Licensed to Thrill [Clandestine Affairs 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Licensed to Thrill [Clandestine Affairs 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Zara Chase

  Hal slapped Milo’s shoulder. “Because we don’t do boring, and we don’t do nine to five, either.”

  “Yeah, there is that.” Milo threw himself into a chair. “What did you learn in Camden Town?”

  “I spoke with Phil and Betty at length. They were very subdued, and very pissed off at being arrested. They swore they knew nothing of Spectrum, and had no idea how those papers came to be in their house. They echoed what Jodie’s already told us, and said loads of people are in and out all the time. Any one of them could have left the stuff there, and they would be none the wiser.”

  “Were there other people there today?”

  “No, they said they wanted to keep to themselves until the arrest’s been sorted, so they put the word out and their friends are staying away.”

  “Well, at least they’re being sensible.”

  “They’re scared shitless, Milo. I believed them when they said they knew nothing of Spectrum. They’re just well-intentioned people, out of their depth.”

  Milo stretched his arms above his head, and yawned. “Did you press them on who might have left the papers?”

  “Of course, but they weren’t prepared to point the finger at anyone.” Hal paused. “For what it’s worth, if they had their suspicions, I think they would have told me, even if they didn’t tell the police. They know this is heavy shit, and what will happen to them if they can’t prove their innocence.”

  “Yeah well, maybe fear will concentrate their minds, and they’ll think of something helpful.”

  “They actually asked me if you would represent them as well as Jodie.”

  Milo’s head shot up. “They don’t have their own representation?”

  “Only legal aid. They don’t have the funds for someone of your caliber.”

  “I can’t take them on. Their interests could conflict with Jodie’s.”

  “I know. I told them that, but said if anything came up in our investigation to clear Jodie, it would probably clear them, too.”

  “Right.” Milo paused for a beat. “So, we’re no farther forward, except we can forget about Phil and Betty being the guilty parties.”

  “Yeah, I’d stake my reputation on that.”

  “Okay, that’s good enough for me.”

  Hal took the chair opposite Milo. “So, what now?”

  Milo shrugged. “I guess we wait to see if any of the fingerprints on those documents match Jodie’s. Unfortunately, I think they will.”

  “We can make a reasonable case for them being there if they do.”

  “Reasonable doubt might mean charges don’t stick, but that won’t help her old man’s career. She’ll be tainted by association, and so will he.” Milo frowned. “Not that I give a shit about her father, but still, I can’t see him taking a fall for his daughter’s activities and not making her pay in some way.”

  “He sounds like a real piece of work,” Hal said, grimacing.

  “You got that right.”

  “Oh, I nearly forgot. One useful thing did come out of today. I showed Phil and Betty the picture I took of the photographers outside the nick, just on impulse, and they recognized one of them.”

  Milo jerked upright. “No shit! Do they know his name?”

  “No, but they’ve seen him a few times hanging around near the house.”

  “With his camera?”

  “No, but Betty said she saw him once in the local newsagents and, get this, she’s adamant he spoke with an American accent.”

  “He’s a Yank?” Milo probably looked as stunned as he felt. “Then how the fuck did he get a British press pass?”

  “He might be a stringer for one of the big news agencies.”

  “Doubt it. We’d know him if he was.” Milo scowled. “I don’t like it. This doesn’t smell right.”

  “You think one of her dad’s political enemies arranged for those papers to be placed in the house?”

  “I’ve always thought they were planted. Now I’m sure of it.” Milo got up and headed for his study. “I’m gonna call Raoul and tell him we’re looking for a Yank who’s possibly based in the UK, maybe even in the US embassy.”

  “Fuck, this is big!”

  “You said it, pal.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jodie’s mother’s walk-in closet back in the States was larger than Jodie’s entire London apartment. Perhaps that’s why Jodie had taken an opposite stance, and traveled very light. Her London wardrobe—jeans, casual tops, comfortable, practical stuff—fit into a single suitcase. Today was the first time she’d regretted her lack of interest in clothes. She so wanted to look pretty and feminine for her dinner date with Milo and Hal. Given the lack of material she had to work with, that would be quite a challenge to pull off.

  She lay in bed, tired, sore, hot from exposure from the sun but unable to sleep. For the first time since she couldn’t remember when, she badly wanted to make an impression on a man—make that men. What she would give right now for access to her own collection of designer clothes, bought for her by her mother back in the States, most still with the labels intact.

  Giving up on sleep, she got up, ran a bath, and poured a generous dollop of fragrant oil into the tub. Jodie eased herself into the steaming water, wincing as it covered her pussy and rather sore backside. Eyes closed, she lay back and though about Milo and Hal, still frustrated at her inability to read Milo. Hal, at least, was willing to talk about their shared history, but Milo’s communication skills could use some work. Well, the verbal skills could, but there was nothing wrong with his actions. The moment he laid so much as one finger on her sensitized body, pathetic creature that she was, she became putty in his hands.

  The same went for Hal. Okay, so she hadn’t persuaded him to fuck her just now, but he’d wanted to, and was being considerate. Just thinking about the erotic way in which he’d removed the plug from her butt was enough to get her juices flowing. Jodie laughed. If she was turning into a slut, lusting after two men at the same time, she might as well enjoy the ride. She briefly thought about masturbating in the bath, anything to quell the near permanent state of arousal she’d been in since coming to lodge with the guys. She resisted, but only because she wanted to feel sexy and desirable tonight. That ambition would be easier to achieve if she didn’t take the edge off her desire. She dunked her head beneath the water, and reached for the shampoo, telling herself to stop trying to second-guess Milo. She’d have fun with them tonight, treat it as casually as they did, and not think beyond that.

  Jodie got out of the bath when the water started to cool, toweled herself dry, and then set about her hair. She found a dryer and, for once, took her time to style her wayward locks into a sleek curtain that tumbled halfway down her back. When she’d finished, at least her hair looked sophisticated, but her clothing…damn it, she wanted to look as sexy as the guys made her feel, and that would require a tight-fitting dress. But her meager wardrobe only allowed for two skirts, neither of which fit the bill.

  She rummaged through her bag, and let out a small little cry of triumph when she came upon the very thing.

  “I’d forgotten about you,” she said to the pair of black satin, skintight pants she held in her hand. “You might just save the day.”

  She smiled to herself when she recalled the pants definitely didn’t allow for anything to be worn beneath them. That would ruin the entire look. She pulled them on and critically examined the result in the full-length bathroom mirror, turning sideways, looking for telltale bulges. She couldn’t see any.

  “Hmm, not bad,” she told her reflection.

  The pants showed off her long legs well enough, but she needed high heels to finish the look. She only owned one pair. Hopefully Hal had packed them. More rummaging led to a triumphant yell as Jodie brandished her four-inch killer-heeled strappy sandals above her head. They would definitely make a difference, but she could hardly go out naked from the waist up. A further rummage produced her only posh top, a sleeveless red sparkly vest with a respectably hi
gh neckline that just happened to be very clingy.

  “Slut,” she muttered, grinning as she pulled it on, deciding against a bra.

  No underwear at all? She chuckled, deciding she had definitely turned into a slut. No, not slutty, she told herself, but classy with an edge. She applied makeup with a light hand, and was satisfied with the way she looked. More importantly, she liked the way she felt. This was for her. This was who she was nowadays. And if the look just happened to get her laid, who was she to complain?

  At five minutes to seven, she opened her bedroom door and sauntered into the main room, swinging her hips. Both guys were already there, drinking beer. They hadn’t noticed her yet, so she took a moment to absorb the view, which was pretty damned hot. Milo’s appearance took her breath away. In black jeans and mesh black T-shirt, black hair flopping across his brow, he looked…well, dark, deadly, dangerous—and drop-dead gorgeous. All the pent-up feelings she’d entertained for so long for this magnificent, intelligent, complex, tough, and highly infuriating enigma bubbled to the surface. Fuck remaining detached! She wanted this man as a permanent fixture in her life. Determination coursed through her. She was a great believer in fate. Fate had thrown them together under less than ideal circumstances, and she wasn’t about to waste that opportunity.

  Her glance moved on to Hal. He was wearing tight, faded blue jeans and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled back to reveal strong, tanned forearms. Sexily disheveled with his dirty-blond hair spilling across his collar, he was laughing at something he’d obviously just read in the newspaper spread across his lap. His wicked blue eyes sparkled, his gorgeous lips parted, shiny and wet. A fine tremor rocked Jodie as she observed him, making her wonder about the advisability of going without panties. Her pussy was already leaking, and she hadn’t gotten much beyond her bedroom door yet. She wondered if there was something odd about her wanting them both, but didn’t allow guilt to fester. Life was for living, and she had a lot of living to make up for.

  “Hey, guys.”

  Milo looked up at the sound of her voice. She tensed when she noticed his expression was again distant as his gaze moved lazily down the length of her, and slowly up again. Then a sinfully tempting smile of approval invaded his features, and Jodie relaxed again.

  “You look good enough to eat, darling.” Hal jumped up to give her a hug, reached for her hand, and led her to the sofa he’d just vacated.

  “Going out without knickers, Ms. Bisset.” Milo shook a finger at her, an unholy light in his eye. “Whatever would Mommy say?”

  “Mommy’s not here.” Jodie sat down and made a big deal out of crossing her legs. Both guys watched her every move intently. “And even if she was, she would be too drunk to notice.”

  “Glass of wine before we leave?” Hal suggested.

  “Yes, please.”

  He got up, poured her one from the open bottle he took from the fridge, and handed it to her.

  “Thanks, I could do with this.”

  “No bra, either,” Milo said in an accusatory tone. “How can I take it off later, if you’re not wearing it in the first place?”

  “What makes you think I’d let you take it off, even if I was?”

  “Oh, baby, you’d let me.” He was disgustingly sure of himself, which infuriated Jodie, bringing out the devil in her. “Trust me on this.”

  Jodie inverted her chin, having fun. “Has anyone ever told you you’re impossibly arrogant?”

  “Many times,” Hal replied for him. “He takes no notice.”

  “Hmm, why am I not surprised?”

  “It’s not arrogance, darling,” Milo said smugly. “I just happen to know you like playing with us. You’re hopeless and hiding your true feelings, which is good.” He winked at her, and Jodie reacted all the way to her pussy. Of course she did! “We’ve whetted your appetite, and you can’t wait to find out what happens next.”

  Jodie wanted to argue with him, but knew she was on to a loser. Pick your battles wisely, was one of the few useful pieces of advice her father had ever given her. This was definitely a skirmish she would never win.

  “Have it your way,” she contented herself with saying sweetly.

  “Oh, I intend to, but how the fuck we’re supposed to get through the evening and keep our hands off you when you’re dressed like that, I have no fucking idea.”

  “Discipline, Mr. Hanson. All good things come to those who wait.”

  She melted when Milo fixed her with a wicked smile. “Is that right?”

  He leaned forward and flicked a finger across one of her nipples. She knew they had hardened during this flirtatious exchange, but she hadn’t realized they were quite so visible through her top. She glanced down, and blushed. Both men laughed at her discomfort.

  “Come on, darling.” Hal held out his hand and pulled her to her feet. “We’ve got a cab coming any time soon.”

  They went to an upmarket restaurant in Mayfair, owned by an ageing actor. Jodie had never been there, but had heard about it. You had to wait weeks, months even, for a reservation. How come Milo and Hal had gotten them in at such short notice? The answer soon became apparent. The highly attractive hostess appeared to know both men, and made a big thing out of kissing them, barely sparing a glance for Jodie.

  “It’s been too long, Milo,” she said, trailing a lethally long red talon slowly down his arm. “You’ve been neglecting us.”

  “As if,” he replied, winking at her.

  Leave him the hell alone, he’s mine!

  The restaurant was full to capacity, but they were given one of the best tables—a booth with a horseshoe leather seat. Jodie slid in first and one hot man appeared on either side of her, thighs brushing against hers. Milo’s hand rested on her knee beneath the table, the heat from his palm searing into her skin, and other parts of her anatomy. God, she was pathetic! He only had to touch her and her pussy leaked and throbbed.

  “Don’t pout, sweet thing,” Milo said, amusement in his eyes. “It doesn’t suit you.”

  “Who’s pouting?” She turned away from him and smiled at Hal. “What’s good here?” she asked, glancing at the menu, which was in French.

  “You are,” Hal replied, placing his hand on her opposite thigh and squeezing gently. Oh my!

  Milo ordered wine, and they chose their dishes. Jodie was then free to take in her surroundings, and enjoy the ambience of a trendy restaurant in the heart of fashionable London. She adored people watching, and this place didn’t disappoint. The guys pointed out famous people to her, and they laughed at some of the posing going on.

  “You really should have worn panties,” Milo said softly, his hand returning to rest heavily on her thigh when their appetizers had been taken away, and their glasses refilled by an attentive waiter.

  “Really?” Jodie sent him a superior smile. “And why would that be?”

  It was Hal who answered her. “We like challenges, and knowing we’ve got a beautiful lady sitting between us, not wearing any underwear, is just too damned tempting to resist.”

  “Sorry, boys, I’m not with you.”

  “Feeling damp?” Milo asked with a smoldering smile.

  Hell, yes! “Not in the least.”

  “Liar.” Milo’s hand tapped her thigh hard enough to make her gasp. “Being untruthful will earn you a punishment later.”

  “How do you—”

  “It shows in your eyes. They’re hazy with desire,” Milo told her. “Your nipples give you away, too.”

  Jodie moistened her lips, and then reached for her wineglass. Her mouth was suddenly very dry. “How observant you are.”

  “Drop your knees open,” Milo said, his tone smoky, provocative.

  Jodie was shocked by the request, but powerless to resist. Her knees splayed of their own accord, and the hand resting on her thigh worked its way higher. Jodie’s breath hitched in her throat. This was sooo hot, but here, in the middle of a busy restaurant? Surrounded by all these people? Perhaps that was what made it so hot. Jodie ha
dn’t realized she enjoyed an audience, but then she’d learned a lot about her sexual preferences over the last couple of days.

  “Wh–what are you—”

  “I’m going to play with you, darling,” Milo replied. “Teach you a lesson for being such a tease.” His thumb brushed just once against her swollen clit.

  “Oh!” The feeling was so intense she almost elevated from the seat.

  “Keep still, and take your punishment,” Milo said with quiet authority. “You are not to come, Jodie, here in the middle of a high-end restaurant.” He sent her a teasing smile. “Whatever would the owners say?”

  Fuck the owners! “I wouldn’t think of it,” she said in a commendably even tone, given the mayhem Milo’s marauding hand was causing to her body.

  Hal’s rich laughter caused her to look his way. “You love what Milo’s doing to you, don’t you, honey?”

  “Yes,” she replied breathlessly. There was no point in lying when she was so hopeless and concealing her reactions. “It’s hot.”

  Milo looked so fucking relaxed, leaning back on the seat, his free hand toying with the stem of his wineglass as he relentlessly, and very expertly, agitated her clit. Holy shit, if he didn’t stop, she really wouldn’t be able to hold it. It was too much. Where the hell were their entrees? He’d have to stop then, wouldn’t he? Oh my. Hal had slipped a hand beneath her butt and was squeezing her buttock.

  “Guys, please!”

  “Yes, Jodie, what is it?” Milo asked, infuriatingly polite. “Is something wrong?”

  “This is torture. I’ll do anything you like later, I promise, but either stop this right now or else let me come.”

  “You’ll do anything we ask of you anyway, sweet thing. Still, as you ask so persuasively. What do you think, Hal?”

  Hal shook his head. “Don’t think she should come. You know how noisy she gets.”

  “I can be quiet.” She didn’t care if she sounded like a petulant child denied a favorite toy. They were way better at this than she was. She was so far behind the game she wasn’t even on the starting bench. Heat radiated through her like thermonuclear energy. If she didn’t find an outlet for it soon, she would self-combust. “Honest I can.”


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