Buried Treasure

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Buried Treasure Page 12

by Jools Louise

  “Give. Me. The. Money.” She wasn’t amused by his comments.

  “No. Can. Do.”

  “Then I’ll have to beat it out of you,” she hissed, leaping forward into a high kick, which he dodged easily. Whirling, she tried to kick again, only to have him grab her ankle, twisting and pulling simultaneously, then slicing down onto her exposed knee joint. When he released her, she fell awkwardly, yelping in pain. She wasn’t done, though.

  “Ooh. So baby balls got tough did he?” She smirked. “Funny. You weren’t so feisty at the mine, were you? Such a crybaby.”

  “I was a child, go figure,” he said dryly, refusing to be drawn in. He didn’t recognize her since a lot of the time he’d been drugged. She obviously knew him, though. “Now I’m not.” He sneered at her. “I’m sorry. Was I supposed to be afraid of you? My bad,” he mocked.

  She attacked again, lashing out in a flurry of fists and feet, which had him under pressure to avoid her sharp claws. She was good. He was better. Biding his time, he waited until she paused for breath, then went on the offensive. He managed to get in several hits, refraining from using his own claws. Then she seemed to grow tired of the battle and palmed a pistol.

  “I don’t have to kill anyone to get what I want,” she snarled, aiming the gun at Vince. Before she completed the sentence, Vince shifted and erupted off the bed, flinging sensors and sheets aside, and had his powerful African lion jaws around her throat, squeezing hard enough that she lost consciousness and dropped the weapon.

  “You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack,” Drew said breathlessly, looking wide-eyed at Vince. The man was huge, even in his feline form. Larger than Sherman, even. And had moved with a speed that left Drew reeling.

  Vince chuffed, releasing the would-be assassin. Then he shifted and stood over her, kicking the gun away. His wounds were healing well, the sensors for show, mostly. He looked prime. Drew tensed as the bigger man stepped toward him as though stalking prey.

  “You talk too much,” Vince growled, cupped Drew’s head, then lowered for a kiss that literally curled Drew’s toes. The man could kiss like a dream and swept in, full force, taking Drew’s mouth with a heady passion that showed Drew he had plenty of vigor left in him.

  “Damn, Drew,” Callahan said, entering the ward. “You started without me.”

  Drew could barely breathe, let alone respond to Callahan’s teasing. Vince was now playing tonsil tennis. All Drew could think of was the vicinity of the bed close by. Being horizontal right now would be fantastic. He ground against Vince, fingers raking through the man’s hair, and moaned helplessly against the man’s seductive lips.

  “I’m sorry,” Vince whispered, easing back slightly. “For all of this. As soon as I learned about Daniel’s intentions, that should have been my warning to quit and return his money. I was so caught up with revenge, it clouded my judgment. I never wanted to cause anyone pain. Not after what I went through.”

  Callahan wrapped his arm around Drew’s waist, kissing his cheek, then stared up at Vince somberly. “So does this mean you’re not going to continue hurting us? That you’re on our side?” he asked. “Drew’s right, big guy. We don’t need you. But we’d like to try and make this work. Mates are precious. And you’ve been given a second chance.”

  Vince choked out a shaky breath. “You’d forgive me?”

  “We’re giving you a chance,” Callahan corrected. “You fuck this up, there’s a whole lot of people who’ll be there to fuck you up.”

  “Yeah, me first,” Drew said. “You might be a great kisser, but that’s not a free pass.” Then he snorted. “But it’s a pretty good way to butter me up.”

  Callahan grinned. “Really? That good?” He tapped his lips, pursing them comically, and closed his eyes hopefully.

  Vince laughed softly, obeying the unspoken invitation, and kissed Callahan, too.

  * * * *

  “You know, this pains me, it really does. The last time I saw Callahan, he was less enamored with orgies. And in a hospital room no less. I hope he’s paying you well, Callahan. You always were my best earner.”

  Rodrick Ambrose had entered the building. And was already firing his mouth off.

  Callahan turned from his mates, feeling sick at facing a man who had kept him in sexual slavery for years. Until he’d escaped the guy’s clutches, only to find himself at the mercy of the cult, and ended up locked up in a bunker, left to die. He recalled all the times when he’d been ready to kill himself, wanting his life to end before having to service another client. Then, ironically, begging to live after being captured. He’d gone through too much to let anyone else treat him like dirt.

  “How’s business, Rodrick?” Callahan asked coolly. “Still short-changing your clientele? Still dealing in drugs and dirty tricks?”

  “Why are you here?” Drew asked, standing beside his mate, linking arms in a show of solidarity. Callahan felt Vince move to his other side, towering over them all. Naked, he exuded menace and sex appeal in equal measure. And Rodrick’s appearance made Callahan feel almost ashamed of his feelings of pride for his mates. Rodrick had always made Callahan feel unclean.

  “My mate is no longer your concern,” Vince said, glaring through steely eyes at the man who’d very nearly killed Callahan a few days before.

  “He’s very much my concern,” the pimp said sharply. “He was under contract. And he broke that contract.”

  “I was your slave,” Callahan bit out. “You tricked me into working for you, seduced me with lies, telling me we were boyfriends, and then sold me to your clients. When I tried to leave, you beat me. Then sold me to the cult and had me locked up and left to starve. I don’t believe you’re here because you can’t live without me,” he added bitterly.

  “You’re right, I’m not,” Rodrick agreed. “You’re mated, which changes things. But your good friend Bryce is another matter.”

  Callahan snarled, fury rising inside him like a volcano. “Don’t touch him. He’s not your property, either.”

  “Yeah. Rankin would take exception to you wanting Bryce,” Drew said.

  Rodrick frowned. “Rankin? Who’s that?”

  “Why don’t we introduce you?” Drew retorted, grabbing Rodrick by the scruff and dragging him out of the ward.

  “Let me help,” Callahan added, reaching for the man’s belt and lifting him up higher while giving him an uncomfortable ride out of the hospital.

  * * * *

  Vince shouted for Maizie, but she didn’t arrive. He cursed. What the fuck? Running into the corridor, still naked, he cursed again as his legs wobbled suddenly. Dammit. He was still too weak for this shit. Gritting his teeth, he used his shifter senses to sniff out Drew’s guardian elephant shifter.

  He found her, slumped in an empty room, a nasty lump on the back of her head. “Fuck. This was a setup.” He grabbed her phone and scanned it, then sent a quick message to Sherman. The fucker best get here fast. Drew and Callahan were in trouble.

  “What’s wrong, Vince?” Lex came running. “Pace just showed up with Juliana and Jeremy, John’s siblings. We’re taking care of Jeremy who’s in a bad way.”

  Vince explained, feeling his strength ebbing fast.

  “Get back to bed,” Lex urged him. “I’ve got some backup on the way. I’ve alerted Bryce and the Spirit Ink boys. Cody, too. Whatever’s going on, we’ll take care of it.”

  Vince shook his head and shifted. He wasn’t going to lose his mates. Not now. Fighting back exhaustion, he padded swiftly out of the hospital, praying Maizie was okay.

  * * * *

  “It’s a trap,” Callahan said dryly.

  Drew snorted, eyeing the group of well-armed thugs waiting for them, about a hundred yards from the café, where they were taking Rodrick to meet Rankin. “You think?”

  They still had hold of Rodrick, who smirked arrogantly. “Now you’ll have to let me go,” he crowed.

  Drew grinned at Callahan, waggling his brows. “Okay.” Then he and his mate swung their
burden right at the group, letting go at the last second. Rodrick flew right into the men, knocking them over like nine pins.

  “Good shot,” Callahan said, high-fiving Drew. “You may have to rethink taking anyone from this town, Roddy. We don’t like bullies and kidnappers here.”

  The thugs glanced around as a huge African lion leaped into the fray. They yelped in fright as he tore into them, snapping and clawing viciously. They scattered, leaving Rodrick without hesitation.

  Callahan stepped forward, kicked Rodrick in the jaw, knocking him out, then cursed when the lion suddenly collapsed.

  “Is that…” Bryce came running.

  “Rodrick Ambrose,” Callahan confirmed.

  Bryce paled. “I thought he’d left already.”

  “No. He wanted both of us.” Callahan hugged his friend tightly.

  “He can’t have us,” Bryce whispered, then flushed slightly, intriguingly.

  “What’s up?” Drew asked the guy, tilting his head.

  “Er…I think I may have found my mate,” Bryce said nervously, glancing around. “I just had a whole truckload of flowers delivered to the café. Rankin. He apologized for not letting me know about his feelings sooner, but he was scared I’d say no to a date.”

  Drew smiled slowly, kneeling beside Vince and stroking his thick mane gently. Vince was still on the sick list. He needed plenty of rest. But Drew wanted to hear about the latest romance before he took care of Vince.

  So Rankin had actually bitten the bullet. “Go, Rankin,” he said, laughing. “He mentioned he’d been dragging his heels, and finally admitted how he felt about you,” he confessed. “I was sworn to secrecy. Lunar and I didn’t think he’d do it. We figured you’d both be geriatrics before he finally got around to courting you.”

  Bryce blushed even more. “He said that? Wow.” He glanced at the café. “He doesn’t believe in small gestures, does he?”

  Callahan grinned. “Best get ready. I reckon you’re about to experience a Rankin courtship, full force.”

  Bryce about-faced and ran back to Café Anglais. “I might be busy tonight, so the apartment’s all yours,” he shouted over his shoulder. “Vince there looks like he needs his rest.”

  Drew and Callahan exchanged amused glances. “Let’s get this loser to jail, then we’ll prepare Vince for a double whammy,” Drew said. Sirens blared loudly, and Rodrick was soon whisked off for a stint in jail. Drew fired off a quick text behind Callahan’s back, to have Ryder look into Rodrick and his association with Daniel. He’d have a peek, as well…after claiming Vince Smith. The man was about to experience the joys of wake-up sex. After a well-earned rest.

  Chapter Ten

  Vince groaned softly, feeling as though he was wrapped in a cocoon of pleasure. His body was supersensitive, and there was the softest of caresses traveling all over his body. Light as a feather, but moist and silky smooth. His breathing deepened, and with relief, he realized his lungs were back to normal, minus the two bullet holes Gopher had kindly planted there.

  “He’s waking up, Cally.” That was Drew, sounding amused. “What about this to help him along?” Vince groaned again as something warm and smooth slid between his buttocks. It felt like a thick rod, coated with velvet. “That feels amazing,” Drew murmured. “The friction is fantastic.”

  “Our very own adult playground,” Callahan agreed, laughing softly. “What about this?” Vince yelped as sharp teeth nipped his ass, then he shifted restlessly as the wound was soothed by a loving tongue. He was going to have a heart attack. Did the two minxes not realize he’d been shot recently?

  The tongue on his ass swirled and laved down his crease as the rod disappeared, replaced by another tongue, the pair lapping at him delicately until he thought he’d lose his mind. This was heavenly. Waking up to a tongue bath could become addictive in a hurry. He didn’t want it to stop.

  “Hmmm, salty yet nutritious.” Callahan chuckled. Vince felt that seductive caress travel down to his ball sac, then Callahan, he thought it must be Callahan, explored them thoroughly, humming with pleasure.

  “He needs something warm and creamy, don’t you think?” Drew said breathlessly. Vince felt a light tap against his cheek and turned his face toward it, already scenting the pre-cum, guessing what Drew was about to feed him. Opening, Vince took Drew’s cock into his mouth, sucking lightly, enjoying the flavor. Drew groaned, bucking slightly as Vince swirled around the corona, dipping into the slit at the top to encourage more cream, then sucked hard. Then again. Drew thrust steadily, fucking Vince’s mouth repeatedly, then let loose a rough growl and lashed Vince’s throat with warm cum.

  “Hmmm, what’s for dessert?” Vince asked lazily, smacking his lips as he swallowed the load.

  “Turn over,” Callahan ordered and helped Vince move onto his back. Vince peered at his mates through slitted eyes, enjoying the sight of them, cocks plump and ready, admiring his own hard-on.

  “You’ve slept for three days,” Drew said, his golden eyes concerned, but shaded with relief. “We figured we’d let you rest, but then worried.”

  “I guess I haven’t slept so well recently,” Vince admitted. “Not for years, actually.”

  “Lex came over to check on you,” Callahan said. “He said to let you sleep.”

  “Yeah, but we got impatient. We wanted to claim our third.” Drew grinned, his eyes lighting beautifully.

  “What are you waiting for?” Vince asked, frowning slightly as they hesitated.

  “Is this what you want?” Drew asked bluntly. “Really? We don’t want to leave here, and your job is transient. We love it in Sage. And we wouldn’t be happy if you continued what you’ve been doing. Hiring out to the highest bidder.”

  “You know that isn’t what happened,” Vince chided. “If you mean me being a bounty hunter, I’d still like to keep my hand in. But I’d rather do it legally. I was planning to set something up in town, actually. There are plenty of rogue shifters out there, as well as human enemies. I’ve built up quite a network, finding the ones who help the likes of Daniel and his ilk. Those who work against our community. I would hire people to help me do the legwork.” He smiled at his mates. “I’d really like to settle down, and help keep this town safe.”

  They exchanged glances, then smiled slowly at him, wickedly, salaciously.

  “Good answer,” Drew commented, nodding as if that took care of the serious stuff.

  “We flipped a coin,” Callahan informed Vince, grinning widely. Apparently, Vince had answered correctly, and held his breath. He had the feeling their evening was just about to get started. Or morning. He had no clue what time it was. “I get to claim you first.” Callahan laughed when Drew snorted.

  “Cally wants to take you, while I take him,” Drew advised, smirking. “He wanted to fuck you first, even though he’s a bottom boy usually.”

  “So am I,” Vince growled seductively, lifting his knees up to his ears, displaying his moist hole invitingly. His heartbeat sped up when his lovers moaned needily.

  “Oh fuck, that’s a lovely sight,” Callahan said, licking his lips. He grabbed the lube. A moment later, he was stretching Vince carefully, his cock bouncing eagerly as he moved. Drew moved in behind Callahan, stroking his back gently, and began to play with something.

  “Cally’s been wearing this all day,” Drew said, removing a butt plug from his lover’s hole. “He loves to be fucked in all kinds of interesting places.” He chuckled heartily, and rammed his cock home, deep inside Callahan’s chute. Callahan jerked, arching his back, eyes closed in bliss at the hard thrust.

  “We’ve christened most items of furniture,” Callahan said merrily, once he caught his breath, and shoved a second finger inside Vince’s clenching anus. Vince whimpered with pleasure. He hadn’t bottomed in so long, he was light-headed with want. With Drew in the driving seat, fucking Callahan, it looked as though they were all in for an exciting ride. Drew’s face was taut with lust, fangs already bared as he nipped Callahan’s neck gently.
/>   “Take me, please,” Vince begged. “I need this. I need you. Let me find love again.”

  Callahan moved into position, his eyes glittering with emotion, and leaned in, kissing Vince tenderly. The kiss deepened instantly, as Callahan slid home, thrusting smoothly until he was fully seated.

  “We understand pain and heartache,” Callahan whispered. “I’m glad you broke the hold that revenge had on you.”

  “Yeah. That’s a fool’s game,” Drew agreed, starting up a steady rhythm. “We’ll love you if you allow us to,” he added, meeting Vince’s gaze.

  Vince closed his eyes, and jerked his head in agreement, grateful that his lovers were prepared to forgive his stupidity around them. Especially with Drew. He moaned softly, Drew’s tempo quickening, shunting Callahan deeper inside him. This was heaven. His ass ached in the most delicious way, stretched by Callahan’s fat dick, driven by Drew’s vigorous lovemaking. Arching his back, Vince gave himself to his lovers, kissing them both passionately. He wanted a family. A home. And he wasn’t about to give them up. He would be a fool indeed if he allowed Daniel to destroy his chances at happiness. The added bonus was the fact they all seemed to match, sexually speaking. He thanked whatever deity helped select mates that they’d chosen so well. He was blessed.

  The trio came hard, Callahan first, his fangs digging deep into Vince’s shoulder, who mimicked the action with Callahan, and then dragged Drew down before his orgasm had ended. Drew continued fucking them both, holding on for a few more seconds, then came as well, and claimed his mates, as well. They collapsed in a sated pile on the bed, then cuddled languorously in the aftermath.


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