Splendor (Inevitable #2)

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Splendor (Inevitable #2) Page 3

by Nissenson, Janet

  But she was far too shy and retiring, and too intimidated by her co-workers, to speak up. It had been that way for her ever since childhood. Moving and changing schools so often had made it difficult for her to make friends easily. She had always felt like the new girl, the outsider, and just when she’d finally started to fit in and make a friend or two, her flighty, emotionally unstable mother would uproot them and move on to the next town where Tessa would have to start all over again. And old habits died hard it seemed, for Tessa still felt like the outsider at the office, even though she’d worked here for two years. She had never really bonded with any of her co-workers, didn’t feel as though she could honestly call them her friends, and, sadly, didn’t trust any of them.

  She had been at her desk for more than half an hour before the rest of the team began to filter in. As usual, Marisol was the first one in and she gave Tessa a weary smile as she put her things away. At twenty-eight, Marisol was a pretty, petite Filipina woman, married with two small children under the age of four. Even though she and her husband got a lot of support from their families, working full time and caring for two young kids wore her out. She yawned constantly during the day, drank endless cups of coffee, and seemed to operate in slow motion most of the time. Still, Marisol was sweet and quiet, was always kind to Tessa, and generally didn’t join in most of the incessant gossiping and chatter as the others did.

  Next to arrive was Shelby, a giggly, easily distracted strawberry blonde who reminded Tessa of a bird. Of medium height, Shelby was stick thin, her arms and legs spindly. She had a small face with a pointy nose and chin and deep-set, almost beady eyes. Her high-pitched voice and annoying little laugh at times sounded just like a chirping bird.

  Andrew seemed to pick on Shelby more than any of the others, to the point that she was now terrified of him and would start quaking whenever he was close by. Privately, Tessa thought Andrew’s methods could be a little less intimidating but nonetheless could understand his constant irritation with the silly, not especially bright Shelby. Tessa wondered how she’d ever been hired to work in this very high profile unit given her overall lack of ability.

  The next two to arrive were BFF’s Gina and Alicia. Since they were roommates, they arrived and departed the office together every day, and at times it seemed like they were joined at the hip. They gossiped all the time, were merciless in their critique of other employees’ wardrobes and grooming, and Tessa neither liked nor trusted them. They were always nice to her – almost sickeningly so – but she knew for a fact that they talked about her behind her back, made fun of her inexpensive clothes, and cattily speculated why she always seemed to get the best assignments from Andrew.

  Both women were obsessed with clothes, shoes, hair, makeup and manicures, read fashion magazines and online blogs on a daily basis, and were always smartly dressed. Gina was the more exotic, flamboyant of the two with her olive skin, big dark eyes, and masses of dark brown hair. Alicia was classier, more refined, with a chin-length bob of wheat blonde hair, ivory skin and a designer wardrobe she was able to afford via her monthly trust fund stipends.

  With their sly, almost predatory mannerisms, Gina and Alicia made Tessa think of the conniving Siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp. She was extremely careful not to give them any fodder for gossip, rarely if ever discussing her personal life, and generally not contributing to their almost nonstop commentary about the goings-on in the office.

  Gina gave her an overly-friendly smile, while Alicia greeted her with a saccharin sweet “Good morning.” Tessa tried to ignore how both of them none too discreetly checked out the dress and shoes she’d worn today.

  “That’s such a cute little dress, Tessa,” Gina told her in a phony voice. “Every time you wear it I think what a good color it is for you.”

  Tessa merely smiled politely in response to Gina’s not-so-subtle dig. Tessa never tried to pretend that she had much beyond her rather limited wardrobe, or that she could afford to shop anywhere besides the big discount chains like Marshalls, Forever 21 and H&M. She could never dream of buying anything at the places she knew Gina, Alicia and Shelby preferred – big-name stores like Barneys, Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus. Not only wasn’t it even remotely in her budget, but Tessa didn’t let things like a label or price tag bother her. She knew all too well what it was like to have absolutely nothing, so she was always grateful for the little she did have.

  The last of the team to arrive – almost fifteen minutes late – was Kevin, the lone male of their group. Though, as Shelby, Gina and Alicia loved to tease, Kevin was arguably the most effeminate of them all. He was flamboyantly gay – his clothing, haircut, mannerisms, speech – and he talked freely about his lifestyle to anyone who would listen. Tessa had learned far too much about Kevin’s numerous boyfriends and hook-ups, including his sexual preferences and escapades. Even though she was married, she’d been more than a little naïve sexually, but two years of working with Kevin had opened her eyes – and not in a good way.

  Kevin made his rounds to each of the girl’s cubicles, air-kissing them in turn. He cooed over Gina’s new shoes, admired Alicia’s manicure, made a whispered comment to Shelby that caused her to make one of those chirpy little bird laughs, and told Marisol he’d had dinner at the restaurant she’d recommended to him last night. He came to Tessa last since they sat next to each other.

  He pressed his cheek to hers lightly, and she had to force herself not to recoil at the heavy scent of his cologne.

  “Morning, sweet pea,” he grinned. “How’s my girl today?”

  Tessa couldn’t help but return his smile. Kevin might be a promiscuous airhead with atrocious taste in clothes and cologne, but he was almost always cheerful and could usually put her in a good mood.

  “I’m good, thanks. Peter’s due home later today,” she told him.

  Kevin’s eyes twinkled mischievously. “Oooh, bet someone’s good and horny by now. You’ll be walking funny tomorrow morning after he’s through with you.”

  Tessa felt her cheeks grow warm at his very straightforward innuendo. No matter how many ribald stories Kevin shared with them, she wasn’t sure she’d ever really get used to his very frank way of talking about sex. And, rather sadly, it was quite unlikely that Peter would be the least bit horny, despite the fact that they hadn’t seen each other in weeks. Or had sex for even longer. Things were – complicated.

  With everyone settled in at their cubicles, the noise level in this section of the office began to rise dramatically. The sounds of telephones ringing, keyboards clacking, and voices speaking all co-mingled and seemed to get a bit louder with each passing minute. Tessa sighed, wishing for perhaps the thousandth time that she had a more private space – a secluded cubicle or desk in front of one of the private executive offices. Fortunately, she’d honed her powers of concentration very well over the past two years, so she could block out nearly all of the distractions around her. Except, of course, when her very favorite topic of conversation was brought up, as it was nearly every day. Then she was all ears, even though she was painstakingly careful not to betray even the slightest interest in what was being said. All it would take would be the tiniest hint she was interested, and her gossipy co-workers would be spreading the news of her infatuation all over the office. And Tessa would be mortified – absolutely mortified - if anyone ever guessed that she had a crush on Ian Gregson.

  “Any sign of His Hotness yet this morning?” asked Gina in the sly, sultry tone that for some reason really grated on Tessa’s nerves. She also hated the rather undignified nickname that Gina, Alicia and Kevin had bestowed upon their boss. Oh, there was no question that the man was hot but he was also the epitome of suave sophistication and class, and Tessa privately thought such a nickname didn’t do him full justice or pay him the proper respect.

  “Not yet,” offered Marisol. “He’s addressing a group at the Convention and Visitors Bureau this morning.”

  One of Marisol’s jobs was to keep track of all the executives sche
dules, so that one could tell at a glance where a particular employee was on a given day and time.

  “Mmm, guess we’ll have to wait a while longer to see what he’s wearing this morning,” lamented Gina. “He hasn’t worn the Dolce and Gabbana suit for a few weeks so maybe today will be the day.”

  Tessa had zero idea how Gina and Alicia were able to identify which designer suit Mr. Gregson wore from one day to the next – and wondered why on earth they cared. She didn’t know an Armani from a Dior and it didn’t really matter, anyway – their gorgeous boss looked mouthwateringly handsome in whatever suit he wore, no matter the color, style or fabric.

  “He was also out pretty late last night,” offered Alicia. “My mother texted me this morning that she saw him at a benefit dinner for the symphony last night.”

  “Oooh, and what very lucky lady was he escorting last night?” asked Kevin, his pale blue eyes sparkling with interest. “Was it the bank president, the news anchor or the ballerina?”

  Alicia gave a shrug that was meant to seem careless. Tessa knew that despite her co-workers feigned indifference, Alicia was actually very interested in who Mr. Gregson dated. And that it bothered her to no end that the man had such a rigid policy of never dating employees. Alicia had reportedly been one of many in a long line of hopefuls who had found that hard truth out. And while she never outright flirted with Mr. Gregson, she always went out of her way to greet him with a very interested smile, making it quite plain that if he were to ever change his mind she was ready, willing and available.

  “I couldn’t say,” replied Alicia a little huffily. “My mother didn’t mention it and I didn’t care to ask. But he’s rarely seen with the same woman twice so whoever he escorted it can’t be too serious.”

  “So that means there’s still hope for you, Ali,” teased Kevin, using the nickname he knew she despised. “Have you considered finding another job so that he might actually ask you out? I mean, that way he wouldn’t have to worry about his hands off the employees rule.”

  Gina smirked. “She talks about doing that all the time. The fact that she hasn’t actually quit must mean she doesn’t think he’d ask her out regardless.”

  Alicia threw a wadded-up piece of paper at her roommate. “Hah, hah. I haven’t noticed you turning in your resignation, either.”

  Gina shrugged. “I’ve got my hands full with Alex at the moment. He’s not as hunky as His Hotness, and of course nobody’s even half as rich, but he’ll do for now.”

  Kevin heaved a dramatic sigh. “Well, whoever the lucky lady he escorted last night was she’s probably wobbling around this morning. If that man isn’t built like a bull, I’d be shocked speechless. And for me, you know, that’s saying something. No pun intended.”

  Shelby emitted one of her annoyingly chirpy little giggles. “What’s that saying about a man’s shoe size? I’ll bet he wears at least a size thirteen.”

  Kevin cackled with glee, and for the next twenty minutes the conversation turned downright bawdy as he, Shelby, Gina and Alicia continued to speculate on Mr. Gregson’s sexual prowess. Tessa kept her attention focused on the report she was working on, trying desperately to conceal the embarrassment she felt and the flush that stained her cheeks. It certainly wasn’t anything she hadn’t heard before – or much worse after sitting next to Kevin for two years. But she was more embarrassed for Mr. Gregson than herself, finding this talk about the size of his “equipment”, or how many women he’d nailed, or what sexual position he would probably prefer, to be completely disrespectful to a man who wasn’t just their boss and part of the family who owned this company, but a kind, dignified and almost regal man. If Mrs. Carrington could overhear even a snippet of their crude commentary she would fire every one of them on the spot.

  Tessa missed the cantankerous office manager who had been her boss, her mentor, her friend, and at times her surrogate mother. Mrs. C. – as she preferred to be called – had taught Tessa everything about office etiquette and had instilled a strict work ethic in her. The very fearsome office manager had put the fear of God in her about gossiping, being late, eating at her desk, not proofreading everything she typed at least three times, or wearing her skirts too short. The rules of conduct the older woman followed were, by her own admission, very strict and more than a little old-fashioned. But Mrs. C. had insisted that if Tessa followed them to the letter that she would be successful and go far in the company.

  Considering the behavior of all five of her co-workers, Tessa doubted any of them would last a day with Mrs. C. And the stern office manager would certainly be outraged to hear the gossip being spread about Mr. Gregson. Tessa was aware that her former and current bosses knew each other but had never been told what the exact connection was. The only thing Mrs. C. had told her was that Ian was hardworking and demanding but a fair employer who prized diligence and loyalty above all else. Tessa had strived to be the hardest working and most loyal employee he’d ever had from her first day in the office.

  She only wished she had the nerve to stand up and tell her co-workers to shut up, that they were being horrible, rude people to discuss such a dignified gentleman like Mr. Gregson like he was some sleazy gigolo. Like that nasty, creepy Jason Baldwin, for example.

  Tessa shuddered as she thought of the way Mr. Baldwin leered at her every single time he saw her. She knew the other girls thought him attractive – Gina insisted he could be David Beckham’s twin – but he gave Tessa the willies. She knew he was married to Mr. Gregson’s cousin and that they had three young children. Mrs. Baldwin and her brood visited the office occasionally, and from all appearances she was a very pretty, sweet woman who certainly deserved better than her lecherous, cheating husband. Tessa had heard all the rumors and gossip about what women Jason had hit on and slept with, and she wondered how on earth he could live with himself for constantly cheating on his poor wife.

  But even if Jason Baldwin had been single, Tessa still wouldn’t have found him attractive. Oh, he was handsome enough, with his expertly cut dirty blond hair, evenly tanned features, and leanly muscled body. No, it was the predatory look in his eyes and his leering smirks that gave her the creeps. She had made it very, very clear to him – albeit in a polite, respectful manner considering that he was her superior and an extended member of the Gregson family – that she was most definitely not interested in him and was a happily married woman. But Jason persisted in flirting with her, trying to find ways to be alone with her or touch her in some manner, and making all sorts of suggestive comments.

  Fortunately for Tessa, Andrew seemed to be very well aware of Jason’s interest in her and did as much as he could to keep her away from him. He never assigned her any projects where she would have to work with Jason, even though Tessa knew Mr. Baldwin had specifically requested her on multiple occasions. And somehow, as though he had radar, Andrew always seemed to appear whenever Jason was being especially obnoxious. Jason would mutter something like “here’s your guard dog again” before slinking off. Tessa didn’t know why Andrew had quietly appointed himself her protector, but she was exceedingly grateful to him. She had heard all the stories about Jason’s past troubles with female employees – including the one with Sarah, her own predecessor – and surmised that Andrew perhaps had been given strict orders to make sure no more unpleasant incidences occurred.

  It was close to ten a.m. when Mr. Gregson arrived at the office after his morning appointment. Tessa could hear him greeting other employees before he reached her cubicle, his crisp British accent giving her a little thrill as usual. His voice was deep and cultured, and it never failed to enthrall her.

  “Ah, His Hotness is finally here,” said Kevin in a stage whisper. “It’s show time, ladies.”

  Six heads popped up simultaneously as Ian Gregson walked past their cubicles with his long-legged, supremely confident stride. He gave the team an almost perfunctory nod, greeting them with a “Good morning ladies. And Kevin.”

  There followed a rousing chorus of “Good mornin
g, Mr. Gregson”, including Tessa’s own softly murmured reply. And then he continued on his way to his office, leaving half a dozen admiring gazes trailing in his wake.

  Gina sighed. “God, he just gets hotter with every passing year. Most men get fat and gray as they age but not him.”

  “He’s wearing the Savile Row suit today,” volunteered Alicia. “And wearing it very well, I might add.”

  Kevin sniffed. “We’d all look good if we wore custom sewn $5000 suits. Unfortunately, most of us are doomed to shop at Banana Republic for the rest of our lives.”

  Tessa thought privately that even a moderately priced store like Banana Republic was way out of her budget. And the thought of spending $5000 on one suit was so far beyond her scope that she failed to comprehend the idea. Her entire wardrobe – including underwear and shoes – wasn’t worth the total of that sum. It was yet one more fact that widened the cultural gap between her and someone as splendid as Ian Gregson.


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