I blow out a breath making my cheeks puff out in the process. Currents of excitement hum through my system when he props his feet on the seat on either side of my body. I glance down at the toes of the big boots next to my crossed legs lifting that same eyebrow again at his cryptic answer but my insides turn to jelly. His brown eyes crinkle at the corners like he knows what those innocuous things are doing to me.
“Tell me some more about your family.” His deep voice holds a hint of amusement. With his thumb and finger he rubs sensually over his bottom lip as he watches me.
I’m mesmerized by the movements of his fingers. I imagine all the places on my body where they can be put to better use. God, I’m fucking horny as hell. There’s no two ways about it. I picture myself sitting on the edge of the booth in front of him, leaning back on my forearms with his dark head smashed between my legs and his sweet-ass tongue lashing mercilessly against my engorged clit as his goatee scrapes deliciously against my inner thighs. My eyelids flutter closed and then I quickly force them open hoping he didn’t see the look of pure unadulterated pleasure that spread over my face at the image.
“Angel?” His deeply erotic timbre pulls me from my fantasy, but only enough for me to focus on him as I look up at his perfectly sculpted face as if from a trance.
I’m nearly mortified.
Especially when I hear my uneven breath, feel my chest lifting and lowering rapidly with each draw from my lungs, and burn with the heat that turns my cheeks pink. I glance around the restaurant even though there are only two other people in the whole dang place at this time of night—or morning. And one of ‘em doesn’t look like he cares much about anything else going on around him. I picture what could have happened in his life to make him look that despondent. Had someone important to him died? Did his wife leave him and take the kids? Did he lose his job?
He just grins again like everything I do is funny to him. His eyes darken. Darken and manage to grow hotter looking all at the same time. “Family…?” he drawls out and I know he knows what I’m thinking about and it has nothing to do with family and everything to do with him.
“My momma died when I was a little girl.” I look down at my plate dragging another fry through the ketchup even though I have no intention of eating it. Does he really need to know that was when I stopped feeling things like a normal little kid? Does he really need to know that that was when I did almost anything to feel? “After that, my grandmother practically raised us. Daddy traveled a lot.” I shrug. “Took it hard when our mom died.”
“He must have really loved her.” His voice is low and mesmerizing, and I lift my head to look straight into his eyes.
“He did.” I shrug. “Then he died and it was just our grandmother. She was great. Strict but great.” A smile kicks up the ends of my mouth but I know it holds a hint of sadness. “I know she loved us. She just had these ideas. Ideas of what life should be.” I wrinkle my nose, trying to put into words the jumble of thoughts going through my mind. “Like she was trying to stick with a script she’d read and had no intention of diverting from it one iota.”
“How did you take it?”
I shrug and watch his lips slight curve. His eyes fall closed for just a second as his head swings from side to side almost lazily. Placating. Like he knows I’m whitewashing stuff again.
I shrug again. “I was a little girl.”
“Little girls need their mothers.”
I look down at the table. “Yes they do.”
“It must have been awesome growing up in that big ol’ house.”
I look up and flash him a bigger smile grateful that he wasn’t going to push for me to bare my soul. “Awesome?”
“Yeah, awesome, smart ass.” He snags another fry. “Some of us lived in a one story ranch house with one bathroom.”
“I know I’m talking like a spoiled brat.” I lean forward, pushing my plate out of the way, and place my elbows on the table. I know my eyes sparkle. They always do when I think of that house. “As kids we would wander that house for hours. It’s huge. Sixteen thousand two hundred and fifty-three square feet to be exact.” I chuckle. “I mean really? Who needs that big of a house?”
“What made you guys turn it into a fetish store?”
“Our grandmother left it to the three of us when she died five years ago.” I shrug. “We’re not doing anything different than my family did in the past. We’ve always ran a saloon, bar, whatever you want to call it. The original business was a saloon with dancing girls. ‘Special’ dancing girls.” I waggle my brows to emphasize the special part.
“Aw…” I watch as he lays his hands flat on the table and pushes them towards my elbows where the tips barely touch my skin.
“Merrick and Colt joke that it’s a return to the very roots that gave us all that we have today and what runs through our veins.”
“Why did you name it The House of Sin?”
“That’s how we’ve referred to it in secret for years. The House of Sin.” I laugh again. “That’s what the town’s called it for as long as I can remember. Whispered behind their newspapers, hands, church hymnals, and Bibles. My grandmother nearly had a hissy fit anytime she heard it referred to in that way. So that’s what we named it.” I lift my shoulder again. “The House of Sin. In honor of her stick-up-the-ass ways.”
“Well we are in the Bible belt. I guess it’s appropriate.”
“Does it bother you what we do?”
“Hell no!” He shakes his head. “If anything, it makes me horny.” He says this with a wink before lifting his hand and clasping one of mine tightly sending tingling spirals of heat to my pussy and throughout my brain. I’m back in my fog. That hazy cloud of sweet erotic torture. It’s delicious and bewildering all at the same time. “Does it bother you?” His fingers rub lightly over the back of my hand, pinning me with a steady gaze, his eyes burning into mine.
I cough before I can even think of speaking in order to try and clear the lump that formed in my throat. “Why would you think it bothers me?”
“I’ve heard the guys calling you princess more than once.”
I shrug again. “It’s one of those things I’ve grown used to. Our grandmother was a snob. She wanted me to be the town’s next matriarch. That’s how she raised me.”
“So is that why you got the tattoo?”
“Pretty much, but I did it mostly for my daddy. He’d been lost for so long, almost like he’d forgotten we’d existed. When our momma died it was like he died too. I didn’t want to forget him. So I got the one thing I could think of that was ours.” I know my reply is flat. He doesn’t say anything, which makes me nervous, so I keep right on talking. “I also wanted to embarrass my grandmother in front of the town. For goodness sakes, I was a freakin’ teenager. That’s what teenagers do.” I feel my body lighten when I think back. “You’d have thought I’d killed someone the way she’d carried on. I got it where it couldn’t be seen on a regular basis, but in the summer time—Lord have mercy Jesus.” I lift my hands in the air like I’m at a church meeting before lowering them to take a small sip of my diet Coke. With a chuckle, I add, “But she knew it was there and it made her fightin’ mad.”
“Devious little thing aren’t you.”
“Not really, just got a little frustrated every once in a while with being prim and proper. Just wanted to have a little fun.” I pull a face. “My grandmother had a hissy fit. It was her usual way. That made it all worthwhile."
“I can relate to the frustration part.”
I flash him a rueful smile. “Bless your heart.”
“Yeah.” He doesn’t say anything else but his eyes turn that magnificent shade of golden brown.
I tilt my head to the side. “What?” My tongue flicks out capturing the straw in my drink as I look up at him with big eyes, filled with false innocence. I know exactly what I’m doing.
He stares back with a disgruntled purse to his lips. “I’m picturing your hot little tongue lick
ing me like a goddamned lollipop and it’s driving me crazy.”
My pussy quivers, my nipples turn to stone, and I can’t see straight. Everything goes fuzzy at his rough words.
“Makes me want to take out my cuffs and have my way with you right here in the restaurant.” He grins and my eyes go fuzzy just thinkin’ of being bound to him.
“I know people do that kinda stuff in public, but I don’t think I have it in me.” I blush thinkin’ of what we’d already done and even I hear the sad, wistful tone of my voice. This is it. This is gonna make or break our fragile relationship. What’s gonna make him see that I’m not enough for him. I want to cry because I want to be enough for him. He’s way more than enough for me. I lift my drink and pass up the straw in order to down half of it in one loud gulp. I look up after putting my drink down and he’s watching me through narrowed eyes.
He scoots to the end of the bench seat and stands. Pulling out his wallet, he tosses some bills down before holding out his hand. “Yeah, let’s go bless my heart.”
I slap my hand in his and let him pull me from the booth. “Whatever.”
Tightening his grasp, he tugs me to the front of the diner, out the door, into the darkened parking lot, and stops on the opposite side of a big black pick-up so we can’t be seen from the road or the diner.
“Exactly what I pictured you driving, Cowboy.” I laugh, nearly doubling over because I find it funny. “A big ol’ pickup truck.”
“It’s to go with my big ol’ dick.”
“OhmyGod!” I squeal, slapping him on the chest. “You did not just say that?”
He pushes me up against the side of the truck, kissing my jaw, nibbling and licking down my neck. My pulse beats madly against his lips as he cups my breasts, and I shudder.
“Am I lyin’?”
“Dickhead,” I toss out lifting my brow, pursing my lips. “See I told you I might have to use that on other occasions.”
“My favorite,” he says in the rich, deep voice that makes me melt every time.
I tilt my head back further and ask, “What’s that, Cowboy?”
“Fiesty.” He captures my earlobe between his teeth and bites down.
I give a little cry and a little moan and press my body closer. “I thought knights rode in on white horses?”
“I’m undercover.”
“Ah…that explains everything.” I actually giggle.
“Tonight of all nights you had to go and change into jeans.” The words come out a deep rumble from his chest reverberating against me causing my nipples to tighten into even harder peaks. “Although they make your ass look fantastic.”
“Don’t know what I was thinking,” I barely manage to say, all the while rubbing my breasts against his hard chest. His hand drifts lower until he cups one cheek through my tight jeans pressing my belly against his groin and growing erection. This makes me very aware that I’m not the only one about to spontaneously combust. How’d I get so worked up already, so hot and swollen…needy?
“See what you do to me?” His lids lower.
I chuckle. “Question?”
“Anything.” His warm lips suck on my exposed neck. His tongue making circles over the wet skin and I shiver. My nipples harden and peak as the rest of my body liquefies.
“You think my ass looks amazin’, Cowboy?” My brow lifts in question. I know I’m bein’ bratty, but I want him to take me to the edge again.
“Now you’re just begging for compliments.” He reaches around and gives my ass a playful swat.
“I’m not beggin’ for compliments. I’m beggin’ for your dick, Cowboy.” My breath pauses in mid exhale as I wait for his reaction and I don’t have to wait too long. His smile is dark and full of promise as his hands grip my waist.
“I’m shocked, Angel.” His eyes twinkle and both dimples wink at me.
“Really?” I lift one brow. “Home. Naked. Now.”
“Your place or mine?”
“I don’t know where you live.”
“That’s right.”
“Wherever’s closer.”
“Yeah,” he agrees flinging open the passenger door. His hands go back around my waist and he lifts me up in the cab.
“What about my jeep?”
“We’ll get it later.” He flashes a grin my way as he removes his gun belt and hangs it on a hook behind the seat before slamming the door and quickly rounding the truck and jumping in.
“You okay?” he asks with a partial grin and a furrow between his brows.
“This is just crazy.”
“Crazy good, crazy bad?” His brow lifts.
“I don’t know. Crazy good, I guess.” I grin, looking over at him through my lashes. “I’ve never felt this out of control before.”
“That’s good, darlin’.” And his voice dances along my already ultra-sensitive nerve endings. “If it’s going to be with someone, I’m glad it’s with me.”
“Me too.” I like the way he says ‘darlin’. It sounds so manly, so southern, and so delicious making me feel toasty warm all over. “So…”
“So…” he drawls out because he knows damn well what’s going through my mind. I hate freakin’ mind readers. Makes it hard to keep things to myself and pretend it isn’t what it is or however that saying goes.
He reaches down and moves his seat back as far as it’ll go, puts the back down, and then twists. Once again he wraps his hands around my waist lifting me across the console and onto his lap. My knees fall to either side of his hips as he shifts and I settle firmly against his engorged cock. He captures my lips in soft nibbling kisses. Not hard, but sweet.
“I might be busy for a few days.” His hands move to the back of my head releasing the bun that I’d twisted haphazardly in my haste to meet him. His fingers slide through the strands before tucking the hair behind my ears with a smile. His fist grabs a length of my hair forcing my head back, positioning his face mere inches above my mouth. “You like it when I’m a little rough with you, don’t you, Angel.” He nips at my bottom lip and I tense at the sharp hint of pain and moan at the heat of pleasure. His tongue licks over the spot he bit and my breath stutters.
How he manages to continually steal my breath I’ll never know, but his masculine beauty does it to me every time. “And you’re telling me this because…” Man, I need to learn to tamp down that sarcasm. I expected a look of exasperation, not the soft laugh that feathers across my face.
“I’m telling you this because I was under the impression that you might be interested in my whereabouts.”
“So does that mean we may not see each other for a few days?” I ask against his lips.
“Not sure,” he answers, breathing hard, his arms wrapped tight around my waist. “Maybe.”
“Just preparing me?”
“Yes.” He smiles and his dimples show.
“So…" I prompt softly, straining against him, working at getting as close as I can, needing more. He groans as I rub my crotch against his pelvis and his fingers flex at my waist, a sure sign of his impatience.
“What I’m doing is pretty big right now, Angel. I can’t tell you anything else. Just want you to know that if you don’t hear from me for a few days, it’s because of business. Okay?”
He growls, smashing his lips against mine in another jaw-dropping, gut-wrenching kiss. His tongue delves into my mouth and I suck it deep. His taste overtly sensual, immensely erotic, masterful, almost intimidating in his prowess. He grinds his lips over mine, taking possession, forcing his tongue inside, smothering any sounds I make as I open wide for him. Surrender. He’s giving me no other viable choice because I’m desperate for what he has. His tongue plunges deep, demanding my response. Taking my answer no questions asked. No words necessary.
He rips his lips from mine and stares at me and my blood pumps violently through my veins. “I can’t control myself around you.” His eyes skate over my body and I feel them like a touch. My body quivers and heats wherever they
land and I need him to take me.
“Are you just gonna play with me, Cowboy, or are we gonna get down to some serious business?” I ask with lust strangling my voice and turning it slightly husky. I bring my hands up to his shoulders, clutching at the fabric of his shirt, wrinkling it between my fingers, but he doesn’t move.
He licks up the side of my face and swirls his tongue around my ear before whispering, “Smart ass.”
I lower my hands to the waistband of my jeans and pop open the button before lifting up on my knees to tug them down to mid-thigh.
“I can’t wait for full on naked because I definitely need to be inside of you right now.”
“Good because I’m dying for you to touch me, Cowboy.” I shiver and goose bumps pop up over my skin. My head falls back, eyes closed, mouth open as a sensual heat liquefies my body. “Um…” I stiffen, anticipating the touch of his hand when he reaches between my thighs and I let out a small cry when his fingers find me.
He presses his hand between my legs and I thrust my hips high off his lap and he chuckles. “Already Soaking.”
I squirm against his insistent fingers. “Hmm…” My mouth opens so I can drag in breaths as he pushes aside my panties swirling his finger in my juices, stroking my swollen lips, opening me to press two fingers deep. My gaze shoots up to his as my pussy clenches around his fingers stroking in and out of my heat making me cry out in pleasure.
“I want to taste you.” He stares down at me, thrusting his fingers in and out, circling and pushing inside my slick body. “Just have to improvise in this enclosed space, Angel.”
“Hmm…” Tension’s building fast so I lift my hips forcing him deeper.
He pulls his fingers from my body instead of pushing them deeper and I want to scream until I watch him lift his missing fingers to his mouth. His tongue slides out and circles the digits bathed in my moisture and suckles both in loudly licking them clean and my juices surge. “Delicious.”
“Ohmygod. That’s so hot.”
When You Only Need To Ask (The House of Sin: The Beginning) Page 24