The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body.

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The Fenton Saga: Never Say Goodbye / There Was No Body. Page 52

by Colin Griffiths

  “Where have they gone?” Demanded Stevens,

  “He’s gone to get my son and I’m not leaving until he comes back.” Said Becky determinedly,

  “That goes for all of us,” said Morgan, “you said we were free,” he turned to look at Carol, “we started this together, we finish it the same way.”

  “May I take your weapon sir?” And Morgan handed over his gun along with Dylan and Simon. It was only James who kept onto his tucked into the back of his pants. He was thinking he just might need it.


  William and Roy were ready, they had observed all that had gone on, they had the prime tool in this battle and that was Oliver. They had rifles and they had the power. William had his and the power that his brother had shared with him.

  “what’s the plan?” asked Madison, her and Daniel had run into the woods and when they were sure they were not being followed, they sat on a log, the sun was shining through the trees casting strange shadows as the trees swayed in the wind. Outside the woods and inside the compound they all stood and waited in the still of the summer sunshine, watching the bodies of Saskia and the two agents that had been left there being bagged and loaded into a truck.

  “I have no plan,” answered Daniel, “I just want my son back.” Madison put her arm around her big brothers shoulder and as she did so the light that had followed her into the woods shone brightly. Then it grew and changed shape, and it brought back the memories when Daniel was stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking into the light, and he saw his brother in that light, as a baby, and the light was telling him it was looking after Todd. Only the picture in the light was different now, and as he and Madison looked into the light, the baby they were looking at was Oliver, and Daniel wanted to reach out into the light and touch his son, and as he did the light gave a sound like a roaring lion and sped off deep into the woods.

  Daniel screamed as if in pain, Madison screeched in delight, confusing Daniel,

  “it’s gone to protect Oliver!” She screamed “the light, it’s gone to protect him.” And Daniel knew she was right and with a new determination he said

  “Come on sis, let’s go get that bastard.” And further into the woods they walked.

  Their pace was brisk, the adrenalin high as they searched the woods, bringing back the memories of a year and a day ago when they hunted down Bill Fenton in that forest. Though not as dense as Wentwood forest the woods around them seemed to be alive once more. The trees beckoning them into the wood, calling their names, the trees were alive again and there branches like arms trying to grab them and devour them.

  William Fenton had one advantage, he knew where his enemy was. Roy slater still in a tree was giving him a step by step guide on their progress and they would soon be here. It may take the sacrifice of his son to finally lure him and as Roy sat in the tree rifle poised William went to grab Oliver. But now he could not see Oliver, where the basket had laid now lay a light and the closer he got the brighter and bigger the light grew, angry in its manner as it roared at William to stay away, and as he retreated the light dimmed. He edged forward once more getting closer, if he could just get close enough to lean in and grab the baby. Then suddenly the light grew once more, then it wasn’t a light anymore it appeared to grow arms frantically swaying as the light roared and changed colour and shape. William stepped back and as he did he noticed a face in the light, a face he knew, a face he had only seen yesterday. It was Marie Rose’s face and she was telling him to keep away.

  Roy indicated they were close as William retreated from the light, which seemed to fade and cradle the baby it was protecting. William grabbed his rifle, they would be there soon, at that moment he wished he was like James McCarthy. He wanted to smell their death.

  “Hello Madison!” he said as he stepped out from a tree. Madison and Daniel jumped in fright, now William stood in front of them with a rifle. William’s eyes went to a direction of the tree and as they looked they noticed Roy In the tree, rifle aimed ready to strike.

  “Do something,” said Daniel,

  “Do what, I just read bloody minds,”

  “It’s time to say goodbye.” Sais William and both William and Roy raised their rifles. Daniel went to lunge forward but Madison stopped him, and as Daniel looked at her she had a wide smile on her face. This unnerved both of the assailants as they stood with their fingers on their triggers. She has a plan, Daniel thought. Madison didn’t have a plan, she just needed to call for a bit of back up, and as she did so, the rain poured and the thunder clap shook every tree almost uprooting them from their foundations. The lightening streaking across the forest floor like some mad demon. The trees swayed and branches snapped, the sound of them breaking wanting those in the woods to put their hands to their ears to drown out the noise. Roy was shaken from the tree and fell to the ground. He screamed in pain as he hit the floor, and the thunder roared and the rain poured. William fell to his knees, the rain was so dense now, hitting the ground so hard and the lightning struck once more causing the trees to smoulder and the ground steam, it was almost blinding them, almost. But Madison still smiled. Come on storm boy, she told herself. Madison and Daniel saw what happened next as William and Roy were sucked up into the air, into the heart of the storm, just as she had been just over a year ago, and then as if it had never happened, the clouds broke, the rain stopped, the sun shone, the trees went back to being trees and as Madison and Daniel looked at the figure stood before them Todd said “Did you call!”

  Madison flung her arms around his neck,

  “How did you do that, I knew if I called you, you would come,” she screamed,

  “God knows, “said Todd, “I heard your voice and the next thing I knew I was flying.” Daniel stood holding his son in his arms, he had just woke up and seemed delighted to see his Daddy.

  With mouths opened wide the soldiers looked on at the storm which only appeared to happen over the forest. They were still stood in sunshine, no one noticed Todd disappear but when they heard the storm they all looked around towards him and he had gone. Wendy had screamed in anguish and Carol burst into tears, now the anguish and tears were gone as the saw Todd, Madison, Daniel carrying Oliver walking towards them. Becky hugging her son swearing she would never let him go again.

  As William and Roy landed there was no thud, they were gently laid on the ground, inside the compound, and it wasn’t unexpected, though the soldiers looked on in terror.

  James was the first to react he now sat on top of William Fenton’s chest with a gun pointing in his face, “I will fucking kill you.” he screamed,

  The soldiers raised their rifles,

  “I wouldn’t do that,” said Madison, the soldiers lowered their rifles, not because of any power or force field, because Madison was now sat beside James. “Don’t do this please,” she asked, “not you James, Not you.”

  Their eyes locked, he smiled, he handed her the gun, then he laughed,

  “He’s got cancer, probably day’s to live, I can smell it.” and as James McCarthy stood he handed Madison something he had taken from William,

  “Days to live,” he laughed hysterically. James had smelt death again, and for the only time in his life he was glad. Gabriel Fenton had not given his brother any powers, for Gabriel Fenton possessed no powers, he had simply given him the cancer that lay inside him. James now stood laughing hysterically, and as he laughed, he clutched his hand to his chest, his jaw ached, his teeth seemed to ache all over. He sunk to his knees, it felt like an elephant was sitting on his chest, and James for the second time that day smelt death. Carol and Madison held him as he fell to his knees, they laid him down, and heard his dying words. “Please don’t be sad,” he croaked “My Elsie and Marie Rose awaits me,” that was the last thing he said before he died.

  Chapter 53

  1 week later

  The general election campaigning would soon be underway. But Daniel Fenton wold not be standing, he had pledged his support to Labour, but the MP life was not one
for him, he had decided to do some legitimate accounting work until something better came along. Tracy and Jezz, well they were just carrying on as normal, enjoying each other’s body’s as much as they could, trying to find that one moment again, and they were busy planning their wedding. Morgan Hughes or the other agents were never charged with any crime, the organisation disbanded, but Morgan would work again, even though other agencies still wanted him, he had vowed not to do that again. He wanted to take some time out with his family, he felt he had some making up to do. William Fenton died two days after the event in Devon, the cancer finally draining the last drop of life out of him. Gabriel Fenton laughed as he died, revenge for his sister at last. Roy Slater was in a British prison whilst the authorities decided what charges to make, or was he under the psychotic influence of William Fenton, it would take them months to decide. Saskia was never identified, her body to be buried in an unnamed grave. Lia and Connor had flown back to America, hating Britain and all it stood for. She will soon be granted a divorce. Sandy Pott’s did revamp the café and business was booming as everybody seemed to want to visit the town of the Fenton’s, though Sandy was pleased to see that the two people who they had locked in her store room was no longer there. Cath Brown would stay in touch with the Fenton’s as would Simon. The facility in Devon was closed down, later to be destroyed. Carol had a new lease of life having both her boy’s back. Todd and Wendy were inseparable and they both sung their new song as they burnt Todd’s wardrobe in the back garden.

  They were all at Wendy’s house today as Katy loaded her last bag into the back of the taxi, her parents had contacted her after hearing of all the events, and Katy had decided to go back home, having made a friend for life of Wendy.

  “You will come back for the funerals won’t you?” Asked Wendy through the taxi window,

  “Of course I will,” answered Katy “you’re not getting rid of me you know.” They held hands through the window,

  “I love you Wendy Cross.”

  “I love you to Katy Harrison.” and everyone waived until the car was out of sight.

  They had just turned the corner when Katy noticed someone she recognised, she immediately asked the driver to stop, and she wound down the window to speak to the young lad.

  “I’m really sorry about the other night,” she told him, the young man smiled, it made him look more handsome thought Katy.

  “That’s no problem, after all you had been through I should have known better, where you off?” He asked.

  “I’m going back to live in Bristol,” the young man looked disappointed, Katy noticed this, she liked it,

  “Hey it’s only over the bridge and I’ll be coming back to stay,”

  “Perhaps we could go for a drink?” asked the boy,

  Katy asked for his phone and punched her number into it,

  “Call me!” She told him.

  “I will.” said the boy.

  As they drove off Katy looked around and noticed the boy blow her a kiss, she never stopped smiling until she got home.

  Now everyone was hugging and kissing Madison as Morgan sat in his car waiting for her. He had said his goodbyes, but Madison seemed to want to say them over and over again, as she went round everyone for the third time. The third time she kissed Daniel she whispered,

  “You still haven’t given me that taxi money,” then she kissed him for the umpteenth time.

  “See you next week.” She shouted as Morgan pulled off towards Manchester.

  “I need to make a little detour.” She told her father shortly into the journey.

  Morgan pulled up outside the residential home some time later. The mountains in the background or the fear going into the building no longer haunting Madison, and Morgan well he was fine with it, his daughter had grown up now, she had to make her own choices. Madison had made sure the home had heard Of William Fenton’s death by cancer.

  Edith’s eyes were as wide as they ever could be when Madison told her, they were also showing the sign of tears.

  “So the only reason he left me was because he was dying?” Said Edith,

  “Yes he didn’t want you to see him like that.” Madison told her.

  They chatted for almost an hour, Madison promising to visit her whenever she could. She kissed her goodbye and got up to go,

  “Oh I almost forgot,” she said and went into her handbag and took out a thick envelope;

  “He wanted you to have this,” she told Edith,

  “What is it?” She said as the old lady struggled to open it.

  “It’s money nearly ten thousand pounds.” Edith hugged it to her chest.

  Morgan could see the smile on her face as she got into the car,

  “Everything okay?” He asked.

  “It’s brilliant dad.”

  They drove for a further 5 minutes in the sunset towards home.

  “I suppose it will be boy’s next, “said Morgan

  “Dad!” Madison said.

  “You know I’m vetting everyone don’t you?”

  “DAD!” She shouted.

  “Has you mother told you about the birds and the bees?”


  They drove on with smiles on their faces. Not noticing the light that followed.

  I hope you have enjoyed this collection regarding the Fenton Family.

  There are plans to write a third book called “The return of Bill Fenton” I hope to have this completed by the end of 2016.

  Reviews are an author’s life line and I do hope you find the time to say a few words about this collection.

  If you enjoyed this please check out.


  Doll’s house,

  Coming in April 2016 ‘Someone Else’s Dream’




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