Alien Romance: Desired By The Alien: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance)

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Alien Romance: Desired By The Alien: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, BBW, Alien Invasion Romance) Page 8

by Rosette Lex

  Assuming she made it that far, at least. She could hear them gaining on her with every step.

  The grass of the park muffled her steps, but it also slowed her, and as a gamble, she veered to the side and into the cluster of woods that took up more than half of the park. She dodged around tree trunks, scampering like a rabbit with the wolves on her tail. She was only human, though, and her night vision was not that of a predator’s. It was inevitable when the toes of one foot caught a tree root and sent her sprawling to the ground.

  She caught herself on her hands, rocks and twigs biting into the skin of her palms, and she scrambled along the ground as she tried to get back onto her feet and keep moving at the same time. Stones and sticks tore at the knees of her jeans, and low-hanging branches clawed at her face and shoulders.

  Crystal felt a hand grab at her ponytail, and she screamed, shrieking out a wordless cry for help. She didn’t actually expect anyone to come, though.

  Perhaps the world simply wanted to prove her wrong as many times as possible that night. The hand in her hair abruptly released, and she could hear the wolves whining. She turned, rolling onto one hip so she could see what was going on.

  The werewolves had collapsed, writhing on the ground and clawing at their skin as blood streamed from their noses, their eyes, their ears. It left burning trails across their flesh, and steamed and fizzled as it struck the ground.

  Crystal stared with wide eyes as the wolves thrashed and cried, until at last they fell still, bleeding from every pore, their skin red and dry as if cooked. She didn’t have long to gape, though, before she heard leaves crunching behind her, and she shifted rapidly onto her knees to see who it was.

  She stared up at a man who seemed to be as tall as a skyscraper and as broad as an ox, his gaze focused on what remained of the wolves with all of the malicious glee of a shark. Only once he was well and truly apparent that the werewolves were dead did he look at Crystal, and she gasped sharply.

  His eyes were a bright, bright, impossibly bright electric blue, and they gleamed like a cat’s. He grinned slowly as he looked down at her, white teeth standing out in sharp contrast against his dark skin. Crystal thought his hair was black, or very dark brown, but it was too dark out and cropped too close to his scalp for her to tell.

  His mouth opened and he spoke, in a voice that shook the earth like a freight train while still managing to glide and scorch like liquid glass.

  “Quite the evening you’ve had, haven’t you?” he purred quietly.

  Crystal made a small, strangled whimpering noise in the back of her throat and curled in on herself, as the entire mess—had it really only been a few minutes since she had walked out of the bar?—caught up to her. She trembled for a moment, before her eyes rolled back into her head and she knew no more.

  Crystal woke slowly, and it felt as if she was floating on a cloud. A rather warm cloud that surrounded her from all sides. It was a rather far cry from passing out from shock in the woods, so she reluctantly peeled her eyes open.

  She sat up quickly once she realized she was in a room she had never been in before, and she looked around wildly, bringing both hands up to shove loose strands of her hair out of her face.

  She was lying on a bed—a massive, somewhat oval-shaped bed that probably could have held eighteen people—so she could only assume she was in a bedroom, but it was the biggest bedroom she had ever seen. In fact, she was fairly certain her entire, single-story cottage could have fit in it. And everything was lavish, as if the room had been designed with only the best in mind, from the rich, deep red carpets and blankets to the dark stone of the walls to the rich wood of the vanity and the armoire.

  Crystal kicked the thick blanket off, regardless of how comfortable it was, and she stood up. Immediately she paused, once she realized her clothing had been changed. Gone were her work shirt and her worn jeans and sneakers.

  Instead, she was barefoot, and someone had dressed her in a formfitting halter-top dress, as if they were trying to use the bright red fabric to…display her. She shuddered slightly, but dragged her attention away from it and back to the room.

  She crossed the floor to the window, and as she stared through the glass, she marveled at the view. The sky stretched out overhead, but it was…off, still blue but just a hair too dark. The sun seemed too bright, and when Crystal pushed the air open she found that the air outside was so hot that breathing made her light headed for a few seconds, like getting into a car that had been sitting in the sun all day.

  Leaning partially out the window, she looked around, and found a wall to the left, a wall to the right, and a wall straight ahead, with trees, gardens, and ponds far below, meaning she was looking out over the courtyard of a massive, square building.

  She pulled herself back inside and closed the window, and she instead turned her gaze to the vanity, which confirmed her growing suspicions.

  Sitting on the vanity’s surface was her purse, which was something of a relief and yet also almost comically out of place. More than that, a crown sat on a red cushion; it was just a simple golden circlet, inlaid with red and black gems, but it was still rather obviously a crown.

  So she was in a castle…somewhere. Somewhere where the sky was the wrong shade, the sun was too bright, the air was too arid, and the leaves were all golden-red. Slowly, Crystal sat down on the bed and brought her hands up to cover her face as she took a few slow, deep breaths.

  She didn’t have much time to gather her thoughts, though, as the door opened. Crystal shot to her feet and whipped around to face it, and found herself staring up at the man who had killed the werewolves.

  In the light, it was more obvious that his hair was dark brown, and his eyes, impossibly, seemed even brighter. His ears, she noticed, were also slightly pointed.

  “Who are you? Are you going to hurt me?” Crystal asked after a moment, her voice surprisingly steady even to her own ears.

  The man scoffed, as if the idea was ludicrous and Crystal was a fool simply for asking, regardless of the kidnapping and the previous murders.

  “Of course not,” he replied. “I am Gerralt, and I hardly would have brought you to my home if I simply wished to be rid of you.”

  “Where are we, then?” she asked, determined to get answers while she could. “And if you just say ‘my home,’ then I will do…something. Drastic.”

  Gerralt snorted. “Heraclastia,” he answered simply, as if that answered everything.

  “Is it a city?” Crystal asked, though she was beginning to suspect the answer.

  “Larger,” Gerralt answered, amusement creeping into his tone.

  “Country?” Crystal tried again, her voice getting smaller.

  “Larger,” he repeated, sounding blatantly entertained.

  With a small whimpering noise, Crystal brought her hands up to hide her face, and her voice came out muffled as she asked, “What’s the sun out there called?”

  “In your tongue?” he clarified, as if there was even a possibility that Crystal might know his language. He didn’t wait for an answer, though. “Beta Hydri.”

  Chapter Two

  A different planet. Crystal had been dragged to a different planet without even a ‘by your leave.’ Though so far she felt safe in assuming that Gerralt didn’t actually care whether or not he had her permission. So the only question that left her with was why.

  “Why?” she asked simply, her voice quiet, despairing.

  “I visit your world frequently,” Gerralt replied, “when the heat here grows too oppressive. But on my numerous visits, during the numerous things I’ve seen happen, some terrible and some simply unfortunate, never has a voice struck me as yours did.”

  Gerralt fell silent for a moment, observing Crystal quietly before he resumed speaking. What he said next, though, sounded utterly absurd.

  “I believe you are meant to be my mate.”

  Crystal stared at him blankly, before she burst into hysterical giggles, clapping her hands over her mouth in
a belated, ineffectual attempt at quieting them. She laughed not out of humor, but out of stress and nerves, and it was almost a full minute before she could rein herself back in.

  “And—“ Her voice broke off into a few more lingering giggles for a second. “And what happens when I say no?”

  Gerralt looked remarkably unimpressed, his eyebrows rising slowly. “I am the king of this world,” he confirmed. “This castle is mine. This room is mine. This world is mine. I can boil someone’s blood simply by looking at them for no other reason than because the gods decided so when I was born. The word ‘no’ only means as much as I decide it does,” he informed her coolly.

  A chill chased itself down Crystal’s spine, and she found herself thinking, ‘So that’s what happened to the werewolves,’ in an effort to avoid thinking about his actual point. She couldn’t actually bring herself to say anything in response, though, and she couldn’t do much beyond stare at him in slowly dawning horror.

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  4 Curvy Women + 4 Sexy Aliens = Sizzling Hot Romance

  Alien Desires is a collection of four alien abduction romance books, featuring sexy, arrogant and mysterious aliens and beautiful curvy heroines.

  The collection includes:

  * Taken By The Alien Lord

  * Stranded With The Alien

  * Kidnapped By The Alien

  * Claimed By My Alien Boss

  Taken By The Alien Lord

  Beautiful and talented, Sylvia is a smart young woman who joins a private spy agency with ambitions taller and greater than her height. But, what looks like an exciting opportunity to live her dream of working as a secret agent turns out to be a lot more than a risky mission.

  Before she knows it, she is whisked off to another planet, and it’s too late look back and regret her decision.

  But things don’t turn out the way these naïve humans had expected …

  As she gets there, she not only loses her connection to the earth, but she is also trapped in a planet ruled by sexy alpha aliens. And to the curvy virgin’s surprise, this new planet has rules, rules that don’t exist on earth.

  And more than these rules, secrets and discoveries, her biggest surprise is the planet’s prophecy…

  Geruke, a ruthless, dominant yet incredibly sexy and irresistible alien is determined to show the untouched human female what it means to be taken by the alien, especially when he’s about to become the alien lord!

  Stranded With The Alien

  After years of humiliation and abuse by her stepfather, Gloria plans to escape when she comes to know that her heartless stepfather is willing to sell her to his old friend.

  Scared and terrified with no place to go, the curvy woman plans to escape.

  Just when she thinks she has escaped the trouble, she finds herself in the arms of an insanely handsome man, Rock, who could be even more dangerous and mysterious than the one she is running from.

  No wonder, life has a strange sense of humor...

  Running from her worst nightmare, she finds herself abducted by a sexy man who is nowhere close to human.

  He has a SECRET and his own norms...

  And she is left with no choice but to surrender...

  Kidnapped By The Alien

  Hannah had always believed that, once she was out of college, her curvy figure and intellect would prove valuable on the dating scene. But, at 24, she is still a virgin.

  So, when Laura invites her and promises there’d be plenty of good-looking guys at the party, the curvy young woman looks forward to a crazy night of fun and adventure.

  Too bad things won’t turn out the way Hannah has expected…

  And before she knows it, she’s at Research Base 2X71…

  Wide at the shoulders with narrow hips, Sa’Zhan is quite tall. His handsome face is like something carved from granite, with blue eyes, prominent cheekbones and a dimpled chin.

  What comes next is beyond Hannah’s wildest imagination....

  Claimed By My Alien Boss

  Cassie has landed a job as a research assistant at Stephen Moore Space Research Facility. Despite knowing she was the right girl for the job of personal secretary to the owner and founder of the facility, she couldn’t stop her leg from bouncing. She’d heard the rumors: handsome, insanely rich, and impossible to please. When she had originally applied for the position, she never really thought she’d receive a callback.

  Stephen Moore is an insanely handsome owner of Stephen Moore Research Facility. He is a mysterious man and follows his own rules, knowing his mating urge will strike him at anytime. But then he sees Cassie, with her feisty curves and charismatic personality. She makes him crave her more and more everyday.






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