Love Intertwined Vol 2

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Love Intertwined Vol 2 Page 19

by Pepper Pace

  The next day, Tuesday, they got a call from the manager of the apartment giving them a thumbs up to move in and if they moved in as is he offered to allow them to pay only first and last months rent with no deposit. They snapped up the offer.

  With Jeffery’s help they got Daniel’s things moved out in one trip and then they went shopping for a bed that would deliver the same day.

  “What are you going to do while I’m at work?” He asked as he was putting the bedrails together on their new bed using tools borrowed from the apartment manager.

  Blair was putting her perfumes on the dresser. “Finish cleaning and unpacking.” She smiled happily. “I want it to look like our home and not some place we’re stopping to rest. Do you know what I mean?”

  He nodded with a serious look on his face. “I tutor tomorrow.”

  She shrugged. “That’s fine. I’ll stay out of your way.”

  He was shaking his head. “No. I want you to be here.”

  She made a face. “Listening to you tutor a bunch of people about economics? I don’t think so.”

  He stared at her.


  “I think you should be here.”

  “Okay.” She said with a crease to her brow. “I’ll be here.” He nodded once and continued with his activity.

  After she dropped Daniel off at work, Blair called the store where she’d been offered the job but when she described where she lived she discovered that they weren’t close enough. He kindly offered to contact a friend of his that owned a store only minutes from the apartment and after a short interview and a quick glance at her application she was told that she could start immediately. She explained that she didn’t care about the hours as long as she could have Wednesdays and Saturdays off. And then it was agreed, she would begin Thursday morning in the produce department.

  That night after she picked him up from work she told him her good news and they ‘celebrated’ for most of the night in their new bed. That night Daniel sucked her neck again and when she showered the next morning and discovered a fresh hickey next to the fading one. She hurried into the kitchen and poked him in the arm as he scrambled eggs for breakfast.

  “What, babe?”

  She tugged at her collar and showed him her neck.

  “Mmm, what a beautiful neck.” He made to kiss her and she scowled and smacked his hand away. He went back to tending the eggs before they burned.

  “Daniel I can’t be going in to work covered in these!”

  He scooped eggs onto two plates. “Baby, I explained that I marked you as mine. Not sure why you thought I was kidding. You’re taken and I want everybody to know it.” He placed the skillet into the sink and ran water into it. He sat down and glanced up at her. “Baby, you’re going to make me late for classes. Eat.”

  “Daniel, you are tripping. You are not going to keep me marked!”

  “Yes. I will.” He began scooping eggs into his mouth. He glanced at his watch and gestured to her plate again. “Eat or else I’m going to have to take the car and leave you without a ride.” She reluctantly sat down and began to eat while glancing at him periodically. She scowled. Well they would have to get some things straight after he finished his tutoring session this evening.

  She drove him to school and he leaned in and kissed her thoroughly, his hand moving possessively beneath her shirt to tweak her nipple through her bra.

  She gasped and pushed his hand away. “You are so bad!” She looked around to see if anyone had seen. He just chuckled.

  “Bye, baby. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “I’ll get a ride home with one of my students. Be good.” He said before closing the door behind him and moving up to the entrance of the school.

  She laughed to herself. Be good. He was so strange.


  Blair did some shopping at the new store she’d be working. It wasn’t a chain store like she was used to working, and their selections were more gourmet, but she liked the vibe and it was obviously very popular because there was a nice crowd here.

  She filled up the cart with things they would need and tried not to worry about the serious dent in her savings. It was the reason she had saved, so that she could come here with Daniel and make a life with him so she couldn’t complain how much it cost to do so.

  She made her first real dinner in their new home, just lasagna and a salad but she took a picture of it and sent it to her mother with the caption: MY FIRST DINNER IN MY FIRST APARTMENT. She glanced at the clock. Daniel and his students should be here any minute. She quickly freshened up. She had meant to ask him how much he got paid from tutoring. It should be a nice sum with four students. Any little bit would help.


  Peter had just had the best week of his life. Todd had accepted his invitation to stop by on Thanksgiving! Peter had quickly explained that it wouldn’t be a problem since his parent’s knew that he was gay…even if he’d never had a boyfriend before. Todd had looked so pleased at Peter’s use of the word boyfriend.

  “Of course I’ll be there.”

  “You can come as my friend.” Peter had blushed. “You don’t have to come as my boyfriend.”

  “But I am your boyfriend.” Todd had leaned forward and kissed him and he had gone to seventh heaven and hadn’t completely landed on his feet since.

  Daniel waved at him when he entered the class and spotted him and Todd together. It was obvious that the big guy had feelings for Peter, especially since he glared at Daniel.

  “Hey Peter. Hi.” He glanced at the bigger guy.

  “Hello.” Todd said without make a move to shake his hand or to retreat.

  “Did you have a good weekend?” Peter asked happily.

  “The best. My girlfriend moved out to join me. We got a place together in Clarmont.” Todd’s possessive posture seemed to relax.

  “Congratulations!” Tina and Melissa showed up just then. Peter shared the news but there was an underline curiosity beneath their polite smiles and congratulations as they wondered about things they couldn’t say with Todd present.

  Were they going to continue to be ‘tutored’?

  “Can I ride with one of you back to the apartment?” Tina nodded in relief. She was glad that He wasn’t going to end it. But they would have to be careful now so that the girlfriend didn’t find out.

  Although, she had found something special that was separate from her tutoring session with Daniel. For the last two Friday’s she had been going to a local BDSM club and found that bondage and submission turned her on like nothing else. She’d allowed herself to be ‘disciplined’ by a man that gave her release at the end, something Daniel never did. He gave her other things, comfort and acceptance but she also desired the sexual release that being submissive triggered in her.

  Lately she’d been fantasizing about wielding such power over others.

  When they reached the apartment Daniel waited for them to get parked and then lead the group up to his small apartment.

  “Blair? We’re here.” The small group looked at each other in confusion. The black woman came from the kitchen with a pleasant smile on her rounded face.

  Tina’s mouth dropped. It was Mercedes from that fucking show GLEE! Oh my god! This was Blair?!

  “Hi guys.” She said with a smile. They returned the greeting in confusion. Daniel walked over and kissed her lightly.

  “Where are the car keys, baby?”

  “On the bookshelf. Why? Are you going somewhere?”

  “Nope. Mmm. What smells good?”

  “I made a lasagna.” She returned his kiss before looking at the rest of them. “There’s plenty for everyone if you guys want to eat.” They accepted politely and Daniel did a quick introduction, after which, Blair returned to the kitchen to set the small dinette table. Daniel offered to stand so that everyone could have a seat.

  While the students tried to adapt to the appearance of Daniel’s girlfriend, he seemed very comfortable and more
animated than usual. They didn’t know what this would mean for each of their developing desires. They supposed that it would mean a more true tutor/student relationship and they would probably have to scrape together the funds to actually pay for his time.

  After the delicious dinner Blair did dishes and they stayed there in the kitchen and began their study session.

  “I know we’re all a little rusty because of the Holidays but just because mid-terms are over doesn’t mean that we let up on our studies.” He met each of their eyes. “You did all get your mid-term grades back, right?” Everyone nodded.

  “Everyone get A’s?” They each nodded. “Raise your hand if you missed any questions.” They each raised their hands. He gave them calm looks. “Seems we’re going to have a busy day. That’s 4 punishments.” No one spoke but they each glanced at Blair who didn’t seem to be paying any attention as she continued to wash the dishes.

  “Follow me.” Daniel headed for the living room and the group filed after him. “Who’s first?” The four students looked at each other again, then Tina stepped forward.

  “How many problems did you miss?”

  “Two, Emoboy.”

  He made her recite the two missed problems and asked for the answers. She gave them successfully. “Belt, paddle or hand?”


  “Take off your pants.” Daniel sat down on the one couch as the others stood waiting nervously for their punishment. Tina slipped out of her jeans and panties and then stretched across his lap.

  “How many, Emoboy?”

  “Twenty-five.” And then he laid his palm sharply against her tanned bottom and she called out ‘One.’

  Blair was humming to herself and thinking that there was just enough lasagna for leftovers tomorrow when she kept hearing the sound of slapping and counting. She paused and cocked her head then walked into the living room where she saw the students standing around watching Daniel administer a spanking to the nude bottom of the pretty blonde one that Blair had already decided she would be keeping a close eye on.

  Daniel’s hand came down hard on her butt and the blonde cried out ‘Ten’, Blair could see a bright red palm print blossoming on her tanned butt. The other two to Blair, but Daniel was engrossed in his actions. He brought his hand down soundly on her bottom again and she screeched and said ‘Eleven.’

  “What the…fuck?” is what Blair thought she said, though she couldn’t be sure that she’d said anything.

  “Twelve!” The blonde cried out. And Daniel kept hitting her and she kept counting them off.

  “Daniel!” Blair finally yelled and by that time Blair was flexing her ass cheeks and twisting away from his strikes.

  Daniel looked at Blair while he administered the next smack. She’d never seen such an expression on his face. Actually, yes she had. There was an unwavering determination there. He turned back to his task and continued to spank the girl as she continued to count them until she reached twenty-five.

  Daniel rubbed her bottom carefully and Blair blinked in disbelief. What the fuck?! Blair felt suddenly sick and light headed and she took a step back.

  Peter was blinking in disbelief. He hadn’t told her! Emoboy’s girlfriend had no idea!

  Melissa’s eyes were like two big saucers. The shit was going to blow…

  Blair’s mouth kept opening and closing. “You fucking asshole!” She ran out of the apartment and Daniel gently pushed Tina from his lap and leaped up and went after her.

  “Blair!” She hurried down the stairs and stormed out the apartment door with Daniel right on her heels. “Where are you going?!” He walked right alongside of her. “And why are you mad at me?”

  She stopped long enough to give him a look of utter disbelief. “You’ve been cheating on me! All of this time-”

  “No I’m not!” He exclaimed.

  People were watching them but she was hardly aware of this as she glared at him. She glared even as her eyes filled with tears. “I didn’t just see you rubbing some half naked bitch’s ass?!”

  “Blair.” He said softly. “I’m a Dom.” She frowned and shook her head, not sure what he was talking about. “Those are my subs,” he continued.

  “Oh my god. You are fucking sick. You get me out here, Daniel and then you do this?!” She smacked him so hard that his head rocked.

  He rubbed his cheek and tears appeared in his eyes whether from her slap or her words was unclear. “I just want you to understand. And this is the only way that I knew to explain. There…there are no words…just have to show you.” He shook his head. “But I haven’t cheated on you. There is no sex, there is no sexual contact. I don’t touch them and they don’t touch me in any sexual way-”

  “You HIT her!” Blair pointed back at the apartment.

  The first tears fell from Daniel’s eyes and he lowered his hand where his cheek was forming an angry bruise.

  “You hit me.”

  She froze. “Don’t even go there-”

  “And you do it because you like it-”

  She pointed at him, her tears drying up. “I’m going home, back to Ohio. I don’t ever want to see you again, you sick bastard!” She turned back to the apartment.

  “I’m…I’m happy that you like it. I…want you to like it.” She heard every word that he said as he followed her back into the apartment building. “I submit to you Blair.” She turned and looked at him with a frown on her face. Tears were spilling from his eyes. “It’s hard sometimes. And I didn’t have to. I wanted to.”

  He gestured up the stairs to the apartment. “Just like they want to.” She turned and continued up the stairs.

  “Blair. Just like you want to.” She paused and shook her head.

  “I loved you and that was the only reason that I submitted to you that time, Daniel.”

  “I know. Does that make it easier if I say that? Does it make it easier to accept? Because deep down there is something in you that knows it’s what you want.” She wasn’t crying, she wasn’t yelling and he risked moving up the stairs to stand next to her. “Not everyone could, love or not. Not everyone would bend to the will of another. It’s what I do for you.”

  Some people were peeking at them from the entrance. “This is so…” she began. Then she went into the apartment, noting that his ‘students’ had cleared out. Daniel closed the door softly.

  “But you hit that girl so hard.”

  His eyes didn’t waiver as he touched his bruised cheek.

  “God…Daniel.” Blair sank down onto the couch and covered her face. “Everything I say, you’re going to tell me that I did it to you first, aren’t you?!” He didn’t say a word. “Because I did…fuck.” She looked at him. “So…I’m a dominatrix?” Daniel rolled his eyes as if that was a stupid question. “And you’re my slave?”

  He nodded. “I prefer the word sub but…yes.” He risked sitting down next to her.

  “If you’re a sub…then why do you have subs? How can a sub have subs?”

  “Because I’m not completely submissive.”


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