Bound to Blackwood

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Bound to Blackwood Page 26

by Sharon Lipman

  He never finished his reply.

  A terrifying scream ripped through the House, echoing through the hallways and reverberating around the Command Centre. Both of them froze for a moment. Kaden saw Mercury rub his sternum as the shared pain hit him. Kaden swallowed hard as the assault hit him too. He knew even without the physical evidence that the scream belonged to Lena.

  When their blood bond ignited, it near broke his heart; she wasn't physically hurt, but she was still in terrible pain. "Where is she?" Mercury rasped.

  Kaden was already making his way to the door, knowing exactly where she was. "Top corridor, outside her room," he replied as Mercury joined him on his way up to the main house.

  Frustrated that his own security measures made dematerialising within the confines of the House impossible, Kaden ran hard for the stairs. He and Mercury took the steps two at a time. As they reached the second floor, they were joined by Ryver and Phoenix who careened along the landing that joined both wings of the house. Neither of them asked Kaden where they were headed; they just fell in behind him and Mercury. All the while, Lena's blood-curdling screams thundered in Kaden's ears, making his heart thud and his legs pound faster.

  The screaming stopped as they reached the top corridor. Kaden took point and raced down the landing to the dimly-lit hallway that led to Lena's quarters. He slowed his pace as he saw her and his heart sank. Huddled against the oak wainscoting, curled into a ball, Lena looked smaller than he'd ever seen her, even as a child. Signalling to the others to hang back, Kaden approached her with slow, careful movements.

  He knelt in front of her. "Lena? Can you hear me?" Her eyes were open but unfocused, unseeing. Kaden waved his hand in front of her face, clicked his fingers next to her ear. Nothing.

  He turned his attention to the rest of the guys hovering uncomfortably a few yards away. "Phoenix, page Soraya. If she isn't already on her way, I need her here." Sighing, he turned his attention to Ryver. He didn't say anything, knowing Ryver would hear him loud and clear anyway.

  Ryver hung his head. "Seriously?" the Guardian asked.

  Kaden scowled back at him. "Get over here."

  Ryver really didn't want to do this. Recently, the more he heard, the more he wished he didn't know.

  The things he learnt by accident were bad enough; what he discovered when he actually tried was frightening. This thing with Lena and Thorn terrified him. With the exception of Kaden, those two were the strongest beings he knew, but what he heard showed their weaknesses, made him realise they had issues just like everyone else. Like a child discovering Santa isn't real, Ryver just wanted everything to go back to the way it was. He liked his heroes on their pedestals where they belonged.

  Shaking his head, he took slow, deliberate steps towards Lena. Her blue eyes may look glazed and unfocused, but Ryver knew better than to approach an injured lioness with anything but the utmost care.

  He didn't really need to be this close to listen. In fact, being so close to her made him feel ill. It did make him feel better about intruding on his friends' thoughts if he could be upfront about it though. He jacked up his trousers an inch or two before squatting down on his haunches in front of Lena.

  He gave Kaden one last, hopeful look in case the boss had changed his mind. One arched eyebrow over a piercing aqua-marine eye told him everything he needed to know. No last minute reprieve then.

  He turned his attention back to Lena. Stray thoughts whirled around the small hallway, crashing into each other so that nothing made sense. Ryver inhaled sharply, still surprised by just how fractured Lena's mind had become. Swallowing hard, he forced his own mind to focus, to pick through the disparate images, to find order in the chaos.

  A set of cruel obsidian eyes burned through it all and Ryver couldn't stop the shudder that ran down his spine.

  "What is it?" Kaden interrupted.

  Ryver repeated Lena's own thoughts. "He shouldn't be here."

  "What do you mean? Who shouldn't be here?"

  Ryver's brown knitted. "I'm not sure," he replied. "I don't recognise him."

  Kaden scowled, clearly dissatisfied with his answer, but Ryver ignored him. Returning to Lena, he pushed his ability further. He saw more of the nameless man, this time from shifting angles. Ryver's view of that cruel face switched from looking down on him with a sense of triumph to looking up with fear and disbelief.

  Another thought rushed forward. "London isn't just my home town."

  Ryver repeated it to Kaden who frowned as he thought on it. Ryver could hear him thinking, but as usual, his access to the Keeper's mind was limited. Ryver watched as realisation dawned in Kaden's sharp eyes, but had to wait patiently for him to voice his understanding; Ryver still couldn't hear squat when he listened to him.

  "She doesn't mean Vance of House London, does she?" Kaden asked.

  Ryver had heard the name, but didn't know the man. "What does he look like?" Ryver asked in reply.

  Kaden projected an image of a noble looking Vampire. Dark-brown hair swept away from a broad forehead, yet hung loose on the man's shoulders. Smiling chocolate-brown eyes shone over chiselled cheekbones, a proud, aquiline nose and a pleasant, kind looking mouth.

  "Well?" Kaden prompted.

  Ryver pursed his lips as he considered the man in Kaden's mind. "He looks too kind, too noble."

  "He hadn't Fallen the last time I saw him."

  Kaden's image changed and took on a much more sinister edge. The fine cheekbones became gaunt, the friendly smile became twisted and cruel. The eyes did it though, sliding from warm chocolate to a shining, jet black.

  Ryver gasped.

  Kaden might not have known the man after he Fell, but he knew well enough the effects of Falling to project a near perfect image. The resemblance to the Vampire marauding through Lena's mind was undeniable. "That's definitely him."

  "It doesn't make any sense. Why would she be terrified? Lena killed him two nights ago in Soho."

  "She's genuinely petrified, Kaden. Just her second-hand emotions are making my hands sweat. It'll be far worse for her."

  "I need more. Try again," Kaden demanded.

  Ryver burrowed into Lena's mind again, this time attempting to put some kind of time-stamp on each thought and image. If he could do that, he could try and create a comic-strip of sorts and understand the story. It took time as Lena's thoughts tornadoed around him like grains of sand in a blender. He forced his powers through her, making everything slow down. He grabbed images and sounds and repacked them in his own mind. Once he had a semblance of order, he replayed them and Lena's terror was, all at once, understandable.

  Ryver watched, transfixed. He saw everything Lena saw. Felt everything she felt.

  Fear gnawed away at him as he stood paralysed in this same hallway. Everything was much larger than it should be. He felt confused because his body refused to obey his commands. Two dark shadows spoke in whispers of the Old Language as they approached. He struggled to grasp everything they said but the odd word made it through. Then those cruel black eyes turned and stared right through him as a twisted, knowing smile spread across Vance's face.

  Ryver's mouth felt dry as the terror in Lena threatened to take him over. "Jesus Christ!" he croaked as he looked wide-eyed at his Keeper.

  "That isn't very reassuring, Ryver."

  "Nor should it be," Ryver replied, his voice returning to normal. He proceeded to relay the whole scene for Kaden's benefit. When he finished, Kaden just stared at him. "Boss?" It wasn't his job to know what to do, but if Kaden didn't know, then they were screwed.

  Kaden narrowed his bright blue eyes at him. "So the bastards planned to take the Greenshire girl all along?" he said finally.

  "Looks that way," Ryver agreed.

  "Devious fuckers."

  "What does all that business about Eden being the key mean, do you reckon?"

  "No idea," Kaden replied a little too quickly for Ryver's liking. He knew Kaden well enough not to push for a better answer. If he had one, or mo
re importantly, one he was willing to give, he would.

  "And why did Vance tell Lena they had history when she'd never met him before?"

  Kaden's jaw twitched. "I don't know."

  Ryver nodded. Kaden really didn't know; that tick at his jaw gave him away. Shit.

  Ryver saw Kaden take a deep breath before his shoulders lost some of their tension. An odd vision of peaches entered Ryver's mind unbidden. He didn't understand it, but he knew it definitely came from Kaden.

  Seconds later he heard Soraya mentally checking the supplies in her carry-case as she rounded the corner.

  Ryver watched Kaden closely as Soraya made her way over to them. His face was a perfect mask of composure. No cracks in that facade. No clues into what the guy was thinking either apart from sixty-eight times thirty-two is apparently two-thousand, one hundred and seventy-six.

  Maybe the peach was just some kind of weird coincidence.

  Thorn paced his room, his guts twisting with apprehension. He'd heard Lena's scream and ran for the door, but stopped himself going any further.

  He knew she felt fear and pain, but couldn't trust himself to go to her. His blood-lust was now so strong that he had no doubt he would take full advantage of her if she showed even the smallest weakness.

  He hated himself for it.

  His heart screamed out in echoed pain at the thought of Lena's suffering. Every fibre of his being begged him to go to her aid. She was his Amocinta. As her mate, if she asked, he would heal her. If she hungered, he would feed her. If she thirsted, he would quench it. And if she feared, he would protect and comfort her.

  Thorn screwed his eyes shut as another slice of pain cut through his heart. She could never be his mate without sacrificing some of herself. And he could never be hers without taking it. Thorn was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Even if by some complete miracle Lena did yield to him, the law prevented their union anyway. What a fucking mess.

  She's better off without me.

  Kaden watched Soraya finish checking Lena over. She'd worn her hair down and Kaden stood mesmerised as he watched it shielding her face like a silky waterfall. Being very careful that his thoughts weren't overheard, he mentally recited his times tables as he marvelled at how adept she was.

  "She'll be fine. She just needs to rest," Soraya said as she stood up. "I've given her a mild sedative."

  Kaden nodded, though he wasn't happy about drugging Lena. Again.

  He gestured to Mercury and Ryver. "Take her back to her room. I'll be there in a minute."

  Neither Guardian argued, but Kaden saw the pair of them turn a decided shade of green as they scooped her up. Thank Goddess, the sedative Soraya gave her meant Lena was spared the agony of their touch.

  Kaden waited until all three of them disappeared into Lena's quarters before he spoke to Soraya again. "Where the hell is Thorn?" he asked between gritted teeth.

  Ever calm and serene, Soraya just stared at him for a few seconds. A stab of guilt pierced Kaden's conscience as he regretted taking his anger at Thorn out on her.

  With a gentle voice, Soraya replied, "You know exactly where he is, Kaden. Do you not?"

  Yes, he did. His mind's eye had already tracked the King to his suite. From this distance, as Thorn was so powerful, Kaden couldn't read his emotions. He could see his actions as clearly as if he were in the room with him however, and Thorn was pacing.

  Normally that wasn't a good sign. It meant something troubled him. Since the trouble was probably Lena, in this instance Kaden couldn't help but be pleased.

  It angered him that Thorn hadn't come running like the rest of them when they thought Lena injured, but he got a small sense of satisfaction from Thorn's obvious discomfort and worry. As long as Thorn felt something for Lena, there was still hope. Still… "Why isn't he here then?" he asked, this time with less aggression in his voice.

  Soraya's pretty mouth pressed into a firm line. "He's still warring with his conscience. You know the law, Kaden. The responsibility weighs heavily on him."

  Ah yes. The law. The laws of royal succession said that those of royal blood must mate with those from noble Houses or warrior lineage. And even though Lena was one of the finest warriors Kaden had ever known, it wasn't in her blood. Her lineage would never stand up to the law.

  "Why would the Fates pair him with such an unsuitable match?"

  Soraya's dainty face crumpled as she frowned. "That I do not know," she admitted. "I do know that they belong together. They are the key to everything."

  Kaden snapped his head up as something in his brain slotted into place. "What did you say?"

  Soraya's frown deepened. "That they belong together?"

  "No, after that."

  "They are the key."

  "The key?"

  "Yes. I think so. Why?"

  Kaden racked his brain. Why did that seem so significant? The key. The key. "Why did you say that?"

  "What do you mean?" Soraya asked, confused.

  Kaden grabbed her hand, willing her to help him understand. "Why use that expression, specifically? Why did you say they are the key?"

  Soraya looked up at him, her golden eyes wide as she searched his face. "Because it is true. Because, when I think of them, that's what I see. Because it is what I know."

  Kaden looked at her, took in all of her aura. She meant it. Soraya knew this beyond all doubt. In that moment, Kaden realised how powerful she really was. The realisation must have shown on his face as Soraya gave his hand a gentle squeeze and beamed up at him.

  Kaden believed her, but he still didn't understand, which made him doubt everything. Maybe things really would work out for the best. He wished he knew how though.

  Chapter 25

  Lena shot bolt upright sending her coffee-brown covers and pillows sliding to the floor. As soon as she was vertical, she lost her enthusiasm for getting out of bed. Her head swam with an unnatural fog and a raging headache threatened to render her blind as it swept maliciously through her eyes.

  "Jesus Christ," she moaned as she pinched the bridge of her nose in an attempt to alleviate the pain.

  "How are you feeling?" a familiar, yet wholly unexpected voice asked from the darkness.

  Lena froze.

  She watched a shadow pull itself from her armchair over by the fireplace. At full height, it stood well over six foot. Its broad shoulders turned towards her and for the briefest of moment, cold, hard fear wrapped itself around her heart. She inhaled sharply as another scene started to replay in her mind and panic snaked through her.

  In that moment, her mind convinced her that she'd misheard, that the voice actually belonged to someone else. Someone she never, ever wanted to see again. She held her breath as the shadow stepped towards the glow of the night-light someone had left on.

  She only exhaled when a set of shining gold eyes caught the light.

  The relief was short lived. Flaming heat exploded within her as her body recognised Thorn's. It didn't seem to matter how mad she was. Or how afraid. Her body ruled her head and it seemed her brain had no say whatsoever.

  Thorn stood at the foot of the bed. His handsome features looked pinched with tiredness. His hands moved from the pockets of his jeans to cross themselves over his chest and then back again. Then he raked a hand through his black curls.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice nowhere near as strong as she would like.

  Thorn looked at his feet. "I was worried about you."

  "Yeah well, as you can see, I'm fine."

  "Right." He shifted position again.

  Lena gulped as Thorn's unique scent drifted towards her. "So you can leave now." Her voice was shaky as the heat within her became edged with pain.

  "Right. Yes. Of course," Thorn replied. Yet he made no attempt to go.

  The longer he stood there, the more uncomfortable Lena became. She shifted on the bed, bringing her knees up to her chest. As she did so, Thorn closed his eyes and inhaled. Something rocked him and his hand shot o
ut to steady himself on the bedpost. His knuckles whitened as his grip tightened.

  "Why do you do that?" Lena asked.

  Thorn still held onto the bedpost as if it were a life-raft; his vice-like grip threatened to split the antique wood in two. When he opened his eyes and it was Lena's turn to take a sharp breath. His beautiful golden eyes shone like white gold and diamonds, and they looked at her with such hunger that it took her breath away.

  "Why do I do what?" Thorn asked, his voice like gravel.

  "Inhale like that," Lena whispered.

  Thorn continued to stare at her, making her squirm. "Like what?"

  "Like you're savouring something."

  Thorn cocked an eyebrow at her question, but didn't answer.

  "What is it you're savouring?" The question seemed to fall from her lips before her brain could catch up and stop it. Way to go, Lena.

  He peeled his fingers away from the bedpost, but still looked tense. Lena's eyes widened as he came around the foot of the bed but she fought the urge to scramble away from him. She stopped breathing altogether as he dropped to his knees at her side.

  Frozen, Lena looked on in disbelief as he reached across and took her hand. The moment they touched, sparks of electricity shot through her. Oh God, I'm in trouble. His white hot eyes bore through her as he played with her fingers. His long fingers interlaced with hers while his thumb drew delicate circles on her palm.

  "Lena?" he asked.

  She shook her head, pulling herself out of the trance he'd put her under. "Hmm? What?"

  "I asked whether you really wanted to know the answer."

  The answer to what? She frowned. She could hardly remember her own name, such was Thorn's effect on her. He closed his eyes again, as though struggling to maintain his composure, and Lena's brain clicked into gear. "I think I do," she replied.


  "Me what?"

  "It's you, Lena," he said as he lowered his glowing eyes, unable to meet her confused stare.

  He said that before. Memories from House Bowman came flooding back to her. There, in the corridor, before Crane interrupted and stopped him from explaining, Thorn said exactly the same thing. "I don't understand."


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