Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1)

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Her Designer Baby: (Loving Over 40 Book 1) Page 4

by Washington, Shawna

  “I think I’m ready,” he said softly.

  What do you say to a date who just matter-of-factly says they want to start making babies? I was surprised only because we barely knew each other, and this was a really sensitive topic for both of us to be bringing up on a first date. I think even on a third or fourth date it would be strange to talk about it so nonchalantly.

  The look on my face must have said everything that flashed across my mind because Daniel suddenly sat upright and began apologizing.

  “I’m sorry,” he stammered on. “I normally am not so mushy and sentimental with strangers. It’s just something that I have had to sit with recently so it’s kind of at the forefront of my mind. I mean; that’s not why I asked you out!”

  He instantly looked embarrassed and I even surprised myself but what I said next.

  “I’m ready too! That’s nothing to be ashamed of. You don’t have to apologize to me for that.”

  We were now looking at each other but almost as if for the first time since earlier this week. I gave him as comforting a smile as I could muster up and he was glad of it. I could see the instant relief even in his posture.

  We paid for our meal and began to make our way out the restaurant and to the parking lot. The walk to our vehicles was a slow and strange one. We walked side by side but couldn’t find much else to say.

  When we finally reached my car parked next to his we turned to one another and just stood there. I looked up at him. The sunset was casting that familiar California orange glow on the whole scenery. It could make even the most urban setting a comforting one. Daniel reached for my right hand which seemed odd at first until he brought it up to his lips to give a playful kiss.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “What is that? Are you Sir Daniel, now?”

  Of course, he played along, putting on a medieval accent.

  “Milady, thank you for gracing me with your presence this fine eve. I hope we can partake of more of these delightful moments.”

  I took a light curtsy. “Indeed, sire.”

  We shared a moment of small laughter. I was glad to see neither one of us had ruined the date with our worries of the future. That’s no way to start off things.

  “Thank you, though, Daniel.”

  “You’re welcome, Malaysia.”

  As I got in my car I watched him walk to his. I didn’t feel quite as I did the many times I’d given him glance over. I felt more compassion than lust. It was a coincidence that we had some of the same concerns about the career choices we’d made and how it has impacted us. Parenthood can be a scary thing and even scarier once you decide that you’re ready to take it on. His Audi pulled out and drove on to wherever he called home for the moment. I backed out and went in the opposite direction back toward the highway leading to Malibu Canyon Apartments.

  My apartment had a new feel when I finally made it back; even more than when I came home on Wednesday after meeting Daniel the first time. It was welcoming but not in the false comfort sort of way. It wasn’t even welcoming in the that-a-girl way when I’ve done a kickass job at the agency. Rather, it was quiet, calm.


  Saturday was always a hectic day at the hospital. You had every floor going through pandemonium from the debauchery that started Friday night and continues into Sunday morning. I was thankful in my years as a surgeon I only had a year of emergency room residency at another medical facility. Nonetheless, if you are able to help, regardless of your specialization you do what you can. At least that’s how I always felt about my work.

  Granted, I was in that day for one surgery and one surgery only, but the atmosphere in any medical facility can send even the most professional and skilled doctor into stress mode.

  For the few moments before prep, I was tucked away in one of the many staff break rooms, curled up on a cot trying to get some rest and escape the many call bells and phone rings you could hear even from floors above and below. The occasional voice over intercom demanding this or that of this medical professional or that one was not a help either.

  Shepherd, of all people, had somehow found which break room I was in and instantly began blabbing after my eyes hadn’t been shut more than five minutes.

  “There you are!”

  I groaned, “Here I am.”

  “So,” he began, “how’d the date go?”

  I realized I wasn’t going to get any rest right then just by the topic Shepherd jumped right into.

  “It went decently. We had fun, and a little bit more serious conversation about future goals and whatnot.”

  “That’s great!”

  I now wondered if the phrase that’s great was just an automatic response for him to most things. I sat up off the cot and rubbed my eyes, propping my elbows on my knees.

  “Shep,” I grumbled. “Can I ask why you were looking for me?”

  “No real reason. Just to chat, I guess. Find out how your date went,” he replied as he took an uninvited seat next to me on the cot.

  “Well, did you ever stop and think I may feel like you’re giving me unnecessary pressure in what I consider my own personal life?”

  Shepherd sat still. I felt him shift uncomfortably for a moment, then he began talking again.

  “My bad, boss man. It’s just, I know you had expressed before you really were thinking about the whole family thing and kids and— "

  “I still am. But sometimes I just want to keep all that to myself. I appreciate your help, but can you give me advice on the days I really need it? Not today. Not before this surgery.”

  I couldn’t see Shepherd’s face as I still had my hands over my eyes, my head being propped up in my hands with my elbows still firmly planted on my knees. I could feel his expression change, however, and wasn’t the least bit regretful over it.

  “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t think about that. You know, you’re right.” He then reached over and gave me a good hard pat on the left shoulder. He then stood up and made his way to the break room door.

  “I’ll see you in OR a few hours from now, boss man! Get some rest!”

  “Yep,” I said as I laid back down. “That’s the game plan.”

  I was already drifting off to dreamland before the break room door even fully shut. The visions that came behind my eyelids were more than a welcome sight.

  I was in the first house Malaysia had shown me. The sprawling mansion was bathed in a serene white glow.

  I once learned in one of my psychology courses years ago that researchers theorized dreams were your mind’s way of resolving the unspoken issue within your day to day. In this dream as I entered the house, I wondered was this my minds way of saying I should have bought that first house. I hadn’t really given it much thought since Wednesday.

  My thoughts soon answered for themselves when I turned and saw Malaysia standing in the foyer in the blue dress she wore on Thursday.

  Before I could say anything, she walked up to me and kissed me hard and greedily.

  Part of me wanted to push her back. I’ve never been a man to turn down a woman’s advances, but this was not all adding up. I was flooded with desire so raw and so unexpected the hard on that sprang up brought sensations across my whole body.

  Something about the intensity of that moment made me realize I was dreaming. I broke my kiss and looked into Malaysia's beautiful eyes.

  “I’m dreaming. I know it. You didn’t wear that dress Wednesday.”

  “You like it don’t you,” she breathed. Her left hand began massaging my cock against the fabric of my slacks. I found my own breathing nearly trapped in my throat as her hand made sensual circles against me.

  Dream or not I was going to enjoy this break from reality. I pulled her tighter to me and began hungrily pulling up her dress. My hands found their way to her round, full ass and squeezed.

  We kissed and licked hungrily at each other's lips. Both our hands were working furiously at the button and zipper of my slacks.

  “Fuck me, Daniel. Give me what we b
oth want,” she whispered against my mouth.

  “Yes!” I said, freeing my dick from its prison.

  We found ourselves on the floor of the foyer with me snatching her panties down and out the way of my prize.

  “Let’s do it, Daniel. It’s not too late,” she begged. “You’ve still got it in you, and I want it out of you, right now.”

  “Fuck yes,” I answered. “Why are we waiting? Why’d we wait so long?”

  We were in the throes of so much passion I didn’t notice how the house was cast in a deep red light. It became dark, and in the distance, I could hear what sounded like a car alarm.

  I was at the precipice of climaxing and I hadn’t even entered Malaysia. She lay beneath me writhing for me to take her.

  “Daniel, what is it?”

  I looked up at all the dark red light and listened to the car horn getting louder and louder until it sounded as if the person was just laying on the horn.

  “Daniel! Daniel! What is it? Why are you stopping? Give it to me, “Malaysia was screaming. “Daniel! Daniel!”

  The sudden sound of what sounded like a car crashing through the break room door sent me jolting upright from the cot.

  There was no one in the room. No one had entered. I suspected I’d see even an orderly showing up with a cart of some sort, or a janitor to collect the trash out the garbage can. No. No one.

  My phone alarm was, however, ringing. I had sat it to sound like a bullhorn siren. That would explain the insistent car horn sound in my dream, but not much else. I had forgotten I set it to wake me up in time to prep for surgery. I shut it off and gave my eyes a good hard rub. Sitting up, I looked a pot of coffee that I had started a few hours before Shepherd interrupted my rest earlier. I made a cup and decided against the sugar and cream. After a strange dream like that, I needed it black. I few sips of coffee and I was on my way to go get prepped.

  The surgery went well but the events of that dream stuck with me throughout. By the time I made my way to the sterilization room I was praying like hell Shepherd didn’t want to have one of his “water cooler” chit chats. I was in no mood.

  I had somehow gotten cleaned up, finished up some last-minute paperwork, changed out of my scrubs and made it to the parking garage without a single 'have a good one, boss man' or 'catch ya tomorrow, boss man'. Not that Shepherd wasn’t a good guy and dare I say it, even a friend. It was simply that stress, and maybe even underlying fear of how well my date with Malaysia actually did go, was finally bubbling to the surface.

  By the time I reached home I was ready to call it a night. Selfishly, I guess I even wanted to get back to that dream of Malaysia. I wanted to have what I was a little apprehensive to take at the moment but oddly enough I wanted to see could I pick up where that horn left off. It was the one element of that whole dream that had me thrown for a loop.

  I had taken probably the hottest shower imaginable and was finally lounging on the couch when I received a text message. It was Malaysia.

  “How goes it, Dr. Sexy Surgeon?”

  Her little alias for me actually gave me a much-needed laugh. I responded in kind.

  “Milady Malaysia, all is well. And ye?”

  “Just fine. Wanted to thank you for yesterday. It felt good to share sushi with someone other than myself for change.”

  “Anytime,” I texted back.

  I waited for a response or some sign on my screen she was at least typing. Nothing. I had an old but familiar feeling in my gut from my youth. Waiting for the girl you have a crush on to put a letter in your locker or pass a note to you always made my hands sweat.

  You’d think for all the women I’d dated in my adult years this one waiting moment would be nothing to sweat over. But there was something about her. There was something about how she seemed so reassured but so sweet all at once. Not to mention her compassion and empathy for my feelings about raising a family.

  Little floating texting dots began floating in the conversation section of my screen. Finally, a few simple words: “Sweet dreams then, Dr. Sexy Surgeon. ;) “

  I read her words for a moment, then typed my own: “Sweet dreams to you too, milady.”

  Sweet dreams, indeed. And even sweeter than the one before.

  Sweet dreams didn’t come later that night. In fact, I barely remember dreaming at all when my alarm began sounding. I felt around for it on the coffee table and hit the snooze button. I had set an alarm for no better reason than to get in a good workout in the gym. I normally worked out in the evening but I had missed my workout Friday and last night so I figured I’d get it in that morning.

  Getting to the onsite gym at my complex was always a nice jog. This Sunday was no different. The weather was warming up nicely into the familiar hot California summer climate we know and love, but the mornings are still a bit chilly. I finally had made it to the gym and was happy to see it was practically empty.

  I did a few reps on a machine and then hopped on the treadmill. I was definitely one of those people who could think best when working out. The mounted tv in the corner was the only sound besides the repeated thump of my sneakers on the treadmill. A commercial quickly got my attention when I heard Malaysia’s name being spoken.

  I looked at the tv to see the commercial for the Rojo Real Estate Agency where she worked. There she was, as one of the most wanted agents. Her smile was captivating as usual with her saying she would get you into your first home or your next home and to give her a call.

  My steps slowed as I watched her cheeky performance. I slowly turned the treadmill to the off position and stepped off the edge. Walking over to the jacket I had on earlier that now sat on a nearby stool, I fished for my cell in one of the pockets. Soon as I found it I dialed Malaysia’s personal cell.

  I was greeted with a cheerful “good morning” on the other end.

  “I saw your commercial saying you could get me into my first home or even my next one, ma’am! I don’t believe you! Prove it,” I said jokingly into the phone.

  She instantly laughed. “Ha! Ugh, yeah, that. If you only knew how many takes we had to do for that promotion. I was not feeling it. Could you tell?”

  “Eh, a little,” I teased.

  “What are you up to right now? You sound out of breath?”

  “It’s all these women I’m having to take on one by one so early. They just can’t get enough of me today.”

  “I bet,” she snorted. “Working out?”


  “Can I come workout with you?”

  I wasn’t expecting that. I took a moment to think about it, then said, “Sure. Right now?”

  “If now is fine,” she responded. “What gym are you at?”

  “The one here at my apartment. It’s a community gym.”

  “Ah, so I finally get an idea of what you’re leaving behind?”

  She was sly. She got me. “Yeah,” I laughed. “Absolutely. Can you find it if I give you the address?”

  I did just that and about an hour later I got another call and was guiding her around to the side of the complex she could find the gym. When she parked, I felt my loose jogging pants shift just a bit near my crotch as I stood on the sidewalk.

  “Down boy” I quietly instructed my second head. I wasn’t as much of a pervert as some would think, but you couldn’t tell that by how my own sense was reacting when Malaysia stepped out of her car.

  I suppose it was just the excitement of her actually showing up on an impromptu visit. It didn’t help that she was wearing what looked like a tight black pair of workout pants and a baggy hoodie. Those pants weren’t leaving anything to the imagination and even the anticipation of seeing what was under her hoodie had me turned on.

  I shimmied a little to reposition myself and hoped she just didn’t notice.

  “Good morning,” she chimed.


  “You look like you’ve already been hard at it,” she said.

  “A bit. Nothing too strenuous but definitely enough
to get my cardio up and going.”

  “Great! Well, I’m glad I came. I get to watch you sweat a little,” she said with a flirty wink as she walked passed me into the gym.

  I had to glance at the back of her and I felt my groin give another twitch. I wasn’t sure if having her by was a good idea or a horrible one waiting to happen if I couldn’t contain myself.

  She hopped on a piece of equipment she was more familiar with and I grabbed the one I had been on previously. In between huffs, puffs, and grunts we made small talk; nothing too interesting.


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