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The Alpha Loves The Brat

Page 48

by Allysa Mkermo

  He was aware that he had used her and unfortunately the very next day he had been called away on business and had to stay away for almost three weeks. When he came back, Ross hadn’t known how to face Samantha again and had kept some distance to the point of avoiding her. That behavior wasn’t typical for him, but Ross was feeling a bit ashamed of taking advantage of Samantha, so when he saw her on the street, Ross turned away.

  Only one time their eyes met across the street and Ross felt a strange sadness filling his heart. This had been the first time for him to feel sorry for losing contact with a woman, so Ross dismissed the thought as something unreal and continued to listen to his friend. Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t keep his eyes away from Samantha’s calm and beautiful face and more often than not, he found himself looking at her.

  Their eyes didn’t meet again, but the rest of the day, Ross couldn’t think of anything else but her. “What is going on with me?” He thought when Samantha’s face appeared on the pages of the contract he was reading. “This has to stop,” he decided and thought that the only way that to happen would be to go and see the woman again.

  Chapter 3

  Samantha was walking into the woods that surrounded the small town, when a sudden noise on her right scared her a little, but then she saw Ross walking towards her with his hands full of branches.

  The man saw her when she was at only few meters from him, but didn’t show any surprise. Ross put the wood down and cleared his arms from the small pieces stuck on them. Samantha simply stood there, watching him and trying to convince her traitorous body that she should go away.

  Ross approached her slowly, his eyes never leaving hers, but once again saying nothing. Samantha watched the handsome man moving forward, getting closer to her step by step and stepped back. She didn’t, however, consider the area and shortly after that her back hit the nearby tree. Ross followed her and leaned in close, until their noses almost touched.

  “So, we met again?!” He whispered huskily and Samantha could feel her body thrumming with excitement, adrenaline pumping through her veins, her heart beating fast and unruly. This close, she could smell Ross’s expensive aftershave, mixed with the scent of sweat and nature. That was making her heady and dangerously high.

  She shook her head and defiantly stated, “What did you expect, we work at the same company and live in the same hotel…” Samantha then moved her hands to push the man away, but his hands gently pushed her back against the tree. Ross took both of her wrists and pinned them to her sides with his two strong hands. The man drew closer, his lips hovering just above Samantha’s soft pink ones.

  Without further warning, Ross leaned forward and claimed Samantha’s lips in a sweet kiss. There was a lot of finesse in that kiss, and Samantha was gently forced to open her own wide, so that Ross could explore her mouth. The man slowly pushed his thigh in between her legs and grinded it softly against her middle. Samantha gasped in shock at the bold move, giving him even better access to her mouth. Ross’s dove deeper, stroking every surface his eager tongue could reach and turning his head to the side, to reach even deeper.

  The shock and sudden desire made Samantha forget that she should be fighting to get free and she let the strong man manhandle her freely. When Ross felt her gave in, he let go of her hands and used his own to caress her body. His lips released hers bruised ones and moved to kiss her neck, which Samantha unconsciously tilted for him to have better access. She tried to say something at that point, but Samantha found out that she was already out of breath, just from being touched and kissed.

  The man stopped abruptly and Samantha felt disappointment filling her from inside. Ross, however, didn’t let go of her, but simply spoke into her wet and tender skin. “Do you want me to stop?”

  The question surprised both of them, but Ross wasn’t making the same mistake again. This time they knew who they were and there was going to be a lot more explanations to give after the fact. Samantha tried to get her breathing under control and spoke softly into his ear. “No…”

  Ross then looked up to her, his eyes wild and his lips curving into a slight grin. She expected him to say something, but he had other ideas. The man took her hand and tugged her towards a fallen tree, hidden well behind some rocks.

  Before Samantha could find her voice and ask what he was doing, Ross opened the zipper of her jeans and tugged the material down her long and slender legs.

  In no time at all she was seated in Ross’s lab, thankful that the long hems of her shirt covered her naked thighs. Ross claimed her lips in another heated kiss, while running his hand over her body. She could feel them roaming over her back and descending lower to her backside. The kiss was sucking the oxygen out of her lungs, leaving her lightheaded and disoriented. It was too much and too little, all at once.

  Samantha kissed him back with all the anger and passion of the last two days, telling him through her lips all the things she didn’t have the courage to say before. Ross answered her by touching her breast and moving his lips to kiss her cheeks and neck. His hands lifted her a little and removed the last piece of cloth that was protecting her most private place.

  She could feel how hard he was under her, as he had seated Samantha with her legs hanging on one side. She moved slightly, as if adjusting her position and heard him moan into her skin. With trembling hands, Samantha unlatched his belt and opened one by one the buttons of his jeans. The man gave her the necessary space and watched through half closed eyes her moves. When Samantha hesitated, Ross removed her hands and finished the work himself, tugging at the jeans and at the boxers under them.

  His erection sprung free from restriction and Ross gently lifted her body with both of his hands. He slighted in easily and Samantha cried in ecstasy at that feeling of him inside her. She knew what was going to happen, but still, when Ross penetrated her, it came as a surprise for her.

  They kissed again, this time with more passion than before. Samantha was clinging to him as if her life depended on him and Ross was gently lifting her body and lowering it down. Their rhythm wasn’t perfect, but it was all they needed at the moment. In these woods they were just two people fallen victims to their primal desires. All the previous problems, fears, questions were forgotten. All that mattered was their passion and the pleasure that came with it.

  Samantha shivered when his hand touched the heated skin under her shirt. She turned her head to the side and kissed the bulging muscles of his arm. The man was doing all the work, making her feeling precious and used all at once. Samantha kissed his shoulder and gradually moved up to his ear. She dipped the tip of her tongue inside, licking and biting the tender flesh there, until Ross was shaking with desire.

  Ross increased the rhythm of his strokes, providing just the right amount of friction and bringing Samantha close to the end. She was quickly losing herself in ecstasy, moaning louder for more and holding hard onto him. Ross smiled at her enthusiasm and buried himself deep inside her. Samantha’s mouth opened in a voiceless scream, her neck arching back in a beautiful bow.

  The position wasn’t permitting them to hold onto each other the way they wanted to, and with a frustrated growl, Ross embraced her with both of his hands, moving his lower body from side to side. The new sensations made Samantha pull his head back down with a firm grip on his hair, tilting his head to the side, so that she could kiss him breathless. The kiss silenced Ross’s moans and Samantha’s whimpers.

  She, however, could tell that he was close by the way the man was trembling and holding onto her. The waves of pleasure hit her by surprise, just when Ross went all rigid under her and filled her with his seed. The man leaned forward, resting his forehead against Samantha’s left shoulder, as she leaned heavily against his chest. They were both too lost in their own pleasure to speak.

  With time their harsh pants settled to even breaths and Ross once again lifted her body, sliding out of her. In silence, they cleaned up as much as possible with the few napkins Samantha had in her backpack and dr
essed quickly. Samantha tried to stay with her back turned to him, fighting the urge to run as fast as possible. Now that her passion has been satisfied, she was able to think again and the fear returned.

  Ross watched her, thinking pretty much the same things she was. What happened to his decision to stay away from her? What happens now? How could he possibly have been so stupid?

  But then Samantha turned and he saw the fear in her eyes.

  Ross took the distance between them in two quick steps and with hands on her shoulders kept her in place. He then leaned forwards, kissing Samantha nice and slow, his body telling her all the unsaid things between them. When he pulled back, Samantha’s eyes were closed and his were filled with promises, he wasn’t ready to make. Ross put a final kiss on the side of her mouth and smiled sadly at the question in her eyes.

  “I think we have established that it would be difficult to keep away from each other.”

  “This has to end…” Samantha replied and ran in the direction of the clearing.

  Chapter 4

  Ross watched her ran away from him and thought that he should be doing the same. He had made the same mistake twice in the matter of few weeks and should be very angry with himself. But, surprisingly, he felt relaxed and filled with expectations. Samantha was different from the women he had known so far and Ross wanted to get to know her better. His feelings towards her were also different and new to him.

  This passion between them was obviously scaring her, but to him it was bringing a lot of excitement in his life. The young man liked the hunt and Samantha was presenting him with a wonderful opportunity. He could clearly see that she felt the same about him, but was also determined not to let herself go so easily. Stupid woman, a little fun, wasn’t a bad thing, after all!

  He returned to the place they met about an hour ago and collected the branches from the ground. Looking up at the sun, Ross traced back his steps and appeared in the clearing from the opposite side.

  The next day, Ross went to visit the company, where Samantha was working. He had come up with a good reason to be there, so that no one could get suspicious. First, he spoke to the head manager and then exited his office and saw Samantha in the hallway.

  Ross stood there and watched the beautiful woman disappear behind one of the office doors. Seeing her had proven right his suspicions and he had to slightly adjust his pants, in order to relive some of the tension. She looked more beautiful than ever in her red pants and white shirt, with her hair styled in a bun. Samantha’s face was fresh and free from the heavy makeup most of the women wore these days. Only her lips shone with some lip gloss, making them even more desirable.

  “Ross?” the secretary called for him and Ross turned toward the office. There was work to be done and, anyway, Samantha was easy to find.

  Around 11 am, Ross did his usual round in the art department, examining the progress of the different projects and giving some helpful suggestions. When he approached Samantha’s office, Ross took a few calming breaths and opened the door without knocking. Samantha was sharing the room with another woman, also an artist and that would make it easier for him to act nonchalant. When he entered the room, he saw that the manager was also in here, giving some advice and examining their work.

  “Welcome back, Ross,” the manager greeted him and the two other women joined him with a shy Hi.

  “Thank you,” he smiled and walked near the working table in the middle of the room. Multiple designs and drawings were scattered on it and Sarah started immediately explaining about the project and its progress.

  Ross, on the other hand, asked a few more questions and expressed his desire to see something more by the end of the working day. He could see how talented Samantha was, just from the few drawings on the table. Her work showed character and talent, as well as a vivid imagination and desire to explore new territories.

  He took an unfinished piece and after looking at it for a few moments, approached her desk. The manager had already left the room and Sarah, was working with her back turned on them. The employees were used to those daily visits and knew that he expected them to continue to work even when he was in the room.

  “Why didn’t you finish this one?” Ross asked Samantha, placing the drawing on her desk.

  “Sarah said that it was too daring and that the client was going to like it,” she answered him, but avoided his eyes.

  “I like it and would like even more to see it finished. Work on it today and bring it to my office when it is finished, please.” Now she looked at him, her eyes big and full of questions.

  Ross looked behind his back at the other girl and turned back towards Samantha. Quickly, he bent down and pressed his lips to hers, lingering there for a few moments and rising back to adjust his tie.

  “Good work!” He said to no one in particular, while leaving the room.

  It took Samantha almost ten minutes to recuperate after the kiss. Thankfully, Sarah didn’t look her way during that time, giving her some kind of privacy. The kiss was unexpected and it went against all the decisions she had made. My God, he was the one scared of their romance in the first place, right. What the hell was he doing now?

  She expected a lot of things from him, but nothing like this. There was a moment when she thought that Ross would simply forget her, or even fire her. But this, this was unexpected. He was acting as if they were secret lovers, trying to steal a few touches and kisses during the work hours.

  Oh, the man was affecting her. She couldn’t deny that, but there were too many reasons for her not to let this happen. What if someone had seen them? What if it comes to the knowledge of the other partners? And even worse, what if her new friends and coworkers find out she was having an affair with a client?

  She needed to speak with him and clear things up. No matter what his intentions were, she wasn’t ready for anything serious and especially with someone like him.

  Now, she needed to finish the project and then go to his office with it. There she would demand an explanation and put an end to it all. That was what she knew she should do, but her heart was saying different things, it was telling her to let herself be loved.


  Chapter 1

  I was excited to show off my young, fit body at the track competition on Saturday. I had been working hard for over a year to get in tip top shape; I wasn’t about to let my new school down. As a freshman in college, I had a lot to prove to myself and others. I was proud of my thin legs, my round butt, my toned arms, and my perky breasts. Honestly, I had the perfect strapping body.

  But before I could safely enter in the competition, I had to get a physical exam. It was a yearly procedure, and I wasn’t worried about it at all. I knew I would pass with flying colors - I had done everything in my power to stay healthy, eat right, and exercise heavily. There were no flaws in my young adult body.

  My best friend from high school had attended another college, which just so happened to be my school’s rival. We had planned a friendly challenge between ourselves as well, to see who could become the most fit this year. I was determined to win it all; I hadn't won anything before so this would be a new and exciting challenge.

  When I arrived at the doctor’s office, I was shown to a small private room. I sat on the freshly-papered seat, waiting to meet my doctor. There was a mirror in front of me; I admired my own breasts as I touched them. They looked so good under my sports bra. I pushed them up, squished them together, and then let them bounce back down. It was fun being a college girl; it seemed like everyone wanted a piece of me. However, I tried my hardest to be a good girl, focusing only on the track run and getting fit instead of entering the dating game. When I win the championship, though, everything will change. I licked my lips as I thought of all the jocks and athletes that would want to get with me. I would have all the boys at my fingertips; I loved being in shape.

  I was so absorbed with my reflection that it took me several long moments to realize that the room was actually qui
te bare. As I looked around, I noticed that there were no medical supplies or tools. A box of latex gloves lay on the counter next to the sink, and that was it. The blood pressure machine was disconnected from the wall, and there wasn't a stethoscope in sight.

  There was a knock at the door. "May I come in, Sam?" It was a male voice. I hadn't expected a male doctor to be performing my physical, but the thought of him looking at my naked body turned me on. I was trying so hard to save myself for after the competition, but it would be nice to have some eye candy while I waited.

  "Yes", I said excitedly.

  Not one, but two male doctors entered the room. The first man was taller, with broad shoulders and wiry black hair. Streaks of gray lined his sideburns, and his face creased with the wrinkle of a laugh line. He had a twinkle in his eyes as he looked at me, extending his hand to meet mine. I took it, and he shook my hand with authority.

  "Hi Sam, I'm Doctor Abelli and this is my colleague, Doctor Zachary."

  I smiled at both of them. "Nice to meet you."

  Doctor Zachary looked down at me with dark eyes. He was slightly shorter than Doctor Abelli, but seemed to be around the same age. His hair was graying, his nose was wrinkled, and he sported a small pair of glasses. He regarded me, but not in a kind way. He looked very analytical and calculating as he scanned my body.

  Doctor Abelli was much nicer. "What are you needing a physical for today, sweetie?" Dimples formed in his cheeks when he smiled warmly at me.


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