Make Me Yours

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Make Me Yours Page 23

by Charity Ferrell

  I shiver when his hand sweeps down my thigh, sliding in-between my legs. “How about I make you orgasm that hangover out of you and then let you suck my cock until you feel rehydrated?”

  “Sounds like the perfect remedy.”

  Chapter Forty


  Six Months Later

  “I have a surprise for you,” I sing out, swinging my hips in the kitchen while making a cup of coffee.

  I shiver when Hudson comes up behind me to sweep his arms around my hips and brushes his soft lips along my neck. “Oh really?” he chuckles into my ear. “How about you give me a clue?”

  I twist around in his hold and circle my arms around his neck before kissing him. “Nu-uh, that would ruin everything I have planned.”

  He plants his lips back against mine, taking the opportunity to slide his tongue in-between them. He tastes like fresh mint. “I’ll work for it.”

  “Gross! Chill out, tonsil scrubbers,” Willow screeches. I glance over Hudson’s shoulder to find her pulling out a chair at the kitchen table and sitting down. “Be considerate of those who aren’t exactly love’s biggest fans at the moment.” She narrows her green eyes and gestures between Hudson and I. “This kind of cheesy behavior will not only ruin my breakfast, but it will also wreck your argument on convincing me to move to this godforsaken town that consists of a total of five miles.”

  Her mouth drops open when I start slicing my finger across my neck in warning repeatedly until Hudson looks down at me in confusion. I straighten my stance and shrug, trying my best to appear clueless.

  He pulls away. “You’re considering moving here … permanently?” I can see the excitement dancing in his eyes.

  I’m also giving Willow the dirtiest look I can manage.

  “Not permanently,” she rushes out, answering for me while trying to save both of our asses. “Don’t get your balls all up in a bunch, country boy. That came out all wrong. What I meant is that she’s trying to get me to stay here when she is.”

  I love California. It’s been the place I called home since I was in diapers, but these six months I’ve spent in Bluebeech have been a breath of fresh air. I’ve never felt so free.

  After the award show and Hudson surprising me, we spent the next two days in New York and then got on a plane headed straight to Iowa. The first few weeks were hectic. The paparazzi was still stalking me but eventually gave up when they figured out I wasn’t giving them anything regarding Eli-Cheat-Gate. They moved onto searching for the next celebrity scandal.

  Willow went back to LA, packed some of my things, and mailed them to Hudson’s rental. She’s been staying in California since I haven’t needed her for anything, but I will now, so persuading her to make this her new home is my goal while she’s visiting us this weekend. She’s not into the idea yet, but I’m going to make her fall in love with this place like I did.

  Hudson chuckles and kisses me on the cheek before grabbing his travel mug. “Don’t keep me clueless for too long.” He winks and signals between Willow and me. “I’m headed to work. You two maniacs stay out of trouble and let me know if you need anything.” He and Dallas are working for their dad’s company and trying to expand the business. They’ve been going to auctions buying farm equipment, fixing them up, and then selling them to local farmers.

  Willow salutes him. “Aye, aye, captain.”

  He gives me another cheek kiss and leaves while a cheesy smile spreads across my face.

  “Have I told you how much I like that dude?” Willow asks. “Who would’ve thought once you pulled that stick out of his ass he would be hilarious and fun?”

  “It’s the environment,” I say, grinning wildly. “Everything is more exciting in Bluebeech.”

  Her eyes sharpen my way. “Don’t even try it. I told you I’d give you this weekend for your whole surprise party thing and then I’m back to the city where I can get takeout sushi on every corner.”

  “I can’t believe you pulled this off without me finding out,” Hudson says as he looks around Magnolia’s.

  The bakery is packed with a mixture of people from Bluebeech and out-of-towners because I decided it was the perfect place to throw my party. I haven’t seen some of these people in nearly a year, and I’m sure most of them are going to break my kneecaps when they realize they’re going to be surrounded by baked goods all night. Carbs. Sugar. Butter. All of the things I’d once tried my best to steer clear of are now something I treat myself to at least once a week.

  “It’s been hard,” I reply. “But so worth it.”

  “You ready to spill the beans?”

  I jump up and down in excitement. “Let me introduce you to someone first.” I snag his hand and lead him over to an older man wearing a polo and dark jeans.

  “This is Max,” I introduce. “He was the Executive Producer for my old show.”

  Hudson shakes his hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  I take a deep breath. Here goes. “I didn’t say anything in case I was just getting my hopes up, but I pitched an idea to him about filming a show here in Bluebeech a few months ago.”

  “You’re shitting me?” Hudson bursts out. He points to Max when I shake my head. “And you … you took it?”

  “Sure did,” Max replies.

  I jump again, adding a squeal this time. It’s been hell holding onto this information for the past month. When something good happens, the first person you want to share it with is the one you love. “They not only took it. They love it,” I yell. “I’ll be playing an actress who moves to a small town when her career fails after a publicity crisis.”

  He runs his hands through his hair, every trace of excitement vanishing from his face. “Jesus, let’s hope it’s not based on a true story.”

  Max chuckles. “I can promise you it’s not.” He tilts his head my way. “I’ve known Stella for years. Talent like hers can never fail.” Max then goes into the details. We’ve already found the perfect location to film an hour outside of town, and we’re estimated to begin in the next six months. I’ve never been so thrilled about a project.

  “You don’t feel that way, do you?” Hudson asks when Max leaves to talk to one of the writers. “That you’re becoming a failed actress? I don’t want you to stay here if it’s not what you want. I know you loved to act, and I don’t want to hold you back from that.”

  “Absolutely not,” I affirm. “It’s loosely based on my life with the experiences of this change and that it’ll end up being better for me. I’ll learn that there’s more to love in a small town than I imagined. I never thought I’d feel this way about a place like this and the people here. My dream is to act and be happy. I’ll have both of those here.” I take his hand and squeeze it. “I swear to you. This is what I want.”

  And that’s the truth. Once word got out that I wasn’t having an affair with Hudson, Bluebeech greeted me with open arms. They see me as me now. Not the celebrity. They don’t snap pictures of me when I’m shoving a cupcake down my throat, or when Hudson slips me a kiss in the town circle after a parade. There hasn’t been a photo of us leaked in four months.

  He steps in closer, lowering his voice. “So we’re going to do this, huh? Settle here and make a life?”

  I grin. “Damn straight we’re doing this.”

  He clasps his hands onto my cheeks and brushes his lips against mine. “I’m not sure what I did to deserve someone who keeps making me the luckiest man alive. I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  “Where are we going?” I ask when I notice Hudson doesn’t turn down our street on the way home from Magnolias’.

  We came. We conquered cupcakes. Then the bakery slowly started to clear out as people left to crash into their sugar-induced comas.

  Hudson looks over at me, his hands on the steering wheel. “You thought you were the only one who could keep a surprise?”

  “Sneaky ass,” I mutter. I rub the back of my neck while trying to think of what this surprise could be.
  Is he proposing?

  Holy shit, is he going to propose?

  I’m sitting there, playing with my hands in my lap, as my nerves go batshit crazy. Surprises aren’t as fun when you’re not the one keeping them.

  I crank my head to the right when he turns down his parent’s street and up a dirt drive. He jumps out of the cab and circles the truck to open my door. He grabs my hand, snags a flashlight from the bed, and walks us into the middle of the field.

  I take a look around. “I’m a little confused here,” I say.

  He chuckles. “I’ve been talking to my parents. They have so much land here, more than they know what to do with, so I offered to take some off their hands.” He drops my hand and turns in a circle. “What do you think about building Casa Barnes-Lopez here?” I’m staring at him, bug-eyed and silent. He scratches his cheek. “If it’s not something you want, tell me. It’s not set in stone yet.”

  I jump up into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist. He holds me up as I stare down at him with a smile. “So we’re really going to do this, huh? Settle here and make a life?”

  He chuckles. “You had me terrified for a second.”

  I brush my lips against his. “I enjoy watching you squirm.” I run my hands down his chest as I slide back down to my feet. “Casa Barnes-Lopez sounds perfect.”

  “Now how about I take you to Rental Barnes-Lopez and show you how much that excites me?”

  “I like the way you think, but first we need to find Willow.”

  “Ah yes, Lauren texted me and said she took her under her wing tonight. The Down Home Pub is having a live band, and when I told Lauren about your new show, she decided to sign up for the Operation Get Willow to Move Here Team. She’s going to drop Willow off later tonight. They thought we needed some solo-celebrating time.”

  “I love friends that care about their friend’s sex lives,” I laugh. “Now take me home before our company gets back.”

  Chapter Forty-One


  I can declare last night as being one of the best of my life.

  I want to replay it over and over again.

  Hudson’s eyes flutter open when I lift myself up and straddle his waist in bed. I shiver, the chilly air hitting my back after leaving the warmth of our sheets, but I have a feeling he’ll be warming me back up.

  His promise to show his excitement for all the progressive steps we took last night continued well into the morning. The scent of sex wavers through the room, reminding me of all of the dirty things we did to each other last night. I’m running on only a few hours of sleep, but I’ll never be too exhausted for him.

  A low groan escapes his throat when he clasps his hands onto my waist, his fingers biting into my bare hips. “Damn baby, good morning to you too,” he growls out, rocking his hips up so I can see just how good my surprise is.

  I moan at the friction of his erection rubbing in almost the right spot. His hand climbs forward to cup my breast, and I throw my head back when he uses a single finger to tease my sensitive nipple.

  I’m wide-awake now. I torture him back by grinding my hips and sliding his cock in-between my thighs. “Our sex was so good last night, so I thought we’d celebrate that by having more sex this morning,” I breathe out. His hand slides down my waist straight to my clit, and that’s the next place he teases me. I raise up to grab his thick erection and slowly sink down on it.

  We both gasp.

  Sex with Hudson seems to always get better.

  The whole it gets boring with time theory has yet to be proven in our bedroom.

  “That’s it, ride that cock,” he mutters, his eyes shutting.

  I shift my hips, rolling them in a circle so I can feel every inch of him.

  Then it happens.

  His head flies up at the sound of the doorbell ringing.

  And ringing. And ringing.

  Then there’s a bang on the door.

  My phone starts to ring. His phone starts to ring.

  “Ignore it,” I plead, dropping down to rest my hands on his chest and not stopping.

  He groans when I rotate my hips, moving them in a circle, and I think he’s going to listen to me … but he doesn’t. He grips my waist and stops me. “You riding my cock is the last thing I want to interrupt, but they’re blowing our shit up,” he says. He starts to get up after I slowly climb off him with a murderous look on my face. “You stay here, and I’ll get it.”

  I stop him before he makes it out of bed and point to his lap. “You have an erection the size of the Eifel Tower. I better get this.”

  He looks down at his cock that’s coated with my juices. “Fuck, I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  I pull on my robe and head downstairs, cursing the air and the person I’m about to come face to face with. Willow rushes in barefoot with her heels in her hand when I throw the front door open. Her hair looks like a rat’s nest, her dress is wrinkled, and her makeup looks like she got caught in the sprinkler.

  “What the hell?” I mutter. “Where have you been?”

  Last night was a blur to me – thanks to all of the celebration alcohol we drank after getting home and the mind-blowing sex that followed it. I gave Willow a key, so I figured she slipped in quietly and went to bed after leaving the bar with Lauren.

  “You look like hell,” I go on. Way to bring a girl down, Stella.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she cries out. “All that matters is that I need to leave right fucking now. Can you take me to the airport?”

  I follow her as she dashes up the stairs to the guest bedroom. She drags her suitcase out from the closet and starts throwing all of her shit inside. “Or I can take a cab if it’ll take you awhile. I need to get out of this fucking town as soon as fucking possible,” she rambles.

  I grab her arm, turning her around to look at me. “What is going on? What happened?” Who do I need to kill?

  “I need to go home! That’s all you need to know.”

  “What. Is. Going. On? Did something happen to you last night?” My stomach sinks. Did someone hurt her? Was I choosing dick over my best friend’s safety?

  She sniffles, wiping away the tears. “Do you promise not to tell anyone?”

  “It depends on if I need it as an excuse for murder.”

  “I slept with Dallas last night.”

  Whoa. I stumble back. “What?” I slap myself on the forehead a few times to wake myself up if I’m dreaming. She didn’t just say what I think she did, did she?

  “I slept with a man who lost his wife only six months ago. I can’t even imagine how bad he regrets it.” She pauses and holds her finger up. “Wait, I can because he woke up and freaked out when he found me sleeping in his bed.”

  “Holy shit sticks.”

  “Tell me about it. I can never face him again. I can’t move here. I promise I’ll do all of your work from LA. If you need someone closer, you’ll have to replace me.”

  As bad as I want to tell her I’ll never be able to replace her, I can’t think about work right now. My priority is my best friend.

  I run my hand down her hair and pat her shoulder. “It’s cool. I get it. We’ll figure out a way.”

  “Thank you,” she chokes out.

  “Let me get dressed and then I’ll take you to the airport.”

  She nods, and I kiss her on the cheek before leaving the room. My heart is hurting for her.

  Hudson is out of bed, his erection gone, and tugging on a shirt when I walk back into the bedroom. “What was all that about?” he asks. “I heard Willow crying but wasn’t sure it was my place to go out there.”

  I shut the door behind me and lower my voice. “Uh … I don’t know if I should say.”

  He stops mid-zipping his jeans. “Is it something serious?”

  “Dallas uh …”

  “Dallas?” He grimaces. “Dallas what?”

  I’m still trying to find the right words. “They slept together last night.” The words come out in a rus
h of breath.

  “You’re fucking shitting me?”

  “I wish I was,” I whisper. “She’s freaking out. I need to take her to the airport.”

  “Fuck!” he hisses. “Shit is about to hit the fan.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Maybe it’s not such a bad thing. Neither one of them is in a relationship. There’s no reason they can’t chalk this down as a one-night stand.”

  “It is a bad thing. Dallas will never forgive himself for this. He had to have been drunk.”

  “And I’m sure Willow was as well. She’s not one to date-rape men.” If he’s trying to insinuate that Willow took advantage of Dallas, we’re about to have an argument.

  “Hell, that’s not what I meant by that, I swear. What I meant was he’s probably beating himself up over it right now.”

  “Go talk to him. See what he’s thinking.”

  He kisses me. “Be careful. Call me when you’re on your way back home.”

  Chapter Forty-Two


  I find Dallas sitting in his living room when I walk in, a bottle of whiskey hanging from his fingers. His eyes are red-rimmed and glossy. His face is drowning in regret.

  It’s ten in the morning.

  We stare at each other for a moment before I move further into the room and take the seat on the other side of the sectional. I stopped in the guest room to see Willow before I left. I wanted to tell her goodbye and assure her that I’ll talk to him. She looked like a hot mess, and I have no doubt they’re both struggling with this.

  “Where’s Maven?” is my first question. Not only can we not have this discussion if she’s here, but he also can’t be drinking like this around her either. “I can have Stella come get her for awhile.”

  He shakes his head. “She spent the night at Mom and Dad’s.” His breath shakes. “You know, don’t you?”

  I rub my hand over my face when he takes a drink. “Do I know that Willow just fled our house like there’s a plague outbreak here because something happened between the two of you last night?”


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