Splendor (Inevitable #2)

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Splendor (Inevitable #2) Page 8

by Nissenson, Janet

  He gave her what looked to her like a knowing little smile before holding the door open. “You ought to go shower and change now, Tessa. You don’t want to catch a chill, after all.”

  Her face flaming, she hurried past him out the door, ready to sprint for the shower room two doors down. But the almost imperceptible touch of his hand on her bare arm stopped her, and she gazed up at him quizzically. The utter kindness on his beautiful face caused something deep inside of her to ache unbearably.

  “I’ll never let anyone in this office hurt you, Tessa,” he told her with complete seriousness. “I want you to come directly to me in future if anyone dares say anything to upset you. Do you understand?”

  All she could summon up in bewildered surprise was a nod, but it was enough for him to release her before striding briskly in the opposite direction.

  Her legs felt like they were going to give out from under her, a condition that had nothing whatsoever to do with the grueling workout she’d just completed.

  And, as she stood under a hot shower a few minutes later, it belatedly occurred to her what day this was – a Wednesday, of course.


  Ian rarely engaged in outward displays of temper, but he could almost feel the steam escaping from his ears as he exited the elevator and headed for his office. He couldn’t recall a single time in his life when he’d felt so much rage, such an uncontrollable urge to slam his fist through the wall, or curse vividly and loudly. That prick Jason had gone too far this time, had dared – dared – to touch his golden girl, his beloved, precious Tessa, and the randy bastard was going to pay dearly for that very unwise act.

  He felt like a caged beast as his long legs covered the distance between the elevator and his office in record time. Rage shimmered through every muscle in his body, and he clenched his fists in a futile attempt to stem his anger. Every time he pictured Jason’s filthy hand touching Tessa, or recalled the look of panic on her sweet, lovely face, he wanted to roar like a lion in the jungle. There was no punishment too severe for what that horny little bastard had done.

  His anger was not diffused even a bit as he found Jason loitering around Andrew’s desk. His cousin-in-law was in the middle of tapping out a text, and didn’t look to be in the least concerned about the severe tongue-lashing he was about to receive.

  Jason glanced up as he heard Ian approach, and actually had the balls to offer up a cheeky grin. “Ah, there you are, mate. I was starting to wonder where you were. Now, I managed to persuade Charlotte to be patient for a little while, but I don’t have much time. What -”

  “Get the fuck into my office and keep your bloody mouth shut,” Ian spit out, longing to put his fist very capably into Jason’s smug face.

  Jason almost jumped at the icy anger in Ian’s tone but obediently didn’t say a word as he followed him inside the office.

  “Close the door and sit your sorry arse down. This won’t take long.”

  Jason was beginning to feel more than a little uneasy. He’d known Ian for a good ten years now and had never seen him this pissed off, the rage pouring off of him in waves.

  “Take it easy there, old chap,” soothed Jason. “No need to get your knickers in a twist. I was just having a bit of harmless fun with the girl. Hot little thing like her must hear that kind of stuff all the time. That husband of hers is a lucky bloke, isn’t he? Can you imagine having someone like that to tap whenever you get the urge?”

  Jason did jump this time, as Ian slammed the office door shut almost violently. And then Jason was the one being slammed, as Ian grabbed hold of his shirt and shoved him up against the nearest wall.

  “I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut.” Ian ground out every word with ill-concealed malice. “Did you think I was joking, Jason?”

  Jason could only shake his head, his fear rendering him suddenly mute.

  “Good. Now listen and listen carefully because I’m not a man who likes to repeat himself.” Ian gave him a shake as though he were a repulsive gutter rat. “I’m sick to death of your manwhore behavior in this office. I’ve already had to transfer one employee off of my team in order to prevent her from filing a sexual harassment lawsuit. I’m not prepared to take that risk any longer, or lose another member of my team.”

  Jason was wide-eyed and listening very carefully to every word as Ian continued.

  “Consider this your last day in this office. Tomorrow you are to report to your new assignment – as the manager of our hotel in the Silicon Valley. Fortunately we’ve just had an opening so you won’t have to move the family elsewhere in the country.”

  “Silicon Valley!” burst out Jason. “But – but that’s in bloody Scotts Valley! Do you have any idea how long it will take me to commute there and back from San Francisco every day?”

  Ian smiled, but it was not a pleasant look. “I don’t give a holy fuck how long it takes you. If you don’t like it, Jason, then the other three options you have are Atlanta, Palm Springs, or – oh, yes, - looking for employment somewhere else besides this company.”

  “But you can’t do that!” protested Jason. “My father-in-law will never allow it. All it would take is a phone call to him.”

  Jason squealed as Ian shoved him even harder against the wall, his grip on the front of Jason’s shirt tighter.

  “I can do whatever I goddamn please.” He enunciated each word with careful precision. “My uncle can’t – and won’t – do a bloody thing about it. And do you know why that is, Jason?”

  Jason had to look away from the ferocity in Ian’s eyes for fear he might piss his pants. “Nnnoo. I – I don’t.”

  “Uncle Richard is well aware of the fact that you can’t keep your dick in your pants, but for reasons of his own he chooses to turn a blind eye to your little escapades. However, brief, meaningless flings are one thing but a permanent girlfriend is quite another. I doubt Richard would be especially understanding of the arrangement you have set up over on Pierce Street.”

  The shocked expression on Jason’s face would have been priceless had Ian not been so enraged with him.

  “I see you don’t even begin to deny it.” Ian shook his head in revulsion. “And it’s only for the sake of your three very small children that Charlotte isn’t being made aware of – is it Greta or Gretchen, I don’t recall exactly.”

  “Greta,” replied Jason in a barely audible voice.

  “Ah, that’s right. A very pretty little blonde if I recall from the photo I saw. Swedish, is she?” asked Ian mockingly.

  “How did you-” began Jason.

  Ian regarded him in disbelief. “Do you really need to ask me that, Jason? I know everything. Or at least the things I need to know. And for obvious reasons I’ve kept very close tabs on you over the last few years.”

  Jason’s expression was sullen as Ian finally released him. He straightened his rumpled shirt and tie, and ran a hand through his sun-streaked hair. “So what am I supposed to tell Charlotte about the reason for this sudden transfer?’

  Ian shrugged. “Tell her whatever the hell you want. I’m certain it won’t be the truth. But then you must have become quite the expert at lying to her after all this time.”

  Jason glared. “What I can’t quite figure out is exactly what provoked these extreme measures. With the others, they were the ones who got transferred. Why can’t you move Tessa somewhere else? She’s just a fucking secretary while I’m part of the family.”

  The expression on Ian’s face was scathing. “You’re sure as hell not my family. At least not that I’d acknowledge. And frankly, that girl is a far more valuable member of my management team than you could ever be. So she stays – you go. Now, I’ve got a dinner to attend so you can leave now. I’ll have your personal belongings packed up and delivered to you at your new office. Best get a good night’s rest, Jason – don’t forget you’ll have a bit of a drive tomorrow.”

  But Jason wasn’t quite through and a mischievous smirk turned his mouth up at the corners. “I get it now. The r
eal reason you’re sticking up for Tessa is because you fancy her for yourself. You’re pushing me out because I dared to put my hands on her when you want to do the exact same thing. Is that it, mate? You’re getting the competition out of the way so you can shag the hot little bitch to your heart’s content?”

  The grin on his face was abruptly replaced with a grimace of pain as Ian twisted his arm behind his back and held it pinned in an iron grip. Ian brought his face so close that Jason could count his eyelashes if he was so inclined.

  “First of all,” began Ian in a not so pleasant voice, “you would never be competition for me in any way, and especially not with a woman. Second, you are beyond offensive, beyond reprehensible. Tessa is a married woman, and unlike most of the others in this office – like your little fuck buddy Morgan – she’s also a lady. Lastly, if I ever see you speak to her or – God forbid – touch her again, or even hear that you’ve done so, I’ll break your jaw, all ten fingers, and kick you so hard in the balls you won’t be able to fuck anything for a year. And if you think I’m not capable of all of those things, don’t forget I was the heavyweight champion at Oxford for three years in a row. Now get out of my sight, you miserable piece of shit.”

  As Jason made a swift exit, Ian paced furiously around his office, finally stopping in front of the wet bar in one corner. He poured himself three fingers of a very rare single malt Scotch and bolted it down in two gulps.

  He was on his third drink – which he was now sipping – before he felt the rage begin to subside. He had never come close to displaying this sort of anger before, to losing control of his ironclad emotions. But then he’d never felt this way about a woman before, and every protective instinct in his body had risen up automatically when Jason had tried to accost Tessa.

  ‘I should have broken the slimy bastard’s wrist,’ Ian thought furiously. ‘For starters.’

  There had been no question in his mind – and zero delay in making it happen – that Jason simply had to go. Ian knew his uncle wouldn’t be pleased but it was just tough shit. The family had stuck Ian with the horny little prick when he’d been appointed to this post, so it ought to be completely his decision on how to manage him. If it meant Jason now had an hour’s commute each way to his job, then in Ian’s opinion it was nothing less than he deserved. When Ian thought of how frightened Tessa had looked when he’d been fortunate enough to walk by the fitness room at the right time, he wanted to drag Jason back into this office and use him like a punching bag.

  Christ, she had looked delectable – and very, very fuckable – in those tiny little shorts that had bared the long, streamlined length of her shapely legs. And that top she was wearing – more like a longer length exercise bra – had been molded to her lush breasts like a second skin. He hadn’t missed the way her nipples had peaked and pressed against the Lycra fabric, either.

  ‘Damn it!’ He cursed softly to realize he was hard and throbbing, no better than that rutting rake Jason. But unlike his amorous cousin-in-law, Ian would never, ever harass Tessa or even give her the slightest hint that he was attracted to her.

  He cursed again, for attracted was far too mild a term to describe what he felt for the beautiful girl who could never be his. Obsession was more like it, and he wondered in near desperation how much longer he could keep his hands off of her.

  Chapter Six


  “There, all done. Let me take a look, make sure I don’t need to touch anything up.”

  Tessa continued to sit patiently at Julia’s dining table while her friend carefully inspected Tessa’s makeup. With brush in hand, Julia swiped another bit of powdered blush on each cheekbone, then finally smiled in satisfaction.

  “Perfect. Wow, you look stunning, Tessa, just – wow. Every head in the place will be turning when they see you tonight.”

  ‘Tonight’ was the annual office Christmas party that Tessa had somehow allowed herself to get talked into attending. Not only had all of her co-workers done their best to convince her, but once Julia had heard about the event, she too had gently but firmly urged Tessa to go.

  “It will be good for you to get out a little,” she’d prodded. “You’re too young and too hot to sit at home every night. It’s way past time for you to start having fun.”

  And when Tessa had still resisted, Julia had asked rather bluntly, “Don’t you think it’s what Peter would want you to do?”

  That had finally convinced her, because Julia was absolutely right – going to the party was exactly the sort of thing Peter would have encouraged her to do. So she’d allowed Julia to drag her on a mini-shopping spree to find a new dress and shoes, mindful of Tessa’s very limited budget. Julia had a knack, however, for finding beautiful clothes even at a discount store, and the strapless blue cocktail dress Tessa wore tonight was every bit as glamorous as one from a high end store.

  Julia had actually offered to ask her aunt – who was the head buyer at some fancy New York department store – to send a dress and shoes for Tessa, but Tessa had gently but firmly refused.

  “I just think it would look a little odd for me to show up in a really expensive dress,” she’d explained. “Gina and Alicia in particular would be sure to recognize a designer gown, and then ask all sorts of questions about where I got it. And – well, you know I hate discussing anything personal with them.”

  “You mean Anastasia and Drizella?” At Tessa’s puzzled look, Julia had laughed and clarified her question. “Those were the names of Cinderella’s evil stepsisters.”

  “Oh.” Tessa couldn’t help giggling along her friend. “Actually, I’ve always thought of them as the nasty Siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp.”

  Julia had thought that hilarious, and they’d shared a good laugh. Then she had assured Tessa she understood her concerns about the dress, and instead offered to go shopping together.

  “Not everything I wear is expensive or from my aunt, you know,” she’d confided as they scoured the racks at several different discount stores. “In fact, Aunt Madelyn is the one who taught me how to look for the best dress in places like this one, and how to mix high and low end pieces. Oh, my God, Tessa. Look at this one – it’s absolutely perfect.”

  Tessa had fallen in love with the chiffon dress with its strapless bandeau bodice and the way the fabric fell from the gathered bust to a few inches above the knee. Julia had declared that silver shoes and accessories would go best with the deep blue color, and they’d found a pair of strappy silver heels on the clearance rack at DSW. The rest of Tessa’s ensemble this evening consisted of items loaned to her by Julia – a sparkling round brooch pinned to the gather at the bust; a wide cuff bracelet; a pair of dangly earrings. Julia had assured her that all the pieces were costume jewelry and not very expensive at all, so that Tessa wouldn’t have to freak out about wearing actual diamonds or worry about losing them.

  Julia was also loaning her a sparkly silver clutch, into which she was placing the tube of shiny rose lip gloss that she’d just painted onto Tessa’s mouth. She had spent over an hour doing Tessa’s makeup and hair, and now it was time for the “big reveal” as Julia teasingly called it.

  “Come on, you can see for yourself how awesome you look,” cajoled Julia as she propelled Tessa into her bedroom and inside the walk-in closet.

  Tessa had been dumbfounded the first time she’d seen Julia’s closet, never having imagined that one person could own so many dresses or shoes or bags. She only owned about three pair of shoes that were suitable for the office, and one oversized purse that she used for everything. Julia had been horrified at the thought of Tessa taking the rather beat-up bag to tonight’s formal affair, and had set her foot down that she use the clutch instead.

  “Okay, tell me what you think,” prodded Julia as they stopped in front of the full length mirror hanging on the back of the closet door.

  Tessa gasped and could only stare back at her reflection in disbelief. She had never, ever, looked like this before – or felt so beautifu
l – almost like Cinderella herself.

  The dress fit her perfectly, the strapless top baring her shoulders and upper chest but stopping just short of revealing too much cleavage. Tessa offered up a silent thanks that she’d devoted extra time these last few weeks to toning her upper body, for her bare arms and shoulders looked lean and shapely. The sapphire blue shade was very close to her eye color, and flattered her ivory skin and golden blonde hair. The strappy silver shoes had a higher heel than she normally wore, and made her legs look even longer. She was glad Julia had suggested breaking the high heels in and walking around her apartment in them a few times so that she felt steady with the added height.

  Julia had done a fabulous job on her makeup – making her eyes look twice as big with the silvery gray shadow, subtle application of liner and three coats of mascara. Her complexion glowed rosily with the light touch of foundation and blush, while her mouth appeared fuller and plumper with the shiny rose gloss.

  Her thick golden hair had been curled into soft, loose waves, held back on one side with a rhinestone clip. It smelled like peaches or apricots, courtesy of the decadently rich shampoo and conditioner Julia had used on her, so much nicer than the cheap brands she bought at the drugstore.

  Julia brushed a stray hair off of Tessa’s cheek. “You look perfect. Gorgeous, sexy, sophisticated.” Then she groaned. “I just wish I’d been able to arrange a better coat for you. No offense, but that raincoat of yours just doesn’t do it for me.”

  The five-year-old beige belted raincoat was the only actual coat she owned, and was just going to have to do. It was cold outside tonight, the gusty winds making it feel even chillier, and any of her other jackets or sweaters wouldn’t do a thing to keep her warm. Julia would have gladly loaned her a coat, but the five inch difference in their heights took that option off the table.

  “It’s fine,” assured Tessa. “No one will even see me in the coat – I’ll be checking it as soon as I walk into the hotel.”


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