Gwen's Lifesavers

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Gwen's Lifesavers Page 5

by Eileen Green

  “He was really nice to me. Said I reminded him of his daughter and he couldn’t believe my parents treated me like they did. After Heather was born, I continued to work for him. I kept my grades up and was able to get into independent studies and was able to graduate. Dale, her father, never did acknowledge that he was the father. He refused to pay child support so I worked several jobs to support us. Finally, I got a job at Cantrell’s and was able to get us a nice place to live and save money to help her go to college. She’s a sophomore now.

  “I didn’t want to leave Cantrell’s but I just couldn’t work there anymore. The memories of the way Virgil treated me and then that last night there. The cold makes me remember that night that James and I almost died. Then, the other night was too much.”

  Lyndee stood and got onto the bed on the other side of her, slipping her arm around her waist. “You have been dealt a bad hand in life but you can’t let that dictate how you live your life. You just have to stay warm and keep extra keys with you in case…”

  “They told you?” Gwen asked in horror as she tried to hide her face in her hands again, this time in embarrassment for what she had done.

  “We’ve all had things happen like that,” Lyndee said sweetly, pulling on Gwen’s hands. “Don’t be embarrassed.”

  Taking a deep breath, Gwen knew she had to confront one more demon. “When I said that I’m not woman enough for them, I meant it. I have only had sex the one time.”

  Gasps came not only from the two women but also from the group of men at the door who had arrived silently. Gwen groaned when she looked up and saw Jake and Andrew’s shocked faces. The six men behind them looked a bit uneasy. Fear consumed her that they would be disappointed with her confession.

  Anita leaned in closer to her and whispered, “It’s okay. You’re going to be fine. It’ll be all right.”

  Gwen had to hope her words were true. It was time to face her past, but was she going to lose the two men that had become her friends and wanted more from her?

  Lyndee hugged her before she rose from the bed and sat back in the chair she had sat in before. Storm, Trey, and Austin came and stood behind her. Anita followed suit and her three men came to stand behind her.

  Jake and Andrew, who seemed to have a gleam in their eyes, came to sit on the bed next to her, one on each side, the former putting his arm around her waist and the latter’s arm slid around her shoulder. Everyone looked at Anita.

  “I…we have a proposal for you, Gwen,” she started.

  “No, I will not go back to Cantrell’s, Anita,” Gwen said quickly. “I appreciate the offer, but I just can’t go back there.”

  Anita smiled, her enthusiasm nearly making her glow. “No, it’s not that. It’s something better.”

  Glancing around at the many faces in her room, Gwen saw anticipation and excitement in them, save Jake and Andrew’s, who didn’t seem to know what was going on. “What is it?” she asked, curiosity getting the better of her.

  “Do you know what BDSM is?” Lyndee asked as if she was asking her if she knew what color the sky was. There wasn’t any embarrassment or subtlety to the question.

  “I’ve read about it in erotic novels,” Gwen answered lowly and quickly, a bit embarrassed to admit that she read smutty books in front of all the men.

  “Good,” Anita said as she pulled a manila envelope out of her oversized black leather bag and handed it to Gwen. “With the money I received from Craig and Scotty’s life insurance, I have decided to put it to use in the form of a BDSM club just outside of Polson. We are doing this as a joint effort so that people have a safe, sane, and consensual place to practice BDSM.”

  Excitement seemed to surge through Gwen’s veins at the thought. It was something she wanted to experience but with her lack of sexual experience, she hadn’t even know where to start. Glancing first to Andrew and then to Jake, she found curiosity in their eyes as well as surprise. Looking down at the folder in her hands she asked, “What does this have to do with me?”

  “We’d like you to come to work for us as secretary and bookkeeper,” Anita said happily.

  Chapter Four

  “What!” Gwen exclaimed. “Why me?”

  “You did a very good job at Cantrell Logging. You are highly regarded there and everyone misses you, but since you don’t want to go back there, which no one blames you, we feel you would be a good fit at the club.” Anita smiled at her, her words seeming sincere.

  “But I don’t know anything about that type of business,” she said quietly.

  When Storm spoke, she jumped slightly, as it seemed as if Anita was in charge of this venture. “We are members of a club in Denver and we have talked to the owner, who has agreed to help us get up and running. He’s willing to have his secretary help you with anything you need, from gaining resources to how to set up the memberships, to anything else you will need. They are going to come here for a week to help us out.”

  Sheepishly Gwen looked at Anita. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m not going to be able to work for a while according to the doctors. So I don’t think I’ll be able to help you guys out. I’m sorry.”

  Anita waved her hand. “We wouldn’t need you to start for another month and since the building needs to be renovated, you’ll have to work from home anyway. We won’t take no for an answer, and we are willing to work with your limitations right now.”

  “We really want you, Gwen, and we’re not set to take no as an answer,” Dave said, a smug smile on his face.

  Gwen wasn’t sure what to say or do. Opening the folder, she glanced down at the first page, which was a contract. Letting her eyes quickly skim the document, she ran across the salary which nearly caused her eyes to pop out of her head. She knew the men on each side of her had seen it also, as tiny gasps emerged from them. It was nearly double what she was making at Cantrell’s.

  This was something she wasn’t prepared for. She had been so set on moving that she hadn’t seen the love and friendship she had right here. That these people were willing to make a job for her was overwhelming. The warmth she had sought for the past two months seemed to surround her, as did the affection from the men on both sides of her. How was she supposed to leave all of this?

  “I don’t know what to say,” Gwen said, trying to fight back the tears that had begun to spring into her eyes again.

  Chuckles sounded from the group of men around her. “There’s only one thing to say,” Storm said, a smile on his face. “And it doesn’t start with the letter n.”

  Thrusting her chin out in a challenge, Gwen asked with a bit of sauciness, “And if I do say no? What are you going to do about it?”

  More chuckles, but Storm looked her directly in the eyes, his light blue eyes returning the challenge. “I’m sure there’ll be plenty of equipment at the club that your men would like to use on you.”

  Three women gasped at his words as a shiver of anticipation ran rampant through her body. Apparently Jake and Andrew had a BDSM history and the other men knew about it. Was she going to get in over her head, or was she going to get the experience of a lifetime?

  Both arms around her tightened to squeeze her to them and she knew that Storm’s words were true. Before she could take the time to think about it and then try to talk herself out of it, she blurted out, “Yes!”

  “Good girl,” Jake said, sounding as if he had been holding his breath.

  “Yes, good girl.” Andrew was a bit more subdued with his praise but she could feel his body quivering.

  “Great! Now that that’s settled, we’ll be in touch about the finalization of the contract,” Anita said as she stood. “There will be need to have a trip down to Denver for you to get a tour of the club there but you won’t be alone. We’ll all go with you.”

  Excitement coursed through her. “Um. One question.”

  “Yes?” Lyndee said as she stood also.

  “Well, actually two. First, where is this club going to be?”

  “It’s going to be a
t a house in the hills near Polson. It’s outside the city limits and its obscure so only members will know where to find it. Next question?” Anita asked as if she was enjoying this.

  “Well, it seems as if you are putting the money up for this venture, but you are all talking as if you are going to be involved. How is this all working?” Gwen asked as she glanced around the room at everyone.

  “We all have a vested interest in this club as it is something we have all wanted in the area for a long time. Call us the creative force behind the venture. It will benefit all of us,” Trey said with a slight smile on his face. “There are others included in this.”

  “Perhaps we should have everyone over to our house for dinner after Gwen gets out of the hospital so we can all sit down and discuss what and who will be involved,” Anita suggested as if she didn’t want to overwhelm Gwen too much. “I’ll make the arrangements and call everyone with the date and time. Now, I think we’ve taken up too much of Gwen’s time and I’m sure Doc Anderson wouldn’t appreciate us causing undue stress upon his patient.”

  “Now, there’s a wise woman,” the male voice sounded from the doorway startling everyone. “And it’s about time someone started up a club.”

  Everyone stood looking at the older man with shock at his last sentence. Apparently no one must have guessed that the kind man had a kinky side to him.

  Gwen felt sorry for the man who was being ogled like an oddity at a freak show. “Okay, Anita. Just let me know when you need the contract signed and when you’re going to have that dinner.”

  Everyone turned to look at Gwen as if she was in the freak show also before they finally regained their composure.

  “Of course,” Anita said, smiling. “Let me know when you’re going to be sprung and we’ll go from there.”

  “Okay. I will,” Gwen said as Jake and Andrew stood.

  Anita leaned in and hugged Gwen and then Lyndee did the same before they turned to leave. Their men said their good-byes and slowly made their way out of the room, each giving the doctor a once over as they passed him.

  Storm was the last one to leave the room but he stopped in front of Doc Anderson. Gwen heard him softly comment, “I always had a feeling about you, Doc. You know you’ll be welcome there.”

  “I better be the attending physician there also,” the older man joked, or not. Gwen noticed a twinkle in the man’s eyes as he spoke. They did always say the quiet ones were the kinkiest.

  Storm left as Doc Anderson stepped fully into the room. “You must be feeling better, young lady, to have all that company. I’m glad to see you are going to take a safer job where people will make sure you are safe and never left alone. They’re all good people.”

  So, the kind doctor had been at the door longer than she had thought to have heard the whole thing. He seemed pleased with her upcoming job situation also.

  “I’m sure they are. I’m just nervous about starting a new job again, especially in a field I know nothing about.” Gwen blushed when she realized she was talking to her doctor about something so private.

  Apparently he didn’t mind for he said, “That’s where the internet comes in handy, but when in doubt, you obviously have friends that can answer your questions.”

  “Thank you, sir, for the advice. I appreciate it.”

  Gwen heard hissing sounds from the two other men in the room at her appreciation to the doctor. At first she wasn’t sure what the reason behind it was until she saw the doctor’s blondish/gray eyebrow lift knowingly.

  She gasped. Was she really submissive? She had never really thought about it. Glancing at Jake and Andrew, she found them both watching her intently. Lust shown in their eyes as they looked at her, both licking their lips as if they wanted to devour her.

  Pulsing began in her pussy as her nipples tightened into hard buds under the T-shirt she wore. She had told the guys she hated the hospital gowns and Jake had brought in some of his t-shirts from home for her to wear. A pair of boxers was what she wore on her bottom. She had to hope the good doctor didn’t notice her arousal but she pulled the sheet up further up her chest.

  A knowing smile appeared on both men’s faces and Doc Anderson must have realized what was going on, for he cleared his throat. “I came to tell you that you’ll probably be here for another few days and as long as everything remains the same, you should be good to go. I still want you to stay off work and relax for as long as possible, but if you do need to work, it’ll be good you’ll be able to do it from home.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” Gwen said, emphasizing the last word. She didn’t want to give the men any more ammunition for what was going to be a lengthy discussion she wasn’t sure she was ready to have yet.

  “I’m off for the next two days so I just wanted to check in with you before I left. I’ll be back in time to have you released.” He smiled and winked at her. “As long as you behave.”

  Jake and Andrew both nodded at the doctor before the man turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as the click sounded its closure, both men were back on the bed sitting next to her.

  Jake leaned in close and sniffed. “Oh, sweetheart, you smell wonderful.”

  Andrew followed suit. “I can’t wait to see if you taste as good as you smell, baby girl.”

  A moan escaped her before she could stop it. The realization that both of them could smell her arousal both frightened her and caused another round of pulsing to occur in her cunt and liquid to ooze out from her slit.

  “Is it true, baby?” Andrew asked.

  It took a moment to realize he had asked a question. “Huh?”

  “Is it true that you only had sex the one time?”

  Ashamed, she nodded. Both men smiled maliciously as if they were pleased with the admission. She didn’t know why they would be happy about that fact.

  Jake stood quickly, to Gwen’s disappointment, but that was remedied when he pulled the sheet down out from her grip and flung it to the end of the bed. Gasping at the action, Gwen tried to grab it back but Andrew reached out and grasped her wrists gently. “No, baby. You’re not going to hide from us anymore.”

  Jake climbed back up next to her and took one hand from Andrew so they were both holding one of her hands. Gwen trembled at the closeness of the two but also at how her body was reacting to them.

  Her pussy was throbbing deep inside and she knew that both men could see how hard her nipples were. Her breasts seemed heavier on her chest as her breath seemed to come in short pants. Both men sniffed her again when she felt her pussy leak more fluid.

  Internally she wanted to hide from them, so she closed her eyes and tilted her head back. Jake chuckled knowingly. “That’s not going to help, honey. We can see you and what your body is doing. Is your pussy telling you it wants us right now? It’s calling to us, as are your nipples. Can we see them?”

  Her eyes flew open at his question. Was he being polite about wanting to see her body? They weren’t just going to have at it?

  “Don’t be afraid, baby. We want to see what you’re hiding under these clothes. Please?” Andrew’s voice was an octave lower than usual as his eyes seemed heavy-lidded.

  It touched her heart that he asked so humbly in his lust-ridden state. Did she really do that to him? Looking at Jake, she saw the identical expression.

  Taking a deep breath, Gwen nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. This time, it was from her own lust and not a possibility of something being wrong with it. Lowering her eyes, she didn’t know what to expect, but her next words shocked her.

  “Gwen, look at me,” Jake said softly. Hesitating, she lifted her eyes to find his normally hazel eyes a dark green. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

  That he would offer her the chance to back away broke a dam inside her emotional reservoir. The two men had shown her kindness and affection since she first woke up in the ambulance that first night. They had showered her with loving gestures in the form of flowers and their company without asking any
thing in return. They had brought dinner to her house several times after she was released from the hospital before, being perfect gentlemen. They hadn’t even tried to kiss her when they would leave.

  Then, there was the attention they had paid her this time around. They had refused to work so they could stay with her, making sure she was all right and did what she needed to do to recover. They even wanted to make sure of her recovery after she was released from the hospital. Their concern touched her.

  It was time to stop comparing all men to the man who had broken her heart.

  Breathing in deeply, she pulled her hand from Andrew’s and took hold of the hem of the plain white T-shirt. Slowly, she began to lift the cotton material. As skin appeared she remembered the stretch marks on her stomach from when she was pregnant and the puffy tummy that had developed since then. Holding the material where she had stopped, she looked at one man, then the other, and still only saw the lust that shown in their eyes. There didn’t seem to be any disgust there.

  Besides, if they didn’t like what they saw, they could leave and she wouldn’t have to see them anymore.

  Resuming the slow glide of the material up her torso, she passed her tummy and was nearing her slightly droopy breasts. She hated them the way they were, telling herself if she ever got enough money saved she’d have a boob job done.

  The cool air in the room touched the lower part of her breasts as she continued to pull up the shirt. Her nipples beaded even harder, which she didn’t think could happen. She felt at that moment she could cut glass with them.

  The material finally cleared her breasts, exposing them to the men who, if by the intake of air, liked what they saw. Afraid someone would come in, she didn’t remove the shirt fully but left it sitting on top of her generous mounds of flesh.

  Both men were staring at her breasts, which moved with each breath she took. Until Andrew licked his lips she wasn’t sure if they were happy with what they saw, but when he did, she was able to relax a bit more.


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