Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series

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Dark of Dawn 4Horsemen: Book one in the Dark of Dawn Series Page 36

by Sebastien Woolf

  “Heeeey… chill out man! You said you were going to be two minutes and when you didn’t come back I thought I should come and check to see if you were ok.”

  “I’m fine!” Tyler blurted out. He glared at his brother. “I was just…”

  Movement. The hedge shook once again. Tyler raised a finger to his lips then pointed to the bushes. Both men stared intently, blank looks covered their faces.

  As he stepped through the gap, adrenaline pumped frantically though Tyler’s body. Behind him Josh had equipped himself with his melee weapons and was ready for anything. Together that had faced and vanquished many foes since the turn – creatures, animals and humans and the brothers felt ready to tackle whatever it was that lay behind this wall of greenery.

  Crouched at the foot of the hedge on the other side was a small girl, aged six or seven. Her blonde hair was matted and soiled with grit and grime, giving the appearance that it was naturally a darker color. The white dress she wore was tattered and torn, completely soiled with blood. Her left shoe was missing and her blue bobby socks were worn through at the heel.

  She was hunched over a lifeless body that lay prone on the ground in front of her. The young man had on a uniform with the same colors and logo of the electronics store the rest of the group were still ransacking. His torso had been ripped open and his intestines were gripped tightly in her hands as she devoured them greedily. Tyler was not sure when the man might have died, but he was convinced that it could not have been that long ago as his blood had not dried up yet.

  Sensing their presence the girl turned to face the two brothers, opened her mouth, bared her teeth and uttered a low sickening moan. Her face was covered with blood, fresh from her human banquet. She stood, shuffled away from the body and then slowly began to stagger towards them, her audible grumbling grew louder and began to echo across the carpark and beyond into the street.

  Neither of the Armstrong boys knew what to do next, the whole scene felt rather surreal to them both. The thought of killing this girl even though she was one of the undead, proved to be quite a daunting prospect. There was nothing sweet about this young girl any longer and she posed a very real and life-threatening risk to them both.

  “You have to do it bro!” Josh said to his brother.

  Tyler turned abruptly to his brother. “No way man. You do it!” Pushed his rifle into Josh’s chest. “I’m not having this on my conscience.”

  “No Tyler, you have to do it.” Pushed the rifle away.

  Tyler knew his brother was right. Turning to the girl he reluctantly raised his rifle and pointed it in her direction. He could see her sweet young face clearly now and a wave of compassion suddenly washed over him, tears welled in his eye as he fought within himself for justification to pull the trigger. Despite the logic, he could not do it.

  “Tyler!” Josh was now concerned. Gripped his weapons tightly.

  Dragging her left foot behind her, it made a scraping sound on the ground as she staggered on. The brothers were forced to take a step back, she was now close enough to lunge at them. Her growling continued and she stretched out her arms towards the two men, grasping at them. She saw them as nothing but prey.

  “Tyler!” screamed Josh. “Do it now!”




  A gunshot rang out.

  Tyler dropped his rifle and immediately began to sob.

  Blood seeped from the bullet wound in the center of the little girl’s forehead. She lay motionless on the ground, her once bright blue eyes were fused open in a lifeless stare.

  “What the hell are you playing at?” came a voice from behind them.

  Josh spun around to see Vincent standing there. In his hand a revolver was still puffing smoke from the barrel.

  “Well?” asked Vincent again, as he slung his handgun into the holster on his belt and bent down to pick up the rifle Tyler had dropped. “Come on guys, get it together will you. She wasn’t human anymore for goodness sakes,” he said, laying his eyes upon the dead girl.

  Tyler sniffed. Wiped his eyes and did his best to compose himself.

  “We have all we need from these shops.” Vincent paused and looked around. “We should go. No doubt every creature within a mile will be swarming here in minutes.”

  Josh nodded. He pushed his brother ahead of him to start him moving, placed a consoling hand on his shoulder. As they walked away the girl continued to stare blankly up to towards the heavens.

  An hour had passed since the announcement. The Collector had made his way through the northern section of the Stadium and for the most part it had been an uneventful day for him and his crew. Rent had been collected with little or no fuss and thus far there had not been one altercation. After the events of the previous day most people decided to keep their opinions to themselves.

  Olivia was in a panic, she could hear the Collector and his entourage at nearby tents and knew it would not be long before they came knocking at her door. Not normally one to stress she had felt a tension headache coming on all day. There was a good chance that they might not be able to pay their rent and given the harsh penalties that their landlords had imposed, she felt justified with all her worrying.

  Whilst they had done their level best, the three women had failed to amass much of an offering at all. The small pile of trinkets at the entrance to their tent was the sum total of all they were prepared to part with. Most of their other tradable goods had been exchanged for food and water, leaving their supply levels severely depleted. Olivia just prayed that their meagre offering would be enough.

  “What are we going to do mum?” asked Rebecca.

  “I honestly don’t know,” Olivia said with a sigh. “It isn’t enough is it?”

  Rebecca raised an eyebrow. “Well, maybe for one of us. I doubt very much that we will get any leniency from this lot, they seem quite harsh. If the others aren’t back soon we might be in a spot of bother.”

  Nikita stepped to the exit. Since the death of her husband she had hardly spoken, preferring to keep to herself rather than mixing with others. Whilst those around her had given her the space and time she needed to grieve, there was a hollowness that had bored its way deep inside her. Her demeanor was reflective of someone severely depressed and deeply troubled.

  “I will not allow it,” Nikita said, firmly. She stooped over their offering, shaking her head. “I cannot allow it.”

  Olivia opened her mouth to reply, but was immediately cut off.

  “I will not allow anyone to take anything more from us. We have been through too much. Lost so much.”


  “That is final!” Nikita exclaimed, shaking her fists in defiance. “We have lost everything. Everything! There is nothing more left to give.” She was in a dark, dark place.

  Olivia and Rebecca had never seen her like this, this outburst was completely out of character. In the short time they had known her, they had never seen her upset about anything. They were concerned for her and for where this was going.

  “I’m not sure what you mean Nikita,” said Rebecca, carefully.

  From outside the tent came a commotion.

  Dread. The Collector had arrived.

  “What I mean is, that we will not be giving anything materialistic to these thieves. Not today. Not any day.” Her eyes reflected a steely determination. Turning her head to the opening she continued. “I have lost everything and I have nothing left in this life.” So deflated had become the mood, it felt as though all oxygen had left the tent. “You two on the other hand have everything to live for. You have loved ones who will return to you soon. You have a future.”

  Olivia finally twigged. “No Nikita!” Do not think like that. There is no need for you to do anything rash.”

  Ignoring Olivia’s plea Nikita sighed heavily, then stepped through the flap and disappeared outside.

  “Nikita! No!” screamed Olivia.

  Late afternoon sun caressed Nikita’s skin,
warming her instantly. The light outside was intensely bright, forcing her to shield her eyes against the glare. She squinted in an attempt to focus, but as she turned to her right she missed seeing the bony frame of the man walking up to her and the two of them collided head on.

  As he crouched down to pick up his clipboard the Collector exhaled forcefully and audibly through gritted teeth. A look of disdain swelled across his face. Straightening himself up again the grey old man cast a scowl at the woman in front of him. Corrugated creases formed across his aging brow.

  He was straight back to business, glancing down at his clipboard he placed his pen over the name ARMSTRONG that was written in his ledger. Pressed down hard, causing a blob of blue ink to form around the nib. In a gruff voice was devoid of all pleasantries he said, “Payment!”

  Expecting a reply, the short little man wearing the black and white striped shirt waited for a response. When none was forthcoming he slowly lifted his head until he made eye contact with the much taller woman in front of him. Through his narrow and bloodshot eyes he expressed his irritation and annoyance, it had been a long day and his patience was wearing thin.

  “Listen!” he said, with a sigh. “I am tired, hungry and I want to get this done as quickly and as painlessly as possible. I am over today and I warn you I am in no mood for any nonsense. So, I will ask you one more time, what payment are you offering to cover your rent for…,” glanced down at his notes, “for three people.”

  Nikita blinked at him slowly, her face bore no expression. Every day since Rory had been taken from her she had struggled, her heart had grown heavy with grief and despite putting on a brave front she was now done. Her mind wandered. Amidst a white haze in front of her sat her husband at a café table. He was looking so handsome in his dark suit, blue collared shirt and Panama hat. He stood to greet her and she admired how handsome was as he smiled at her. She smiled back.

  “What part of this do you find amusing?” The Collector’s quip interrupted Nikita’s dream state.

  Goliath moved to help. Clapped his hands together in front of her face in an attempt to evoke a response.

  Rory faded from view. “There is no rent,” she said softly, snapping back to reality.

  “What was that?” asked the Collector. “It sounded like you said you have no rent.”

  “There is no rent!” She was anything but contrite with her repetition.

  Stroking the stubble on his chin the Collector thought for a moment, he then moved his pen on the ledger and drew a line through this record. “No rent,” he said sighing, “means either work or eviction. I have lost my patience with you so make it quick. What will it be?”

  Nikita stared at the little man in front of her. It was one of those glares that would easily tear straight through someone. “There will be no eviction today. Take me as payment and let these good people be.”

  “As you wish.” The Collector did not hesitate, gestured with a sideways nod of his head and two of his henchmen immediately stepped forward and took Nikita into custody. Escorted her without fuss from the arena.

  Olivia leaped to her defense. She had witnessed the whole thing from the opening in the tent. “You cannot do this,” she uttered in pure desperation.

  Nikita turned to Olivia. “It is alright. I will be fine.”

  “But…,” Olivia was interrupted by the Collector’s hand in front of her face. She frowned and growled loudly.

  “As she said, she will be fine. Your rent has been covered. Now go about your business.”

  With that the Collector and his entourage headed off. Goliath kicked the cart into life and followed along behind, the sound of trinkets and other objects rattling inside the metal container trailed off as they disappeared through the sea of tents.

  Long shadows flickered across the road as the scavenging party pushed on towards the Stadium. They had been out for the entire day and all eight of them were looking forward to getting back. Having been forced to roam a lot further into the city then they had anticipated they were on a tight deadline to make it back before curfew. Despite returning with a large bounty they were all starting to feel a little concerned for their safety.

  Bryan, who had been scouting ahead of the group caught sight of their destination. Raising his hand he signaled for the others to hurry up. Ahead in the distance the light towers at the Stadium reached up into the fading blue light above, causing faces to light up immediately.

  “We’re close,” said Vincent.

  “True,” replied Josh, he cast an eye skyward into the early twilight. “But we’re fast running out of time.”

  “Yes. We will need to pick up the pace if we’re going to make the gates in time.”

  “Ok everyone, we don’t have to do anything silly here. All we need to do is maintain a good steady, but healthy pace and we’ll be fine. If we come across any creatures, only engage in combat if they are a direct threat. Otherwise, we can just outrun them. Are we good?”

  All heads nodded in agreement.

  “Alright then, let’s get going.”

  Bryan led the group off.

  Tyler grabbed his brother by the shoulder, held him back.

  “What’s up bro?”

  In a quiet voice Tyler said, “Man, I need to take a dump. Badly.”

  Josh rolled his eyes. Shook his head in disbelief. “Ok, but make it quick. We’ll wait for you.”

  “Nah, I’ll be alright mate. You guys go on. I will catch up when I’m done.”

  Reluctantly, and against his better judgement, Josh agreed - he was exhausted and keen to get back. Ordinarily he would not leave anyone behind like this, but he knew Tyler could take care of himself and he wouldn’t be long.

  “Ok buddy.” Josh patted his brother on the cheek. “Don’t take too long though and stick to the road when you catch up. We won’t be too far ahead of you.”

  Tyler nodded, turned and then headed into a nearby alleyway, unbuckling his belt as he walked. Behind him the rest of the group made off down the road.

  Life at the Stadium was not what Olivia had expected. She frowned, losing herself in thought about the home she had been forced to leave. Her family was always her happy place, she missed the life she once had so much that it had begun to hurt just thinking about it. Her frown broadened.

  Gerard unexpectedly appeared at the entrance to Olivia’s tent and popped his head inside. “They’re back,” he said, with a degree of concern in his voice. “But, there’s a problem.”

  Olivia’s heart sank deeper into her chest, her face lost all color and expression. She expected the worst and turned to Rebecca for support.

  “It’s…,” Gerard paused and swallowed. “It’s Tyler.”

  Olivia’s eyes closed tightly as her whole world went dark.


  Madness of Night

  Tyler slowly rose to his feet. He stared at the ground consumed by thought. Around him there was nothing but silence aside from the spluttering of the dying creature that lay sprawled helplessly before him.

  Dead was dead. There was no coming back from dead.

  Once again the image of the infected girl who had died earlier that day filled his mind. She had tormented him all night. He tried hard to shake the memory, took his mind off it temporarily by driving a hatchet deep into the skull of the writhing creature.

  Dead is dead.

  Death is death.

  There is no illusion.

  He drew in a deep breath and set off for the other side of the road, turning his attention to his shadow and the other shadows that flanked him. The moon shone brightly that night and the city had come to life under its watchful gaze. The shadows followed his every footstep, enveloping him in their grasp.

  He needed to rest in order to restore his shattered nerves. Taking cover in an alcove out of the chill of the night he caught his breath and composed himself, regathered his thoughts. This had been a long and terrifying night, one he wanted to forget and he longed for it to end.

hours earlier he had literally been caught with his pants down, surviving an attack by the skin of his teeth. Attending to calls of nature were more often than not an extremely hazardous activity, especially when being forced to undertake such a task outdoors. Tyler had just finished his toilet stop and was tidying himself up in readiness to rejoin the others when he was set upon. The infected had come out of nowhere catching him unawares, literally with his pants down. He knew it was not a planned assault, just a matter of luck. Damn rotten luck!

  Yet again he fled the undead and kept moving, taking refuge where he could. He tried desperately to renegotiate his path in order to get back to his family by nightfall, but tired and disorientated he lost his way. In his haste he found himself isolated and alone, thus began his night of terror.

  Tyler had been hunting, pursuing creatures that roamed and prowled in the dark. Hunting the dead things that had to be killed. This had become a game of survival for him, one that he was determined to win at all costs. He was under no illusion that on this night in the wastelands that he was both the hunter and the hunted.

  Dead had to be dead.

  As he stepped out into the moonlight shadows immediately converged around him and with fear coursing through his veins, he urged himself cautiously forward. A sudden crash from a nearby building startled him and he spun around in fright. He froze and stood staring in the direction the sound came from. Inside his chest his heart pounded so loudly he was concerned it would give him up to the undead.

  Moments later the sounds of death rumbled through the night air as a deep lamentable moaning rolled through the empty streets. Tyler drew back into the shadows and carefully considered his options. There was no way of knowing how many creatures lurked in the darkness around him, their location was just as much of a mystery. He felt trapped and completely vulnerable. As fear gripped him yet again he began to shiver, his hands shook as they clasped firmly around the handles of his hatchets.


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