Love Intertwined Vol 2

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Love Intertwined Vol 2 Page 17

by Pepper Pace

  Peter was outside before the bigger guy reached for his arm to stop him.

  “Peter!” Daniel yelled. The two of them turned to the Emoboy, one looked relieved the other looked pissed. Peter hurried over to Daniel who held his arms opened. Peter sought the protection of his Dom’s grasp as Daniel placed a protective arm around the trembling boy’s shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” Daniel asked. Peter just nodded. The two walked past the larger football player and when they reached the parking lot where Peter’s car was located he glanced over his shoulder to see Todd watching them with a dark scowl on his handsome face. Peter shivered.


  Melissa lived at home with her parent’s. The both of them were still at work and she headed for the kitchen and began dinner. It wasn’t something she was required to do, but it helped them and they helped her, so she didn’t mind.

  Once the pot of water was heating for the spaghetti noodles and the jar of Ragu was simmering with some pre-made frozen meatballs, Melissa headed upstairs and powered up her laptop. She quickly pecked away until she came up to a site that interested her; BBW dateline. She scanned the ads surprised that so many guys liked big beautiful women. Many of them were smaller men, and for the most part, very attractive.

  She hurried back downstairs to finish making dinner as she thought about creating her own ad. Later that night after her parent’s had retired for the night Melissa examined herself in her mirror. She wasn’t ready to look at her body, her face would do for now. She tried to smile. She looked better when she smiled. She reached up and traced the hair that dipped down, obscuring her face. After wrinkling her nose in distaste she showered and washed out all of the goop and then she grabbed the scissors and…snipped away her long bangs.


  Peter felt restless. He couldn’t concentrate on his homework or television in the commons so he went back to his dorm and climbed into bed even though it was still fairly early. He needed to think and to run things through his mind.

  He liked Todd, he knew that. But today…Todd had seemed like more than just an opportunistic asshole. Almost like he was…concerned. What did that mean? He knew the older boy was as gay as he was. Eh…he might just be bisexual. Or maybe he was just experimenting. Peter rubbed his temples. Peter had been openly gay since high school. But that didn’t mean that he’d ever had a boyfriend or anything.

  He’d done things with guys, but they were guys like Todd; guys that didn’t want to openly admit to being queer. Peter chuckled to himself. Openly gay guys were just whores for closeted gay guys. There was a knock at his door and he figured Evan, his roommate must have lost his key again.

  Peter climbed out of bed. “Dude keep a spare-”

  The words froze in his mouth. Todd was standing there looking non-too-happy. Peter almost slammed the door in his face except that Todd had to know that’s what he’d do and he made no move to stop him.

  “What?” Peter finally asked.

  “Can I come in?” Todd asked in a voice that sounded more calm then he looked. Peter hesitated. “I won’t touch you.” Peter opened the door against his better judgment, allowing the bigger man inside.

  “So…” Peter said pointedly. “I gather you’re here because you want your dick sucked?”

  Todd scowled. “No.” Todd’s expression relaxed and he looked around a bit. “Are you and that kid Daniel…a couple?”

  Peter thought about not answering but he could see that Todd had done something that he would have never been able to predict…he’d taken the first step.

  “No. Daniel is my friend; My STRAIGHT friend, as well as my tutor.”

  Todd ran his hand through his hair and seemed relieved. Then he took a deep breath and gave Peter a steady look. “I’m…sorry for what I did to you. I should have asked. But…I didn’t know how to ask for what I wanted. I…I think about you all the time. I mean All the fucking time…” Peter’s eyes got big. He saw a muscle in Todd’s jaw clench.

  “Then when I saw you run to that…that Emo looking kid, I didn’t like it at all. I don’t want you to run to someone else. And I don’t want you to be afraid of me. And I never wanted to hurt you. And I want to kill whoever put those bruises on you.”

  Peter smiled and looked down shyly. He held up his wrists and looked at them. “They’re just burns, they’ll fade away in another few days.” He peeked at Todd. He looked so cute when he was mad at someone other than him. “And no one put them on me, I put them on myself.” Peter didn’t like lying but he couldn’t explain what had really happened to him. Todd would never understand submitting.

  “I was afraid that you might say that.” Todd had a look of misery on his face. “You didn’t…hurt yourself because of what I did to you, did you, Petey?”

  He smiled at how he called him Petey. “No. I wasn’t trying to hurt myself.”

  He looked suddenly relieved and he smiled. “Can I see them; your wrists?”

  Peter closed the space between them and offered his wrist. Todd took his hands gently, turning them palms up, then placed a kiss on each of his inner wrist. Peter’s eyes glazed over and Todd met his eyes with a thoughtful expression. “It occurred to me that if that kid Daniel, could put his arm around you in front of everybody and nobody even think twice of it, then…maybe I could try to do that too.”

  “You mean you want to come out? Now? In front of the school and your friends?”

  Todd chuckled. “I never said I was gay.” He licked his lips and grew serious. “But I suppose it’s time for me to say it.” Todd placed his hand on Peter’s chin and tilted his face up. He kissed him lightly. “Next time you run to someone I want it to be me, do you understand what I’m saying?” Peter smiled.



  Daniel offered to help Melissa with her BBW profile. He said he would help her add decorations to her homepage. In the meantime, Tina helped her with her makeup and they all went to a nearby park to take pictures for it. They ended up taking pictures of each other as well.

  “You select my profile picture, Emoboy.” Melissa said once they had returned to his dorm room.

  “Why me?” He asked as he scanned through each photo on his camera.

  “Because you have a BBW as a girlfriend, that’s why.”

  Tina’s eyes flashed to Daniel. Oh. So that’s what he liked. She almost wanted to laugh. No wonder he never looked twice at her. And no wonder he looked at Melissa. Tina didn’t realize that she had it figured out all wrong.

  Daniel showed her his choice and everyone oohed and ahhed. Then he got them busy studying for the last quiz before midterms while he continued to work on Melissa’s profile.

  The remainder of the week moved quickly. Daniel couldn’t stop thinking of Blair. Just a few more days and he’d finally be able to see her. Peter and Todd were openly dating and Melissa had been spending all of her free time chatting with the numerous guys that had responded to her ad. And when Tina finally realized that Daniel would never respond to her the way she wanted him to, she decided to do her own research.

  Friday night Tina dressed in black leather and stepped into a BDSM club for the very first time.

  But not the last.


  On Saturday when it was time to take the quiz, the only one to miss a problem was Melissa. Peter tensed as he looked from her to Emoboy. Tina just smiled slightly.

  Daniel raised a brow. “Take off your pants and shirt.”

  Melissa watched Daniel closely as she did this. His face seemed to flush though his expression remained carefully blank. Yeah, that was the look she wanted to see. She hid her smile.

  Melissa wore her usual jeans and t-shirt but now she also took pride in her appearance. Her straight bangs didn’t mask her face and she was proud to show her pretty smile.

  When she was standing in just panties and bra all eyes were on her. She was wearing hot pink satin undies obviously made specifically for sexy big girls.

  “Damn…” Pete
r said with his mouth hanging open. Melissa flashed him a nervous look.

  “In a good way!” He rushed to assure her. She visibly relaxed as Emoboy watched her, taking in every inch of her.

  “I believe you’ve finished your assignment ahead of schedule Melissa. You deserve a reward. Is there something you’d like…or should I select?”

  “No, there is something I’d like.”


  “Will you…h-hug me, like you did with Tina after her punishment?”

  He nodded and closed the space between them. “Come here.” He pulled the shivering girl into his arms.

  “You’re shaking.”

  “I’ve never been this close to anybody before.” No one other than her Mom and Dad and they weren’t the touchy feely type. Neither was she…which is why she was touch starved.

  He rubbed her back as her head rested on his chest.

  “You missed that problem on purpose, didn’t you?”

  She held her breath. “Are you angry? I just needed to do this. I’m sorry-”

  “Shh. I already knew. You know I’m going to have to find a different punishment for you. It’s supposed to be something you don’t like and I’m starting to suspect that you like taking off your clothes.”

  She closed her eyes and smiled as she snuggled into the Emoboy’s arms. “I don’t mind it as much anymore. But…maybe you could spank me like Tina?”

  “Mhm.” He agreed as he held on to her.


  “Go to sleep, Daniel.” Blair said that night on Skype. “You’re going to have a busy day tomorrow and I don’t want you falling asleep on me.”

  He grinned. The day that he’d been looking forward to was finally here and he couldn’t sleep. He was too excited. “I’ll sleep on the plane.” But he saw that it was near one am and she looked tired. “Okay, I’ll sign off. Sweet dreams, beautiful.”

  “Sweet dreams to you, too.”

  “Love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  In actuality he was too hyped to sleep on the plane but he didn’t think it would be possible for him to be tired on this day. He was just too anxious to see, not just Blair, but the rest of his family.

  As he got off the plane his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He paused to read the message.


  He chuckled and looked around and then hurried to the terminal. He spotted his father because he was tall and despite his white hair he still stood straight. Mom bounced up and down on her tiptoes and pointed to him in excitement. His face broke into a wide grin as his eyes scanned the crowd for Blair.

  He saw her with her hands clasped in front of her mouth in excitement. Dad managed to reach him first and gripped him in a near back breaking bear hug which Daniel returned enthusiastically. His eyes were glued to Blair even when Mom placed her palms on his cheeks and exclaimed about his tan and how good he looked.

  But they moved aside when Blair stepped forward, giving the couple time to greet each other. He stared deeply into his eyes as he moved to kiss her. The world momentarily disappeared as her arms went around his body and he leaned into her, knowing that he shouldn’t press into her, knowing that the result would be noticeable, but completely unable to stop himself.

  She sighed sharply and her tongue found its way between his lips. She pulled back suddenly and stared at him in amusement. “Now what are you going to do with that big thing that’s poking at me? And your parent’s just over your shoulder?”

  “I know what I want to do with it.” He growled. But he did reluctantly release her…and he had already prepared for this development by wearing a button down shirt that he kept un-tucked. He didn’t usually opt for this type of attire as he was into skateboard clothing, but knew it would please his parents. And it was functional to boot!

  Even though his parent’s were in their fifties and they lived in a conservative city, they had no problem with their youngest son dating interracially. Blair was already such a fixture in their lives being his best friend that to them it was just a matter of time before the two kids would realize it themselves.

  Daniel had to be satisfied with just walking hand and hand with his girlfriend as they retrieved his luggage and chatted anxiously. And during the ride back to the house, it took all of his will power not to run his hands up her legs. She wore tight jeans that amplified her round butt. An off the shoulder sweater and a multi colored scarf knotted at her throat completed the ensemble. He leaned in to whisper in her ear.

  “You’re not wearing a bra…my cock is so hard right now.”

  Her eyes became hooded but she didn’t otherwise respond. Daniel knew that he would have to practice great restraint to get through this day.

  It was wonderful seeing his family and their kids. And dinner was great; the first home cooking he’d had in months. But Daniel was preoccupied with getting some alone time with Blair. So even though it might have been a little rude, during desert he indicated that he and Blair were going to meet up with some friends.

  “Okay.” His father said while sipping his coffee.

  “Um…so I might stay out all night…you know if it gets late.” Daniel said, practically stumbling over his words.

  His Dad nodded. “That’s fine.” Daniel thought he could detect a slight smile on his lips before he moved his attention elsewhere.

  When they were in his car that he’d left for her use, Blair was practically chewing on her lower lip.

  “You know we didn’t fool anybody, right?”

  He shrugged. “They’re lucky I lasted as long as I did. Imagine if I would have thrown you on the table and fucked you right in front of everybody. That’s what I wanted to do.”

  “Daniel!” She said in shock before falling into a fit of laughter. “You have changed, Emoboy.” She was eyeing him in appreciation. “And you look so sexy with that tan.”

  He glanced at himself in the rearview mirror as he pulled out of the driveway. He had tanned some but was far from the hues of browns that would be considered true tan by California standards.

  “Where are we going, baby?” He asked as he reached over to grip her hand.

  “Head towards Dixie Highway.”

  He raised a brow. “Kentucky?”


  “Alright…we aren’t really going to meet friends are we?” He asked, becoming a bit worried.

  Blair slipped her hand from his grasp and lightly traced the erection that even now strained against his slacks. Daniel yelped and jumped.

  “No.” She gave him a quick squeeze before gripping his hand again. He licked his lips in anticipation as a warm shudder enveloped him.

  Daniel didn’t know their destination until they finally pulled up into winding drive of The Wildwood Inn. It was a hotel that provided themed rooms. It also had a high price tag just for a nightly stay. Daniel didn’t need a themed room. All he needed was a bit of privacy and possibly a surface to lay, sit or stand on. At this point he was easy to please.

  But he did smile at her. “Blair, baby, what do you have up your sleeves?” She just grinned in excitement and had him open the trunk. She retrieved an overnight bag and took charge of getting them checked in.


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