Eve Meyer photos
mistreatment of models
movie star photos
photo essays
Playboy centerfolds
shooting techniques
Storm photos
TV stills
Webber photos
Wilkinson photos
Meyer, William Arthur (father)
Mikels, Ted V.
Miller, Arv,
Milo, John
Mishkin, William
Miss St. Louis
Mondo films
Monroe, Marilyn
Monsour, Samantha
Moore, Cleo
Moore, Lt. Gene
Moran, John E. “Jack”
break with Meyer
Common Law Cabin,
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
personal qualities
Wild Gals of the Naked West
Morton, Jim
Mosser, Adrian
Mounds, Melissa
assault on Meyer
background of
Meyer’s relationship with
MPAA ratings system
Musto, Michael
Myers, Cynthia
Myers, Mike
Napier, Charles
Cherry, Harry and Raquel
Meyer’s relationship with
Napier, Dee
Nathanson, E. E. “Mick”
Natividad, Kitten
Beneath the Valley of the Ultra-Vixens
breast augmentation
care for dementia-afflicted Meyer
Meyer’s relationship with
personal qualities
Newhouse, Bill
Newman, Lionel
Nudist films
O’Donnell, Michael Donovan
Oliver, Steve
Ornitz, Don
Owens, Fred
Page, Betty
Page, Harrison
Paglia, Camille
Paris, Darla
Park, Jean
Parker, Ken
Parker, Paula
Parkins, Barbara
Pasternack, Bruce
Patrick, Robert
Patton, Gen. George S.
Paul, Arthur
Peaks, Pandora
Peche, Ollie
Peckinpah, Sam
Pergament, Robert
Peters, Ann
Philips, Stu
Pillsbury, Garth
Pitt, Charles
Prelutsky, Burt
Preminger, Otto
Presley, Elvis
Prowse, David
Rayns, Tony
Read, Dolly 3
Rein, Adele
Rich, B. Ruby
Richards, Vikki
Ritt, Martin
Roberts, Michelle
Roby, Lavelle
Rocco, Alex
Rocco, Ben
Roche, Tami
Roman, Leticia
Rooney, Pete
Ross, Gene
Ross, Jonathan
Rotsler, William
Rotten, Johnny
“Roughie” sex films
Rowland, Henry
Royko, Mike
Rudelson, Robert
Rushes, Ami
Ruttenberg, Joseph
Ryan, Jacqueline
Ryan, Jim
Meyer’s relationship with
personal qualities
St. Cyr, Lili
St. John, Jill
St. Pierre, William
Sanders, Doris
Sandman, Henry
Santos, Bert
Sarris, Andrew
Satana, Tura
background of
Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
Meyer’s relationship with
Satana, Tura (cont.)
personal qualities
snake incident
Sawtell, Paul
Scapperotti, Dan
Schaaf, Ed
Schaefer, Eric
Schaffner, Rob
Schelling, Charles G. “Chuck”
Schenk, Walter
Schickel, Richard
Schmidtmer, Christiane
Sex Pistols
Sexploitation films
Shefter, Bert
Sherman, Paul
Siegel, Don
Simon, John
Sinclair, Jan
Siskel, Gene
Slater, Electus and Pete
Smith, Paul Morton
Snider, Burr
Sonney, Dan
Spain, Fay
Spector, Phil
Sprague, Bill
Starling, Carlos
Stevens, George
Storm, Tempest (Blanche Banks)
Meyer’s films and photos featuring
Meyer’s relationship with
Stringer, Julian
Sullivan, Margaret
Sullivan, Steve
Sumners, Charlie “Slick”
Sumners, Floyce
bathtub murder scene
box-office business
critical reaction
Eubank’s involvement
Harry Sledge character
hostile energy of
location hunting for
Meyer’s idea for
Pitt’s involvement
shooting of
storyline of
as technical tour de force
Susann, Jacqueline
Swofford, Ken
Talese, Gay
Tarantino, Quentin
Tati, Jacques
Taylor, Elizabeth
Teas, William Ellis “Bill”
The Immoral Mr. Teas
Meyer’s relationship with
personal qualities
Temple, Julien
Thissen, Rolf
Thomas, Kevin
Thomas, Mike
Thompson, Nathaniel
Thomson, David
Thurber, James
Thyssen, Greta
Timony, Megan
Tomko, Bill
Trinka, Paul
Turan, Kenneth
Turnquist, Kristi
20th Century Fox
Valenti, Jack
Van Doren, Mamie
Van Schmus, Al
Vicious, Sid
Vickers, Yvette
box-office business
brother-sister shower scene
casting of
censorship problems
critical reaction
editing of
fish scene
“floor’s-eye-view of sexual congress” image
girl-on-girl scene
origins of
shooting of
storyline of
Vixen character
X rating
Walker, Gene K.
Wallace, Irving
Wallace, Mike
Wallace, Vincene
Wall Street Journal
Warbeck, Dennis
Waters, John
on Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
Gavin and
on Meyer’s film career
Meyer’s relationship with
on Natividad
on Up!
on women in Meyer’s films
Wayne, Carol
Weapons, Letha
Webber, Diane
Weintraub, Murray
Welles, Orson
Wesley, Marilyn
West, Evelyn “Treasure Chest”
West, Mae
Wilde, Oscar
Wilkinson, June
Williams, Edy
background and personal qualities
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls,
divorce from Meyer
first encou
nters with Meyer
marriage to Meyer
Meyer’s anger at
post-Meyer life
The Seven Minutes
Williams, Julie
Williams, Lori
Williams, Robin
Witney, William
Wohlman, Harry
Wolcuff, Nick
Wolfe, Burton H.
Wood, Ed, Jr.
Wright, Patrick
Young, Diane
Young, Peter
Zanuck, Darryl F.
Zanuck, Richard
Zito, Stephen F.
Ziton, Michael
Zugsmith, Albert
About the Author
JIMMY MCDONOUGH is the author of The Ghastly One: The Sex-Gore Netherworld of Filmmaker Andy Milligan and Shakey: Neil Young’s Biography.
Copyright © 2005 by James McDonough
All rights reserved.
Published in the United States by Crown Publishers, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.
Crown is a trademark and the Crown colophon is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
McDonough, Jimmy.
Big bosoms and square jaws: the biography of Russ Meyer, king of the sex film / Jimmy McDonough.—1st ed. 1. Meyer, Russ, 1922–2004. 2. Motion picture producers and directors—United States—Biography. I. Title.
PN1998.3.M49M34 2005
791.4302'33'092—dc22 2005009091
eISBN 0-307-33698-0
Big Bosoms and Square Jaws: Russ Meyer, King of the Sex Film Page 55