The Hot Line

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The Hot Line Page 6

by Cathryn Fox

  Sara kept a smile from her face although she was loving the way she affected him. Loved how she could reduce him to speechlessness so easily.

  After Mitch returned, the waiter took their orders. With Mitch barely able to form a coherent sentence, Sara turned her attention to Cassie as she and Jenna discussed the details of the lingerie party. Sara took note of the look in Dean’s eyes as he listened to the exchange with heated interest.

  A short while later, after eating dessert, they all made plans to head over to the Hose for after-dinner drinks. Sara excused herself. When the group gave her a questioning look, she explained she had work to do.

  After everyone agreed that Sara would take the car home and the others would share a cab, since they all planned on having a drink or two, she stepped out into the night, Mitch tight on her heels.

  Sara stood back and watched her friends pile into a cab. Mitch moved in beside her. Draped in darkness, she whispered into his ear. “Follow me home.”

  Gaze dark, scalding, he looked at her, his eyes serious. His hand closed over hers, warm and strong. He put his mouth close to her ear, his breath hot on her neck. A moan caught in her throat.

  “I don’t have my firefighter suit with me.”

  Sara grinned, and in her most sultry voice, she said, “You don’t need it.” She fingered his lapels. “Like I said, this is probably easier for me to rip off.”

  His nostrils flared. “Jesus, Sara, do you enjoy torturing me?” he asked, curiosity and excitement in his tone. He shifted his stance as though in agony.

  She cocked her head playfully, her eyes full of promise. “Torture? Oh no. What I have planned for you tonight isn’t going to hurt one little bit.” Before she stepped away, leaving Mitch in the shadows to tame his arousal, she said, “Oh, and meet me out back.”

  Heart racing with excitement, Sara made her way to the car. Just seeing the look on Mitch’s face and knowing how eager he was to follow her home fired her libido and moistened her panties.

  Fortunately, traffic was light, and she arrived back at the house in record time. Wasting no time getting ready, she grabbed two towels from the house and rushed around back to the pool. Shrouded in darkness, she quickly stripped off her sexy red dress and dove in. She was right, not even the cool water could help smother the flames of desire engulfing her. Only Mitch was capable of that feat.

  Sara waded into the deep end while waiting for Mitch, her mind swimming with all the delicious things she wanted to do with him—and to him. She thought about how she wanted to kiss him all over, to feel his warm flesh beneath her lips. How she wanted to take his cock into her mouth and lap at him until their moans of pleasure merged. Her breasts swelled with heated blood, as she imagined it now. She ached to stroke, suck, and nibble his magnificent shaft. Ached to feel his sex muscles spasm as his tangy juices erupted in her throat.

  Footsteps on the walkway pulled her from her reverie. As soon as Mitch rounded the corner and she set eyes on him, her heart leapt, her body pulsed, desire singed her blood. Out of nowhere a wave of passion and possessiveness rushed through her and caught her by surprise.

  In that instant it occurred to her just how bad she had it for him. Just how much she wanted to lose herself in him, and how much she ached for something far more intimate.

  He came closer and knelt down at the edge of the pool. He narrowed his gaze and a muscle in his jaw clenched. One hand went to her cheek, his thumb tracing the pattern of her lips. She liquefied under his touch. His low, sensuous voice covered her body like a blanket of warmth. “Hey.”

  That one simple word did such amazing things to her insides. “Hey, yourself.” She pushed off the edge, allowing him to see her naked body below the surface, letting him know exactly what she wanted.

  Mitch’s dark, hungry gaze slid over her flesh, generating deep desire. He took a long moment just to look at her. She watched his eyes fill with lust. Her body began humming with excitement. His breath came in a low rush, his gaze shifted to her face. “Are you coming out or am I coming in?”

  With two easy strokes, she made her way back to him, needing to touch him, to feel connected on some deeper level. As her hand closed over his, unrelenting pressure brewed in the depths of her womb. “I believe you promised me a swim last night,” she said.

  He stood, pulled off his jacket, and began loosening his tie. “I believe I did.” His voice came out rusty, labored. “And I never break my promises.”

  He tore off his shirt and tossed it aside. Nipples tingling in awareness, Sara watched him undress. The pleasure was most exquisite. When she caught the intent look on his face, an erotic whimper bubbled in the depths of her throat. Chaos erupted inside her. Her body grew tight and needy while her breathing grew shallow.

  This was way better than any fantasy she’d ever had.

  His eyes locked on hers. “Only one problem.”

  Sara didn’t miss the mischief dancing in his eyes. “Oh yeah?” she asked as flames surged through her. “What’s that?”

  Mitch made short work of his clothes. Sara gulped air as she took in his wide chest, corded abdominal muscles, and rock-hard cock. Hot pleasure shot through her, and at that moment, she was sure, no matter how many times he fucked her, nothing would ever satiate her cravings for him.

  “I can’t swim.”

  She shook her head as her cunt throbbed for him. “That’s not good, Mitch.”

  “Nope, not good at all.”

  She lifted herself from the water, just far enough to entice him with her rosy red nipples. “I guess you’d better stay out of the deep end, then.”

  His glance went to her breasts. His sensual eyes studied her. He swiped his tongue over his lips. “But you’re in the deep end, Sara, and there are things I need to do to you.”

  And there were things she needed to do to him.

  Playing along, she tapped her chin, as though mulling things over. “Well…”

  “Well, what?”

  “You could try swimming, and if you take in water, I could always resuscitate you.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth, Mitch dove in. He came up right in front of her. Strong arms circled her waist and pulled her under with him. Her legs wrapped around his waist; her mouth went to his. They stayed down for a long time, touching, stroking, and trading deep, heated kisses.

  A moment later they both resurfaced, breathless. Sara brushed her hair from her face and then splashed him with water. “Hey, I thought you said you couldn’t swim.”

  His killer smile curled her toes. “I lied,” he admitted. “I just wanted a little mouth to mouth.”

  Her hand sheathed his magnificent cock. “I have a better idea, Mitch.”

  His eyes lit, intrigued. “Yeah?”

  “How about a little mouth to cock?”

  He growled, low in his throat. With that, she pushed away and swam to the shallow end, Mitch following right behind her.

  She took a seat on the stairs and gestured with a nod for him to sit beside her. As soon as he did, she went down on her knees and positioned herself in front of him. Her fingers closing around his engorged cock, she took great pleasure in his length and girth. She stroked him, reveling in his warm texture and masculine scent.

  With her whole body quivering in delight, she leaned forward. Her tongue snaked out, and with a light, barely there touch, she caressed his wet tip.

  Mitch growled and touched her cheek. His legs tightened around her hips and prevented her from moving. She tipped her head and met with eyes so dark and so full of desire, her pussy swelled, begging to be filled. “I want you to fuck my mouth.”

  “Jesus, Sara,” he murmured.

  Emotions ambushed her at the sound of his deep, sexy tenor. She really hadn’t anticipated that she’d fall so hard for him, but Mitch had taken her beyond her wildest fantasies.

  She turned her attention back to his arousal and let out a slow breath. When her breath fanned his cock, it pulsed in response. He brushed the pad of his thum
b over her mouth and drew in air, as though centering himself. His eyes clouded. “I want you so much, babe, I’m aching,” he said.

  Sara could feel the passion and raw hunger rising in him, and there was nothing she wanted more than to answer the demands pulling at his body. She pressed her lips to his for a deep kiss. A moment later she abandoned his mouth and moved her lips to his neck and his chest and then down lower. Pleasure raced through her when she felt the way his body reacted.

  She sank lower into the water and glanced at his gorgeous cock. “Actually, you’re throbbing.”

  His edgy chuckle curled around her as she inclined her head and fed his cock into her mouth.

  “Sweet Mother of God,” he whispered under his breath, the pleasure in his voice exciting her. His fingers raked through her hair, his hands following the motion of her head, up and down, up and down.

  Sara moaned and slipped her hand lower to cup and massage his balls. She inhaled his heady scent, noting the way it aroused all her senses. She stroked her tongue down the length of him and kissed him deeply. His whole body trembled in response to her seduction.

  He threw his head back and groaned. “That feels so fucking good.” His hips pitched forward, driving his cock deeper down her throat.

  She arched into him, her body beckoning his touch. As though in tune with her every emotion, her every desire, Mitch reached down and closed his hands over her breasts, kneading them, pinching her nipples until she gasped in heavenly bliss.

  With much greed she laved the soft folds underneath his bulbous head and lapped at the juices pearling on his tip. She teased and caressed his erection, taking time to savor every delectable inch.

  Moaning and purring with pent-up need, she began moving restlessly, her internal temperature igniting to a boil.

  She spent a long time between his legs, working her tongue over his cock, raining kisses over his length, licking, sucking, and nibbling until she could feel his veins fill with heated blood. He brushed her hair from her face, watching the way she took him into her mouth.

  Mitch’s muscles bunched and his cock tightened with the tension of an approaching orgasm. Every nerve in Sara’s body came alive, heat flamed through her, her cunt lubricated in preparation.

  “Mmmmm…” Sara moaned, working her hands and tongue over his cock at the same time, urging him on.

  His breath came in a ragged burst. “I’m going to come, babe,” he growled. He gripped her head, and tried to ease her back.

  She refused to budge, needing to taste his juice. “I want to taste you,” she murmured from deep between his legs. “Come in my mouth.”

  She heard him groan low in his throat and knew the pressure brewing deep in his groin had come to a peak. Sara flicked her tongue over his slit while her hands stroked over his cock, drawing out his orgasm.

  Hands fisting her hair, he began rocking, pressing against her, and she knew his explosion was only a stroke away.

  “Come for me, Mitch.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt a tremor rip through him. He came, fast and hard, sending his liquid heat down her throat. She swallowed every delicious drop. Once he stopped trembling, Sara eased back on her heels to look up at him.

  Gorgeous blue eyes met hers. A deep, contented sigh curved his handsome face. He reached out and cupped her chin, stroking her with the utmost care. His hand slid lower to grip her elbow. “Come here, babe.” His voice was so tender and soft it filled her with longing and stirred all her emotions.

  Sara slid up his body until her mouth hovered near his. When he drew her close and cradled her in his arms, her heart twisted.

  “That was amazing, Sara.”

  She grinned. “My pleasure.” He held her tighter, their slick bodies melding together. After a long moment of just holding each other, Sara inched back. “Mitch?”


  “I still owe you a secret.”

  “What?” he asked, his voice deep, drowsy.

  “Last night I promised you a secret. I’m ready to tell you now.”

  His eyes perked up. “I’m listening.”

  When Sara stood, water dripped from her body, gaining Mitch’s attention. She reached a hand out to him. “Why don’t you come with me, and I’ll show you instead?”

  He nodded and was on his feet in seconds. He grabbed their pile of clothes and came up beside her. When the cool night air brushed against her skin, Mitch scooped up their towels, wrapping one tight around her body. Shielding her from the cold, he pulled her in closer, using his body to warm hers. That small gesture had her feeling all warm and wonderful inside.

  Relinquishing his hand, Sara unlocked the pool house door and entered. Mitch followed her. Once inside she turned to him. Strong arms snaked around her waist, gripping her hips, positioning her pelvis next to his. “Tell me your secret,” he commanded in a soft voice, his fingers going to the knot in her towel.

  She met his gaze, her mind racing with wild and wicked ideas. Her body trembled with the urgent need to answer the incessant ache between her legs. “It’s more of a confession than a secret.”

  His brow arched. “Go on,” he urged.

  She shivered as the towel slid down her body and fell to the floor. The shiver had more to do with the man standing in front of her than it did with being cold.

  Mitch pulled her tighter; she melted against him as her flesh absorbed the heat radiating off his body. She gestured with a nod toward the sexy toys she’d purchased at a boutique earlier that day. “Well, I’ve never been tied up and spanked. And I’d really like to try it.” She touched his chest with her index finger. “With you.”

  His eyes darkened; his throat worked as he swallowed. His whole body broke into a sweat. “That’s some confession, Sara.”

  She trailed her fingers over his chest. His skin burned beneath her fingertips. “Last night you fulfilled my fantasy. Tonight I’d like to fulfill yours.”

  He drew in air, then slipped his hand down her back to cradle her ass. “And you think my fantasy is to tie you up and spank you?”

  She nodded eagerly. “You mentioned something about that last night.”

  His chest heaved. He inclined his head, his expression tender and perplexed. “And you’d do that for me, Sara?” He pulled her impossibly closer. As his cock brushed against her inner thighs, her pussy flooded with heat.

  She bit down on her lower lip and could feel her body grow hot beneath his touch. “Yes, but I have to admit, I’d probably really like it, too.”

  Something in his face softened. Sara saw warmth fill his eyes. His hands went to her cheeks, where he caressed her with the backs of his fingers. She became pliable in his arms.

  Mitch cleared his throat before speaking. “Sara, maybe we’ll fulfill that fantasy later. Right now this is what I want.” His hands circled her waist and splayed over the small of her back. His mouth closed over hers for a deep, soul-stirring kiss. So deep and soul-stirring in fact, it nearly brought her to her knees.

  Their bodies pressed together, his hands began moving, tracing the pattern of her curves gently, lovingly. His mouth went to her neck.

  “I want you, babe.” Urgent need colored his voice.

  “I want you, too, Mitch.” She coiled her arms around his shoulders and held on, never wanting to let him go.

  One long finger slipped between her thighs. She widened her legs in invitation. His finger rubbed her inflamed clit, then parted her damp pink lips. She began panting, her hips rocking forward. Mitch pressed his finger inside her cunt, priming her for his thickness.

  His breath rushed over her face, and she sensed he was hovering near the edge right along with her. “I don’t have any condoms on me, Sara, and I need to be inside you.” She felt a tremor race through his body. He hastily raked his fingers through his hair. “I really, really need to be inside you.” His strangled voice shook as he spoke.

  She gyrated against him, needing to assuage the deep ache in her core. She put her mouth close to his and fr
amed his face with her hands. “I stashed some in here earlier today.”

  Perspiration dotting his forehead, Mitch scooped her body in his arms and deposited her on the fully inflated pool lounger.

  “Where are they?”

  The intensity in his eyes was almost frightening to her. Sara reached behind the chair and pulled one out. Mitch took it, ripped the package open, and quickly sheathed himself. Once complete, he climbed over her, his cock centered between her closed legs.

  Unbridled desire burned in his eyes. “Open for me, Sara.” His voice was rough with emotion.

  She widened her legs as he requested, granting him better access. Her skin came alive. Their breath mingling, his mouth came down on hers. Soft lips played over hers, and tongues joined in a mating dance.

  Sara whimpered and moved restlessly beneath him, aching and hungering for him in ways that shocked her. Without his lips ever leaving hers, Mitch’s hand dipped between their bodies, circled her clit and prepared her for his entrance.

  He inched back, blue eyes smoldering with need when they met hers. Heat flamed through her and boiled her blood. Gentle fingers brushed her hair from her forehead. She loved the way he touched her in such a familiar way. Her heart slammed in her chest; she was amazed at how easily she’d lost herself in his touch.

  His breath was coming in ragged bursts, and his voice thinned to a whisper. “I love how wet you get for me.” The tip of his cock breached her opening. She moaned and wrapped her legs around his back, forcing him in deeper. His earthy scent closed over her and she thought she’d go mad with desire.

  “Please, Mitch,” she begged, threading her fingers through his hair.

  There was such tenderness in his gaze when his eyes locked on hers. “Please what?”

  Desperation to feel him inside her fueled her on. She touched his cheek. “I need you to fuck me.”

  With that, he offered her his entire length. She let out a little gasp as his girth pushed open the tight walls of her pussy. Her heart increased its tempo and a shudder raced through her.


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