Club Secrets: Club Secrets USA Book 1

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Club Secrets: Club Secrets USA Book 1 Page 2

by Wilcox, Layla

  The muscular bouncer who had appeared before showed up again. He was a big man, about six foot six and three hundred pounds of solid body mass. This time he ambled down the line of waiting men, checking out each face. He stopped in front of David.

  “Are you David Hauser?”

  “Yeah, man.”

  “Come with me,” the bouncer growled.

  David was six feet tall and close to two hundred pounds. He worked out with weights and thought he had a muscular build until he walked behind this dude. He felt like a first grader following one of the big kids around the playground. Fortunately, it was a short walk to the entrance. Once inside the entry hallway, the bouncer pointed to another set of doors, and David was on his own again.

  He walked past the line of guys who were getting proofed for age at the inside entrance and stepped inside the club. David was glad his father had given him a heads up about what to expect. He clutched the bag with the bottle of Grey Goose he brought and walked up to the bar.

  He tried to make eye contact with one of the bartenders, but they were all busy. David felt a strong hand gripping his shoulder, and he whirled around, fist clenched, ready to take the first swing if necessary.

  “Whoa, Partner, relax. I’m trying to give you a hand here.”

  David looked into the familiar face of his father’s former partner, Dirk. He put his hand out. “Hey, sorry, man. But I just got back from Gainesville, and anyone who grabs you from behind in a bar there is usually looking for a fight.”

  Dirk shook his hand with a firm grip. “This is no college bar, David. Throwing a punch here will get you thrown out on your ass.” Dirk nodded to the well-placed security enforcers around the room, and David’s eyes followed the older man’s motions.

  “I didn’t come here to fight, Dirk,” he said, and held up his bottle of vodka. “Tell me, though, how do I get one of these clowns behind the bar to pay attention to me?”

  Dirk took the bag with the bottle. “Son, you’ve got a lot to learn. If you want to get a drink here, show some respect to our servers.” He motioned for one of the bartenders to come over.

  “Yes, sir. How can I help you?” the server asked.

  “Tom, this is David Hauser, Mark’s son. Please label his bottle and make sure his glass stays full while at the bar.”

  “Sure thing. Nice to meet you, David,” Tom said. He quickly labeled the bottle. “How do you like it?”

  “On the rocks with a twist. Thanks, Tom,” David said.

  Dirk reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. He rolled a twenty off the top and stuffed it in the tips jar. Leaning in close to David, he whispered, “That’s how we say ‘thank you’ around here.”

  David took a big gulp of his drink. “Got it, Dirk.”

  “I hear you’re itching to hook up with Andrea Whitney.”

  “Yeah, is she here yet?”

  “I haven’t seen her. Your best bet would be to hang out here near the entrance and watch for her to come in. She’ll be by herself, most likely. She doesn’t stay alone for long, though, if you know what I mean.”

  David nodded. “Not surprised. Thanks for the tip. Guess I’ll make Tom my friend while I wait.” He motioned to Tom for a fill up and this time had a twenty waiting.

  Dirk patted him on the back. “You’re a fast study, son. You know, there’s lots of hot tail in this room, every bit as fine as Andrea, if you’re ready to get started.”

  David looked around. The club was buzzing. Music blared and the dance floor was full, mostly with women dancing with each other. One of the large screens that hung on the walls of the bar area showed the dancers close up. David took a second look. Some of them were topless, and there was a lot of physical contact between them.

  He turned back to Dirk. “Those aren’t my kind of women. I like the ones who like men.”

  Dirk laughed. “They like sex. If you went down on that dance floor right now, you could have your pick of any one, two, three, or more of them. You could take a test drive right there, and then bring the ones you like to the back.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I thought your father filled you in on what happens here.”

  “Well, yeah. He told me about the front being open to everyone for the nightclub action, and the back rooms being available for members only. He said there were private and group rooms, and members could find and join in on any kind of sexual activity they wanted back there.”

  “That’s right. Exactly what don’t you understand?”

  “What did you mean when you said take a test drive on the dance floor?”

  Dirk snorted. “College boy, you attend too many lectures. Around here, you learn by watching and doing. Try to pay attention now. Check this out while you’re keeping an eye on the door for Andrea.”

  Dirk walked down and joined a couple of women on the dance floor. He positioned himself between them as they danced, cutting in by reaching around like he was going to give a three-way hug, but leaving a hand on each woman’s ass. As they moved to the music, one woman stepped in front of him, and he pulled her in tightly to his chest. They danced with his arms wrapped around her, and his hands slid down her back to her ass.

  Dirk purposefully turned so David could observe the action. David watched as Dirk reached up her skirt and massaged between her legs. The other woman continued to dance behind Dirk, grabbing his buttocks as her hips moved sensually to the music. Her hands traveled between his legs, and she rubbed his cock from behind.

  They continued to dance around the floor, groping and touching one another, and no one except David seemed to notice. As they moved past the part of the bar where David stood, Dirk faced him and gave David a clear view of the rear of the woman pressed to his chest. He shot David a meaningful glance, and he lifted the back of her skirt so David could see she wore no panties. Dirk’s fingers were moving quickly in and out of her pussy as they danced. The other woman continued to dance behind them, humping away while she wrapped her arms around Dirk’s waist and stroked his cock.

  David watched as Dirk whispered into the ear of the woman in front. She nodded. He turned and said something to her friend. She smiled, and the three of them walked off the floor. Dirk remained in the center, with an arm around each woman’s waist. They headed toward the back of the club and disappeared into the darkness.

  David felt his cock filling out the front of his jeans and tried to nonchalantly adjust himself under the ledge of the bar. If Andrea walked in now, he’d be greeting her with a boner instead of a kiss hello.

  He motioned to Tom for another fill up and glanced back to the entrance one more time as he stuck another twenty into the jar. If Andrea didn’t show up soon, he might head down to the dance floor. He still had the two fifties his father gave him in his back pocket for entrance to the members-only area, but at twenty bucks a fill up, he’d be running out of his spending capital pretty soon.

  “Don’t I know you?”

  David turned around in response to the soft voice, and there she was. Andrea stood next to him, with a drink in her hand. She was smiling sweetly, but looked at him as if she couldn’t quite place his face or how she knew him.


  David’s tried to keep his eyes glued to her face, but couldn’t resist glancing up and down her full length. She wore a short, strapless dress. The thin knit fabric clung to her and accentuated her full breasts, tiny waist, and curvy hips. David’s jeans became uncomfortably tight in the crotch.

  She giggled and leaned in closer to get a better look at him in the dim light. “Yes. You seem to know me, but who are you?” She appeared tipsy and steadied herself by putting one hand on the bar ledge.

  David wondered if she had arrived drunk. “Did you just get here?”

  “Oh no,” she said. “I’ve been here with my girlfriends for a few hours. We were sitting over there.” She pointed to another bar area on the other side of the dance floor.

  David noticed her speech was sligh
tly slurred, and she seemed a bit off balance when she lifted her hand from the bar to point. “Are you all right, Andrea?”

  “Sure—” She put her face close to his. “What’s your name again?”

  “David. David Hauser.”

  He saw a wave of recognition come over her, and her face lit up. “Oh my God. You’re David from down the street, aren’t you?”

  “Yup, that’s me.”

  “Look at you! You’re all grown up.”

  Andrea swayed as she took another sip of her drink. “Do you remember when you used to babysit for my kids?”

  “Yes, but that was a long time ago, when I was in high school, and you had only one then.”

  “That’s right. Jason really liked you, too. You brought your video games over and let him play with them.”

  David laughed. “I did it more for me than for him. Gave me something to do when he went to sleep.”

  Over Andrea’s shoulder, David saw a biker-looking guy approaching. David could tell by the way his eyes were locked on Andrea that he was going to be trouble.

  “Hey, Andrea,” David said. “Why don’t we sit down and talk some more?”

  Andrea giggled again. “I don’t come here to talk, David.”

  “All right, then, do you want to dance?” David put his drink on the counter and took Andrea’s glass from her hand. He started to lead her down to the dance floor, but he was too late.

  “Andrea,” a voice boomed, and she whirled around.

  A look of fear crossed her face, and she attempted to cover it with a smile.

  “Oh, hi, Danny.” Unsteady on her feet, Andrea fell against David.

  “This is David, my babysitter.”

  Danny grabbed Andrea’s arm and yanked her toward him, barely even glancing at David. “Yeah, hi kid,” he said. “Go take care of the other kids or something.” Danny started to lead Andrea away.

  David noticed he gripped her arm tightly and was almost dragging her along.

  “Hey, wait a minute,” he called out.

  Andrea turned around, but Danny kept going.

  David went after them, getting in front of Danny and forcing him to stop. “Hey, man. That’s pretty rude. I was having a conversation with Andrea, and you grabbed her away like she’s some kind of chattel.”

  “Get out of my way, boy.”

  David didn’t move. He was facing the bar, and he saw that Tom was observing the whole thing. The bartender motioned toward the bouncer, and David nodded back. “Well, I know a lot of games are played around here, but I didn’t think caveman was one of them. I didn’t hear you ask the lady if she wanted to leave with you.”

  “Listen, kid. You’re starting to bug me.” Danny tried to push David aside, but the younger man stood his ground.

  “Is there a problem here, Mr. Hauser?” It was same the muscular security guard that had pulled David from the outside line.

  David reached out and offered Andrea his hand, which she took. “No, I don’t think so. The lady and I were just about to dance.”

  He put his arm around Andrea’s waist and started toward the dance floor. David looked straight into his adversary’s eyes as they passed. “You understand that now, right, Danny Boy? Her dance card is filled for the evening.”

  The bouncer restrained Danny as he tried to follow them. “All right now, sir. Walk away or walk out. That’s your only choice here.”

  David kept going until he and Andrea were on the dance floor. He took her into his arms and began to sway with the music.

  “Is that guy your boyfriend or something?”

  Andrea leaned into his chest and put her head on his shoulder. “It’s complicated,” she said.

  David led her around the dance floor. As much as he was enjoying the physical contact of her breasts on his chest and her pelvis pressed against his, he knew Andrea was having trouble with her balance, and she seemed unable to keep her head up.

  “Andrea, did you take something tonight with your drink?”

  “Mmm,” she muttered and buried her head into his neck.

  David felt chills down his back as her lips pressed against his skin and she placed the tip of her tongue in his ear. His cock, however, felt only heat and stiffened as Andrea leaned into him and swayed.

  David knew he could lead her to the back rooms of the club, and she’d do anything he wanted. As much as his lower head was telling him to go for it, his upper head won out. He allowed himself another minute of holding her tightly against him, while he closed his eyes and imagined taking her to bed.

  The thought of exploring the curves and caverns of her naked body with his tongue and fingers was enough to cause his dick to spring into ready mode. His physical reaction to the momentary visual of what lay beneath the skimpy dress she was wearing seemed to awaken her from her slumber-like state.

  “Wow,” she said, opening her eyes wide for a moment. Then she slipped her hand down between his legs. “Babysitter, you are a man now.”

  David reluctantly pushed her hand aside.

  “Andrea, did you drive to the club tonight?”

  “Um, no. Came with a friend,” she said dreamily and let her head fall to his shoulder.

  “Good. I’m driving you home.” He led her to the edge of the dance floor and then turned her to lean against his side. He slipped an arm around her waist and was able to support her as she stumbled along next to him.

  “Is it time to go home already?” Andrea looked around the club as they walked toward the door.

  “It is for you.”

  David had to laugh. That was something a parent would say. How the hell did the tables turn so fast? He shook off the thought and focused on getting her to his car. He felt a lot of pairs of eyes at his back as he near dragged Andrea to the club entrance and out to the parking lot, but he didn’t look around, only straight ahead.

  David managed to get Andrea into his front seat and strap a seat belt around her. As he was about to close the door, he noticed she had a tiny purse slung diagonally across her chest on a thin chain strap. He reached inside and found a tube of lipstick and her keys. He pocketed the keys for later, got in on his side, and drove her home.

  Andrea awoke when David lifted her out of the car. She looked around sleepily and recognized that they were in her driveway. “Want to come in for a nightcap?”

  David laughed. “I’ll come in, but I don’t think either one of us needs anything more to drink.”

  He set her feet down on the driveway. Although she appeared able to walk by herself, David took the opportunity to put his arm around her as he guided her up the walkway. He unlocked the front door, and they stepped inside.

  “I’ll take your babysitter home. You shouldn’t drive,” he said.

  Andrea shook her head. “No babysitter here. My kids are at my mom’s house for the night.”

  She turned and put her arms around his neck, crushing her heavy breasts against him as she leaned in to kiss him.

  David allowed himself to enjoy the embrace until Andrea started to undo his pants. He gently pushed her hand away again, wondering where the hell the control was coming from.

  “Let’s get you into bed now,” he said. He led Andrea down the hall to where he remembered the master suite was located.

  “Oh, yes,” she said. “Let’s go to bed.”

  David turned on the light in her room. He left her leaning against the wall inside the doorway and turned down her bed so he could slide her in. When he turned around to help her over to the bed, Andrea was already undressed.

  “Wow.” David couldn’t help but express his appreciation. Andrea’s photos on the website didn’t do her justice. She was lovely and far sexier in the flesh.

  She stumbled across the room and into his arms. He fell back onto her bed with her on top of him. It took all his will power to push her off and back onto her pillows.

  Andrea did not want to let go. She pulled him down onto the bed and began kissing him while running her hand over his cock and
trying to unzip his pants. David forced himself up and quickly pulled the blanket over her.

  “Andrea, as much as I want to climb in next to you, I can’t make love to you like this. I’ll call you tomorrow, I promise.”

  She was sleeping already.

  David turned out the light and headed to the front door, but stopped. He didn’t feel right about leaving her alone in the house, passed out in bed. What if she got up and fell down in her drugged out state? He locked the front door and made his way over to the couch in her family room. He put on the television and stripped down to his underwear.

  There was a small throw blanket on the back of the couch. David pulled it over his legs and sprawled out on the couch for the night.

  Chapter Four

  “What are you doing here?”

  David opened his eyes to find Andrea sitting on the edge of the couch, facing him with a steaming mug in her hand. It took several seconds for him to clear his head and wake up enough to answer. He pulled himself up into a sitting position.

  “Andrea! Good morning. I, uh, drove you home last night—”

  She burst out laughing. “I know that part. Believe or not, I remember most of what happened. That’s why I’m wondering why you’re out here on the couch instead of in my bed this morning.”

  She lowered her eyes and let her glance linger on the huge erection that protruded from his briefs. “I could have helped you out with that,” she said, and took a sip from her mug.

  David blushed. He tried to cover himself, but it was a fruitless effort. The small throw blanket draped over his manhood like a flag, emphasizing his woody, not hiding it.

  He got up and grabbed his jeans, turning away from her while he crammed his cock into his pants and zipped up before facing her again. “I didn’t want to take advantage of you. When I sleep in your bed, it’s going to be because you invite me in, not because I happened to be the one next to you at the moment.”

  Andrea put her mug on the coffee table and stood up. “I’m sorry, David. I didn’t mean to make light of what you did for me last night. I know you came to Club Secrets looking for me, and it turned out to be a lucky thing you did.”


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