Make Me Yours

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Make Me Yours Page 7

by Charity Ferrell

  Room service buzzes at the same time I hit send on my message. Hudson gets up to let them in, and the sweet aroma of pastries and pancakes makes my stomach growl.

  “Damn, this shit is amazing,” Hudson says after taking a huge bite. “I’ve missed food like this.”

  I nod in agreement but haven’t touched my plate yet. Something is bothering me, and I’m trying to stop myself from wanting to know the answer. “How long has it been since you’ve been with a woman?” I ask. Hudson nearly chokes on his orange juice.

  “A little over nine months,” he finally says when he regains his composure. He doesn’t even hesitate in his answer. Any other guy I know would’ve lied about it.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “You didn’t screw someone the minute you got home?”

  He shakes his head and takes another gulp of juice. “I was more interested in seeing my family over getting my dick wet. Not to mention, had I screwed anyone, it would’ve been all over town, given my situation with Cameron.”

  “Wow, I thought my drought was sad.”

  “It’s not a drought, Princess. It’s lack of opportunity.” I roll my eyes at his bullshit answer. My legs were open full with open opportunity last night. “What are you going on?”

  “Two months,” I admit.

  He grins, shaking his head. “Amateur.”

  Lord, give me courage for what I’m about to say and help a girl out here if you can. “Can I ask you something and you promise to take me seriously?”

  He tilts his head to the side, his eyebrows scrunching together. “Sure.”

  “I know only thirty minutes ago you made that big speech about wanting to keep our relationship professional …”

  “I did,” he drawls.

  “But what’s throwing in a little sex going to hurt?” I sound like a horny teenage boy who’s the only one in gym class who hasn’t had his cock sucked.

  His voice deepens. “It’ll cause battle wounds.”

  Battle wounds? “Why can’t we just have some fun? Haven’t you ever had a one-night stand?”

  His eyes close in on me. “I’ve only been with one woman.”

  I nearly drop my cup. He just continues to shock me. What do they feed these guys in Iowa? “You’re lying.”

  He shakes his head. “I started dating Cameron in middle school and was with her ever since. She belonged to me. She was mine. I’m a protective guy, and I’m not sure I have the strength to separate commitment and sex. I don’t know if I can touch you one minute and then watch you suck face with Eli the next. I’m not sure how I’ll react, and you probably don’t want your bodyguard attacking your fake boyfriend.”

  “You don’t want to try?”

  “Dump the phony boyfriend and maybe I’ll broaden my horizons.”

  With that, he stands up, grabs his mug, and leaves the room.

  “This shit fucking blows,” Eli says, plopping down in the seat next to me.

  I just boarded the plane for us to go to our next premiere location in London. Hudson has stayed silent since our conversation over breakfast and didn’t even mutter a word to me during the ride to the airport.

  “What blows?” I ask, looking over at him. It’s almost noon and he’s still in his pajamas. We don’t know each other that well, which is weird considering I’ve made out with him on screen and people think we’re screwing off screen. He reminds me too much of my ex. He’s nice but also a playboy who’s all about showing off, buying expensive shit, and crossing off every model who walks the Victoria’s Secret runway from his screw list. He’s newly famous – only been successful in the business a few years.

  My life has been nothing but chaos since I agreed to take this role and the responsibility of being a fake girlfriend on. We’ve both received backlash from not only our fans but also from our mutual friends as well. Since Eli had been friends with Knox and his crowd, they weren’t happy when word got out that he was dating me, which is ridiculous for them to be so invested in my relationships, considering Knox doesn’t care who I’m screwing or what I’m doing.

  “Fake dating you,” he answers, stretching out his arms. “It’s putting a damper on my sex life.”

  “Gee thanks,” I fire back, rolling my eyes. “It’s been the time of my life.”

  He chuckles. “It’s not you. It’s me.”

  I place my hand over my heart. “Tragic. I’m so heartbroken. Now tell Tillie about our separation. Trust me when I say I’m as ready to get out of this deal as you are.”

  This isn’t a situation I thought I’d ever be in. Maybe Hudson is right. Maybe I am like a semi-hooker … a halfway hoe.

  He smirks. “Or we can try a different route?”

  “We kill Tillie?”

  “I’m too pretty for prison, sweetheart.” He gives me a confident grin. “How about the two of us actually date?”

  I smack him upside the head. “Not happening. Everyone knows your dating record is worse than Charlie Sheen’s.”

  He rubs his head. “Whoa … a little overboard there. I’m not talking about us for real dating.”

  What? “Really? That’s what it sounded like you propositioned.”

  “Consider it more as colleagues with benefits.”

  I cringe. “You’ve lost your damn mind.”

  “But have I? Think about it. Neither one of us is getting laid. Why not take advantage of the crappy situation we’re in? I swear, I’ve had blue balls for three months.”

  I don’t believe he hasn’t had sex in three months. “Not happening.” I’ve already had one Hollywood bad boy break my heart. I’m not about to put myself at risk again.

  “Why not? Everyone already thinks we’re screwing, might as well make the best of it.”

  I fold my hands in my lap. “How about this. You can have fun with other people as long as it’s behind closed doors. Don’t make me look like an idiot getting cheated on. As long as you keep it on the down low, I don’t care.” If he gets busted, it could get me out of this nightmare of a contract, so it might not be too terrible.

  He snorts. “And risk a picture getting leaked or someone selling the story? I won’t put my career on the line for a one-night fling. Tillie would probably have me swimming with the fishes with a brick tied to my ankle.”

  I laugh in agreement. “Be careful, and I won’t tell if you don’t.”

  He raises a brow. “So is that what you’re doing? Sneaking around behind closed doors?”

  “Uh no.”

  “You sure about that?”

  I tilt my chin up. “What are you trying to insinuate?”

  “I’m insinuating that maybe if I were your beefy, scary bodyguard you’d be more open to accepting my offer.”

  Oh shit on a broomstick. Am I that obvious? “You’re mistaken.”

  He throws his head back, laughing. “Oh come on, you’ve been giving him bedroom eyes all morning while he looks like he’s undressing you in his mind. Try to deny it all you want, but something is going on between you two.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “If not yet, it will. Panties will be dropping soon. There’s too much sexual tension. All I’m asking is that you make sure there are no cameras around.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” At least I’m not the only one noticing it.

  “I know exactly what I’m talking about. If you do decide to fuck him, you better keep it on the down low. I won’t be humiliated like that.” He scowls at me. “I’ve kept my dick in my pants and held up my part of the deal. You better do the same.”

  He gets up to leave, but I stop him before he walks in front of me and out to the aisle. “I can’t,” I say. He looks down at me in confusion. “I can’t keep my dick in my pants, considering I don’t have one.”

  “Fucking attitude,” he grumbles. “I’ll clarify, keep dicks out of you.”

  I squint my eyes. “Only dicks?”

  “Jesus Christ, what else do you put inside of yourself?” I shrug. Messing with him is
fun. “Maybe you’re not as big as a prude as I thought.”

  “What the hell!” He hunches over when I shove my elbow into his stomach. “You thought I was a prude?”

  He rubs his belly. “Of course, I did. You never seemed interested in fucking me.”

  I grimace. “You’re insane. Just because I don’t want to sleep with you doesn’t mean I’m a prude.”

  “I’m beginning to see that, violent one.” He pats me on the head. “My offer still stands. Let me know if you change your mind.”

  I let out a long sigh. The only way Hudson would ever touch me is if I ditch the deal with Eli.

  Is a fling with him worth my career?

  Chapter Twelve


  “Hey! You! Bodyguard guy!”

  I turn around to see the hag from last night marching my way before I get the chance to climb the steps into the plane. I stayed in the car and finished my conversation with Dallas while Eli and Stella left to board. I talked to Willow next and let her know I’ll help out as much as I can. I’ve gone from soldier to bodyguard to getting instructions on how to book manicures.

  “Yeah?” I ask after contemplating whether or not to answer her.

  Tillie is a woman who’s trying too hard to fit into a particular mold. She wants everyone around her to know she has money and diamonds and fancy clothes. She puts her hands on her hips and narrows her bird-like eyes my way.

  Her posture is strong as she stops in front of me and starts tapping her heel against the ground, looking like she’s about to have a conversation with a child.

  “I’d like to give you some words of advice,” she says, around a snarl. “You seem confused on how this industry works and the respect you need to give in order to keep your job.”

  Keeping a job around here is the last thing on my priority list. This Hollywood shit isn’t anywhere on my radar.

  I flash her a cold smile. “I don’t need any of your so-called advice. I’m not trying to make a mark in this industry. Appreciate your concern, though.”

  She runs her hands down her skirt, clearly telling me she’s not backing down. “How about this then? Let me give you some tips on how to stay on my good side.”

  I smirk. “I don’t take orders. I also don’t give a shit about being on your good side.”

  Her face pinches up. She’s used to barking demands and having people bow down to her. She’s going to make it her mission to convince Stella to fire me. “You should be.”

  I move in, not close enough to be intimidating, but far enough to let her know I’m not the one to fuck with. “Being on your bad side is at the bottom of my give a shit list.” Her eyes widen. “And while we’re sharing wisdom, I have a tip for you.”

  She clears her throat. “What’s that?”

  “Get laid and stop making everyone’s lives miserable.” I point my thumb to the plane. “You denied a woman to go see her best friend whose boyfriend is in the ICU. Have some compassion. Grow a heart. Be a fucking human being.”

  She looks me up and down, disgust on her face. “Sorry, but I don’t take advice from nobodies.”

  “Newsflash, you’re also a nobody. You bully people and make sure contracts are fulfilled, but you’re not the star.” I grin. “Welcome to the club. Now I believe we have a plane to catch.”

  I turn around without another word and board the plane. I walk down the aisle and see Josh and Eli deep in conversation in the section in front of Stella. I keep going and take the seat next to her. She looks over at me in surprise. I didn’t talk to her on the ride over because Josh and Eli were in the SUV with us.

  I stretch my legs out in front of me. “How many more of these things do we have to do?” There are only so many premieres you can have before it ends up being old news, right? I thought a premiere meant the first showing, but what do I know about show biz?

  “Only one more to go,” she answers. “In Canada.” She moves her neck from side to side, like it’s sore. “I’m happy they didn’t schedule a bunch of these things. They probably knew we wouldn’t be that great at acting like a couple.”

  I lower my voice and tilt my head towards the row in front of us. “So what’s the plan with lover boy? How long do you have to participate in this dating scheme?” The conversation I had with her this morning is haunting me. I know I shouldn’t be asking her this. I don’t want to feel this pull for her, but I’m struggling to bring myself back.

  She rolls her eyes. “And here I thought we were done talking about it.”

  I hold up my hands. “I swear I’m not trying to be a dick.”

  She snorts. “That’s a first.”

  “It’s a valid question for someone who’s involved.”

  “We have to attend all interviews and award shows together. There’s a set date in the contract. I think we have eight months left.”

  “What if you decide you want out?”

  “It’ll be considered a breach of contract, and they’ll sue me for more money than I made off the movie. Bitchhead Tillie will then do everything in her power to destroy my career and reputation.”

  “Sounds like you signed a deal with the devil.”

  She shrugs. “It won’t be that bad when we get back in LA. Eli is working on a few projects out of town, so we won’t have to fake it all of the time. My show is over, so instead of filming, I’ll be going on auditions and looking at new scripts. My life will be boring.”

  I nudge my foot against hers. “Hey, I like to think I’m a good time.”

  “Wrong. I tried to get you to be a good time, and you declined.”

  I bump my knee against hers next. “Fucking isn’t the only way to have fun.”

  “Prove it then,” she mutters.

  Her challenging me only heightens my attraction, and I’m never one to back away from a challenge.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I wasn’t one of those children who sat in front of the TV and dreamed of being a movie star. When teachers asked me what I wanted to be when I got older, it was never to be famous. Show business was more of my mother’s dream that she never achieved, so she decided to live through me vicariously.

  I hated doing commercial after commercial for popular toys and restaurants. I’ve even been in one advertising toilet paper. I wanted to be at the playground or having sleepovers with friends, not attending every casting call in Los Angeles looking for someone my age. That changed at fifteen when I landed my first major role on the pilot of a new show.

  I loved my character, my cast mates, and the production crew. My mom didn’t have to drag me out of bed and force me to go to work every day. It became my passion and what made me realize that maybe this is what I wanted to do with my life.

  Unfortunately, we wrapped up our last season of the show a few months ago. There’s only so much time that can pass before the kids start getting too old to live with their parents and storylines start to run out. I ended the season finding the man of my dreams who also happened to be the head of the witching department at a prestigious law firm.

  Too bad my life is the complete opposite.

  Maybe that’s why I liked it so much.

  The cancellation has me looking for the next role to fall in love with. I thought Sadie, the role I played in the movie with Eli, was it when I read the script, but it wasn’t. I can see it now as I’m sitting in the theater watching it for the fifteenth time. My heart wasn’t in it.

  I rub my face, certain I’m going to have a migraine from whiffing Eli’s expensive cologne all night. I subtly look back at Hudson in the row behind us. For some reason, I wish I could replace Eli with him – that he was the one next to me. I also wish I didn’t want that.

  Under no circumstances can I fall for my bodyguard.

  That’s so cliché.

  So Heidi Klum after she divorced Seal and the media went crazy over it.

  I don’t know of one celebrity–bodyguard relationship that’s ever worked out.

did Hudson have to slide into that open position? He’s kind. He’s loyal. Qualities you don’t find much in men who are as attractive as he is. Or maybe that’s only in Hollywood. I should broaden my horizons.

  Tillie will kill me. Eli will kill me. Dallas will probably kill me when things don’t work out between us. I also don’t see Hudson taking this job long term or staying in California. I can’t give up my career and move to Cornfield Timbuktu.

  I pinch myself, hoping it’ll make me think more clearly. I’m over here daydreaming about moving to Hudson’s hometown, even though he’s made it clear he wants nothing to do with me. Willow might be right. Lack of dick will start to make you delusional. When I get home, I’m dragging out my vibrator. That will compensate enough, right? I mean, sure it’s not as fun as a hard body above you, and a vibrator can’t eat your pussy, but hey, a girl’s gotta settle for something.


  I can be persuasive.

  My mind is toggling back and forth like two open internet tabs.

  I want Hudson.

  That’s for sure.

  But I shouldn’t want him.

  I can’t want him.

  I look up at the sound of applause, realizing I’ve zoned out the entire movie.

  “Are we flying back to LA in the morning?” Hudson asks when we make it back into the suite from the after-party. It’s late, and I can’t wait to take off my makeup and throw my ass into bed. You’d think someone my age would be excited to party until the early morning, but I’m over it, especially since I have to act like I’m obsessed with Eli the entire time.

  Talk about a total buzzkill.

  The buzzkill could’ve also been Hudson giving us the death stare the entire time we were playing boyfriend and girlfriend.

  “We are,” I answer. “And then we’re taking a connecting flight to see Willow.” Willow lives about ten hours north of LA.


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