Depths of Depravation

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Depths of Depravation Page 5

by Ray Gordon

  ‘Bloody hell,’ Tony cursed as the doorbell rang. ‘If that’s your bloody mother…’

  ‘She’s gone to town,’ Desire said, standing and hurriedly pulling her panties up. ‘It can’t be her.’

  ‘It is her,’ Tony said, gazing through the net curtains. ‘Go out the back way. I’ll get rid of her and see you later.’

  ‘I’ll come back when she’s gone,’ Desiree whispered. She dashed into the kitchen and made her escape into the garden.

  Tony opened the front door, smiled at Belinda and invited her in. Stepping into the hall, Belinda immediately began quizzing Tony. Had Desiree been there? Where was she? She’d said that she was going to college but she wasn’t there. Closing the front door and leading her into the lounge, Tony eyed the woman’s full breasts straining the tight material of her white blouse.

  ‘You’re very attractive,’ he said, lowering his gaze to her short skirt, her naked legs. ‘And very sexy. Especially when you’re angry.’

  ‘Where is my daughter?’ Belinda persisted.

  ‘I have no idea.’

  ‘She has been here, hasn’t she?’

  ‘Yes, she called in earlier. She stayed for a few minutes and then went off to college.’

  ‘She’s not at the college, I rang them.’

  ‘She probably hasn’t got there yet. Perhaps she’s at home?’

  ‘I’ve just come from home.’

  ‘Belinda, I’m not Desiree’s keeper. You’re her mother. If you don’t know where she is then…’

  ‘She’s upstairs, isn’t she?’

  ‘For God’s sake. Go and look, if you want to.’

  ‘I thought you were going to Ireland?’

  ‘It was cancelled at the last minute. You really must calm down, Belinda. You’re making mountains out of molehills, getting everything out of all proportion, jumping to conclusions and…’

  ‘I’m sorry, Tony. I shouldn’t be having a go at you.’

  ‘No, you shouldn’t. I don’t suppose Desiree’s got to college yet. How long does it take her to walk there?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Belinda said. ‘About fifteen minutes, I suppose.’

  ‘There you are, then. When Desiree called round earlier, I again made it clear that we’re only friends.’

  ‘And she accepted that?’

  ‘Yes, yes, she did. In fact, she took it very well. If you’re going to accuse me of abducting her every time she goes out somewhere…’

  ‘I’m not accusing you of abducting her.’

  ‘It seems that way. She goes out, you don’t know where she is, so you come storming round here and have a go at me. I’ve been here alone, washing up the dishes and minding my own business.’

  ‘I said I’m sorry,’ Belinda said, flopping onto the sofa. ‘It’s just that we always got on so well together. Since you arrived, she’s changed.’

  ‘I’ve only just moved in.’

  ‘I know, but…You say that she accepted that you’re only friends?’

  ‘Yes, she did. She was fine when she left here. No tears or upsets or anything. You worry too much.’

  ‘Perhaps she called into a friend’s house on the way to college. Perhaps she’s at the college by now.’

  ‘I’m sure she is. Would you like a cup of coffee?’

  ‘No, thanks. I think I’d better go home. I’ll ring the college again.’

  ‘Leave it, Belinda. You can’t chase around after Desiree like this. Say she’s skipped college. So what?’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know. I suppose you’re right. I wish my husband was here.’

  ‘Why, are you feeling horny?’

  ‘Of course not.’

  ‘Don’t you ever feel horny?’

  ‘Yes, no…I don’t want to talk about it, Tony.’

  ‘When you’re in your bed alone at night, do you –’

  ‘I said, I don’t want to talk about it. I have enough on my plate without you going on at me.’

  ‘All right, all right. I only wondered what you did for sexual relief.’

  ‘I don’t do anything. Look, I’d better be going.’

  ‘You really are an attractive woman.’


  ‘It’s not a chat-up line, so you needn’t worry.’

  ‘What is it, then?’

  ‘The truth. I can honestly say that I’ve never met anyone as attractive, and sexy, as you. I hope your husband appreciates you.’

  Sighing, Belinda knew that her Brian appreciated her. It was just that he worked away so often and they had very little time together. They’d only made love once in the last two months, she reflected. No sooner had he returned from Germany, and he’d gone off to Asia. What with Desiree around and so much to do in the house and garden, there was never time for loving. To her horror, she found herself thinking that sex with her husband had never been particularly exciting or satisfying.

  ‘He looks after your feminine needs, then?’ Tony persisted, joining her on the sofa.

  ‘What? Sorry, I was daydreaming.’

  ‘About sex?’

  ‘No, Tony, not about sex. Look, I really have to go now.’


  ‘Because…because I have things to do.’

  Belinda closed her eyes as Tony locked his lips to hers and squeezed the full mound of her breast. This was wrong, she knew, as his tongue delved into her mouth. But she needed love and passion like any other woman. With Tony? she pondered, as he tweaked the ripe teat of her breast through the flimsy material of her blouse. Becoming weak in her arousal, she wished that her husband made love to her rather than had sex with her on the odd occasion. She rarely achieved orgasm and was usually left wanting as he snored beside her in the marital bed.

  ‘No,’ she said, pulling away as Tony slipped his hand up her skirt. ‘Tony, please…’

  ‘It’s all right,’ he whispered, stroking the tight material of her panties. ‘Just relax.’

  ‘Tony, I’m married.’

  ‘And you’re very lonely. And wanting.’

  He parted her thighs and pulled her panties aside. Again she felt his tongue snake into her mouth as his lips met hers. His finger entered her wet vagina, his free hand again squeezed her mammary globe, and she knew that she’d lost her battle. He was right, she reflected. She was very lonely, and wanting. Wanting what? Sex with another man? Sex with a man she’d only just met? Adultery? Was that what she wanted?

  While driving a second finger deep into the hugging sheath of her yearning pussy, he managed to unbutton her blouse and lift her bra clear of her full breasts. Lost in her sexual delirium, she felt a quiver run through her womb as he sucked her erect nipple into his hot mouth. This was wrong, she repeatedly thought. But no one would know what she’d done, she decided. After all, it wasn’t as if she was having full-blown sex with Tony. This wasn’t true adultery, was it?

  Her hand reached out involuntarily and she squeezed the bulging crotch of Tony’s trousers. She tried to stop herself as she felt the hardness and sheer size of his penis. Groping, fumbling, she finally managed to tug his zip down and slip her hand into his trousers. He was as hard as rock, she mused, gripping the fleshy shaft of his warm cock as he drove his tongue further into her mouth. Her juices of lust flowing over his thrusting fingers, she quivered uncontrollably as she finally pulled his solid cock out of his trousers.

  ‘God, no.’ She gasped as he slipped his fingers out of her spasming vagina and dragged her sex-milk up her valley to lubricate the solid nub of her clitoris. Massaging her lubricious cream into the sensitive tip of her expectant clitoris, his mouth left hers and he let out a gasp of pleasure as she rolled his foreskin back and forth over the swollen bulb of his glans. Again he sucked her erect nipple into his wet mouth and he repeatedly swept his tongue over the sensitive protrusion as he expertly massaged her solid clitoris.

  In a sexual frenzy, Belinda whimpered and squirmed as Tony masturbated her and she wanked his cock. This was wrong, she told herself for the umpt
eenth time. Lies, deceit, betrayal, adultery…So very wrong. Massaging his silky-smooth knob with her thumb, she tried not to think about her husband. This was a one-off, she decided. This was nothing more than two people bringing each other pleasure. Mutual masturbation, no strings, no ties. Never again would she do this, she thought, as she ran her fingertip around the rim of Tony’s bulbous glans.

  Shaking violently as her clitoris exploded in orgasm, she could feel Tony’s sperm flowing in rivers over her hand. Her fingers flooding with another man’s sperm, her mind flooded with thoughts of adultery. How could she do this? A one-off? How could she allow another man to finger her vagina and massage her clitoris to orgasm while her husband was working abroad? How could she wank another man’s cock and bring out his spunk while her husband was away earning money for his family?

  Running her hand up and down his cock, she shuddered as he sustained her orgasm with his vibrating fingertips. This would never happen again, she asserted mentally. The creamy sperm squelching, lubricating her hand as she continued to wank his massive penis, she recalled her schooldays. Meeting boys in the woods, moving her hand up and down their solid cocks, watching the spunk shoot from their swollen knobs…But she’d been free and single then. Now, she was a married woman. An adulteress.

  ‘You’re a horny little bitch,’ Tony finally said as his sperm-flow stemmed.

  ‘Please, no…’ Belinda said as her orgasm receded. ‘I…I don’t want this.’

  ‘Too late.’ He chortled. ‘Besides, you were desperate to come.’

  ‘I’m married,’ she whimpered, as if reminding herself. ‘God, I’m a married woman and I’ve…’

  ‘Allowed another man to bring you off? Wanked another man’s hard cock and flooded your hand with spunk?’

  ‘Please, stop it. I…I have to go home.’ She gazed at the male cream covering her hand and then looked up in horror at Tony’s grinning face. ‘God, what the hell have I done?’ she said.

  ‘Given me the best wank ever,’ he quipped.

  ‘You…you bastard.’

  ‘That’s nice, I must say.’

  ‘You made me, you forced me…’

  ‘It was either you…or Desiree.’

  ‘What? Don’t you dare to say things like that.’

  ‘I was joking, Belinda. Mind you, if I get really horny and you’re not around…’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, Tony.’

  ‘Uptight again? Why the hell you can’t relax, I really don’t know.’

  ‘Because…Get me a tissue or something,’ she ordered him, gazing at the sperm glistening on her hand.

  ‘Why don’t you lap it up?’

  ‘God, you’re vile. Get me a bloody tissue.’

  As Tony zipped his trousers and went to the kitchen, Belinda inadvertently allowed his sperm to drip onto her skirt as she stared into space. Lies, deceit, betrayal, adultery – the harsh words battered her tormented mind. She couldn’t believe what she’d done. Even if her husband never discovered her wicked ways, even if Desiree remained ignorant as to her mother’s adultery, the illicit act would be forever etched in Belinda’s mind. Why? she wondered. Why had she done it? What had possessed her to wank another man’s cock and bring out his sperm?

  ‘There you are,’ Tony said, returning and tossing a towel onto the sofa. ‘God, I needed that. The way you wanked me off and –’

  ‘For fuck’s sake, shut up,’ she hissed, wiping her hand on the towel. ‘Just shut up, Tony.’

  ‘OK, anything you say. You’re absolutely beautiful. You know that, don’t you?’

  ‘Shut the fuck up.’

  ‘You can be quite a fiery little bitch when it takes your fancy. I like fiery women.’

  ‘I’m going home,’ she announced, tossing the towel to the floor as she stood up.

  ‘And I’m going to sit here and have a drink and think about how firm your tits are and how tight and very wet your sweet pussy is and –’

  ‘You won’t be seeing me again, Tony. I…I made a terrible mistake. This has all been a terrible mistake. Oh, and you won’t be seeing Desiree again.’

  ‘Won’t I?’

  ‘No, you won’t. I want you to forget everything that’s happened.’

  ‘Forget how tight and wet…’

  ‘I’ll talk to Desiree when she gets home. I’ll tell her that…’

  ‘I’m good with women?’

  ‘Look, I know that you…Try to understand that I’m a married woman and Desiree is only sixteen. Please, leave us alone.’

  ‘You certainly didn’t leave me alone, Belinda. You unzipped my trousers, pulled my cock out, wanked me off and –’

  ‘Please, Tony. It was wrong of me, OK? I made a mistake, and I want to forget about it. And I want you to do the same. There’s no future for us. Surely, you must understand that? And there’s certainly no future for you and my daughter. Hopefully, we’ll be able to remain friends and good neighbours. Apart from that, there’s nothing between us.’

  ‘If you say so.’

  ‘I do say so.’

  ‘What are you going to say to Desiree?’

  ‘I’ll tell her that…I don’t know, yet. I’ll think of something.’

  ‘You do that, Belinda. And, in the meantime, I’ll invite her in and offer her wine and give her friendly kisses.’

  ‘You really are a bastard, aren’t you?’

  ‘You come round here, pull my cock out and give me a wank…And then you call me a bastard? What are you, Belinda? What name would you call a married woman who pulls another man’s cock out and wanks him off? What name would you give to a married woman who opens her legs and allows another man to bring her off? A happily married, loyal and devoted, faithful and loving wife?’

  Belinda stormed out of Tony’s house, knowing that there was only one answer to his question. A wanton, adulterous whore. Blaming her husband, blaming her daughter, she took a deep breath and tried to compose herself as she reached home and closed the front door behind her. Adultery. There was no other word for it. But she’d only been trying to protect Desiree, she tried to convince herself. Had the stupid girl not thought that she’d found love, had she got on with her studies instead of…There was only one person at fault, Belinda knew as she filled the kettle.

  Belinda noticed Desiree lurking in the back garden and watched her for a while. She was obviously waiting for something as she hovered behind a bush. Finally opening the door and calling out to her, Belinda feared the worst. The girl looked nervous, guilty, as she stepped into the kitchen. Scowling at her, Belinda was sure that she’d been about to sneak round to Tony’s house.

  ‘What were you doing out there?’ Belinda asked her daughter.

  ‘Er…nothing,’ Desiree replied shakily. ‘I was just…just enjoying the sunshine.’

  ‘I thought you were going to college?’

  ‘Yes, no, I…’

  ‘You were about to sneak round to Tony’s house, weren’t you?’

  ‘No, I wasn’t.’

  ‘You’re not to see him again, Desiree. Do you understand?’

  ‘No, I don’t understand. Why can’t I see him again?’

  ‘Because…because he’s not a very nice person. He’s only after one thing.’

  ‘That’s not true,’ Desiree hissed. ‘He’s one of the nicest people I know. And he’s not only after one thing. You’re jealous, aren’t you?’

  ‘Jealous? Don’t be ridiculous, Desiree.’

  ‘You’ve been round there, haven’t you?’

  ‘Yes, I was looking for you. You’re young, Desiree. You know nothing about men, especially older men. Take it from me, Tony is only after one thing. And whether he gets it from you or someone else makes no difference to him. He’s after women, with one thing in mind.’

  ‘Has he been after you, then?’

  ‘Well…No, of course he hasn’t.’

  ‘That blows your idea out of the window, doesn’t it? If he was after a woman, any woman, then he’d go after you.’

  ‘He…he has been rather suggestive.’


  ‘Well, talking about things.’

  ‘What’s that on your skirt?’

  ‘I…I must have spilled something. Look, Desiree, Tony’s no good. And I want you to keep away from him.’

  Belinda shook her head as her daughter stormed out of the room and bound up the stairs, and cringed as she heard the bedroom door slam shut. She’d made matters worse, she was sure, as she wiped a tear from her eye. Desiree would rebel, she knew. The girl would now be more determined than ever to see Tony. Recalling her orgasm, the sperm flowing over her hand, she pondered on the idea of giving Tony what he wanted to keep him away from Desiree.

  ‘God, what am I thinking?’ Sighing, she wiped the sperm off her skirt and poured a cup of coffee. To have sex with Tony, to satisfy his lust in order to keep him away from her daughter was crazy. She took her coffee into the lounge, sat on the sofa and pondered on the notion. It would probably work, she mused. Bring Tony’s sperm out once every day, and his libido would never rise to the point where he demanded sex from Desiree. Again thinking that the idea was crazy, she knew that there was no way she could stop her daughter from seeing Tony. The girl would sneak round to his house, or they’d meet in the park or on the common.

  Hearing the front door close, Belinda leaped to her feet and gazed out of the lounge window. Desiree was heading for Tony’s house. Wearing her short red skirt, she looked so attractive, so young and beautiful. How could any man resist her? she mused, biting her lip as she imagined Tony’s sperm flowing over Desiree’s hand. Sixteen years old with long black hair and a beautiful body…There was no way Tony could resist her.

  * * *

  ‘We need to talk,’ Desiree said as Tony opened his front door.

  ‘Yes, we do,’ he agreed as she stepped into the hall. ‘Your mother is becoming a pain.’

  ‘Tony, do you fancy her?’ Desiree asked him.

  ‘What? Fancy your mum? Hardly. Whatever gave you that idea?’

  Desiree followed him into the lounge and flopped onto the sofa. ‘Things she said,’ she finally said.


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