Captured by the Bodyguard

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Captured by the Bodyguard Page 6

by Dez Burke

  “Black leather, Ms. Duke?” he murmured with a small smile as he crooked his arm for her to place hers within. “How very Kim Kardashian.”

  Alexandra laughed deeply, slipping her arm through his offered arm and trying not to feel too pleased about the gesture. It almost felt like he was acting as her escort for the night. Wouldn’t that be sweet? But she knew he’d keep to the background as usual once they were in public. She’d have to devise a way to get him out of his shell to really have some fun. After all, it was Malia’s party and he might not know it but her best pal had a really bad crush on him.

  “You know, that’s actually a compliment, Mr. Hutchinson,” she told him daintily. “Thank you. Now shall we go?”

  Chapter Eight

  Cane had to keep reminding himself, like a mantra in his head, just why the sexy woman he couldn’t take his eyes off, was out of bounds.

  Stay focused, Cane. Focus, he kept saying over and over as he watched Alexandra have fun at Malia’s party. Despite what he’d told her the other night, he did like to have a good time once in a while. But his idea of that was leaning more to mountain hiking or deep sea fishing whenever he had some free days off work. And yes, he wasn’t averse to a bar crawl with a few of his Marine buddies, but he wouldn’t say he was much for the club scene.

  He had to admit though that if he was, then this club would be a good spot to hang out. From the sound and lighting systems, to the aerialists and dancers doing their thing in different sections of the cavernous club, the whole atmosphere felt alive and pumping. Even the music wasn’t so bad, and the hip hop star hired to ramp things up gave some good live performances that got the crowd jumping. There were loads of pretty women in hot little mini club dresses and sexy heels, gyrating and screaming at the handsome star with his corn rows and diamond chains that looked heavy enough to give his tatted neck a crick.

  But for all the excitement, all Cane really had eyes for was Alexandra. She was more than popular, a regular social butterfly and seemed to know everyone in the club. Cane had caught sight of her talking with a couple of stars whom even he recognized, and then that other young buck singer/rapper whose popular dance moves reminded Cane of Michael Jackson and whose last name was Brown or something. Cane couldn’t remember, but from the stars in Alexandra’s eyes when the cute light-skinned star leaned forward to say something in her ear, he could tell that Alexandra was flattered by all the attention. Cane wondered how come the party seemed to be crawling with music stars till he remembered that Malia’s boyfriend had a job in the industry.

  Cane knew because of all the background checks done on Alexandra’s bosom friends and anyone close to them. Her father’s orders, especially since Malia was having this big birthday party that seemed to have the whole club shut down. There was even the tiered cake as well as the specially reserved VIP tables with raised leather banquettes which seemed perfect for watching the scene and of course, getting to be seen.

  A part of him was glad that Alexandra seemed to be having the time of her life, dancing with every man there and being the center of attention – but soon he’d just about had enough of it. Just then, he could see a tall, well-built African-American guy with a clean-shaven head suddenly grip her arm and spin her round. She looked up in recognition at the darkly handsome man who was dressed in a fashionable purplish suit and black shirt that set off his equally dusky skin tone. He was smiling cockily as he ground against her, saying something in her ear that made Alexandra’s eyes snap. Cane watched from across the room and felt his control almost crack as he ground his teeth. Dumping the mocktail he’d been nursing on a nearby surface, he strode across the room with purposeful steps.


  “Let me go, Lamar,” Alexandra gritted out as she tried to twist round to look into her ex-boyfriend’s face. She hadn’t even noticed he was there at the party. She’d been dancing and had suddenly felt someone come up behind her, much too close for comfort. And then he’d pinned his arms around her waist and for a split second she’d hoped it was Cane, only for the last voice she’d ever hoped to hear again whisper in her ear that she looked good enough to eat as always.

  “What, and lose hold of the finest female in the room? Not a chance,” Lamar drawled in his deep, arrogant voice that set her teeth on edge. His tall, muscular body mashed against her, his pelvis bumping her ass as he swayed her to the sensual R n B mixes the DJ was spinning.

  “You can bet my body missed yours like you wouldn’t believe,” he crooned in her ear, adding softly, “They’re playing what used to be our song, baby. ‘Your body is my party’…remember how I used to roll my tongue all around that sweet pussy of yours to the rhythm of that song till I made you speak a different language. Remember that, sugar baby?”

  “Oh, I remember,” Alexandra snarled, stiffening up against his unwelcome touch, words and tone. “I remember most of all what a thieving cad you turned out to be, trying to swindle me out of several million dollars in some fake scheme or other.”

  She felt him pause and smiled angrily to herself. He never really knew why she’d broken up with him. At first when they’d started dating, she hadn’t minded that he felt much too comfortable spending her cash. Alexandra saw no harm in being generous but for a boyfriend, he liked to mooch much too much. But she’d believed herself in love – that was until he started to talk about a certain business deal he was interested in and if her father would want to invest some cash in the scheme.

  Alexandra had been all for helping out her lover and had taken the effort to ask the help of one of her father’s financial advisors. Turned out the man was sharp as a tack and did a few investigations of his own. He wasted no time in telling Alexandra that her boyfriend was trying to involve her in some kind of scam. Alexandra hadn’t known how to act upon that information, not until a week later when she’d paid a surprise visit to Lamar’s apartment and overheard him telling the girl curled up in his lap how he had zero feelings for Alexandra but was only in a relationship with her for her money.

  That was a year ago and Alexandra had quietly left the apartment, not bothering to confront Lamar that day or later when she calmly called him on the phone and told him they were through.

  And now here he was, grinding up against her at her best friend’s party like nothing had happened. She could see Malia had noticed them and was rushing up, her eyes a mixture of confusion and anger.

  “I didn’t invite him, Alex, I swear,” Malia gasped, before turning on Lamar with a scowl. “What the hell are you doing at my party? I think you should leave.”

  He merely smirked. “Ah, the chubby best friend sticking up for her innocent little pal. Why don’t you go stuff your face with some birthday cake, hmm Malia sweetie? And by the way this is a fucking nightclub and I happen to have a VIP table here tonight.”

  “But not in my section hired for the party,” Malia snapped, looking furious about his cake comments.

  Alexandra was sighing angrily as she tried to push out of Lamar’s strong grasp without causing too much of a scene. “Malia, you just let me handle this…”

  “Is this man bothering you?”

  Alexandra stiffened, just as Malia’s eyes pinned to somewhere beyond Alexandra’s shoulder. She turned to the sound of the unmistakable steel of Cane’s voice. Lamar turned, his expression twisting in quizzical anger as he came face to face with the white guy standing next to them.

  “Cane! There you are,” Alexandra said in relief, finally able to shove the surprised Lamar aside before sliding up to Cane and wrapping her arms around his neck. She sighed inaudibly with delight when his hands instinctively fell on her hips, holding her to him.

  She turned slightly to see Lamar’s face which held a mocking smile. “Oh, so it’s like that?” he said, looking pointedly from Alexandra to Cane. “Didn’t know you were the type to dig white meat, sugar boo. I guess that’s why you always felt you were too good for the likes of me.”

  “You’re wrong,” Alexandra muttered angrily. “I
simply felt too good for a gold-digging loser who thought it was cool to play the gigolo, running up bills on my card and sponging off me when in truth, he knew there were ‘zero feelings’ involved.”

  She saw realization dawn on his face as she quoted the exact words he’d said to his floozy that day in his apartment almost a year ago. And then his confusion faded as he merely smiled. “Yeah well; you were always a great piece of ass so I guess a brother should at least thank you for the memories huh?”

  Alexandra felt Cane’s muscles contract in his neck and shoulders where she’d linked her arms, and felt him actually make to lunge for Lamar. But she held on tight to his neck, using her body as a kind of shield as she looked up at Cane’s furious face with pleading eyes. From the corner of her eye, she saw Malia was walking back to them, followed by three hefty men whom Alexandra recognized as a few of the bouncers from the entrance.

  Lamar turned, saw them approaching, and smirked. “Looks like I’ll just roll off back to my side of the playground, kiddies. See you around, sweet cheeks,” he added cockily to the seething Alexandra.

  “If you value the use of your limbs, stay the fuck away from her,” Cane said coldly through the tightest clenched teeth Alexandra had ever seen. She shivered at the icy tone in his voice and actually felt fearful for Lamar. She knew Cane was ex-military which meant he must have some bad-ass skills when it came to hand combat. And then of course, he was a freaking bodyguard. The last thing Alexandra wanted was to ruin Malia’s party by letting Cane smash the smug Lamar’s handsome face in, not to mention probably breaking one or any of his limbs as Cane had promised.

  But Lamar’s response was merely that cool smile, before turning smartly around and making for his table across the club just when the bouncers reached them. Malia apologized deeply to Alexandra who waved her words off.

  “There was no way you’d have known he’d be here. He must have heard about the party from some old mutual friends of ours and decided to show up just to aggravate me. I’m fine,” Alexandra sighed, before adding with a sultry smile meant for the man whom she still had latched against her, “Or I will be if I convince this dashing gentleman to join my for a twirl. I’ve been dreaming of getting at least one dance with him tonight.”

  Cane’s expression softened at her hopeful tone, his body finally easing from the coiled spring his muscles had felt like beneath her fingers. Malia grinned, looking hot in her sapphire blue studded peplum dress as she winked at her best friend encouragingly. “I’ll go tell the DJ to fire up something sweet and sexy; maybe a little bit of Bruno Mars or better yet, some Trey Songz.”

  Alexandra playfully swooned. “You know how to speak my language, girl. Step to it,” Alexandra urged, while Malia chuckled at Cane’s long-suffering expression which he replaced with a wry smile.

  Once Malia was gone, Alexandra turned to Cane, her smile suddenly shy as she met his gaze. She closed the gap between them, reveling in the way he felt like he fitted perfectly against her now trembling frame. Thoughts of Lamar’s unexpected appearance, or his annoying antics, fled from her mind as she gazed up into Cane’s smoldering eyes.

  Suddenly, the music was replaced by the familiar crooning of one of Trey Songz sexy slow hit tracks, and Alexandra hummed in appreciation. Suddenly, everything felt perfect, especially since Cane didn’t look like he’d be flinging her out of his arms soon.

  “I should have decked that asshole for the way he was speaking to you,” Cane growled, and Alexandra felt his fingers tighten on her hips.

  She sighed heavily, shaking her head in negation. “Thank you…for not losing your cool,” she said quietly as she settled her cheek against his chest. She inhaled the warm, fresh scent of his woodsy cologne that lingered there and felt the butterflies in her belly surge. She lifted her face to gaze up into his tender-looking eyes. “Even I know you could easily have brought Lamar a whole lot of pain for the crazy shit he was starting.”

  It was Cane’s turn to sigh deeply. “I sensed you wouldn’t want to break up Malia’s party. I know enough about clubs to realize that a few punches get thrown and the next thing, people are flinging bottles and chairs at each other. But trust me, that Lamar would have been the last person to be joining up in any fights because I’d have flattened his lights out in seconds.”

  “Not that I don’t think he’d have deserved it, but I’m glad you didn’t,” Alexandra said with a soft smile. Her hands skimmed down to rest against his chest and she could feel the dull thud of his heartbeat beneath her searching palms. His chest expanded with his sharply indrawn breath as her breasts crushed against him tantalizingly. “This feels so good,” Alexandra sighed, closing her eyes and just reveling. Cane, holding her close, his chest beating against hers. That was a little bit of paradise right there; and she never wanted to let it go.


  “Please,” she breathed softly, once again looking up at him, her eyes wide and soft. “Don’t tell me I can’t have this. Just this once, to feel like I’m treasured, appreciated.”

  His breath rushed raggedly from his chest. “You are treasured. And I do appreciate you, Alexandra,” he said, holding her gaze soberly. “You’re smart, fun, hardworking especially when it comes to your designing as well as your charity projects. I’ve watched you all these weeks and I know you have every right to act the spoiled little rich girl but despite the luxury and pampering you’ve been accustomed to, you don’t let yourself shirk any responsibility that comes your way. And I’ve seen your designs and I know you’re gifted. I also know you’re beautiful and kind-hearted and will make some lucky man very happy one day.”

  Alexandra’s eyes widened with amazed delight. “Well! And there I was thinking I’d never be able to impress you with my charms.”

  His lips slanted in a gorgeous smile that ripped her heart apart. Lord, this man was lethal. Just one smile and he had her panties scorching. His hands rode up her back and then lower, making her whimper as he settled back to holding her hips as they swayed to the sound of Trey Songz’ tender crooning.

  “Now, I don’t mean to be crass but this is one panty-droppin’ song,” Cane said approvingly, and Alexandra gasped in delight at his words which made her laugh.

  “Don’t tempt me, Hutchinson,” she purred, batting her eyelashes up at him as her hips swayed more seductively against his. A cut-off groan spilled from his throat as her intimate V rubbed up against his burgeoning trouser front. “You wouldn’t like to see me turn the she-wolf. Not unless you really want me to let her out.”

  “Oh God,” he rasped, tugging her hard against him for a moment. His head lowered to nuzzle at her neck, and Alexandra’s eyes rolled back in bliss at the sensation of his lips grazing the base of her arched throat. She lost all sense of time and place when he kissed and sucked on her neck with a famished groan rumbling in his chest.

  “When you walked in that first time and I saw you in that white mini dress…damn. I wanted to fuck you where you stood,” he groaned against her fevered skin. “I couldn’t stand the thought of coming out here and seeing other men see you looking like that. Desiring you, thinking of touching you the way I wanted to. They’d have been crawling over you like beasts in the wild stalking after a tasty looking bunny. It did occur to me that a few might then try to make their move on you…which would be too bad because then I’d have to kill them.”

  Alexandra choked on a giggle, hiding her warmed face against his chest as her fingers closed around the lapels of his suit.

  “Hmm, so I guess you did like that dress, didn’t you?” she said sweetly, looking up at him through her lashes.

  “Too much,” he growled, his arms tightening around her. “I’ve got this vision of you dressed in it, doing a little striptease right before you give me a sexy lap dance. Just the thought of that’s enough to get a man’s blood pumping, in case you were wondering.”

  “I guess now I know,” she said softly, staring straight up at him. The moments ticked by in a bubble of bliss as t
hey swayed to the compellingly sensual music.

  Shivering deep in her belly, Alexandra couldn’t help adding quietly, “Aren’t you even curious, just a little bit? About how good it could be between us? It could be just that one time…and at least we’ll know. But if we keep fighting it, it’s only going to be even more disruptive. I haven’t been able to sleep, or eat…or think without seeing you in my mind, touching me the way I need to be touched, claiming me with all your body and soul.”

  Cane held her gaze unwaveringly for a few seconds.

  There was no way to guess what he was thinking. Just hoping that he was considering what she said was making her inner thighs quivering with desire. But then his next, tonelessly spoken words put paid to any wishful thinking.

  “My boss called me today – Noah. To tell me there’s a new assignment up next week that’s just my kind of thing. To work on the security team handling a group of engineers being transported through some Middle Eastern desert to a multinational energy plant. There’s a high kidnapping rate of expatriate workers down there and Noah feels I’d be more of use heading the expedition. And that he’d easily get one of the other guys who handles celeb protection to take over as your bodyguard.”

  Alexandra gulped, her heart stilling as his soft words sank in. “And what did you tell him?” She was almost afraid to ask, now hating herself for practically flinging herself at him every chance she got especially in the past few weeks. She wouldn’t be surprised if he told her he’d decided to finally get off the tiresome task of ‘babysitting’ a horny ass female.

  “I told him…that some motherfucker broke in on my watch and I’m duty bound to stick around and make sure I get to the bottom of it,” Cane said simply, and Alexandra couldn’t keep the huge grin of relief from breaking out on her face. His answering lop-sided smile had the effect of making her feel like she was rocking on her feet as suddenly, she had a startling realization – one that was now so glaring to see when before it had been so obscure.


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