The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body.

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The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body. Page 31

by Colin Griffiths

  “I have a taxi booked for half past,” she said “I live in Newport.”

  He definitely didn't want her to leave, she leaned towards him, he thought she was going to kiss his cheek as she said goodbye, instead she whispered in his ear.

  “If you would like to join me, I've never fucked anyone famous before.”

  If Stuart was sat on a stool he would have fallen off it, he gulped and stuttered out the words.

  “Sure, love it.” His heart was racing, he had butterflies in his stomach. He couldn’t believe this was really happening. For that moment Stuart Thomas had really hit the big time.

  In the taxi she kissed him, passionately and deep, stroking his thigh as she did so, as excited as he was Stuart couldn't stop thinking that when he was even more famous he would have nights like this every night.

  The flat was modest just off a place they called the handpost but it was meticulously clean. Chloe poured two glasses of wine making Stuarts a large one. He was feeling the effects of a heavy night, he had drunk too much, but as he lay on the double bed and Chloe slowly undressed him, he was feeling good. His inhibitions were gone. He was thinking of stardom. He lay there naked as she kissed him and seduced him.

  “Let’s spice it up a little.” she said as she took out some handcuffs with pink fur around them, and Stuart didn't protest as she cuffed him to the bed.

  She danced around him for a little while before slipping off her dress, she stood in her bra and panties as she teased him. She slipped her bra off revealing beautiful firm breasts, she turned her back to him as she slid her panties down revealing her pert bum.

  “I really haven't fucked anyone famous before.” she said before turning around to face Stuart. Not for the first time that night he couldn't believe his eyes as he looked down to her love nest and saw a fully erect penis.

  When he woke up he was still naked, he ached in places he hadn't ached before, but he wasn't cuffed to the bed, the space beside him was empty but on the dresser was a note it read 'thank you xxx'.

  He tried to recall the events that had happened the night before, his mind was confused. The flat was empty. He got dressed and left, hoping and praying that no one had seen him leave with Chloe that night.

  Cindy was in a good 30 minutes before Daniel at 8.30' Daniel arrived at nine. Cindy made them both a cup of coffee. Tracy called at 9.10 on her way to a 10am start at the solicitors she worked at, she was expected. They were both sat in Daniels office drinking coffee as Tracy handed him her phone. Daniel pressed play on the video she had set for him to watch, he watched for a while grinning.

  “Watch!” said Tracy, “the best bit is yet to come.” Daniel watched for a while longer.

  “Wow I never would have guessed!” He said when Chloe revealed her manhood.

  “Stunning isn't he?” Tracy said.

  “He’s going to use the money to go towards having the full op, I rather like him the way he is.” She added.

  “Best of both worlds hey.” Said Daniel and they both laughed.

  “I’ve got a bought pay as you go, untraceable are you ready to go viral?” Tracy had a wicked look I her eye.

  “To dam right.” Said Daniel, “send it to his editor first.”

  For the next 30 minutes they sent the video of Stuart Thomas and his evening of lust to everyone they could think of. The video had been set up prior to the meeting and the flat was a vacant furnished flat that Tracy borrowed. Both Daniel and Tracy had received the video on their own phones within twenty minutes by people who had received it from a third party and was obviously sending it around. By 10am Stuart Thomas had been sacked from his position. Cindy walked in and they showed her the video.

  “Still doesn't solve the problem of Jezz!” Said Tracy.

  “Oh that's not a problem.” Cindy told them, “a former addict who's on the straight and narrow befriended by the local MP, I've already got seven statements referring to Jezz as a gentle giant, we can play on it, the paper is already writing an apology.”

  “Your brilliant!” said Daniel, just then his mobile rang it was Gordon Williams showing on the screen.

  “Hi Gordon.” Said Daniel.

  “Remind me not to get on the bad side of you, how did you manage that so soon?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Said Daniel tongue in cheek.

  “I want a favour.” Said the voice on the line.

  “What’s that?” Asked a curious Daniel.

  “I want her story, I want to interview her.”

  “I'll see what I can do.”

  Daniel put the phone down and turned to the others in the room, he had a grin on his face that he was trying hard to remove.

  “He wants to interview her.” He told the two girls sat with him.

  “Chloe might get her op after all.” He added.

  “I do hope not.” Said Tracy and they all burst out laughing.

  Chapter 7

  Wendy was the first to wake. She heard her mother Helen in the bathroom and that had woken her. Wendy was still feeling drowsy, the night’s sleep had been a restless one. Her mother knocked the door to make sure she was awake. The usual morning routine, she heard her knock Katy’s door but she guessed she wouldn't get up straight away, she never did. Katy had been struggling to get up lately, every morning seem to take more and more effort, she'd Let her have 5 minutes and she'd wake her again. Her mother shouted she had finished in the bathroom. Wendy went in and used the toilet, she showered and brushed her teeth. Then she knocked on Katy’s door and walked in the bedroom. Katy’s was still fast asleep, she was sleeping across the bed, a pillow and half of the duvet on the floor, she looked like she had had another rough night. Wendy shook her gently to wake her up .She could see the sweat on her face, feel it through her nightie, Katy stirred opened her eyes

  “You okay?” Wendy asked her.

  “Yea I think so.” Katy sat up, Wendy could see how much she had been sweating, her night dress and the sheet she slept on were soaking. This seemed to be worse than what it normally was, Wendy’s face grew concerned.

  “Must have been a bad one?” Wendy said.

  “The worse.” Katy slumped back on the bed a tear in her eye.

  “I can't go on like this.” She added, Wendy noticed how haggard she looked, the worst she had seen her for a while. Every morning she would wake up looking as if sleep had not came, but today it seemed worse.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” Wendy asked sympathetically. She squinted her eyes in a gesture that said she understood.

  “I was in the wheel chair falling, the face of the mountain passed my eyes, I could see the bottom and he was there, waiting, laughing, it was horrible.”

  Katy couldn't hold the tears back they just flowed.

  A year ago Katy barely survived the ordeal, only Madison saved her from death as the wicked Bill Fenton was preparing himself to push Katy over a cliff in a wheel chair after he had systematically raped and beaten her. Only Madison had managed to talk him around by getting inside his head and ridding the monster who rested there. Her body had healed and she thought that she had to, until about 3 months ago, when the nightmares started. Prior to that event a year ago Katy had never met Wendy, she was a dope addict and a street prostitute. She was also treated like a piece of meat by the likes of Bill Fenton, but with the help of Wendy she had turned her life around. Wendy offering her a room in her mother’s house, got her a job at Ashbourne cafe where she worked, she had cleaned her act up, no more dope, no more crack, no more selling her body. Katy had even thought about contacting her family to try and build some bridges, that was until the night mares came. They were always about Bill Fenton, if he wasn't pushing her over a cliff he was beating her to an inch of her life, raping her like a piece of meat, she would always wake up sweating, crying.

  Things had started well after she recovered in hospital. Wendy never left her side as she healed. She homed her, clothed her, brought her through it, got her a job and gave her
some dignity. She had a life now and it was so good for 7 months, so why did it start then, just when she was getting things in order.

  Wendy's stay in hospital was short and brief despite the constant beatings she had took on that fateful day. Somehow she was healed on that mountain by a man that no longer existed, by the man she loved. Life was never going to be perfect without Todd, but one good thing to come out of it was Katy. Wendy devoted herself to her, she had to bring her through it, it was like she had to or it would all have been for nothing. They had a bond that night, both of them felt it. Wendy gave herself no time for her own problems. She worked, helped her mum, looked after Katy and saw Carol, Todd's mum whenever she could. There was no romance in her life, the boy she loved had gone now, she had to devote her time to other things, not let her dwell on the past. She had to move on but she was tired, so tired. She wiped a tear from her own eye, she couldn't cry now, she had to be strong, Katy needed her today. She gave her a hug. She hugged the girl who at one time had kidnapped her with her ex- boyfriend and put her through an ordeal that in normal circumstances she had no right to survive. Now that girl lived in her home, being cared for by someone who had lost almost everything that day. She lost the man she loved, she lost the life she led, she lost her innocence, but most of all she lost her youth. Wendy was no longer that carefree, singer songwriter in love with the boy from the next street, who made her laugh, who made her feel special, who loved her unconditionally. She was a shadow of that person now, she was Katy’s carer in a sense, and that was all she could be.

  “Go shower, I'll put your stuff in the washer.” She run her thumb over Katy’s bottom lip, Katy smiled, kissed her thumb.

  “I love you.” She said and went and got showered.

  Both Wendy and Katy were waiting the tables that day, with another two in the kitchens. There were a few customers in a sort of slow trickle throughout the day, not the busiest day in Ashbourne Café, and because it had been so quiet the day seemed to drag. It was an hour before their finishing time. Wendy was constantly looking at her watch thinking it would soon be home time, but time appeared to have stopped. Katy had been quiet all day, not really concentrating on her work, no doubt last night’s dream still haunting her. Wendy spent most of the day covering for her but she didn't mind that, that’s what friends done in a time of need. Whether Katy would have done it for her she wasn’t sure, but that didn’t matter at this time, her friend needed her, Katy looked tired and drawn.

  “Why don't you go home, have a nice shower and we can go down the pub later, about time we had a night out, I'll finish up here, you look wrecked.”

  “Oh thank you.” She said, she lifted her eyebrows in a mock expression.

  “You know what I mean.” Laughed Wendy.

  Katy smiled, though it looked sad.

  “Yea I will if you don't mind and a drink would be nice.”

  She hung up her apron and said goodbye. Wendy watched her saunter out of the door looking jaded, her shoulders stooped and her eyes were looking towards the floor.

  “See you in an hour.” Wendy shouted after her. She was concerned for her friend, if she could just get her to go to the doctors, but Katy had refused to go. Maybe a nice night out would do the trick, Wendy hadn't been out much since she turned 18, her and Todd used to go out for a drink in the pubs that they knew weren’t too strict on checking id’s. She always thought her first legal drink would be with Todd, and that never happened. Perhaps that's what they needed a few good nights out, some fun.

  When Wendy got home Katy was showered and ready to go out, she wore tight jeans with a crop top, she looked pretty. She also was looking much better and she was laughing, excited at going out, it made Wendy feel better to see her like this.

  They both declined tea from Wendy's mother Helen as they had both ate at the cafe earlier. Helen was glad to see the girls going out, she had grown fond of Katy and understood the reasoning her daughter befriended her, it gave her a reason to carry on but she did think Katy was stopping Wendy getting on with her own life. Little did she know Wendy didn't want to get on with her own life, looking after Katy stopped her thinking about herself. She could look after Katy fine but when it came to herself she was at a complete loss. She needed to mourn Todd and Katy was stopping her from doing that and that was fine by Wendy. She didn’t want to mourn him because that would mean he had really gone, he always told her they would be together forever and she still wanted to believe that. Madison had put the idea in her head that Todd didn’t die, and she believed it, or wanted to believe it, but’ where was he? She would think, there was never an answer other than probably dead! But she wanted to hang on to what Madison had said all the same.

  Wendy went upstairs and showered, she had perked up a bit and looking forward to an evening out. She stood in her bedroom wearing just jeans as Katy walked in. Wendy was debating what to wear, she put on a bra as Katy sat on the bed looking at her.

  “Think I need a new wardrobe, this is all drab.” Wendy sighed.

  Katy went over to her as Wendy put on her bra, she noticed her nakedness.

  “Thank you for today.” Katy she said and she kissed her softly on her lips. Wendy felt her slightly cup her breast for a split second and done her best not to involuntary react. Wendy put it down as a mistake, but it un- nerved her for a few seconds. She then thought nothing of it. She pulled out a purple sweater from her wardrobe.

  “This will do,” she said “come on let's party.”

  It was still early and it was relatively quiet with about a dozen people in the pub on the estate. The two girls planned on getting tipsy, have a good laugh and if they got fed up, there was always a take away to get and a movie at home. They had wine in the fridge if it was needed. They were enjoying the atmosphere, music played on the juke box, conversation and laughing could be heard. They stood by the bar drinking white wine and soda, looking at some boys playing a fruit machine, they were making some noise as the wheels turned and oohs and aahs rung out.

  “Nice to see you two out!” said the barmaid Judith, she lived on the estate and had been a barmaid there for years. She was in her forties, bleached blonde but pleasant and respected. Judith knew what had happened to the two girls those months ago, everyone on the estate did. Often people would point and stare at them and Wendy once heard someone say, ‘there’s those two girls that got raped’ and Wendy hated that, because she hadn’t but she never protested. People would just believe what they wanted. Katy had been systematically raped, but Wendy was spared from that ordeal. Whilst thankful she often thought that she just as well had been raped. She felt like she had been violated, and when she thought like that, whenever those thoughts came into her head she hated herself for it. Todd was the only man she had ever been with, and deep down she was grateful for that.

  “It’s good to be out.” said Katy as she looked at the two lads playing the fruit machine, eyeing one lad up in particular.

  “Wouldn't mind a piece of him!” she added, the barmaid laughed and went to serve a customer who had just came in.

  “What you like?” said Wendy, she gave Katy a friendly nudge.

  “Gagging.” replied Katy, it felt really good to be out and Katy was enjoying herself, determined to have a good time.

  “Last time I had it, I was fucking raped;” Katy added, “wonder what it would be like voluntary.”

  The change in the mood shocked Wendy, she squeezed her arm.

  “There will be a time, let's just have some fun.”

  They met eye to eye, Katy smiled.

  “Yea your right, he is cute though.”

  Wendy gave her a smile, why the sudden change in mood? She thought. One minute sweet and nice, the next speaking with a vengeance in her voice, like a determination to disrupt what so far had been a real nice evening.

  They remained by the bar laughing and joking, moving to the music and drinking wine and soda. Katy’s momentary bad mood seemed too had passed, now they were on the shots and getting mor
e and more tipsy. Wendy went to the loo as Katy ordered the next round of drinks, she was stood in the toilet by the mirror putting some lip sol on, she felt tipsy but in a good way she thought it was a good night and how good it was to see Katy enjoying herself. She hoped it would help her sleep tonight. It’s not been a year yet since he died, she thought Madison said there was no body. Wendy realised that she was having a good time and felt slightly guilty about it, as if it was the wrong thing to do. Katy walked in, she was quite drunk by now and her inhibitions were down. She walked over to Wendy cupped her breast in her hand.

  “I want you!” She said. It was totally unexpected and the look on Wendy’s face showed this.

  “Whoa!” Wendy shouted knocking her hand away. The thoughts of Todd gone and sobriety seemed to reappear.

  “We love each other, you told me, I want you Wendy.” She went to kiss her, Wendy hit her off.

  “No stop it.” She screamed.

  “What is it' Katy screamed, “You don't want it off a prozzy is that it.”

  “No that’s not it.” Wendy shouted “I don't want it off a girl!”

  “You stuck up fucking bitch.” Katy slammed the toilet door as she left, Wendy composed herself, before leaving, she had to sort this out, whatever gave her that idea. She reached the bar saw Katy stood there knocking back a shot, her eyes were glazed she was clearly drunk, she went over to talk to the boys who were still playing the fruit machine. Wendy watched for about 20 minutes, they were clearly flirting Katy making it quite plain that she was available. It was towards the end of the evening now, Wendy hadn't had a drink for a while, she was trying to sober up, while Katy was getting wrecked. She grew louder and louder, she walked over to Wendy in a drunken slur and said.


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