Secret Energy (Shifters Book 2)

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Secret Energy (Shifters Book 2) Page 15

by Kat, Chris T.

Robin thumped his tail on the ground. Are you hitting on me?

  Huffing, Shawn turned over on his side and said, No, I’m not. I just haven’t met a wolf with such white fur before. There’s not one single gray hair on you.

  My mother looks the same. We’re the only ones with white fur in our whole pack, though.

  And your brother turned out to have a black coat? Shawn asked, curiosity audible in his voice.

  Yes, he takes after our father. They’re both black furred. My other sisters and my eldest brother have a gray coat.

  How many siblings do you have? Shawn asked.

  Four: two sisters and two brothers. I’m the youngest. What about you?

  I’m an only child.


  Shawn lifted his head, his eyes glowing in the darkness. The sky was only partially illuminated by slivers of the moon penetrating the thick clouds. Oh, what? You make it sound as if that’s a bad thing.

  I couldn’t imagine being without my sisters and brothers. There was always someone around to play with me when I was a kid. I never felt lonely, Robin said. He’d been damn lucky in that regard.

  That must be nice.

  They fell into a pondering silence. Robin didn’t want to explore this topic in depth, and Shawn seemed to feel the same. After a while, Robin turned onto his stomach, then nudged Shawn’s shoulder with his nose. Can I ask you something?


  I know you explained about the importance of the energy lines, but why doesn’t Peter want anyone else to know about it? That I can see them, I mean? Robin asked.

  You really don’t know much, do you? Shawn replied.

  No, Robin snapped. I know how my pack works, but I know nothing about were-bears.

  Were-bears? Shawn barked a laugh before he rubbed his face against Robin’s. So soft.

  Hey! That sounds more and more like you hitting on me. Not that I’m not flattered or anything but….

  I’m not hitting on you. I’ve just never felt fur this soft. Will’s is different. Shawn lifted his head, scenting the air.

  Smell something interesting?

  I just thought there was something strange, but it was nothing. Maybe we should go back to the cave. Shawn sat on his haunches, gazing around them.

  Will you answer my question, or do I have to do something special?


  Yes, like this. Robin whirled to his feet and tackled Shawn to the ground. Shawn yelped and tried to get his feet back under him. Robin ran around him in circles, wagging his tail and faking lunges. Shawn laughed when he lost his footing and toppled over on his side, giving Robin the perfect opportunity to jump him.

  Truce! Shawn called out.

  Robin dug his forepaws deep into Shawn’s chest, for a moment distracted by the contrast between Shawn’s black and his white fur. Shawn pushed and rolled Robin over on his back before he licked Robin’s snout.

  I won! Shawn crooned.


  Shawn let go of Robin, then shook himself. Now you look like a white wolf who has taken a dirt bath.

  Robin peered at himself before he followed Shawn’s example and shook his coat. Loam crumbles and pine needles flew everywhere. Better?

  Yes, and to answer your question: if everyone knew about you, someone might challenge Peter.

  Challenge Peter? What for? Robin asked, scratching with his hind paw behind his left ear.

  A female bear might challenge Peter, kill him, and take you as her mate.

  What? Robin’s heartbeat sped into a thundering gallop. That’s… that’s impossible. Peter and I are mated for life and… and you said if either of us died, the other one would die within hours. What would a female bear get out of it?

  She would have a couple of hours with you, which might be enough to get her pregnant, Shawn replied.

  You’re not serious!

  Shawn stared at him, his green eyes glimmering. Robin repeated, You’re not serious.

  I am. It happened to me. Shawn turned his back to Robin and walked underneath an ill-looking little sapling to nose it.

  But you’re still here, and so is Will.

  Will almost died, Shawn murmured.

  I’m so sorry, Shawn. Robin came up behind Shawn, rubbing his face against Shawn’s heaving flank.

  Thanks. Don’t tell anyone about your ability, okay?

  Robin cringed. But… but Jay… he already knows.

  Then we should go back and explain to him why he should keep it a secret, shouldn’t we?

  I guess.

  SHAWN SEEMED to withdraw into himself after his revelation. Robin allowed him some space, not wanting to intrude.

  He only registered how long they were outside when the sky changed from a dark blue, almost black, to a light gray with the first rays of sun breaking through the clouds.

  Robin walked on, his nose hovering close above the ground, taking in all the interesting scents. Some of them were familiar, but some were new and interesting, calling him to follow them. At first he tried to withstand, he really did, but his grip on his wolf nature slipped more and more.

  Once he lifted his head to see where Shawn was. He couldn’t detect a sign of his friend. Throwing his head back, he scented the air, not finding a trace of Shawn.


  Robin tried again, but when he didn’t receive an answer, he shrugged it off. Obviously, Shawn needed more time on his own.

  The rich scents in the air and on the ground pulled his attention again, luring him away from Shawn and the cave.

  Shawn? If you hear me, I’m just going after some butterflies for a while, okay? Come and get me when you’re ready to go back in.

  Robin should find Shawn, should be close to someone else to anchor himself, or his wolf would take over for good. Sneezing and stamping his feet on the sandy earth, Robin tried to rein his wolf in, but then a red and yellow dotted butterfly settled on a stump nearby. With a yip, he bounced over to the pretty butterfly, which rose in the air and fluttered this way and that.

  Enthralled he chased it until the strong scent of deer tickled his nose. He was about to follow the deer’s scent when two black wolves, one larger than the other, appeared next to him. Startled, he stopped.

  Robin! My God! I’m so glad we found you, Tim gasped.

  Tim! What are you doing here? Where’s Jay? Robin asked, walking up to him and nuzzling his face with all the enthusiasm of a puppy.

  Tim licked his face. We’re looking for you. Jay’s still with the others. I don’t want him outside right now. What the hell were you thinking? Why did you leave the cave? It’s dangerous to be outside alone!

  I wasn’t alone. I was with Shawn. I think I lost him somehow, and then I got distracted. I found the prettiest butterflies with red wings and dark yellow dots on them and—

  Tim cut him off. Robin!


  You need to shift, Tim said softly.

  Why? I just scented a deer. We could hunt it?

  No, little one, you need to shift back. You’re clearly exhausted, and you’re giving too much control to your wolf.

  I’m not! Don’t be such a grumbler. Come on, let’s go hunting! Robin bounced around Tim, snatching at his tail to coax him into a playful mood.

  Robin, come with us. We can go out later tonight, another voice said.

  Robin needed a moment to process who spoke to him. Shawn! You’re back!

  I couldn’t find you. I followed your scent, but it was all over the place, so I went back to the cave to get help, Shawn said.

  A few were-bears stood around them in a circle. The one with the white ruff approached Shawn, a deep rumble reverberating in his large chest. Shawn crouched down submissively, his energy lines showing Robin a great deal of misery.

  Robin hurried over to Shawn with Tim hurrying after him. Robin positioned himself between Lance, the big bear, and Shawn, then said, Hey, Lance! Don’t be mad, okay? We were just bored, and listening to everyone else mating last night was a bit too much.

/>   I don’t think that’s going to fly with Lance, Shawn muttered.

  He’ll come around, and after all, he can’t be mad at either of us since it was ridiculously easy to get around his guards, Robin said as he pulled at one of Shawn’s ears to get him to sit up.

  Robin! Shawn whined.


  Stop pulling at my ear.

  Oh, sorry. I scented a deer, but Tim doesn’t want to go after it with me. Will you go with me?

  Shawn glanced over at Tim, who shook his head. Ah, no, I don’t think so.


  Tim nudged Robin away from Shawn and ordered in a firm voice, We’re going back to the cave and you will stay at my side. No wandering off, okay?

  What if I smell something interesting? Robin asked.

  Ignore it.


  No buts. You need to shift back. Tim added a growl and herded Robin ahead.

  Why do you always have to go all alpha on me?

  Tim nipped at Robin’s heel before he said, I just do.

  That’s not a good enough reason.

  It is for me. Now get going. You must be tired.

  I am.

  As they walked back to the cave, the were-bears formed a protective circle around them with Tim and Shawn flanking Robin on each side, thwarting every one of his attempts at chasing anything.

  ROBIN SIGHED in relief when they entered the main entrance of the cave again because at least the long walk on the narrow trail was over.

  Jay waited for Tim, his energy lines sparkling as he wrapped his arms around his mate, not waiting until Tim had shifted. Robin looked at the others as they shifted, wondering why they were all in such a hurry. He was perfectly fine in his wolf form.

  A strong, alluring scent hung in the air, enticing Robin to breathe it in. He ambled over to the corridor leading to the inner cave system but a broad hand on his neck stopped him. Tilting his head upward to see his captor, he wagged his tail at Tim in his human form.

  “Robin, you need to shift now.”

  But I just want to find out what this interesting scent is, Robin replied.

  “Scent? What scent?”

  “Is he really that out of it?” Shawn asked as he strolled toward them.

  Tim’s grasp on Robin’s neck tightened. Jay materialized on Tim’s other side, resting a calming hand on Tim’s tense shoulder.

  Robin tuned the conversation between Tim and Shawn out. Instead, he observed Jay’s energy lines. They were such a pretty sight, all swirling in every direction, almost dazzling Robin with their intensity. He lost himself into the cascades of colors when Tim and Shawn disturbed his peace by arguing loudly.

  Robin looked up to find Tim gripping Shawn’s shoulders and shaking him. Shawn seemed surprised, as if he’d misjudged Tim.

  Jay clung to Tim’s back, trying his best to hold him back, while Lance and some of the other men went between the two fighters, attempting to break them up. What the hell were they fighting about anyway? Everything was peachy: Shawn just showed him around, lost him, and then found him again—no harm done. Robin yawned again.

  Robin left the entrance cave to see if he could find something to eat and eventually get some sleep when another scent wafted in. Recognition dawned only a moment later. He threw his head back and howled.

  The others all froze midargument and stared at him. Robin bounced over to the corridor that preceded the cave, swishing his tail from one side to the other. Seconds later, two black bears appeared.

  Peter! Robin lunged at Peter, pushing his face deep into the thick fur at Peter’s chest. I missed you so much!


  ROBIN’S WHOLE body was in motion as he wagged his tail. His wolf had no concept of holding back his emotions, and he danced around his mate, yipping and barking.

  Peter remained stoic while Robin jumped on him and rubbed his head against whatever body part he was closest to until he calmed down. Robin shoved himself under Peter’s belly, his tail still going a mile a minute while he peered up at Peter from between Peter’s forelegs. Peter bent his head to reach Robin and tenderly swiped his broad tongue over Robin’s snout.

  Robin reciprocated, closing his eyes when the tension from the last day drained out of him. He made sure to be in contact with as much of Peter’s body as possible, needing the touch to assure himself his mate was indeed here with him.

  A sudden loud roar and an equally loud yowl caused Robin to jump. He ducked deeper under Peter’s belly, searching for the source of the commotion. The other bear, Will, grabbed a small black wolf by the nape of his neck, huffing and puffing and lightly shaking the wolf.

  For a split second Robin feared the black wolf to be Tim. Despite his fear, he pushed forward, ready to leave his secure hiding place underneath Peter’s bulk when he caught a glimpse of Tim and Jay wrapped in each other’s arms, leaning against the opposite cave wall, staring at the spectacle in the middle as wide-eyed as Robin.

  Peter nudged Robin’s nose with his own, pushing him back under his belly. Robin obeyed and even rubbed his head against Peter, eliciting a pleased hum from him.

  Another loud high-pitched yowl reached Robin’s ears. He stayed underneath Peter but tilted his head so he could see what was happening. Everyone stood pressed to the cave walls while Will and the wolf, who had to be Shawn, brawled.

  Will was obviously very displeased with his mate. At first Shawn fought him with bared teeth and long, deep growls. Robin shivered at the display of raw power from both. Robin pushed up closer to Peter as his stomach churned.

  While he watched Will’s and Shawn’s energy lines, Robin blinked hard several times. Shawn’s energy lines were dulled, and huge knots prevented Will’s brighter line from feeding him.

  Shawn! Let him in!

  The wolf stopped fighting for a second, clearly baffled by Robin calling to him. Will used Shawn’s momentary distraction to turn him on his back, trapping him underneath his bigger frame. Shawn protested with a howl and vigorous attempt to push Will off him.

  Shawn, come on. Let him in! Why do you torture yourself like that? You will feel better as soon as you let him in. He will understand when you explain what happened. You didn’t do anything bad.

  Robin wanted to go over to Shawn, reassure him everything would be fine, but Peter thwarted his attempt with a rumbling growl and a big paw on his chest. Looking up at Peter, Robin whined. Peter, I just want to help!

  Peter shook his head slowly before pressing it firmly against Robin’s.

  All right, all right. No helping. This sucks. Shawn didn’t do anything wrong. He went back to get help; doesn’t that count for anything? Are you sure Will won’t hurt him?

  Peter bumped their noses together, then guided Robin’s head toward the heap of fur in the middle of the cave entrance.

  Will had finally come through, or maybe Shawn had given him permission to feed him, because their energy web pulsed, vibrated, a low droning sound accompanying it.

  Shawn relaxed under Will’s weight before starting to emit the most pitiful, keening noises Robin had ever heard from another wolf. Shawn was clearly distressed, and now he begged Will for love and reassurance.

  Robin shifted from one paw to the other while his gaze darted to the other people in the cave. Some expressions were unreadable, but most of them showed compassion and understanding. Tim still had a tight clutch on Jay, who trembled despite being the one of them wearing clothes.

  Will rose from Shawn, staring at him intently. Shawn struggled to his feet, his tail tucked behind his hind legs. Will pushed him forward to the corridor leading deeper into the cave system, the energy lines pulsing strong as they passed Tim. Shawn ducked his head lower to the ground, and his paws clicked on the solid rock in the otherwise silent cave.

  The silence as well as Shawn’s posture tore at Robin’s heartstrings. On impulse he rushed over to Shawn, surprising everyone with his action. Wagging his tail he circled Shawn, sometimes playfully nudging Shawn’s flank.
  It’s going to be okay, you’ll see.

  Shawn glanced over his shoulder at Will before he rubbed his head against Robin’s. Thank you, Robin.

  You didn’t do anything wrong, Robin repeated.

  Will and I have a rule: no going out at night alone. He’s pretty pissed off about it. He sighed, I’d better go now, and you should finally shift.

  Why does everyone want me to shift? I’m fine! Oh, but I really want to follow that interesting scent.

  Shawn’s face contorted as if he wanted to smile in his wolf form. You’re scenting sex pheromones, lots of sex pheromones. After a while all these pheromones add up and smell different and… very interesting.

  Really? Robin replied. Shouldn’t I have smelled them before?

  Maybe you were too busy moping about Peter’s absence. Or you couldn’t pinpoint the scents exactly. It’s kinda hard when so many people are at it.

  Will pushed Shawn toward the corridor, his dark eyes glittering dangerously. Shawn hurried where he was pushed. Shift, Robin!

  There we go again. Why is everyone so intent on telling me what to do? I’m fine in my wolf form. I’ll just follow the scent and see—

  “Robin, come to me, please.”

  Robin looked at the corridor, watching Shawn and Will disappear behind a curve. It took him almost a full minute to realize Peter had spoken to him. When realization finally hit, he whirled around.

  At the sight of Peter’s nude body, he barked in appreciation. Robin leaped over to Peter and pushed up on his hind paws. Peter winced when Robin’s forepaws scratched his chest.

  “Shift, my angel,” Peter whispered into Robin’s ear.


  “Don’t argue with me.”

  Robin stared into Peter’s dark eyes, hoping to discover a twinkle of mischief in them. He only found seriousness there, but even seeing Peter’s serious expression couldn’t convince him to shift back. He’d only be freezing again.

  Someone scratched him behind his ear, startling Robin. Jay knelt next to him with Tim standing right behind Jay.

  Robin listened merely with one ear to Tim’s nagging about how he had to shift as his whole concentration was on Jay’s appearance. His eyes were red-rimmed, and his whole face seemed hollow.


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