Falling for the Fake Fiance (Snowpocalypse)

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Falling for the Fake Fiance (Snowpocalypse) Page 3

by Jennifer Blackwood

  I’m going to hell.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “You’re gorgeous. But you’ve always been.” He cleared his throat and took a swig of ice water.

  Pink bloomed across her cheeks and disappeared below the fabric of her dress.

  Before he could say anything else, a man wearing a suit a size too small strode up to the table, out of breath.

  “Jill, there you are, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Aaron didn’t like the tone this guy was taking with her. Or the fact that he was encroaching on his time. Yeah, he was selfish.

  Her mouth curved into a forced smile. No. This parasite was not going to ruin the best goddamn night he was having in months.

  Aaron took the cue and spoke up. “And you are?”

  “Dwight. We met at the mixer. We were having a fascinating conversation about colonization—”

  Ah. Moon Dude. Aaron sat up straighter in his chair and stared the man down. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but she’s sitting with me.”

  Moon Man’s cheeks burned crimson, but he didn’t take the hint. “Right. Okay. Well, if you change your mind about this loser”—he hitched a thumb in Aaron’s direction—“I’ll be over at the bar.”

  Aaron let that comment slide. As long as Moon Dude was being polite to Jill, that was all that mattered. He didn’t need to beat his fucking chest to impress her. He was long past going out of his way to court a woman into his bed.

  “Bless your heart. It was nice seeing you again, Dwight.”

  Aaron hid the smile that tugged at his lips. Southern women. They were the only ones who could insult you with a compliment. Dwight nodded and then turned toward the bar.

  As soon as he was out of earshot, she said, “Thanks for doing that, but I can handle myself.” She folded her arms over her chest.

  He never doubted she could handle it. Didn’t mean he was going to sit back idly while the dude made a desperate attempt to poach her from the table.

  “Did you want me to bring him back? I can. Dwi—”

  “I am not above smacking you, Aaron.”

  He smiled and passed her a menu. “Then let’s figure out something to order.”

  The lights flickered in the restaurant and hushed murmurs spread through the room. “Heard that northeastern storm is hitting hard tonight,” he said.

  “Since when do we ever get it hard?” She coughed. “I mean the snow.”

  “I’m guessing you haven’t gotten it good in a long time.” He lifted a brow.

  “Excuse me?” She flushed.

  “Snow in Charleston. I haven’t been here in years, so I wouldn’t know.” So, maybe that had a double meaning; it was worth it to see the flush on her cheeks.

  She swallowed hard. “No.” And he had the distinct feeling that it wasn’t the weather she was talking about.

  “I heard there may be some flooding from all the rain. It was pouring earlier when I ran out to get supplies.”

  “I hope not. I parked out in the lot instead of the parking structure.”

  “Should be fine.”

  The lights flickered again, and Aaron wondered if South Carolina really was in for the Snowpocalypse.


  What a weird feeling—Jill sat across from someone she’d seen every day in high school, and yet the man in front of her was a complete stranger. One with blue eyes so dark they looked like whorls of ink. Ones that were subtly undressing her, if she was reading the situation right. She took another sip from her glass. Was it getting hot in here? Because, man, was she thirsty. Better to focus on things she could control. Like the tasty wine. Yes, this wine was fantastic. Maybe if she focused enough on her drink, her body would stop tingling from the heated glances Aaron kept throwing her way.

  With shaky hands, she placed the glass back on the table. It’d been a while since she’d been in the company of any guy she was actually interested in, but she forced down the nerves. “What do you have lined up now that you’re out of the military?”

  “I’ve been rooming with a buddy up in D.C. He did me a solid and found me a job at a private security firm he works for. I’ll start it as soon as I’m finished helping my dad. What have you been up to?”

  Oh, you know, getting wild and crazy with Netflix binges of Paw Patrol and worrying that she’d get some type of lung disease due to accidentally inhaling too much mac and cheese dust. Her life was glamorous. It might have qualified as pathetic that she enjoyed dentist appointments and even routine check-ups just for the sole fact she could get a minute to herself. Her AARP card was due in the mail any time now. “Same old, same old. Nothing really changes in our town.”

  “Besides the fact that you’re now attending singles mixers. When did that start?” He took a long sip of his beer, watching her with an intensity that made her skin prickle.

  “Tonight. It was silly, really.” The last thing Jill wanted was for Aaron to know that she’d gone out in search of a husband, because how desperate did that sound? One bad haircut stood between her and Brittany Spears circa 2007.

  “I don’t know how long I’ll be in town, but I’d be more than happy to take you out.”

  His forearms flexed as he gripped the pint glass, and she mentally shook her fist at the fact the sleeves of his flannel weren’t pushed farther up his arms. Maybe Kate was onto something. Broad shoulders, dark eyes, lips that she should have noticed were kissable years ago, because whoa.

  The next time she glanced down at her cell, they’d been talking for hours, catching up on everything from crazy stories from his time in the military to her latest run-in with a very involved dance mom. For real, those ladies were scary.

  She peered around the room and realized that they were the only occupied table, besides a few stragglers at the bar. “I should be getting back to my room. It’s getting late.” This was the best dinner she’d had in months. No, years. When was the last time she’d actually enjoyed the company of a man, one whose deep voice was a warm caress down her spine? By her calculation and the fact she could call herself a born-again virgin thanks to the lack of action…it had been a freaking long time. Maybe it was the wine. Or maybe it was the muscly, drool-worthy man in front of her, but dammit, she wanted one night of fun. Screw the whole search for a temporary husband—it wasn’t going to happen. But she could be happy for a few hours in other ways.

  “No problem. Let me walk you up.” Aaron paid the bill, and they walked the distance to the elevator. Aaron’s large palm pressed against the small of her back, his fingers curling around her hip. Such big hands. Big hands that were in no way distracting or impeding her ability to think straight. Not one bit.

  “I’m glad we were able to catch up.” She didn’t know why she said that, other than to fill the silence in the elevator. It was so quiet, the only thing she heard was the throbbing of her pulse in her temples. Aaron’s hand was still firmly planted a few inches from her ass, and the simple touch nearly incinerated her insides.

  A small grin twitched in the corner of his mouth, and he looked down at her with eyes that threatened to suck her right in. “Me, too. Turned my night around, seeing you.”

  The elevator dinged and the doors opened, revealing an empty hallway. She expected him to say a casual good-bye while he waited for the doors to close and take him to his floor, but instead, Aaron walked out, escorting her to her door. The gentlemanly thing to do. “Well, this is me.” She pointed to the door.

  Just then, the lights flickered and completely shut off. The only thing illuminating the hall was the green emergency exit sign down the corridor.

  “Must be the storm,” he said, more to himself than to her.

  “Yeah.” Dammit, she should have moved her car, because she couldn’t afford any repairs if debris happened to break a window, especially not when Emily’s tuition had drained the last of her account this past month.

  Aaron lingered in her doorway after she unlocked the door, his arm resting against the frame. “Have a good night,” he sa
id, turning to leave.

  Now or never. Now or never. Do it, girl. You came here for a reason, right? “Aaron?”

  He turned back to her. “Yeah?”

  She swallowed hard. If she was going to do something she would regret tomorrow, might as well do it with someone whose company she enjoyed. “I’m not very tired.”

  “Neither am I.” A predatory smile graced his lips. Or at least she thought he smiled—she couldn’t be sure because the power was still out. Those full lips made every muscle of hers clench, and her skin heated at the thought of how good they would feel against her skin.

  “Do you, uh, want to come in?” Shit, she hadn’t done this in a while, but this seemed like a step in the right direction. Aaron was safe. She was in a dry spell, so what was the harm in one night?

  He answered with his lips on hers, his hands gripping her waist.

  Aaron had waited fifteen damn years for this moment. From the first day she moved in next door, he’d wanted to devour that perfectly pink mouth, wanted the taste of her tongue in his mouth. Now, that was the tamest of the thoughts bouncing around in his head as he pulled her into a kiss.

  She melted against him, her soft, supple curves pressing against his chest, his waist, his cock. He coaxed her mouth open more, their tongues finding a rhythm.

  Jill moaned as she ground against him in response, and Aaron couldn’t suppress his need for her any longer. He cupped her ass, pulling her feet off the floor, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, deepening the kiss. She tasted so fucking good, like chocolate and wine. Exactly how he expected she would taste, because damn if she wouldn’t taste like the finer things in life.

  He backed her up against the wall, and her hands raked over his shoulders, digging into his muscles.

  She broke away from the kiss, and Aaron worked down her neck, nipping at the exposed flesh while his thumbs dug into the top of her thighs, working higher.

  “Are we cool if this is just a tonight thing?” she panted. “I promised myself I’d let loose tonight, but then I have to get back to reality tomorrow.”

  “Yeah.” Although, at this point, he’d agree to just about anything to take this further. He’d rather shoot himself in the foot than botch this one-time thing.

  His lips were on hers again, and she moaned in his mouth while tightening her grip around his waist and shoulders. Those sounds sent another jolt straight to his cock. If she sounded this sexy without him doing anything, he’d be a fucking goner in a few minutes.

  His mouth trailed down her neck, and she pulled back again. “I mean, this isn’t stupid, right?”

  He leaned back and looked at her as she worried her bottom lip. Damn, she was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen, dark hair disheveled, her eyes dilated as her gaze raked over him. Her chest brushed against his with every breath, her peaked nipples poking through the fabric. “There’s nothing stupid about your legs wrapped around me.”


  His body pressed against her, her curves molding beneath him. His fingers inched her dress up so it sat at the top of her hips, her lacy red underwear grinding against his jeans. There was a damp spot already forming on the lace, and Aaron bit back a groan.

  “Tell me you want this, Jill. I’ll give you everything you need all night, but just tell me you want it.” He wanted to hear those words from her mouth. To savor the fact that this was actually happening. That she’d be his for tonight.

  She grabbed his hand and slid it between them. “I want you, Aaron. Please.”

  Fuck. His fingers ran over the slickness between her thighs. The thought made his cock throb painfully against his zipper.

  “Well, since you asked so nicely.” His hand worked between them, and he slipped his thumb under the lace. His thumb moved against the slickness as he found her clit, and her body arched in response.

  “Oh wow. Yeah, I like that.” She knocked her head back against the wall, and her eyes rolled back.

  She was wound so tight, the seams of her resolve fraying with every flick of his finger. “I’ve barely even gotten started.”

  “You’re going to kill me.” She gave a humorless chuckle. “I’m sort of a born-again virgin.”

  “I don’t know what that means. Enlighten me,” he said, while pushing her harder against the wall, feeling every inch against him. Her heavy breasts pushed along the V of her dress, and Aaron kissed down her neck.

  “It’s been…a long time.”

  “By choice?” His voice was muffled as he nipped along her skin. He could do this for days. Weeks. The smell and taste of her was something he wanted imprinted into his brain.

  “Hell, no. I…just got busy, and by the time I realized it, it was too late. I am in vagina exile. Might as well call it Alcatraz.”

  “Does that make me the prison guard that slips you the key?” He thrust against her, grinding into the space between her thighs.

  “I’d say more military man on a rescue mission.”

  “Well, good thing you found someone with the proper training.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut and breathed, “Thank the lord.”

  “Is that who you really want to be thanking for the next few hours?”

  “Probably not.”

  Taking the lace of her bra between his teeth, he pulled it down, exposing her dusky, pebbled nipples, and sucked one into his mouth. He hoisted her higher and circled his tongue around her areola and grazed lightly with his teeth. Her back bowed, and she let out a breathy moan that made his cock twitch.

  Her first. Then he could get his release. He took the motto ladies first seriously in all aspects, more so in the bedroom.

  “Okay, definitely not. No deities will be part of this discussion.”



  “Stop talking, and let me take care of you and your Alcatraz Island.”

  She smiled against his lips. He liked this. They could still tease each other, even when he was taking her nipple in his mouth.

  He moved them away from the wall and toward the bed, glancing out the open curtain. “Holy shit. Look at it coming down out there.” In all the years he’d lived in Charleston, he’d never seen it snow like this. Maybe a flurry every few years, but it was dumping snow.

  She grabbed his face and turned his attention toward her. “It could be the damn Snowpocalypse out there right now for all I care,” she said. And with that, he lowered her feet down onto the floor.

  “Fair enough.” Hell, maybe it was the apocalypse, because he never expected to see Jill again, let alone have her in his bed. She needed him, and he would not disappoint.

  In one fluid motion, he pulled her dress up and over her head then dropped it, the material puddling on the floor just as he’d imagined earlier. By her next breath, he had her flat on her back on the bed, pillows and the comforter ruffled around her. A low whistle slipped past his lips as he drank her in. All that was left was a black lace bra and her red panties. Decidedly, he’d need more than just a few hours to properly worship this woman’s body. Every curve, dip, and swell called to him like a beacon, and he wanted to take his time with her. But he only had tonight, and he’d make sure she didn’t forget it anytime soon.

  He reached for the clasp in the front of her bra, unhooked it, and her breasts spilled out. Aaron’s dick pressed painfully against the fly of his jeans, and he willed himself to gain some fucking self-control before he whipped out his cock and plunged straight into her. She deserved better than that.

  He took one in his hand, his thumb and index finger pinching her peaked nipple. His mouth found the other one, swirling, licking, nipping as she arched into him. A sexy little moan escaped her mouth, and he decided right then and there, that was his new favorite sound.

  “Tell me, what do you like?”

  “Besides my showerhead?” She winced. “I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

  “I’m very jealous of your shower now.” His mouth moved along the valley between her breasts, an
d her chest bowed in response. “But what do you like? Something that I can offer you.”

  “Your tongue,” she ground out, her breaths shallow.

  “Here?” He ran his tongue along the outside curve of her breast, teasing her. He wanted to hear her say it. He wanted to know she wanted his tongue between her thighs. He wanted to hear those filthy words come from her pretty little mouth, and then he’d promptly store that in the back of his mind for the rest of his damn life.


  He moved an inch lower. Jill’s body moved higher along the bed until her head hit the tufted headboard. She had nowhere else to go.

  “Not getting away with not telling me, princess,” he said. “Where do you want my tongue?” He gave her a bit of encouragement by closing his mouth around her nipple again, lightly raking his teeth along her sensitive flesh.

  She whimpered. “My clit. Jesus. Please do that down there.”

  “Did anyone ever tell you that you’re sexy when dirty words come out of your mouth?”

  “And to think all those years when my mouth was washed out with soap—you’d think I’d learn.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t.”

  He kissed down the flat of her stomach, down the strip of neatly trimmed hair to the sweet spot between her thighs. His fingers etched along her smooth skin as he traced up her legs, working his thumbs toward her heat.

  “Right here, princess?” He gave one tiny lick up her center that made her entire body shiver beneath him. This woman would fall apart at the seams before he’d even have time to enjoy her.

  Her hips bucked into him, and he took great pleasure in knowing she was going crazy with want and need for his tongue. “Yes, please.”

  He rewarded her with a long lick along her clit. Damn, she tasted good. She cried out, fisting her hands in the sheets by his head. His thumbs parted her lips as he delved deeper, pushing his tongue against the spot she requested. She sucked in a breath through her teeth, muttering something under her breath.

  “What was that? I didn’t quite catch it.”


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