Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series

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Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series Page 34

by Sebastien Woolf

  “What size are ya sonny?” the woman asked.

  “These should fit him,” interrupted Siobhan, passing Josh a pair of black jeans. She felt confident that she picked his size correctly.

  “Oh, hold on,” said Zoe. “Will he get it in those?” she joked, gesturing with a nod towards his crotch.

  More silly giggling followed.

  Josh rolled his eyes. He did not mind being sexually objectified in this instance, as long as the girls were happy he did not really care. He was not sensitive about that anyway. More clothes were thrust into his hands.

  “Where can I…?”

  “Change? You want a changing room do ya? A bit precious is he ladies? You could just change here in front of us,” she said with a smile. Her tongue worked like a chainsaw on full throttle.

  Josh blushed.

  “Oh, come here,” the plump merchant said, ushering Josh to the rear of the stall. Pulled back a curtain to reveal a small space where he could change.

  Minutes later Josh emerged, dressed in his fresh threads. He felt somewhat clean, like an Emperor in his new clothes.

  “Dashing!” commented Zoe.

  Siobhan agreed. “Mmm… what a hunk.”

  Wolf whistles.

  “What do you think miss?” Zoe asked the stall-holder.

  Raising an eyebrow the women gave Josh the once over. Smiled longingly. She clearly approved.

  “Hey, eyes off you,” Zoe joked again. “He’s ours.”

  The girls then haggled, agreed on a price and paid the woman. Their first deal at the markets had been signed, sealed and delivered.

  As they walked off Siobhan gave Josh a kiss on the cheek. “You look so gorgeous.”

  “Anyone hungry?” Zoe asked. “For food I mean,” she added with a seductive smile.

  Stopping in the area designated as the food court they enjoyed corn on the cob and a chicken and rice dish each. The flavors were quite exquisite, spicy and tasty. This was certainly the best meal the three of them had eaten in a while. Feeling quite replete they leaned back in their seats and rested for a while.

  They spent the next few hours meandering through the markets, being, bartering and enjoying each other’s company. It had been a joyous day for the trio, much needed too. All their cares were forgotten as they laughed and joked, enjoying each other’s company without a care in the world. Given the immense challenges they had faced in recent times the markets had provided them with much needed respite and they lost themselves amongst the throng of people around them.

  Stall-holders too had a good day, turning tidy profits in this makeshift sea of trade. Many were family run enterprises who scavenged and traded here every day. They often swapped goods with other vendors so as to specialize, keeping only what they wished to trade. It was the closest thing to commerce, trade and an organized economy that anyone had seen since the world turned.

  Josh strutted confidently through the emporium in his new clothes, flanked on either side by two attractive girls. He felt quite self-assured, happy and content with life.

  On they walked checking out almost every outlet in the bazaar, passing many stalls until eventually they reached the end. In a quiet location tucked away from the rest they stumbled across a barren and completely empty table, with a solitary chair which represented the sum total of the visual offering.

  A thin middle-eastern man rose from the seat and approached the trio. He was youngish, only a few years out of his teens, a well-manicured beard covered his narrow face and he wore a long brown flowing gown, a robe of some sort. The young man whose thick side-parted hair was slicked back with some grease and finely combed presented himself with a slow, gracious bow.

  “Fine people,” he began, with an unconvincing smile. “May I please present myself to you. My name is Ali Baba and I would like to welcome you to my grotto.” His opening pitch was as slick as his hair.

  Josh rolled his eyes, he was skeptical and suspicious. “So, Ali Baba or whatever your real name is, what is it that you are pedaling here. You seem to have nothing on offer.” He sounded quite arrogant and patronizing just then, which was completely out of character. The need to impress the girls had suddenly leapfrogged other important values and he found himself acting boorish.

  “Yes,” said the young man. “That is my name and please, do not let the lack of physical objects on my table cloud your vision. I deal in dreams. Dreams and desires. Whatever it is that you long for, crave or lust after, Ali Baba will provide for you.” He spoke well beyond his years. “So sir, my table may appear at first glance to be barren to you, but I can assure you that it is overflowing with all the riches you could ever want.”

  There was a momentary silence as the trio digested what the vendor had just said. Josh silently ate his words, swallowed them whole as he realized he was being an idiot.

  Clasping his hands together Ali Baba stared directly at Josh. His disingenuous smile suddenly appeared quite authentic. “So… what is it you desire?” There was now a seriousness to his voice as he spoke. “There must be something you want my good man. How about a girl?” Leaning forward he added, “Ali Baba can provide you with one, or more if that is your desire. Any age, any shape, any color.”

  “Ha!” Josh smiled. “Take a good look. I have two of the finest women on the planet with me right here.”

  Ali Baba simply stared at him.

  “Is that all you are… a pimp?”

  “Oh… goodness me no. Everyone has their own desires and the things that they want. They are all different. There are many riches that cover my tables.” Passed an open palm over the tabletops. “Some people seek salvation, others redemption and a few are on a much different path seeking revenge or retaliation. I do not deal in any of the materialistic things you will find at any other vendor’s tables here. Many who come to Ali Baba’s table do long for the pleasures of the flesh, which I help them receive in abundance. If that is not for you, then it is not for you.”

  “It is not for me. Not for us. Josh placed his hands around the waists of the two girls. “Why don’t you tempt us with something a bit more… well, appropriate?”

  “As you wish.” Ali Baba turned, swishing his robe and began pacing the inner perimeter of his market stall, losing himself in momentary thought. “Now, what would a man in your position truly desire…”

  “Well, clearly not a Ferrari or a Caribbean cruise. As nice as they may sound.”

  Zoe giggled. Siobhan smiled.

  “Clearly.” Suddenly it hit him. Eureka. Ali Baba came dashing forward, “Perhaps…,” he said, slowly, adding a degree of suspense to his offer, “I might interest you all in a pampering package.”

  “Hmmm… what sort of pampering?” asked Zoe, who was clearly interested. Siobhan appeared keen to know more as well.

  Ali Baba rubbed his hands with glee. He was in the zone and to him this was a simply process, one which he had followed often. Prey located, trap laid and baited. All he had to do now was close the deal and with this level of interest it was sure to be a cinch.

  “Well, my new friends…,” he was laying it on thick now sounding every bit a sleazy sales type, but he carried on regardless. “Let me ask you this. When was the last time you experienced a little luxury and spoiled yourselves? When did you last have the feeling of hot water on your skin, lathering yourselves in fine soaps and relaxed… truly relaxed. Leaving all the troubles of this horrible new world behind you.”

  Eyes widened as they bought into his sales pitch.

  Josh, who was now just as interested as the girls, leaned forward. “Go on…,” he invited.

  “Well, you will be pleased to know friends that I have access to such a dream.” Ali Baba moved to seal the deal. “For a fair price, I can have you bathing in hot water like royalty within the hour.”

  “God, that does sound amazing,” said Zoe. She sighed in anticipation.

  “What’s a fair price then?” Josh asked.

  Dragging his chair over the Middle Eastern ma
n took a seat and began tapping his long fingernails on the wooden table. He had been busy this week making many good sales, but this was about to be his biggest yet.

  “You know sir, I am so pleased that you came here today. You and your lady friends deserve nothing but the best and I have just the thing for you. As for the price,” he stopped his tapping and lifted his head to stare directly at Josh, “I tell you what! Let me start the ball rolling and then we can talk about what is fair. The spa will take a little while to heat up.”

  “Spa? You never said anything about a spa!” Siobhan was in, no matter how much it was going to cost.

  “You never asked.”

  “Well, yeah, we’re in then,” said an excited Siobhan. “Right guys?”


  Clapping his hands together Ali Baba summoned his assistant and from nowhere another young man dressed in a similar brown robe appeared. As he leaned down Ali Baba whispered something to him, pointed and sent him running off into the murky shadows of the lower concourse.

  “It is done,” Ali Baba said. A big cheesy grin split his face from cheek to cheek. This assumptive sales technique worked more times than not for him, he was truly a slick operator.

  The trio spent the time it took to fill the tub with hot, soapy water agreeing on the price. All three of them were quickly cleaned out of what tradable goods they had on them and the deal was sealed with a handshake and a smile.

  Josh was pleased to see how excited the girls were at this point, leaping out of their skin in anticipation. He just hoped they had not been stitched up.

  “This way fine friends,” said Ali Baba, getting to his feet. The thin man led them through a series of corridors, his flowing robe swishing around his slippers as he walked on briskly. Eventually they came to a large blue door with a circular window in its center at eye level. A sign read GYMNASIUM AND SPA. The door creaked on its rusty hinge as it was pushed open.

  With a somewhat ceremonial bow Ali Baba’s assistant greeted them as they entered. Ushered them through to the spa area at the rear, a spacious room with a raised wooden floor where in the center lay a massive eight seater spa pool that was bubbling away before them. The faint sound of a generator hummed through the walls and condensation had already begun to form on the frosted glass windows.

  “You must be one hell of a catch,” Ali Baba whispered to Josh, referring to the two beautiful girls who were gleefully dipping their hands in the hot foamy water.

  “Other way around my friend,” Josh replied modestly. I am just one hell of a lucky guy. Besides, I have a feeling I will be doing what I am told for some time to come.”

  Ali Baba smiled. “Well, I thank you for your business. You have one hour. We will sound the gong when your time is up. Enjoy!” He cast an envious smile, adding, “I am sure you will sir.”

  With that the two robed men left the candlelit room. As they retraced their steps back to their market stall they gave each other a high-five, celebrating the success of their profitable sale.

  “Nice work Paul,” complimented the assistant.

  “Fanks mate,” replied the man who called himself Ali Baba, dropping his fake accent and speaking now in a distinctly British brogue. His acting skills were exemplary, he had put on a very convincing show indeed. “Vey was an easy target little bruva. Not ‘ard at all. Let’s go suss out what we got for it.”

  “Ahhhhhhh… hot water!” Siobhan’s skin tingled. “There is a God.”

  “I reckon,” agreed Zoe. “Oh how I have missed this.”

  Bright candles flickered over their naked bodies as the two girls eased themselves into the tub. Josh slid in beside them, reflecting on what Ali Baba, or whatever his name was had said. Not once did he regard himself as a good catch. What he was without question, was the luckiest man to have survived the turn – the two girls in his company were truly stunning. He reached for several cakes of soap and began lathering their backs.

  “God! That is so relaxing,” sighed Siobhan.

  Zoe moaned audibly. Pleasurably.

  “So, what would you guys be doing right now if the world hadn’t turned to crap?”

  Siobhan pondered Josh’s question for a moment. Rolled her shoulders as his soapy hands caressed her, massaged her and relaxed her. “Working, sadly,” she replied.

  “Yeah, me too,” added Zoe. “Have to say though as much as I loved my job, it is the last thing I want to think about right now though.”

  “I hear you.” Siobhan felt totally relaxed and a little reflective. “What do you think is missing in life. In this new life?”

  “Love.” Zoe had answered in a flash. She was a hopeless romantic. “Love and desire. Although, we seem to be taking care of our desires pretty damn well if you ask me.” Gave Siobhan a wink.

  Josh chimed in. “Freedom. Oh, and a future.” He was very circumspect.

  Siobhan turned slowly, seductively and faced him. “Hmmm… oh come on lover boy. With a future like this you are not really missing out on anything.”

  She placed her arms around him and kissed him, aroused him by placing his hands on her round, full and perky breasts. She slid over the top of him straddling his lap, lowering herself onto him. Her breathing became shallow.

  Zoe watched on for a short time before eventually joining in on the action. The sex the three of them shared in the tub that afternoon was tender, slow and incredibly passionate.

  Sometime later the sound of a gong reverberated loudly through the gymnasium area.


  The Collector

  Three days passed and all the new arrivals had settled into their new surroundings without much fuss or bother. They found their dwellings to be more than adequate and had made themselves at home as best they could. Many of them had mixed and mingled on a daily basis and as a result quickly made new acquaintances. On the rare occasion they bumped into a familiar face or two.

  The markets became a regular haunt. Quite a few had successfully traded, exchanged, bartered and haggled with the various merchants who were peddling their wares on the lower concourse, so much so many of the possessions they arrived with had now changed hands.

  Concerned that their own levels of tradable wealth were fast being depleted Jon decided to call an emergency meeting of the Armstrong group at his tent. Vincent, Lily and Beth were invited to attend for Jon felt they may soon be impacted in the same way. Once everyone had arrived and settled, Jon began.

  “Thanks for coming,” he said, “I’ll get straight to it. We are in a bit of a predicament, one that is worsening by the day.” His opening statement had gained everyone’s undivided attention. “I am sure that we all agree that it has been great to find somewhere safe like this to shelter in.”

  Heads nodded.

  “Unfortunately, this place is not free. For many of us we are fast running out of supplies and I fear that we will find ourselves in a spot of bother if we don’t do something about it now. Because we pretty much have nothing left to give, we face the horrible thought of eviction when the Collector comes for the first time.”

  Murmurs and grumbles.

  “We have to eat and that has been our biggest priority. Most of us have traded for the right reasons and that is understandable, but right now we are in a bit of a bind.”

  Clearing her throat Beth joined in on the conversation. “That is true for all of us Jon. We did an inventory this morning in our camp and we are very low on supplies. So much so that quite a few of our people will be struggling to pay their first rent as well.”

  Stroking the stubble on his chin Jon thought deeply for a moment. Eventually he came to a decision. “It looks like we have no choice but to go outside the gate. We will have to join the others scavenging for things to trade, so we can stock up again.”

  “Hang on a sec,” interrupted Eric. “Didn’t Ashley say there was an option to work?”

  “No!” exclaimed a visibly annoyed Siobhan. She stood with her hands on her hips defiantly. A frown cut across her high brow, st
ressing how frustrated she was. “No!” she repeated, with even more intensity the second time. “We don’t have a clue, none at all what that work involves. For all we know it could be anything. Besides,” she cast an eye in Josh’s direction, “I still don’t trust any of them here.”

  All eyes were glued on her. Many were thankful she was the one who expressed how they felt inside. They had all been too afraid to speak their mind.

  “I mean sure, they offer us safety and a roof over our heads, but we have to give them everything we have in return. How is that fair?”

  Murmuring broke out. Nods of agreement and a few grunts, nothing more.

  “And then,” she continued, “When we have nothing left to give, we are evicted. Does anyone else find this whole thing a bit wrong, or am I the only sane one here?” She stared at those at the meeting. “As for this work crap, I am sorry Jon, they can shove it. I don’t trust them and I’d rather take my chances outside the gate.”

  Siobhan’s outburst led to a short uncomfortable silence.

  Jon turned to the Irish girl. Chewed his lip. “Ok. I tend to agree with you. We don’t know enough about them and this whole set-up. All I know is that we have been bled dry already.”

  “What are our options then?” asked Josh. “We can’t exactly just pack up and leave. We have only just got here and we have nowhere else to go.”

  “No, we aren’t leaving. Not yet anyway. We have no other choice but to put a party together and forage for items outside the gate. That is the only viable option.” There was a certain level of anxiety in Jon’s voice and he appeared a little agitated.

  Sensing her husband’s angst Olivia placed a hand on his shoulder, which calmed him somewhat. Theirs was a strong relationship that had been based on trust and understanding. It had endured. Over the past twenty years Olivia had come to know everything about her man, she could spot signals and knew how to support him.

  Jon exhaled and let his tensions escape him. He smiled at his wife, kissed her on the hand then set about organizing the excursion party. He knew that he was truly blessed to have such a beautiful woman in his life and it warmed him inside knowing this.


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