begin to loosen on my wrists. She moved her hands back to my breasts and I embraced her once my arms had gotten free.

  I tried to continue kissing her but Amanda was getting more insistent between my legs. I could feel her using her hands on me now and I knew that I was getting closer and closer. I had to break off our kiss and I started gasping for air as I felt Jill continuing to stroke me. I heard Foster’s voice one more time before the orgasm hit me and blew my mind.

  “It’s OK to be aroused by the touch of another woman Diane.”

  Chapter 7

  “We’re just starting to get good with the tango, but I have to level with you – I’m pretty sure that Vivian tried to grab my ass last night” Steve was telling me.

  We were at the breakfast table again, sharing what we did at our Friday night classes. The sharing part was entirely one sided though. I was still far from comfortable telling him what the hell was going on, and with every week that passed the story just seemed to be getting worse and worse.

  “I mean, I think it was an ass grab” Steve was saying. “Although in her defense she could have been stopping herself from falling. She’s a hell of a tango partner though…”

  I hadn’t been thinking straight since I had gotten home the previous night. I had never so much as kissed another woman. There was a part of me that had always been secretly intrigued by the idea of another woman whenever Steve would talk about his crazy fantasies, but never in a million years did I think that I would ever…

  “So how was your night? You’ve been pretty quiet about this whole marriage clinic business. Are you getting my money’s worth from this guy or what?” Steve asked me.

  “Oh yeah, he’s good” I replied, as monotone as possible. “He’s giving me all kinds of things to think about.”

  “I bet he is” Steve said. “Just like Vivian has been giving me all kinds of things to think about. You should see this lady Jitterbug…”

  He started spinning another yarn about his geriatric dance partner and my mind was immediately back to the two girls on that exam bed. Although in truth I don’t think my mind ever left that damn exam bed. I kept thinking about the way that Amanda had licked me after shaving me. Just thinking about it was causing me to cross my legs.

  And my pussy!

  Now I had a bald pussy to worry about. It was only a matter of time before Steve saw it and I knew it was going to drive him nuts. I suppose that had been the whole point of Dr. Foster having them do that to me. And the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to feel his tongue down there, touching me…

  “Diane” Steve said, and I realized he had just asked me a question.

  “Huh?” I said.

  “Your next appointment – you have one more with him, right?” he asked.

  “Yeah, same time, next Friday” I told him, as I felt myself cross and uncross my legs again.

  Chapter 8

  “You’re making outstanding progress Diane” Foster was telling me. “After this last session, I think you’ll find your sexual relationship with your husband even better than it was the first year of your marriage.”

  We were standing in his exam room, and I was ready for whatever it was he had in store for me. I already had t
he robe on, but I hadn’t even bothered to leave any underwear on underneath it. I knew whatever was to come next would require me naked on that bed, and I was ready for it. If I was being honest with myself, I had been ready for it all week long.

  Just standing in his exam room by the bed had me aroused. The doctor had me conditioned like one of Pavlov’s dogs. The moment I entered the room I could feel my pussy getting wet just from standing by the big bed. The memory of my first two visits was something that was never far from my mind.

  “I’ll send Jill down in a minute” the doctor said, and a moment later he was gone from the room.

  He had given me no indication of what it was he had in mind for me. He had given me no false pretenses about what my therapy would entail. I sat on the bed waiting for her in a state of relaxed anticipation, and when she arrived I had none of the apprehension I had experienced in my previous visits.

  “Hi Diane” Jill seemed to sing as she bounced into the room. “Go ahead and remove the robe honey, and lay on the bed.”

  I smiled at her as I pulled the robe from my body. I was unashamed of my obvious arousal as I laid on my stomach on the bed. I felt the weight of the bed shift and I felt her nimble body climb on top of mine. She started to run her hands over me and I was ready to experience whatever it was they wanted to do to me.

  “Diane” Dr. Foster’s voice came across the intercom. “This evening we are going to work on getting you comfortable with having sexual relations with two men at once.”

  I felt her hands running over my body as I listened to the doctor explaining what he expected of me. I heard the door of the room open and I turned to see Raymond entering the room. I could feel Jill’s hands dipping between my thighs as I watched Raymond lower his shorts, and I watched as his beautiful, black cock spring free. As long as Jill kept touching me I realized I would do anything the doctor ordered of me.


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