Splendor (Inevitable #2)

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Splendor (Inevitable #2) Page 14

by Nissenson, Janet

  She was dazzled by his impassioned speech, and by the almost desperate way he gripped her hand. “I don’t know what to say. I just never imagined a man like you would ever be attracted to someone like me.”

  “Why ever not? Tessa, you are beyond beautiful, enough to tempt a saint. Not to mention sweet, kind, and loyal. I can’t imagine any man not being attracted to you.” Ian gave her hand a quick kiss before releasing it. “Now, we can talk about my no longer secret infatuation with you a little later. I have to be on a conference call in a few minutes and there are things we need to discuss first.”

  At her nod, he continued. “First, I would be very pleased if you’d consent to have dinner with me this evening. Around seven o’clock?”

  “I’d love to have dinner with you,” she replied in delight. “But should we? I mean, aren’t you afraid someone might see us together? That’s – we’re not really allowed to – ”

  “Well, that’s another matter entirely. But don’t worry about anyone from the office seeing us out together tonight. I’ll make certain our privacy is guaranteed. So, it’s a yes then?”

  Tessa smiled. “It’s a definite yes.”

  Ian beamed at her. “I adore how you never play games, how honest you always are. It’s a refreshing change from all the pretense and social niceties I usually have to navigate through. But since you’ve already mentioned the subject of our working together, it goes without saying that for the time being at least we need to keep our – er, attraction for each other strictly between us.”

  She nodded emphatically. “Of course. I wouldn’t dream of saying anything to anyone. I’m usually pretty closed-mouthed about my personal life anyway. That’s why it took me so long to tell anyone here about my divorce.”

  “I know I can count on you to be discreet, Tessa. And we’ll discuss the matter in more detail over dinner, hmm? Now, two last things and then afterwards I’d like for you to order a quick lunch for both of us, then help me set up the conference call. Are you on birth control?”

  She blinked, a bit taken aback by the question. “Um, yes. I have an IUD.”

  Ian seemed relieved by her answer. “Good. I’m – well, I’ve always been extremely careful over the years in my relationships, not that there have been all that many. I get tested every year when I have my annual check-up, and I can promise you that I don’t have any nasty communicable diseases I could possibly pass on to you.”

  “I wouldn’t have even imagined it,” she told him earnestly. “And I know you’d never lie to me.”

  He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. “Christ, you’re sweet. So damned sweet. And you’re absolutely right – I will never, ever lie to you, Tessa. But if you’re protected and you trust me – I’m hoping you won’t mind if I don’t use a condom when we’re together.” He whispered huskily in her ear, “The first time I slide deep inside of you, I want to feel every delicious inch of you bare against me.”

  She gulped, feeling her nipples peak at the sensual image his words evoked. “Oh, God. I want that, too.”

  Ian shut his eyes tightly and groaned. “You are the most tempting, irresistible – Jesus, let me finish before I do something to make you moan again.” He sat back on the sofa, his hands clasped firmly together. “Now, one final thing, love. The reason I was late getting back to the office today was because I made a stop at Neiman Marcus.” He paused to fish a business card out of his jacket pocket and handed it to her.

  Tessa glanced at the card, which bore the name and title Marlene Brennan, Personal Shopper. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ve used Marlene’s services several times since moving to San Francisco. Strictly to buy gifts for the female members of my family,” he clarified. “I’m not in the habit of purchasing personal items for the women I’ve dated in the past. You’ll be the first.”

  She frowned. “You bought me something?”

  “No. At least, not yet. I took the liberty of selecting a few things for you, things I would very much like you to wear to dinner this evening. But,” he added firmly, “it’s entirely up to you, Tessa. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, I’ll understand.”

  Suddenly self-conscious about her inexpensive, well-worn clothing – especially when compared to his elegant designer suit – she plucked at a pulled thread on her skirt. “It’s not that. It’s just – no one has ever really given me things before.”

  Ian regarded her quizzically. “Not even your parents? Or your husband?”

  Tessa shook her head. “Money has always been – well, something of a problem. So I’m not used to receiving gifts.”

  He smiled. “Well, then, I will definitely look forward to spoiling you frequently and thoroughly. Starting with tonight.”

  She gave him a shy smile in return. “You don’t have to buy me things. I don’t expect or need that.”

  “I know that, darling. That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be pampered a bit, though. I’m guessing from the little I know about you that you’ve had a rough go of it. Let me take care of you, Tessa. Care, not control,” he emphasized. “The choice will always – always - be yours.”

  Tears shimmered in her eyes at how good he was to her, how kind. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “The word is yes, darling girl. At least to this one small thing. Just go see Marlene and look at the things I had her set aside. If you don’t like them then you’re more than welcome to choose something else. Or nothing at all. I just want to spoil you a little bit.”

  She noticed how the heel of her black pump was scuffed and starting to wear away. “All right, I’ll go look. I don’t want to embarrass you at dinner tonight with what I’m wearing. But you really don’t need to buy me anything. I can just go home and change, I’m sure I have – ”

  “Stop it.” His voice was firm and she didn’t dare argue further with him. “You could never, ever embarrass me, Tessa. You’re likely to be the one embarrassed by me. Everyone is sure to wonder what a gorgeous young girl like you sees in an old man like myself.”

  “No!” she burst out. “You’re not old at all! And you’re so handsome and wonderful and – and splendid.”

  Ian looked extremely pleased at her outburst. “You think I’m splendid?”

  “Yes,” she told him earnestly. “And – thank you. For arranging whatever it is you did.”

  “You ought to leave the office a bit early today,” he suggested. “Say around three o’clock or so. I’ll plan to meet you at the store around six-thirty and we’ll go to dinner from there.”

  Tessa frowned. “That seems like a lot of time just to try on a few clothes.”

  He winked at her. “Well, perhaps there might be another small surprise or two involved. Now, we need to get back to work, darling. Though I have no idea how I’m going to get a damned thing done when all I can think about is spending time with you tonight.”

  “I’ll order lunch.” She stood and started towards the office door. “Would you like some tea, sir?”

  The title slipped automatically from her lips, as used as she was to calling him that after more than two years. Ian chuckled and caressed her cheek.

  “If you keep calling me that,” he teased, “I’ll start to think you want a very different sort of relationship than what I have in mind. Not that the idea isn’t enticing in certain ways.”

  Tessa blinked. “What idea?”

  Ian pressed a quick kiss to her forehead. “You are beyond adorable. And surprisingly naïve for a woman who’s been married. I’ll explain it to you another time. And yes, love, tea would be perfect.”

  She beamed at him. “I’ll go brew it while ordering lunch, then I’ll get your conference call set up.”

  He grinned. “You’ve been taking excellent care of me this week, Tessa. So much that I’ve barely noticed Andrew isn’t here. In fact, maybe I ought to suggest he extend his vacation since I like having you around so much.”

  Impulsively, she reached up and kissed his cheek. “Same here.”

  Ian growled, then held her head still for another deep, hungry kiss. When he finally lifted his head, it was to mutter in her ear, “How in hell have I kept my hands off of you all this time?”


  Marlene Brennan had worked as a personal shopper for going on twenty years, and in the retail fashion business for even longer. She had assisted socialites, businesswomen, politicians and celebrities, nearly all of them well dressed and well groomed, and many of them very beautiful women.

  She had also provided assistance to quite a few male shoppers who needed gifts for their wives, girlfriends or other women in their lives. One of those men was Ian Gregson, whom she’d first met when he moved to San Francisco several years ago. Marlene may have been a dozen or more years his senior, and a happily married woman, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t fully appreciate what a magnificent man he was – tall, powerfully built, with ruggedly handsome features and the ability to wear a suit like it had been made for him. Which, considering several of his suits were Savile Row, was an entirely accurate observation.

  Over the years, Marlene had helped the debonair, charismatic Mr. Gregson select gifts for his mother, grandmother, aunts, and sisters-in-law. But she had never been asked to help him choose a gift for any of the women he dated. Until this morning.

  Mr. Gregson had been – well, glowing might not be far off the mark. He had looked younger, happier, and more relaxed than Marlene had ever seen him. And he’d been intent on picking out a variety of clothing, shoes, handbags, coats, accessories – quite a lot of it considering the relatively short time he’d spent at the store – and all of it apparently for one very lucky woman.

  “I’ll send her by this afternoon to try on the blue dress and the Louboutins,” he’d informed Marlene. “The Burberry coat as well. And I think the Coach bag will go nicely with the shoes, do you agree?”

  Marlene had nodded, impressed by his fashion sense and quick decision making. “Absolutely, Mr. Gregson.”

  “Once you’ve confirmed her sizes, then I’d like to have you deliver the other things to my home. And you’ll be able to arrange for the other services we discussed?”

  Her curiosity had been wildly aroused, anxious now to see this woman who had undoubtedly captivated one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. Ian had seemed almost nervous, certainly anxious that what he had chosen would please this woman, and Marlene only hoped she wouldn’t be some haughty diva who was impossible to satisfy.

  She was almost shocked speechless, therefore, when the impossibly young and heartbreakingly lovely blonde girl approached her shyly, asking in a timid voice, “Are you Marlene Brennan? I think you’re expecting me – Tessa Lockwood.”

  Marlene hoped that all of her years in working with customers had given her the skills to conceal the surprise she felt at meeting this young woman. Her sharp, discerning eye immediately pegged the girl’s raincoat, shoes and bag as being both well-worn and cheap, and she tried very hard not to automatically assume that this ripe, sexy beauty was a gold digger. It was very easy to see why the girl would be attracted to a handsome, wealthy man like Ian Gregson, but Marlene could also understand why he in turn would be obsessed with this beautiful girl who stood regarding her uncertainly.

  Marlene smiled at her reassuringly. “Yes, my dear. I’m Marlene. Welcome to Neiman Marcus, Tessa. Have you shopped here before?”

  Tessa shook her head. “No. I’ve never been inside. It’s – everything is beautiful.”

  Marlene patted the girl’s arm. “Well, you’re in good hands with me. And as for beautiful things – I think you’ll be pleased with the items Mr. Gregson has picked out for you to try on. He has excellent taste, the things are exquisite.”

  Tessa’s cheeks pinkened, and Marlene was startled anew, for in her line of work she seldom saw women blush these days. “I – I told him this wasn’t necessary,” stammered Tessa. “I don’t – I’m not used to anyone buying things for me. This is all – I don’t know what to think.”

  Marlene felt a rush of empathy for the girl, who was clearly out of her league in this very high class environment. “Not to worry, my dear. We’re just going into a private dressing room so you can try on the dress he selected for you. If it’s not to your taste there are plenty of others to choose from. Do you like shopping, Tessa?”

  Tessa nodded. “I do. I, um, used to work in clothing stores during high school. Nothing like this, of course.”

  Marlene began to guide her toward the dressing room. “Where did you work?”

  Tessa looked embarrassed to admit she’d worked at both Forever 21 and Old Navy in the past.

  “Well, nothing wrong with that, dear. I started off my retail career selling shoes at Sears,” confided Marlene. “And here I am today. We all have to begin somewhere.”

  She unlocked the door to the spacious dressing room and ushered Tessa inside. As the girl removed her raincoat, Marlene’s eyes widened as she quickly inspected Tessa’s tall, shapely figure. It was small wonder that Ian Gregson seemed so infatuated with her, given the full, rounded bosom, slender waist and hips, and long legs. The fact that her black sweater and checkered skirt had seen better days didn’t matter in the least. Tessa had a body built to entice men, and it made little difference what she wore.

  “Let me show you the dress Mr. Gregson was especially taken with. He said he liked you in this particular color.”

  Tessa’s eyes widened as Marlene brought over the elegant dress of electric blue gabardine. It was sleeveless, with a scooped neck and scalloped hem. The garment would fit Tessa’s slim but curvy body lovingly while still shrieking class and elegance.

  “It’s Lanvin, dear,” explained Marlene. “From the oldest couture house in France. This is one of my favorite pieces in their current collection. And Mr. Gregson has excellent taste – the color and style will look marvelous on you. Would you like to try it on?”

  Tessa touched the fabric almost reverently. “It’s lovely. Is it very expensive? I really don’t want him spending a lot of money on me.”

  “He can afford it, dear,” assured Marlene. “And I know he very much wants you to have it. Why don’t we see how it fits, hmm? Mr. Gregson was guessing at your size, so this is a six we have here, but I can always get a different size if necessary.”

  Tessa shook her head and slowly began to pull the sweater over her head. “I think a six will be fine.”

  Marlene frowned as Tessa stripped to her underwear. The black lace bra and panties were mismatched and a bit shabby, and it was obvious from the way her full breasts almost spilled out of the cups that the bra wasn’t sized properly. The thigh high black stockings were also starting to pill in several places.

  “When was the last time you were fitted for bras, Tessa?” she inquired casually.

  Tessa looked ill at ease with the question. “Um, I don’t recall. I’m not exactly sure I ever have been.”

  “No problem. After we try the dress and shoes on I’ll fit you. Mr. Gregson also selected some, ah, lingerie for you.”

  Predictably, the girl’s already rosy cheeks flushed a deeper shade and she merely nodded. But then, as Marlene zipped her into the classic blue Lanvin, Tessa’s eyes grew big as saucers as she gazed upon her reflection in the mirror.

  “Oh. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? I’ve never had anything this nice before.” Tessa skimmed her hands a little uncertainly over the fine fabric.

  The girl’s heartfelt reaction touched Marlene, and she felt a sudden tenderness towards her. Marlene didn’t have children of her own but she was certainly more than old enough to be Tessa’s mother. And after so many years of catering to vain, demanding patrons, it was a refreshing change to be able to really help someone as sweet and innocent as this lovely girl. She could certainly understand Ian’s infatuation with her.

  “It looks wonderful on you,” confirmed Marlene as she straightened the skirt just a bit. “I can see now why he favored this color – it’s perfect for your eyes and skin tone. No
w, let’s try the shoes, hmm? I have three different sizes here to choose from.”

  Tessa wore an eight and a half, and the nude Christian Louboutin pumps fit her to perfection. Marlene showed her the other items Ian had selected for her to wear this evening – a butter-soft leather handbag in a coordinating shade to the shoes, and a luxurious camel-colored cashmere coat lined in a satiny fabric.

  Tessa was seemingly fascinated by the coat, touching the soft fabric. “It looks so warm,” she marveled. “It’s been so cold these past few weeks.”

  Marlene wondered if the thin raincoat could possibly be the girl’s only coat. There was no other reasonable explanation why she would have worn it on a bitingly cold but otherwise clear day. “Its pure cashmere, dear, and a Burberry. One of the finest coats we sell here. He wanted only the best for you.”

  Tessa smiled. “He’s wonderful, isn’t he?”

  “I think he feels the same way about you, Tessa,” replied Marlene gently. “Now, why don’t we get you out of that dress so I can measure your bra size. Then Mr. Gregson has arranged some other – ah, services for you.”

  A quick check with the tape measure confirmed that Tessa’s bra was indeed two full cup sizes too small, which clearly explained why she’d almost been falling out of the black lace garment. While she slipped back into her own black pumps, Marlene handed her a belted smock, the kind used in hair salons and spas.

  "You can leave your things here, Tessa. I’ll lock the room while you’re gone and you can come back and change afterwards,” assured Marlene. “Follow me now, we’re just going up one floor.”

  Marlene left her charge off at the in-store salon, where she was to have a blow-out, a mani-pedi, and a makeup application. When Tessa returned to the dressing room nearly two hours later, she looked a bit dazed but even more beautiful – her skin glowing, her blonde hair smooth and shiny, her nails buffed and covered in pale pink polish.

  She helped Tessa dress, satisfied with the fit of the pale blue lace bra and panties, and with the new pair of sheer nude thigh-highs. After Tessa was zipped up into the dress and wearing her new shoes, Marlene added the finishing touches – a sapphire pendant suspended from a dainty gold chain and a matching pair of drop earrings.


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