Imposter: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance

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Imposter: A Billionaire Single Dad Romance Page 15

by J. J. Bella

  He squeezed her hands tighter. “How would I ever learn if you don’t give me a chance? I’m telling you that I want the commitment. I want to be with you. I’ve never said that to anyone before. I’ve never wanted that with anyone.” He picked up a piece of paper sitting by his side. “Look at this.” He spread the paper open.

  She looked at a collection of blue lines that made little sense. “What is it?”

  “It’s a studio. Here, the rendering is better to see what it’ll be like.” He handed her another sheet.

  She looked over the image of a beautiful artist’s studio. She couldn’t have designed it any better if she’d done it herself. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s yours.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I took a section of my property and had this built. It’s finished now, and it’s yours.” He handed her a key on a silver keychain. “It has its own entrance, so you can come and go as you like. I was hoping this would help prove that I’m ready to make a commitment.”

  “It’s really beautiful. Really. But building a building doesn’t mean you’re ready to be a boyfriend or anything else.” She handed the papers back, but she couldn’t help be touched by what he’d done. It didn’t prove anything about his ability to commit. That had been true. But it did prove how much he cared for her.

  “Please Amelia. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I… I’ll prove it to you.” He slid off the couch and got down on one knee in front of her. “Marry me, Amelia. I love you. I’ve never loved anyone before. I love you, and I want a family with you. I’m sorry we lost the baby. I’m sad over it, too. I want a family with you, and I thought it was going to happen in a few months. I was excited about it, and I want that. I want that with you. Marry me, and make a family with me.”

  “Whoa. Whoa.” She stood and backed away from him. Her mind was spinning. He loved her? He’d just proposed to her? How could this all be happening? “Sebastian. You don’t know me that well. You can’t just propose to someone you barely know. And I don’t see how… how you can love me.”

  He stood and took her hands again. “Because I see you. I see your hardworking attitude and your strength. You fought through so much and survived and kept going. I saw your joy and excitement over becoming a mom, even in less-than-great circumstances. I saw your amazing talent at painting and how you love it. You find the good in life and you make it all worth it. All my other girlfriends, if you can call them that, just wanted to go to fancy dinners and events. They wanted to buy expensive cars and clothes and drive around in them to show them off. It was so superficial. But you’re so real. I love that. I love you.”


  “Don’t say anything.” He put a finger to her lips. “You don’t have to say you love me back. Just come back with me. Go back to work if you want or don’t. You could just paint all day. Your mom can move into the guest house if you want her closer. I love you, and I’ve never said that to anyone or felt that way about anyone. I can’t lose you. I’m begging you to give me a chance. Let me prove it to you.”

  She took a moment to let this all sink in. Then she broke into a half smile. If he was being this insistent, this daring to go out of his way for her, maybe she should. Wasn’t he worth the risk? She thought of all the things he’d done for her and the kind things he’d said. There was always some risk of heartache with any relationship. She didn’t intend to spend the rest of her life alone, so why not?

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Okay?” His smile grew until it filled his face.

  She held up her hand. “I’m not saying yes to marrying you. It’s far too soon for that. We have to at least live together for a little while to make sure it’ll work. But if my mom can really come, and I can go back to work, then okay.”

  He wrapped her in a tight hug, then kissed her for a long time.

  “You just made me so happy. I’ll show you that I can be exactly what you need.”

  “You already are.” She looked into his eyes, then kissed him again. “I love you, too,” she whispered.

  He nuzzled his nose into her neck and kissed along her jaw. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  They had told Amelia’s mother the good news that night, and Amelia moved in with him the next day. Her mother was excited, but needed time to pack up the house. Sebastian said he’d hire movers, but Amelia knew her mother would have most of the work done before they got there.

  After a full tour of her new home, Amelia walked into Sebastian’s bedroom—their room now—and took in the space in awe. It was full of light and fabrics. Long curtains, a huge bed covered in thick blankets. He picked her up and threw her down on the bed, letting her bounce on the fluffy pillows.

  She laughed and looked over at him when he climbed up beside her.

  “I guess we need to break in our new room,” she said.

  “I was hoping we could.”

  He kissed her, then moved down her neck and along her collarbone. He dipped his fingers below her neck line, teasing her. She pulled off her shirt and he kissed her more freely.

  He unhooked her bra and caressed her breasts, sucking and gently pinching her nipples while she moaned in pleasure. He leaned her back and kissed down her stomach.

  He teased her again, taking his time unzipping her jeans and pulling them down slowly. He kissed along her legs and thighs. She pushed her thighs apart to give him full access. He kissed inside her thighs, then over her panties.

  He slipped a finger under her panties and rubbed his finger along her clit. She was already wet, and he could feel it, too. He slipped a finger inside her and moved it in and out a few times. Then, he took off her panties.

  He used his tongue to circle her clit, making her head spin with the pleasure of it. He slid in a finger as he sucked her, and she squeezed handfuls of the blankets.

  He stepped out of his pants and climbed over her. She eagerly kissed him and pulled him toward her.

  “I want you so bad,” she said.

  “Oh yeah?” He hovered above her, letting the tip of his hard dick rub against her labia. “How bad?”

  She lifted her hips up, pushing against him. “Bad.”

  “Well, I can’t deny you what you want.” He kissed her and pushed inside her slowly.

  The sensation of him filling her made her cry out and dig her nails into his back. “Yes!”

  He moved slowly at first, but as she got closer to coming, he moved faster and harder. He thrust deep inside her until she felt the orgasm near.

  “I’m going to come,” he said.

  “I’m close, too,” she said.

  He sped up even more, grabbing her hips as he pounded into her. She came and a moment later, he cried out and thrust hard several times.

  He lay still, panting over her for a moment until he slowly pulled out.

  “That was amazing,” she said. “Probably the best sex I’ve eve had.”

  He made a pleased murmur. “Good. Me too. Somehow, it’s much different when you’re in love.”

  He put his hand to her cheek and kissed her. “I love you. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  She smiled and kissed him back. “I love you, as unexpected as it is. I’m so glad you came to find me and asked me to be with you. You’re well worth the risk.”


  Sebastian had been planning this day for some time. Their one-year anniversary was special, and he was hoping that he’d get a real answer to the question he asked her this time last year. Tonight, he was better prepared.

  He had ordered a limo to pick them up. Amelia came out of the dressing room looking more radiant than ever in a satiny red dress.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said, pulling her close for a kiss.

  They were driven to the nicest restaurant in the city and led to a private table. This table was reserved for celebrities and people like him. Those who could afford to pay for the privacy and needed it.

  They ate a
fabulous dinner and ordered dessert. Before it came, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring box.

  “Amelia, this last year has been incredible. You’ve made me the happiest man on the planet. A year ago, I asked you—maybe somewhat hastily— to marry me and be mine forever.” He slid out of his chair and got down on one knee. “Now I’m more sure than ever that I want to spent my life with you. Will you marry me?”

  She broke into a huge smile. “The ring is gorgeous.” Then, she opened her purse and took out a small box. “I was going to give you this later, but now seems like a good time.”

  “Okay.” He took the box and set down the ring. “So, are you going to answer me?” He chuckled nervously.

  “That is my answer.” She bit her lip and watched as he pulled off the ribbon.

  He lifted the lid of the box to see a long plastic stick inside. Then he realized what it was. A pregnancy test. It was positive.

  “Oh, my goodness,” he said, getting to his feet. “Really?”

  She grinned and nodded. “I just took it yesterday. It was so hard to wait to tell you.”

  He scooped her into his arms and swung her around in a circle before setting her down and kissing her.

  “So, that is a yes, right?” he said.

  She laughed. “Yes.”

  “Not only will we be together forever, we’ll be a family.” He put his hand on her stomach and closed his eyes. “I had no idea life could be so good. Thank you for showing me.”

  “None of this would have happened if you hadn’t gone out of your way to help a poor stranded woman on the side of the road.”

  “I’ve never been so grateful for a car breaking down.”

  “Me either,” she said. “But through everything bad that happened, we found a way to make it something good.”

  “That’s why I love you. You made my life something good.”

  “We made it good together.”

  He put his hand on her stomach again. “We sure did.”



  Leah Johns walked out from the backroom, tying her apron around her waist.

  “What were you doing back there, geez?” Caleb asked.

  She made a kissy face at him. “Had to make sure I was pretty for all the customers.” She batted her eyes.

  “They want good coffee, not a pretty face.” Caleb flipped a switch on the large coffee pot to turn off the heat. “This one is empty.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “No, it’s all grounds. Look.” He tilted a cardboard cup toward her and she could see that the bottom was covered in grounds.

  “Not that.” She shoved his arm playfully. “Customers want good coffee, but it’s always better when there’s a pretty face serving it. Worked with you, didn’t it?”

  He smiled and pulled her close. “Yep.”

  The bell rang to signal that a customer had walked in, and he quickly dropped his arms. They weren’t supposed to show affection to each other while they were working. Not that that had stopped them from having sex in the manager’s office when the coffee shop was closed and they were alone.

  “Welcome to Brew House,” Leah said, smiling at the woman behind the counter. “What can I get you?”

  “I’ll have a vanilla latte. Large.”



  Leah wrote her name on the cup and turned to Caleb. “Vanilla latte.” She handed him the cup as she finished ringing the woman up.

  She watched Caleb pour the drink and seal the lid on the top when he was done. He turned to face the customer with a smile, then handed her the drink. She left the store and he wrapped Leah into a tight hug, kissing her neck before letting go of her.

  “What’s the plan for tonight?” she asked.

  “After we get out of here and clean the coffee stench off? Same thing we always do, I guess.”

  “So, head to your place for beer and Netflix?”

  He shrugged. “Unless you want to do something else.”

  “No, I guess not.”

  She was a little disappointed with his answer. It felt like all they did anymore was go to his place to drink, binge watch whatever show they were currently on, and have sex. Was there ever going to be more with them? Did they have any sort of future together, or was this just a for-now thing for him? She made a note to bring it up later, when they could talk and not be interrupted by customers.

  The bell rang again and a man walked in. He was good looking in a business suit with a bright blue tie.

  “Welcome to Brew House,” she said, not having to force her smile this time. “What can I get you?”

  “Double espresso.”

  “Sure thing. Name?”

  The man raised an eyebrow at her and waited. She waited right back, confused. Had he not heard her?

  “Your name?” she asked.

  “Julian,” he said with a pissed off expression.

  She wrote the name and gave Caleb the cup, but her heart was racing. What had she done wrong? Why was he mad?

  Caleb handed him the cup. “Here ya go, Mr. Kane.”

  Did Caleb know him? She gave him a subtle questioning look, then smiled again at the customer. “Have a nice day.”

  He took the cup and looked at her. “Do you really not know who I am?”

  She felt her cheeks go warm. “I’m sorry. No?” Then she remembered what Caleb had called him. “Oh, wait. Julian Kane? I’ll remember you next time.”

  She knew customers liked it when baristas knew them and their regular orders. But she was pretty sure she would have remembered this guy, if not for his good looks, then for his arrogant attitude. He was one of “those” customers that they all talked about. The ones who caused a problem over nothing and thought they were entitled to everything.

  Julian shook his head and nodded at Caleb, then walked out.

  “What the hell was that about?” Leah asked, trying not to cry.

  “Seriously?” He gave her almost the same how-can-you-not-know-this-man look that Julian himself had given her.

  She shrugged. “Obviously.”

  “Julian Kane, uber billionaire? Practically runs this city. Have you never heard of Kane Corporation?”

  “I don’t know. What do they do?”

  “Everything.” Caleb laughed. “You really do live under a rock. I guess if it’s not on Instagram, you don’t care.”

  She glared at him, hurt by his patronizing comments. He put his hand on her shoulder, but she turned to shrug him off.

  “Oh, come on. I didn’t mean anything by it,” he said. “It’s just that his name is everywhere, it seems like. Everyday in the news is some story about his company buying some other company or doing something crazy. I thought everyone knew who he was.”

  “Apparently so does he,” she said. “Did you see the look he gave me when I asked his name?”

  “I guess when you make billions, you can literally afford to be a complete asshole.”

  “I guess.”

  She tried to put the encounter out of her mind as she went on with her day, but it kept coming back to her. She was embarrassed by it. She should have known him. But also, she was hurt and pissed. Caleb didn’t have to treat her like that. And certainly, Julian didn’t have to be such a huge jerk. The whole day seemed colored gray, and she felt uneasy all day.

  By the time the shop closed and their shift ended, she didn’t feel like being around anyone.

  “I’m just going home,” she said as she hung up her apron in the backroom. “I’m tired and I want to be alone.”

  “Are you still upset over what I said earlier?”

  “A little, but it’s more than that. Maybe I’m getting my period, I don’t know. I’m beat. I won’t make it through one episode before I crash.”

  “Okay.” He held her tightly for several minutes, kissing her. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too.” She walked out to her car and drove home, blasting the music as she drove to t
ry and drown out her negative feelings.


  Julian clicked his pen incessantly. When he caught himself, he tapped it on his desk instead.

  This shouldn’t be bothering him. There were plenty of people on the planet who didn’t know who he was, so why was he so pissed off over this barista not knowing him? Was it because she was local? He thought everyone in this city knew him and knew his name. They should, for all he’d done here.

  Or was it because she didn’t seem to care that she didn’t know him? And when she heard his name, it still hadn’t rung any bells? She didn’t give him the treatment he had become accustomed to getting. The other barista, that male, had been a little better when he’d called him “Mr. Kane.” At least he was showing some respect.

  Don’t fool yourself, Julian, he thought. You know why.

  He pictured her again. Her dark hair pulled back in a messy bun, that delicate nose stud sparkling from the side of her perfect nose. Her creamy skin, smooth and so soft looking. Her breasts, threatening to bulge through her shirt. Those red lips, plump and waiting, smiling at him with no regard for his name or money.

  Something about the whole encounter turned him on. He could barely walk when he’d gotten back to his office and now, sitting on the top floor of a building he owned, with his name plastered all over the place, staring out his tall windows over the city, he was hard again thinking about her.

  He picked up the phone and his assistant answered.

  “I need you to research someone,” Julian said. “A barista at Brew House. Leah. Long, dark hair, probably early twenties.”

  “Got it.”

  Julian hung up the phone. It wouldn’t take long for Aiden to get something on the girl. He wanted to know as much about her as he could. Then he would decide what to do with the information. What to do about her.

  Later that afternoon, Aiden walked in with a folder. “Here’s the information you requested.”


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