Licensed to Thrill [Clandestine Affairs 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Licensed to Thrill [Clandestine Affairs 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Zara Chase

  “Looks that way,” Milo said, grinding his jaw.

  “I knew he was controlling, and ambitious. I also knew he hated me not doing what he wanted me to, but I never would have thought he would stoop this low.” She glanced at Milo, then at Hal. “You guys don’t look totally surprised.”

  “I’m not.” Milo compressed his lips into a thin, hard line. “Something didn’t seem quite right about your arrest from the first. Those papers were so damned obvious. No self-respecting terrorist group would leave that sort of shit hanging around, or even commit it to paper in the first place.”

  “He was prepared for me to be arrested, humiliated, worried out of my mind, just so he could—” Jodie blinked. “Could what?”

  “I’ll bet my bank balance an explanation for the plans will show up tomorrow, and all charges will be dropped, now that you’ve agreed to go home to your Mom, of course,” Hal said with a cynical twist to his lips.

  “You won’t get many takers,” Milo replied. “I guess he wants you back so you can take your mom’s place on the campaign trail, just like you always thought. That’s what this has been about all along. Your mom is fragile, he can’t guarantee she won’t fall off the wagon and embarrass him by saying or doing something out of place. You, on the other hand, are young, fresh, and beautiful—the perfect American daughter.” Jodie made a scoffing sound at the back of her throat. “You’re his ticket to the senate, darling. His ace in the hole.”

  “That’s what he’s wanted all along, but I wouldn’t play nice.” Jodie shook her head. “But now I don’t have a lot of choice, not with Mom the way she is.”

  “If she is,” Milo said softly.

  Jodie’s head shot up, tears brimming, but she stubbornly refused to allow them to fall. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, he tried to get you to say you’d go home as soon as the charges were dropped, but you wouldn’t commit. That didn’t work, so he had to try something more drastic. He knows you feel more connection to your mother than you do to him, despite her alcoholism, or perhaps because of it. I suspect, in your heart, you believe she is the way she is because of your father’s controlling ways. Am I right?” Jodie nodded. “She needs to be treated with kid gloves. Your roles have reversed, but you still feel some empathy for her, even if she was a crap mother.”

  “Yes, but he wouldn’t force an overdose on her, just to get me back. That’s taking things too far.”

  Milo flexed a brow. “Wouldn’t he? You know him better than I do, but personally, I’d say there’s not much he wouldn’t do to get you back where he wants you.”

  “No, you’re wrong, and there’s an easy way to prove it,” Jodie said decisively. “I can call the number Dad gave me for the clinic, and ask how Mom’s doing.”

  “You could,” Milo replied, “but that won’t help. All you’ll get is a professional person answering the phone, telling you what he wants you to hear.”

  “I don’t believe what you’re saying. I don’t like my father very much, don’t approve of his methods, but he definitely wouldn’t go that far.” Jodie widened her eyes. “How could he make it happen, even if he wanted to?”

  Milo sent her a tender look that melted her vulnerable heart. What she would give to see that look directed at her every day, for the rest of her life. “He was willing to have you arrested as a terrorist. That must have taken some organization, and a lot of risk, to pull it off. You think he can’t set up a fake phone number for a clinic?”

  “Well, I…hell, I just don’t know what to think.”

  “He said no visitors or direct phone contact with your mom for a few days, hoping you’d be back with him within that time frame.”

  “If I was, how would he explain Mom being home, alive and well?”

  “He said she took an overdose, remember,” Milo replied.

  “Yes, but Mom would know she didn’t.”

  “Would she?” Milo’s intelligent gaze rested on her face. “You said yourself she doesn’t know which way is up, half the time. Your father will just gloss over it all, saying it wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Or he might even have her sent to rehab somewhere.”

  “He’s right, babe.” Hal shrugged. “Men like your father with money, ambition, and influence can get away with just about anything. Or they think they can.”

  “But we don’t know for absolutely sure.” Jodie twisted her fingers together, unwilling, in spite of her ambivalent feelings toward her father, to accept the blindingly obvious.

  “We soon will. Raoul’s having someone check out the physical location of the facility, rather than just phoning the number your dad gave us. We’ll know by morning, but I’d bet the farm on being right.”

  “And I wouldn’t bet against Milo,” Hal added, his grin lightening the somber mood. “That’s never a good plan.”

  Jodie wouldn’t, either. She had a sudden, unshakable feeling that Milo was spot-on. Anger hazed her vision. Disillusionment dulled her mind. And, astonishingly, a deep, disturbing bolt of desire ripped through her. Talk about lousy timing!

  “Hey, babe.” Milo cupped her chin with his long fingers. “We’ve beaten him. You don’t have to dance to his tune anymore.”

  “I never did, that’s what caused this mess in the first place. My beloved father can’t bear to have anyone go against his wishes. Control freaks don’t come more tightly wired than him.”

  “Would you like something stronger than water to help with the shock?” Hal asked.

  “No.” She sat up straight, looking at them both with determination. “What I’d like is to go to bed. With both of you.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Are you sure, babe?”

  Milo shared a glance with Hal, who shrugged. He obviously didn’t understand her reaction any better than Milo did. Or there again, perhaps they were all on the same page here. Whenever he and Hal had been in dangerous situations in the service, getting drunk or, better yet, getting laid, had always seemed like a good way to blot it all out. Jodie was living for the moment, and they owed it to her to help her out.

  “Must be your lucky day,” she said, a little too carelessly.

  “You’ve had a shock. You might regret it in the morning.”

  “Milo Hanson, I’ve been lusting after you for a decade.” She inhaled sharply and wagged a finger at him. “You can close your mouth, and stop looking so smug. I just need to get you out of my system, and learn a little bit more about this sharing jag that you guys have running, then I’ll leave you both in peace.”

  Milo pretended to be affronted. “You just want us for our bodies?”

  “Damned straight I do!” She looked up at him, tears still swamping her remarkable eyes. But an enigmatic smile flirted with her lips, as though she’d just realized she really did hold the whip hand, figuratively speaking.

  “Well, in that case, who are we to deny a lady what she wants?”

  “Couldn’t have put it better myself,” Hal said, blowing Jodie a kiss.

  Milo leaned down, grabbed her face between his hands, and kissed her like he meant business, which he did. He broke the kiss again quickly, leaving her breathless. He then swept her from the sofa, straight into his arms, and carried her toward the bedrooms.

  “Seems she’s already forgotten all the stuff we taught her,” he said to Hal. “I don’t see any signs of submissive obedience, do you, pal?”

  “Can’t say as I do,” Hal replied, opening Milo’s bedroom door for him.

  He deposited Jodie on his bed, still wearing her tight pants and sexy top. She leaned back on her elbows, and looked up at them both, smoldering desire replacing her earlier tears.

  “How far do you want to take this, babe?” Milo asked. “It’s your call.”

  “I’ll leave you to set the parameters. All I ask is that you take me out of myself. I just want to forget all about the past few days, about my manipulating father in particular, and have some fun.” Her eyes glistened. “And I don’t want you to make any allowances for my re
lative inexperience.”

  Milo and Hal exchanged a speaking glance.

  “Okay, but if you don’t like something, just remember the safety word.”

  “I doubt that will be necessary.” Sexual tension fuelled the air, palpable and pulsating, as she gazed up at them. “I’m at your mercy, gentlemen.”

  Shit! “Stand up and remove your clothes,” Milo said curtly.

  Jodie was naked in seconds. She remained standing, eyes downcast, trembling with anticipation. At least, he hoped that was what had made her tremble. She had removed her collar before they went out to dinner. Hal popped to her room, found it on the dresser, and returned with it.

  “Here we go, darling,” he said, fixing it around her neck again. “That’s better.”

  “Go and kneel in the corner with your back to us,” Milo ordered. “We need to talk about this without you looking on.”

  “We need to do something about that cute butt of hers,” Hal said softly once she’d complied. “You piqued her curiosity this afternoon.”

  “That’s what I figured. You take her arse, and she can suck me off at the same time.”

  “No, mate, you can do the honors.” Hal grinned. “She already gave me head once, and I gotta say, I don’t mind going down that route again.”

  Milo thought about it for a moment, relieved that Hal had made the suggestion, wondering if he’d done so for Milo’s sake. Jodie wouldn’t be able to see him if he was behind her and she was on all fours, which suited Milo just fine. He didn’t know what madness had persuaded him to reveal himself in all his ugly glory to her the night before. It wouldn’t happen again. Jodie had managed to disguise her reaction pretty damned well, but he wasn’t ready to talk about it to her, or to suffer her sympathy. Anything but that, and Hal would know it.

  “Okay, that’ll work,” Milo said.

  “You gonna spank her first?”

  “No, I laid into her pretty hard this afternoon. I’m betting her backside’s still sore. I saw her wince once or twice when she shifted position in the restaurant.”

  “Okay, let’s do this.”

  They turned to look at her, and both inhaled sharply. She was waggling her butt in the air, and playing with one of her nipples. Gross misconduct that would normally earn her a big punishment. Today it simply stoked the guys’ fires.

  “Stop that, Jodie!” Milo said in an authoritative tone.

  “Sorry, Sir. I was feeling kinda neglected, and needy.”

  “Go get on the bed, on your hands and knees. Keep your eyes down and don’t look at us.”

  * * * *

  Both men had shed their clothes as soon as she was in position. Jodie knew she wasn’t supposed to look at them, but they were so handsome, so strong, muscular, so every damned thing, that not stealing a peek was beyond her. She suspected they noticed, but cut her some slack. Shame that, she wouldn’t have minded being punished. She kinda liked taking Milo’s spankings. Crouching naked in the corner and feeling their admiring gazes fixed on her had been a real turn-on. Who would have thought it?

  Now her problems had been resolved, this might well be her swansong with the guys. She’d caused them more than enough trouble, and they’d want her out of here so they could have their privacy back. Okay, Jodie could be grown up about that, and would leave without protest. But in the meantime she’d take her fun any which way they were prepared to hand it out.

  Hal slid beneath her sideways and applied his lips to her nipples—sucking, teasing, and biting. Molding and caressing with his skilled fingers at the same time, forcing her solidified nipples deeper into his mouth. Oh, his magical lips! This sort of divine torture she could get used to. Needy little mewling sounds slipped past her lips when he fastened his teeth around one puckered nipple and tugged. Hard. Fires ignited in her belly, and she cried out, wishing she could reach out and caress his muscular torso, run her hands across his washboard abs, and return in some small way the pleasure he was giving her. She couldn’t, not if she was to hold her position for Milo. Damn it, they were sooo mean to her!

  After a few minutes, she felt the bed dip as Milo climbed into his favorite position behind her. His hot body pressed above hers as he leaned over, pushed her hair aside, and trailed damp kisses across her nape, making her shiver when he tugged on her collar at the same time. He continued across her shoulders and down her spine, lapping and nipping at a different pace to which Hal was tormenting her tits. Each was equally arousing. She squirmed against Milo’s lips, muttering beneath her breath as Hal continued to agitate her nipples. The feel of them both touching her, their large capable hands sweeping across her most intimate places, caused shards of pleasure to blast her body from all angles. A paradox of pleasure and longing swept through her, so powerful, so intense, it stunned her senses.

  “Responsive little thing, ain’t she?” Milo remarked, bringing his hand down lightly over her backside.

  Harder, Master, please.

  He resumed kissing and biting his way down her spine, continuing to caress her buttocks with one hand, occasionally sliding a finger down her crack. The distraction of Hal’s teeth on her nipples meant she barely felt the discomfort, and managed not to flinch when his fingers became more invasive.

  “I’ve never had an arse virgin before,” he said in a sexy whisper that sent renewed shivers down the spine he was still kissing. “Need to make this special for you, babe.”

  “You already are,” she replied breathlessly.

  Jodie was getting impatient. There was such a thing as too much foreplay. She squirmed against Hal’s teeth and Milo’s lips, finding it increasingly difficult to hold her position. Milo slid a hand beneath her buttocks, and she heard a sharp intake of his breath, followed by a deep, rich chuckle.

  “You really are ready, aren’t you, sugar.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Well, there wasn’t much point in denying it. Honey trickled down the insides of her thighs for them both to see and feel. She flinched when Milo squirted something cold over her backside—lube, presumably. She gasped, and instinctively shrunk away from it.

  “Keep still.” He administered a gentle rap. “You wanted this, darling, but there’s still time to change my mind.”

  “No chance!”

  Milo’s throaty laugh caused all the muscles in her belly to clench. How did he do that to her? “Just checking,” he said, his breath warm and moist against her shoulder.

  Damn it, this was hot! Jodie was panting, leaking, and totally turned on. Milo rubbed the lube into her backside with large sweeps of his hand, concentrating on the crack between her buttocks, and gently easing a slick finger into her anus. She tensed up immediately.

  “Let me in, sugar,” he crooned softly in her ear. “Trust me, it’ll blow your mind.”

  Hal had a small vibrator that he slid into her cunt. Oh, the sharp buzz was as unexpected as it was welcome. It distracted her, and Milo’s finger found its way past her coiled muscle.

  “Ah, you see, you really do want this.”

  She mumbled something that made no sense, because the last thing she wanted right now was to be sensible. Jodie wiggled her arse, incapable of keeping still in the light of the cataclysmic rush of sensation surging through her overheated body. Milo slapped her buttocks and she stopped moving at once. Knowing him, he would quit what he was doing altogether if she failed to do as she was told. Jodie wasn’t prepared to take the risk.

  “You’re gonna have to learn to keep still, darling,” he said in a reproving tone. “Remember who’s in charge here. It’s your duty to please us.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll sure try.”

  “Oh, you’ll do better than that, darling.”

  Milo started moving his finger in and out of her backside. She moved with him, still mumbling, inarticulate, filled with an inexorable longing that made her tremble with need.

  “We need to get this on,” Milo said, an edge to his voice, as though his self-control was also in danger of unraveling.

sp; Presumably the statement was addressed to Hal, not her. He released the nipple he’d been tormenting and shifted his position. Jodie heard the sound of a foil packet tearing. At last!

  “No need,” she said breathlessly. “I’m on the pill.”

  “You sure?” Milo asked.

  “Yeah.” She panted the word. “I want to feel you.”

  Milo leaned down and gently bit at her buttock. “You got it, babe.”

  With infinite-seeming care he eased the tip of his cock into her anus.

  “Fuck that feels so damned good,” he said, his voice raw with passion.

  “Time to play, Hal,” he said from beneath her.


  “What’s up, sweetheart?” Hal asked. “You don’t wanna suck my cock?”

  “Yes, but not now. I want it inside me, same time as Milo is.”

  “Ain’t gonna happen, darling,” Milo said from behind. “You need to get used to one thing at a time.”

  “Stop treating me like a child. I want to do this. I might never get another chance.”

  “Jodie, it’s dangerous if you don’t know what you’re—”

  “You know what to do, Milo, and I trust you.” Jodie screwed up her eyes, determined to get what she wanted from these two gorgeous specimens. “Please!”

  “Well, okay, if you’re sure. But if gets too much, say the word.”

  Jodie caught Hal’s grin as he slid completely beneath her, their faces more or less level. He removed the vibrator, and resumed torturing her tits.

  “You need to keep absolutely still, darling, and let us do all the moving,” Milo said. “If you don’t we might hurt you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, hell yes. Just do it.”


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