The Alpha Loves The Brat

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The Alpha Loves The Brat Page 2

by Allysa Mkermo

  Instead, Dave just pressed his back against the wall, standing right next to her, and watched her ache for more. He reached out a hand and held hers, intertwining their fingers, distracting her only so that she’d be taken completely by surprise when Jordan entered her swiftly and suddenly.

  Her breath hitched and heart stopped for a moment, and then she exhaled in perfect relief, her arousal only growing as she took in the pleasured look Dave wore as he watched what Jordan was doing. She gasped as she saw him grew hard again—so quickly!—and couldn’t help separating their fingers and enveloping her own around Dave’s cock. She stroked him the same rhythm that Jordan initiated.

  Samantha wasn’t prepared for how her name said in that way by two men simultanieously would sound and coupled with the sensations that were clambering up from Jordans’s delving cock, she was a wreck.

  “Oh God, you guys are—oh, so—oh!—incredible,” she found herself sobbing over and over again.

  She focused on Jordan’s hands on her hips and the way that his long fingers tensed hard into her skin a fraction of a second before each thrust. It was his only warning and brace before another pulse of pure electric feeling would overtake her. Jordan was hitting her G-spot with a pinpoint accuracy that Samantha really should have expected after all the pleasure they’d shared together. Pleasure that seemed to pale in comparison to what she was now experiencing. And with that decisive and hardworking character he had, never settling for anything but perfection, of course he would by now have found an efficient way to fuck a woman—and, quite possibly, a man—into a quivering lump of jelly.

  Jordan shoved forward harder, jarring Sam from her thoughts and bringing her back to the matter at hand. A sharp pleasure was spreading through her groin, building with each of Jordan’s thrusts until she nearly wanted to beg the man to stop, to slow down, to go faster, anything to break the slow tension. She was teetering on the edge and she knew that anything might finish her.

  A pair of eager hands ran up from her hips, along her waist, cupping her breasts, lifting her upper body so that eventually she stood with a straight back. She leaned her head back on the tightened muscles of the athlete’s chest as the tiny break of pace pulled her back from the edge, the increased pressure of his penis inside her immediately pushing her towards it again.

  He did however not rush back into it. Now pressing her entire body against the wall, his hands still relieving her of the weight of her breasts, he began to move slowly, pulling himself almost completely out of her, before pushing his way inside her again. As he pressed his hips firmly against her butt, she could feel him growing and swelling even more inside her, and with every thrust he explored areas of her that had never before been touched.

  The unbearable tension created by the slowness with which Jordan now moved inside her pressed a growling moan out of her, and without thinking, she began rubbing Dave off ferociously with the hand that was still wrapped around his cock.

  As Dave wordlessly bent over and around her hand, his hands slamming against the wall for support, Jordan tore himself from all restraints. He pressed himself harder against her body, and slammed himself inside her, fucking her with a hunger that she had never before felt. He now pressed her backside against his own body, every muscle in his entire body tense, his every movement violent, with the remarkable exception of his hands, which were still embracing her breasts as softly as if they were the most precious things he had ever touched, though it was hardly the first time he did.

  The orgasm that took over made her knees literally shake, the moans that left all of their lips morphing together, making the air around them humid with sex, and she would have collapsed on to the floor, had the two men let go of her.

  A few moments later, Jordan suddenly released her, his hands slamming against the wall for support, mimicking Dave’s earlier reaction to her hand, a raw grunt escaping his dry lips, Samantha had no need to turn around to understand what was happening. Dave was thrusting into Jordan’s tight ass soundly, every completed fusion of their bodies marked by slapping-noises that grew louder with their moans. Sam tried to reach backwards and help Jordan along the way, but she felt someone slap her hand away, and then Dave said, “Can you come only on my cock?”

  Jordan’s voice was coarse when he replied. “It’s—ah!—it’s been known to happen,” he managed to press between his teeth.

  Their voices grew louder, which altogether lasted no longer than two or three minutes before the woman felt Jordan come all over her back, the two men pronouncing their ecstasy loudly.

  When Samantha opened her eyes and turned around to rest her back on the wall for support, she met first Dave’s and then Jordan’s eyes, each of them now out of breath, but completely sober and wearing mischievous grins.

  “More drinks?” she said with a wink.

  Chapter 3

  By the time all three were out of the shower and completely dried up, the sun had begun to rise. Samantha muffled a yawn as she looked over at the couch where Dave was asleep, looking just about as peaceful as she felt. She walked over to the kitchen where she found Jordan, sitting by her dining table, his fingers toying with one of the decorative flowers she had on it, deep in thought. She stole the moment and watched him in utter silence until, unavoidably, he acknowledged her presence, and then she smiled warmly.

  “I guess it’s about time I do what I came here for,” Jordan said plainly, eyeing the woman gently.

  Sam looked a little puzzled.

  “To give you your birthday gift,” he offered as an explanation.

  Sam giggled. “Are you trying to say that this night has not been my birthday present?” she teased light-heartedly.

  Jordan simply smiled. He got up and offered his arm to Sam, who—although a bit skeptical—accepted and entangled their fingers, and quietly, the man lead her out of the house and all the way to his friend’s car that was parked in Sam’s driveway. He remotely unlocked the car and headed for the backseat, where something rather large and squareish was wrapped in red paper. As he carried it out, Sam opened her mouth as to say something, but ended up wordless. Her eyes were smiling.

  “Open it,” offered Jordan.

  Sam reached for the paper and began tearing carefully, but left the object in the steadier hands of the man. She grew a bit nervous as more of the wrapping paper came off, because she was nearly positive she know what he’d gotten her.

  “Oh my God!” she exclaimed once her suspicions were confirmed. “Oh my God, you didn’t!”

  But it really was it. The picture that was taken of them during their second date, in the amusement park. A picture that somehow got mysteriously lost when they went to get it. He’d somehow found it, and Sam was so pleased that she let out a tiny squeal, found her way behind the large frame and circled her arms tightly around Jordan’s neck.

  “Thank you, this is wonderful!”

  “Yeah, I’m really glad you’re happy to have it. I was a bit skeptical, bringing a picture from the past that you might not even want to look at.”

  Samantha pulled away and shook her head. “I love it. We spent ages looking for where it got lost.”

  “Yeah, I remember referring to it as—“

  “—the mystery of the century?” Sam finished for him.

  Jordan nodded his agreement and they both laughed. “Maybe we should do it again.”

  “Do what?”

  “Go on those crazy roller rides, or sit and drink wine, maybe take a jog together sometimes, or… maybe repeat last night sometime?” the man looked sincere although his voice was a bit too bright, and Sam saw her feelings reflected upon him.

  “Yeah,” she bit her lip. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.”

  No more needed to be said. With mutual, small smiles, they held each other’s hands, and slowly made their steps back to the house. Maybe this was it, Samantha thought. Maybe, at last, they had found their way back to one another, through this insanely extraordinary and yet surpris
ingly amazing experience, and maybe this time they wouldn’t fall out of touch. Maybe they’d keep seeing each other, perhaps just for the irreplaceably good sex, but Sam loved the idea of it nevertheless.

  Her dream man was back, and she wouldn’t let him slip away. She cast a tiny, secret glance towards him as they walked together, only to find him already looking at her, and she tried not to blush as she dared hope that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way.


  I heaved as I put the last trash bag out to the alley which was what the manager asked me to do before going home. I went back to the restaurant’s kitchen. “Yo’ Shirley,! The garbage is out yet?” Dylan, one of my work mates, annoyingly called out to me. He was the one in charge of opening up the restaurant and closing it down, and right now, I was pretty much the person keeping him from closing down the restaurant because of my undone chores. “I’ll be out in a sec!” I yelled back to him while scurrying to my locker in the changing room to change my clothes and grab my stuff. My name is Shirley Eger, I’m 18, a blondie with average sizes having no dreams and I had just started working in this family restaurant a few weeks ago after countless days of searching for jobs. My parents had died when I was 16, I’ve been on my own since then. Looking for money itself was very crucial to me that I even slightly considered entering a porn industry, but failed to do so because of having no connections or any idea how I’d even enter it; so when I saw the ‘help wanted’ sign here, I deliberately took it to my advantage and rushed in to the restaurant. I work here as a waitress, naturally the pay has been a little low to tend to all my needs but it was better than nothing. The people I’ve been working with here were quite mean, except for the manager, Mr. Owen, who was pretty kind. On the other hand, Dylan who was a middle-aged man was always yapping at me. “Sigh” I let out a sigh thinking what a waste of a man Dylan was, being handsome and masculine, but has a rotten attitude. Sure, he might be at least 28 years old but he was still quite the looker. “What’s taking so long!?” Dylan opened the door to the changing room. I froze, I was so caught up on overthinking that I didn’t notice how long I was taking. I had taken off my waitress outfit to put on my regular clothes. My face flustered, as I turned around quickly to cover my exposed chest. “W-What are you doing!! Close the door!” I yelled, cringing over how nervous I was. Dylan just stood by the door and stared at me, after a few seconds he shook his head like he just snapped out of something and resumed his annoyed rant. “What the hell are you taking so long for!! Hurry the fuck up!” He almost screamed at me while his hand was still placed on the door knob, having no motive to shut the door at all. “I would if you close the goddamn door!” at this point, I screamed back at him. The tone of my voice must have done the trick, as it caused Dylan to shut the door loudly. I turned my head back to the locker and started to change my clothes. I could feel my cheeks burning up with embarrassment. I was a virgin, and I have never been touched in any way before. Don’t get me wrong, I do get the idea of sex and all, I guess I was just too caught up in the act of working and keeping myself alive that I had no time to even think of it. Having finished all of my tasks, I bid bye to Dylan as quickly as I could. I couldn’t handle the tension from even looking at him right after he saw me changing earlier. I fixed my cardigan while walking away towards the door of the restaurant. I was still filled with anxiety even when I reached the street across the restaurant. It’s like I could feel Dylan’s stare shooting lasers at my back.

  I lied on my bed, staring at the ceiling of my room. I was thinking about what happened earlier. “Idiot!” I squealed to myself, hugging a pillow tightly while I roll on the mattress. I was squealing like the teenage girl that I am. I pictured myself in Dylan’s sight. I didn’t know what was with me, I should be upset that he saw me but I wasn’t upset at all. I was rather…Aching for the same damn thing to happen again. I arrived at work late, I was up all night, thinking about unusual things, such as Dylan’s body. “Good Morning,” Mr Owen greeted me by the door, which made me cringe. “H…Hello, Mr. Owen, good morning” I stammered, as he caught me off guard with his presence. “You’re late today,” he eyed me from head to toe. “Umm.. yes about that, I’m sorry.. I .. uhh.. I was caught up in traffic” I made up an excuse, when I was clearly up late and unfortunately the effect would be waking up late too. “Oh?” Mr. Owen gave an indefinite tone while giving me a smile. It seemed like it was too easy for him to see through my lie and torture me silently with the sarcastic look plastered on his face. “Well…Make sure you arrive early next time.” He said in a kind tone while placing his hand slowly on my waist. I flinched as he touched me, it was unusual for me to be touched by anyone, let alone being seen naked like yesterday with Dylan. “I…I’m sorry, you startled me Mr. Owen” I apologized, not meaning to be rude. I was sure that Mr. Owen didn’t mean to that with any malice at all, he seemed too nice to be ‘that’ kind of guy. “Please, call me Owen.” He gave me a wry smile while taking something out of his pocket slowly. “I couldn’t, possibly…” I shook my head while looking down slowly. “Why not? 28 isn’t too bad is it? I’m basically like an older brother.” Mr. Owen gave off a slight chuckle. He was exactly the same age as Dylan, quite the same body type too. “Ah, yes… Of course, umm Owen” I nodded at him. “Atta’ girl,” He placed his arm on my shoulder, this time I did not move away. “Just because I’m your boss, doesn’t mean that you should be awkward with me, let’s get friendly alright?” Mr. Owen patted my shoulder. Him, holding me was becoming more weird every second, like he didn’t have any plans of letting go. “Owen? Umm I should get to work…” I slowly took his arm off of me. “Oh, sure, sure! Sorry about that, here’s your weekly pay check by the way,” He handed me an envelope. I looked inside to see that it was full of cash, it was my weekly pay check but the amount was thrice the price that it was supposed to be. “Umm Owen, this is too much” I looked at him with a feeling of uncertainty. “Oh, take it, I love having you around here, just as I like having everyone else here.” He spoke in a generous manner. I looked at the money that was already in my hands, he did offer it, and it would be a shame to turn it down because I was really in need of money at the moment. “Thank you so much!” I almost jumped out of joy, while he nodded to me and proceeded to roam around the restaurant, leaving me to do my work. “Hey Shirley, good morning” I passed by Dylan who happened to greet me kindly, which was unusual because he was never really nice to me. “Umm…Hey,” I greeted him back as I headed for the locker room to change into my waitress outfit. ‘This day just keeps getting better and better,’ I thought to myself as I opened my locker and decided to put my stuff in it. I decided to also put the envelope in for the sake of safe keeping. “Clank”.. A sound came out of the envelope as I placed it down to the side of the locker, it seemed like there was something metallic inside it. I opened the envelope which was filled with cash and scanned it through, there was a key sandwiched in between the cash inside the envelope. “Huh?” I took out the key and examined it carefully. ‘What’s this?’ I thought to myself as I tried opening my locker with it which was pretty stupid because I knew it was too big to fit in judging from the size of it. “Order on table 7! Where are the rest of the people who serves here!?” I could hear Dylan going berserk again at the kitchen. “Geez, I better get out there” I changed into my work clothes and slipped the key inside my pocket, it was going to be one heck of a day again.

  “Each one of you hurry up! Some of us have lives outside this restaurant, let’s go, move it!” Dylan was pestering everyone in the restaurant. It was once again closing hours, and I found myself walking around the restaurant, looking for keyholes for the key that Owen slipped in my pay check’s envelope. “Owen…” I slowly whispered to myself as it slowly dawned on me. The key was from Owen so it must mean that it opens something from him which was in his office for that matter or something. “Idiot…” I smacked my head for realizing too late when I had the whole day to think about it. I slowly snuck in to Owen’s office,
the door was unlocked which I thought would have been locked because he wasn’t around the restaurant anymore. I looked around in his office, the place was pretty neat, like you could live there or something. I snapped out of my trance and lingered around like some sort of sneaky rat. “What the hell am I doing?” I sighed to myself, about to give up from looking for whatever it is that I’m looking for, but then I got a glance of this black safe under the book case behind his desk. I took out the key in my pocket and headed towards it slowly, I knelt down in front of it when I suddenly heard a shutter sound from a camera. I looked back and saw Dylan, I was shocked by the sight of him taking pictures of me that I couldn’t move. It was like I got caught red handed, even if I hadn’t even touched the safe yet. “You sly little girl, so this is where you have been lurking around” Dylan spoke coldly, looking at me with a grin. “I, I wasn’t doing anything!” I stood up in horror and protested at him. “Yeah, sure you haven’t” he was grinning while he slowly walked towards me, “but I guess, this proves that you’re lying?” Dylan held up the picture that he just took of me, waving it in front of me. “I, I was just looking to see, if this key belonged here!” I continued to protect myself from his accusation and showed him the key. “Oh my, how did you steal that?” he snatched the key away from me and put it in his pocket. “I didn’t steal it! Owen put it inside my pay check’s envelope today!” I was nearly shouting at him. “Oh sure, that’s a very believable story” He scoffed at me with sarcasm. “It doesn’t seem to me like Owen would want you to steal his stuff, time to call the police I guess” he slowly walked towards the phone at Owen’s desk and picked it up, while starting to dial numbers. “You can’t!...” I ran to his side and held his arm. “Please…” I pleaded with him. “Relax, it’s Owen, now go take a seat.”


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