Beholden (The Beguiling Bachelors Book 2)

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Beholden (The Beguiling Bachelors Book 2) Page 24

by Madison Michael

  Sitting there for thirty minutes, Sloane’s head was no clearer. She needed help. She needed a new contact at the law firm, or a new law firm altogether. Yes, a new law firm. She scanned her contacts list until she found the number she was seeking, then dialed it with shaking hands.


  “Tyler, it’s Sloane. I am so sorry to bother you but I could really use a friend and a lawyer right now.”

  “Sloane, this is a surprise. Don’t worry about it. I am certainly a lawyer, and I try to be a friend. What’s up? I thought you were in Tahoe with the girls. Regan is on her way there tomorrow.”

  Sloane explained the whole situation and answered the dozens of questions Tyler peppered her with along the way, interrupting to get details, clarification, names, dates and times.

  “I can’t help you, Sloane, but I think I know someone who can. Let me reach out to Jonathan Chen. He helped get the Howes out of the relationship with your dad, and he is a brilliant international lawyer. Hopefully he has the resources to tackle this.”

  “Tyler, whatever help you can give me would be fantastic. I just don’t know where to turn. I am so scared.”

  “Don’t be scared Sloane. We have your back, Randall and I. We will make this go away.”

  “Randall? What does Randall have to do with this?”

  After a long pause, Tyler replied, ”Well, uh, I know that Randall cares about you. He has been helping you on the business side. Yeah, that was all I meant.” Tyler had never sounded less truthful, but Sloane could get nothing more out of him except a promise to contact Jonathan on her behalf and get back to her.

  “Go enjoy Tahoe, Sloane. Worrying won’t help but some fresh air will.”

  “Thanks, Tyler, for the help and the advice. I really appreciate it.”

  Sitting there after disconnecting the call, Sloane looked at her watch and realized an hour had passed. She dried her tears, washed her face to hide the evidence and throwing her shoulders back, she decided to be ready and waiting to join the women on their casino trip.

  After all, at this point, her whole life was a gamble. Why not try to cash in on it a bit?


  “It really is a huge change for her,” Sloane overheard as she moved toward the kitchen the next morning. “But she had to know it was coming, Randall would have warned her, right?”

  “You know what, Keeli? I agree. Randall really saved her ass up until now, and this has been hanging over her head for months, if not longer,” Missy added. Sloane froze in place, hidden by the large beams, eavesdropping shamelessly. The coffee she thought she would die without would just have to wait.

  “What happened? I mean with Randall?” Linda queried.

  “Well, you know her father went to jail, right? Guilty as sin, really shameful. No one would ever have guessed either. He was always so charming. Poor Marianne Huyler, you couldn’t meet a nicer woman.” Sloane smiled at Keeli’s kind words about her mother. “It never made sense to the people who knew him.”

  “Anyway, after the indictment, Sloane wasn’t welcome anywhere, the business was tanking and their life was basically over. They were destined to be broke and shunned anywhere. And no one cared; they figured she deserved it.”

  “Except Randall,” Missy picked up the story. “He determined to rescue Sloane. Long story short, he invested in HI through Wyatt, invested tons. Wyatt was against it, but nooo, Randall would not let my brother dissuade him.”

  “Right,” Keeli continued, the story gaining steam, “First he got a contract from Wyatt – well from Howe Tech Solutions – Randall used his own money to pay for it of course. Wyatt would not have given them a penny.”

  “A lot of money I think, so it would be a big contract.”

  “Yes, like half a million dollars,” Keeli continued as Linda grew wide eyed. It was as if they were telling her a ghost story around the campfire, voices low, building to the really scary parts.. “Then he called all the current clients and told them HI was secure enough that Howe Tech had just signed a big contract with them. That got those CEOs rethinking HI at least for long enough to broker the acquisition deal. With his help, the bankers found a buyer and shrewd businessman that he is, he helped get Steel Frank to pay far more money than they ever would have otherwise. Maria Canovalli could not have done it without Randall’s efforts in the background. Not in time.”

  “Oh, I read about that in Crain’s Business News. Nice for everyone,” Linda acknowledged. ”Sloane makes a bundle in the sale, Randall makes a bundle for his buddies over at the investment bank.”

  “True,” Missy conceded, “but Randall went further. He dated Sloane, despite her reputation as the biggest bitch in town, despite her father’s situation. Poor Sloane, she never realized what a womanizer her father was. No surprise he went through all his money. I think he was keeping, like five or six, different mistresses in high style but I never thought he would do something illegal. Anyway, Randall stood by her despite all of that. He stood by her, well, at least until he took that new info to the lawyers.”

  “Yeah,” Keeli picked up the story again. “Going to the lawyers and getting ahead of the feds was brilliant. Of course, now Randall has to decide if she is indicted what he wants to do. If it comes out that she was the mastermind of her father’s whole money laundering deal, I don’t see him sticking around.”

  “I hear the paperwork is pretty damning. No one expected that,” Linda commented.

  Sloane couldn’t listen to another word. Her knees were wobbly and she was afraid she would drop to the floor in a heap.

  They knew everything. Worse, they thought she was guilty. She was mortified, making her way back to her room as quietly as possible, she climbed back into the bed she had just made and rolled to face the wall.

  She was never coming out. Never.

  When the girls came looking for her a few minutes later, she pretended to be sleeping, later she claimed a headache. She avoided them the entire day, right up until Regan arrived.

  Sloane heard the women welcome her, heard the mumble of voices while Regan was taking a tour. Sloane thought that even Regan would be impressed by the place, how could she not be?

  It was less than fifteen minutes later when Regan strode into Sloane’s room without knocking, yanked back the covers and grabbed her hand, dragging her from the bed.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Regan announced powerfully. “So you are in trouble. Guess what? We know about it. Soon everyone will know, Sloane, and you are going to have to buck up and push through it. I want to see that tough bitch attitude you are so famous for, and I want to see it right now. Get your sorry ass out of that bed. We are waiting for you to go out to dinner and we are not going without you.”

  Sloane was sitting up now, feet on the floor, looking at Regan, tears pooling in her eyes.

  “Please go away,” she pleaded.

  “Ten minutes, Sloane. I mean it.” Regan stormed from the room, Sloane’s tears and pleas completely ignored. Knowing she couldn’t fight Regan, Sloane slowly changed from her rumpled clothes, washed up and walked like a zombie to the living room where the women waited.

  It may as well be a firing squad.

  “Sloane, you could have talked to us,” Missy offered, walking to where Sloane stood, pulling her further into the room.

  Those were just the words Sloane needed. They were fighting words and Sloane braced for a good fight. “Friends, ha! I heard you talking earlier, about me, about Randall setting me up after all. You all think I am guilty. I heard you.”

  “We are your friends, we are here to help you, if we can,” “None of us think you are guilty. Not at all.” The others nodded their head in agreement.

  “You guys think I’m guilty. You talk about it behind my back and are nice to my face. How can I trust any of you?” Sloane came out slugging.

  Regan walked over to Sloane, putting an arm around her shoulders. “No one here believes you are guilty, Sloane. Yes, they were talking about the
situation, but we have been waiting for you to tell us yourself. These women have been racking their brains, trying to come up with ways to help you.”

  The breath went out of Sloane and Missy spoke again. “I don’t know what you heard, Sloane, but none of us think you are guilty. I will admit, we think you look guilty. However, you well know, those are not the same things. Regan told us that Tyler is working on getting you in to see Jonathan. By the way, she says you will love him. And then we will see what happens.”

  “We are here for you, Sloane, really,” Keeli seconded the sisters’ comments. “Let’s go to dinner and talk about how we might help.”

  “Really, you really want to help?” Sloane couldn’t believe her good fortune. These strong, successful women were not turning on her. “I can’t believe how lucky I am to have each of you. So fortunate.”

  Grabbing jackets and purses, the women made their way out the door. Sloane was near the back with Regan when she took her arm to hold her back for a moment.

  “Thank you Regan. You showed up just when I needed you most.”

  “I was coming anyway, but after I spoke with Tyler, I knew what I was walking into. You have to fight this, Sloane. You cannot concede defeat now.”

  “I will fight it. I swear I will. Just keep that snake Randall Parker as far from me as possible. I will kill the bastard if I see him. I swear I will.”


  Look at me, after five days with Keeli I am all ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. I think maybe it even feels good.

  Sloane was sitting in the luxurious spa lounge recovering from 60 minutes of intense yoga, followed by one of the best massages she had ever had. Wrapped in fluffy terrycloth robes the women met in the lounge for a lovely luncheon.

  Surrounded by her friends, the women who had buoyed her up non-stop for the last two days, she was thanking them yet again for their support, ideas, and for inviting her to join them in Tahoe. The women filled the lounge, having it all to themselves as they sipped either cucumber water or white wine.

  “This spa day has been incredible,” Missy said. “How will I ever return to the mundane life of wife and mother?"

  “Oh, puh-lease,” Regan challenged her sister, “you live for mothering.”

  “Too true, but I could seriously get used to this. I love our mystery hosts for providing us with such a wonderful vacation.”

  “To our mystery hosts,” the women toasted.

  “I wonder who he/she/they are anyway,” Linda mused.

  “I wonder too,” Sloane added, “I could allow them to arrange my life indefinitely. Gourmet food, award winning wines, a five star spa and an architectural masterpiece in an unbelievable location, these people have impeccable taste.”

  ”I checked with Wyatt and he swore he didn’t arrange any of the groceries, wines or events. He also swears that he never saw all these additional items listed in the Lake Tahoe auction item.”

  Keeli went on to share that Wyatt had been a bit embarrassed to realize someone else had thought of it and not him. She could tell he felt uncomfortable even discussing it. That left the women wondering about their enigmatic benefactor, but it had also allowed them to speculate wildly, which they did over lunch. Then they got back to Sloane’s issues.

  Sloane raised her glass, looked at each woman in turn and toasted, “First, let’s celebrate the five of us - powerful, loving women who have had the unbelievable pleasure of a week in a relaxing and luxurious location.”

  The four women quickly agreed with Sloane’s assessment and drank from their glasses.

  “Second, staying positive, we are celebrating the sale of Huyler Industries to Steel Frank. To Maria Canovalli, another strong, wonderful woman.”

  “Here, here” and “congratulations” flowed around the table as glasses were emptied further.


  “Wow, there’s more?” Keeli interrupted.

  “Third,” Sloane went on as if Keeli had not spoken, “I am celebrating the fact that Jonathan Chen and partners have agreed to take my case and they believe we have a very good chance.” The chatter at the table was instantaneous as the women peppered Sloane with questions about her case. All agreed she was innocent, but that she had still had a long way to go.

  “To Sloane and her freedom,” Regan raised her glass and the others followed, echoing the statement.

  “A little premature, Regan,” Sloane admitted sadly. “Although I guess we can toast to my glorious unemployment. I really am free in that regard.”

  There was a moment of silence as each met the eyes of the others before ascertaining if this was good or bad news. When they saw the open smile on Sloane and her relaxed posture they toasted at last. “To your freedom!”

  Their spa lunches took the next hour. The salads, chicken dishes and salmon plates were passed from person to person until everyone had a bite of everything.

  “How can they make food that looks and tastes this incredible but has a measly 350 calories?” Missy wondered. “If I had this chef cooking for me every day, I would have never struggled with this stupid baby weight.”

  “But you look beautiful now, Missy, struggle or not.”

  “You do,” Regan agreed, “you are certainly back to your pre-baby weight, maybe even less?” Missy accepted the compliments and confessed that she was a bit thinner than before she became pregnant.

  “Speaking of pregnant,” Regan went on, “how is Stephen doing with the kids? Or should I ask how he is doing with Father and Mother?”

  “Oh he should definitely have stories to tell, but he is so patient with them.”

  “The kids or your parents?” Sloane asked.

  They all laughed as Keeli and Regan both answered for Missy, “the parents.”

  “Seriously, Mother is in heaven having those kids for a full week. Olivia has never been dressed better and Cole has never stayed clean longer, according to Steven.”

  Missy got a little homesick as she talked more about her children, especially their newest baby, Reynold, who was still just a toddler. “Good thing we head home soon. I could not be away from them too much longer,” she confessed. “Much as I love you guys.”

  Keeli talked about the pressure she was getting from the Howes who were anxious for more grandchildren. “Well, how do you think I feel?” Regan countered. ”I get the ‘when are you getting married speech’ almost daily now.”

  “When are you getting married?” Sloane asked with a deadpan expression, causing them to burst out laughing.

  “Not you, too,” Regan asked when she regained her breath. “Better find me the guy before you plan the wedding.”

  Four sets of eyes bored into Regan looking at her like she was insane. “What are you talking about?” Keeli finally asked. “You have had the guy for years.”

  “Keeli is right,” Sloane agreed. “You and Tyler are obviously a couple. What are you waiting for?”

  Trying to defend her sister-in-law and deflect the question, Keeli challenged Sloane. “Well what about you and Randall? Have you reconciled?”

  The look of pain that crossed Sloane’s face changed the mood instantly.

  “I am sure this was all a misunderstanding?” Missy said. “You two seemed so happy at the benefit. You looked perfect together, and we had such a great time.”

  Sloane and Regan exchanged looks before Sloane answered. “There was just too much other stuff going on in our lives, I guess. We couldn’t make things work after all. But Regan, it was you we were discussing, not me.”

  By unspoken agreement, no one probed further and Sloane sat back in her chair, visibly relieved.

  “You and Tyler have been circling each other for nearly two years,” Keeli offered.

  “Oh way longer, Keeli. You just didn’t see them before you met Wyatt. They have been playing cat and mouse their whole lives.”

  “Come on, we are childhood friends, you know that. He’s like a brother to me.” Regan didn’t look her friends in the eye as she
told the bold-faced lie.

  “Oh no, you two definitely do not look at each other like siblings,” Sloane charged. “There is something going on there so just spill already.”

  After a bit of harassing and chiding, Regan finally admitted to having feelings for Tyler.

  “I have liked him a long time, but in the last year and half or so I have really noticed him, you know? He is so honest and smart. I like that about him. He doesn’t take my shit, ever. And he is so friggin’ hot.”

  Laughing, they all agreed with Regan’s assessment. “So what is the hold up, Regan?” Missy finally asked. “Mother really wants to plan another wedding.”

  “Him, damn it. He is the hold up. He takes me to benefits, places where we will both be anyway, when one of us needs a ‘plus one’. Otherwise, he is polite and aloof. It drives me insane.”

  “Why don’t you ask him out? Make the first move? It’s not like you’re shy,” Sloane suggested. Missy and Keeli jumped on the idea and they finished lunch laughing and joking over ways to approach Tyler for a first date. Linda chimed in, but, not knowing the couple, she kept quieter than usual. Besides, she had seemed preoccupied during much of their lunch.

  Walking back toward the locker room, Keeli spoke to Sloane under her breath, ”I think you should talk to Randall, Sloane. I really think there is more going on here than you think.”

  “There is more going on, Keeli. He is trying to send me to prison. Not exactly the act of a loving boyfriend,” Sloane sniped, closing the subject to further discussion.

  The women went their respective ways for the rest of the day, getting facials, wraps or massages all afternoon. They met again later, Regan finding Sloane collapsed onto a chaise drinking a glass of strawberry infused water. Regan accepted a drink from the therapist who had escorted her to the lounge. Sloane was cradling the glass of cool, crisp liquid, eyes closed, her face glowing and pink.

  “Sloane?” Regan whispered, in case she was asleep.


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