Dragon Trap [Coalition Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Dragon Trap [Coalition Mates 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 12

by Sarah Marsh

  “Let’s get you out before it gets too cold.” He picked her up and walked back out to the main room, where Luca was once again heating the rocks he’d gathered. Baelion was relieved they had found a way to warm the shelter to keep Mari comfortable.

  “My dress, Baelion,” Mari protested as he set her down on the sleeping mats.

  “I’ll wash it and hang it to dry for you, Mari,” Luca answered with a wink. “We’ve already seen all your goodies, as you say. There’s no need to be shy.”

  Bae loved the sweet blush that rose up on her cheeks before she smiled back at Luca’s teasing. It seemed everything she did charmed him.

  “Lie down on your stomach, Mari. I’ll start with your neck and your back.” He split open the julla leaves and scraped out the gel inside, then rubbed it between his hands, warming it.

  “I certainly won’t say no to a massage.” She settled herself and pulled her dark hair to one side of her shoulder, leaving the beautiful bare curves of her back and buttocks for his view.

  His body reacted to the sheer beauty of the female before him, but when he began to work the knots out of her neck and shoulders, the noises she made were almost too much to bear.

  “Oh wow.” Mari moaned. “You really know what you’re doing here, don’t you?”

  Luca had finished hanging her dress up to dry by the stones, and his deep chuckle made Baelion smile.

  “Bae has mastered many forms of therapeutic massage.” Luca settled on the mat beside them, enjoying the view from the look of the bulge in his shorts. “His hands are quite talented.”

  “You only say that because you get the most use out of my hands, love.” Bae smiled at his mate, loving how even stuck on this planet, trying to escape, Luca seemed more content and relaxed than he’d ever been. Marisol was healing them both, and she didn’t even know it.

  “I can’t argue that my hands may not be as skilled as yours, but I can help.” Luca settled at Mari’s feet and reached for the gel, then slowly worked it into her delicate skin.

  “Four hands are better than two.” Mari groaned as they worked on her stressed muscles.

  He was rewarded when she began to finally relax. Her sweet scent began to fill the room, and he knew she was also becoming aroused. Luca made his way up the length of her legs, and the closer he got to the juncture of her thighs, the more restless she started to become.

  “Time to turn over, love.” Bae’s voice was gruff with the desire he was trying to control as he watched her settle on her back, her own eyes heavy as she took them in.

  Baelion started at the tips of her fingers, massaging thoroughly toward the palm of her hand. He could see her pulse at the base of her neck getting faster. His gaze roamed over her body, taking in the taut peaks of her nipples and the way she inhaled when Luca’s hands brushed the insides of her thighs.

  “I want you,” she whispered, almost as if surprised that the words slipped past her own lips.

  “You need to rest, Mari.” Baelion tried to take the responsible stance. Even though his aching cock told quite another story, which only seemed to encourage her since he hadn’t put his shorts back on after their shower. “You’ve only just recovered.”

  “I feel fine, I swear.” She brought her hand up to wrap around his swollen shaft. “I ache for you both. Please?”

  He groaned as she stroked him slowly. He could also now smell Luca’s desire building, and the combination of their two scents drove him near mad.

  “We can be gentle, Bae.” Luca moved his palms all the way up Mari’s thighs until his thumbs lightly brushed against her now wet folds. When she bit her lower lip and tried to raise her hips for more contact, he firmly kept her in place.

  “If you feel unwell, you must tell us.” He leaned in before brushing his lips across hers.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I promise.”

  “Gentle, then.” His mouth descended upon hers, taking what he’d been aching for since they’d touched her last.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Marisol had no idea what had gotten into her. Before Luca and Baelion, she hadn’t had sex in forever—and would she have even said she missed it? Probably not too much.

  A battery-operated boyfriend to take care of her needs every now and then had actually been much more satisfying than her sex life with her ex. But sweet Jesus, if she’d known how amazing sex could be, she would have traded Jordan in years before their divorce! Now she was afraid these two had turned her into some kind of nymphomaniac, because as soon as they put their hands on her, all she could think about was getting them inside of her.

  Was she ashamed of that? Hell no. For once in her life, she just wanted to feel instead of think.

  “You’re so wet for us already,” the low sexy timbre of Luca’s voice only made her want him more. “I need to taste you.”

  “Later, Luca. I need you right now.” She moaned as Baelion took one of her aching nipples deep into his mouth. “I can’t wait. Please.”

  She boldly moved her legs farther apart, planting her feet flat on the mats. It was an unmistakable invitation—one Luca didn’t disappoint her on. He quickly rid himself of his shorts and then moved between her thighs, rubbing the swollen, thick head of his cock along her wet folds.

  “Luca, stop teasing me.”

  His only answer was a low growl as he slowly pushed his length inside of her, his eyes locked on hers. It was extremely intense. His gaze never left hers as he filled her up.

  “Watching you take him is so fucking hot, Mari.” Bae’s voice from beside her snagged her attention. His own blue eyes were locked to where their bodies joined. He ran one finger down her stomach until it lightly made a slow path around her swollen clit, causing her to moan and tighten around the hard shaft buried deep within her.

  “She’s so warm and wet, Bae. Feel for yourself.” Luca grabbed Baelion’s hand and guided it lower to where the root of him met her body.

  Mari’s hips bucked up when Bae continued to rub a trail along her folds and then back up to her clit. Meanwhile, Luca set a leisurely pace, thrusting in slowly and then retreating. She could feel the pressure building inside of her, and she sighed when Baelion moved to capture her lips in a slow kiss.

  The two of them continued their sensual torment, never letting her set the pace or tempt them to lose control. Bae had her arms gently pinned above her head with one hand. The thrill of being completely under their control seemed to electrify all of her senses. They were true to their word, completely tender in their care for her—but there was an intensity to their actions that was different than before. They were loving her so intently that it was her undoing.

  “Oh God.” She whimpered into his mouth as Luca’s firm but steady pace lit her up until she was just on the cusp of orgasm. “Please, I need to come.”

  “Come for us, little one,” Bae murmured as he finally pinched down on her swollen button, causing her to spasm all around Luca’s shaft.

  “Yeeeessss.” She moaned as she came. All of the tension in her body finally broke and swept her away in a warm rush of pleasure. Luca pushed deep one last time before he joined her, groaning her name.

  Baelion still slowly stroked her as she came down from the high, Luca still buried deep inside of her. There was certainly something to be said for slow and steady. It was a different type of pleasure than the passionate coupling from their previous encounter, but no less impactful. It was more intimate. There was more tenderness in their touch, and it melted her.

  “How are you feeling, Mari?” Luca leaned forward to slowly sip at her lips. She opened her eyes when he stopped, only to see that he had moved to kiss Baelion, as well.

  “Much more relaxed,” she murmured, hypnotized at the sight of their lips and tongues moving together. Her satiated libido suddenly roared to life once again as Luca withdrew his spent shaft from her and settled himself this time behind Baelion.

  “And what shall we do with you, love?” Luca reached over the other man’s hip, mov
ing lower until he grasped Bae’s turgid length and stroked it slowly. “Let us take care of you now.”

  “I don’t want to make Mari sore.” Bae’s voice was quiet and strained with desire as she joined her hand with Luca’s on the other man’s cock.

  “I’m fine, Bae,” she whispered, leaning in to lick at his neck. “I promise.”

  “Move closer and give me your leg, Marisol.” Luca released Bae’s cock and pulled her thigh up to rest over both of their hips, opening her up to them.

  She moaned when the wet tip of Baelion’s cock rubbed up against her sensitive clit, loving how hard he was for them. When he slowly slid into her, they both let out a long breath. He was slightly thicker than Luca but felt oh so good as he stretched her.

  “Neither of you move.” Luca’s voice was thick with desire once again as he reached for the remainder of the julla leaves and collected the thick gel on his fingers before returning to his position behind his mate.

  Baelion tightened his arms around Mari’s waist as he groaned low in her ear, his hips bucking slightly against her. She had a pretty good idea what Luca had done, and when he was once again tight against Bae’s back, she leaned over and kissed him, moving her hips slowly, working the thick length inside of her.

  “Ahh, Goddess, this feels amazing.” Bae panted as Luca began to thrust into him and Mari continued to move along his shaft. “It’s too much. I can’t last long.”

  She had a feeling that was Luca’s intention as he bit down on Bae’s shoulder, making the other man cry out as his hips bucked furiously, taking her breath away every time he slammed against her swollen clit. Mari could feel the force of Luca’s thrusts as he took Bae’s ass.

  “Do you like being fucked by both of us at the same time, love?” Luca whispered into Bae’s ear, the dirty words only increasing her desire.

  “Yes, I love it,” was Bae’s breathless response, sweat beading at his temple and then slowly making its way down the side of his face.

  “Mari, come on his cock.” Luca locked eyes with her. “Make him come inside of you.”

  She nodded and bit her lip as she reached down between their straining bodies. Her fingers slipped in the wetness before finding purchase, and all it took was two passes over her clit before her orgasm hit. She tightened around Bae’s shaft, urging him to find his own release.

  “Mari!” he bellowed before sinking deep inside of her one last time. She could feel the tremors flow through him as he came hard, his peak, in turn, bringing Luca, as well. His roar of completion rang out into the quiet night.

  They lay in each other’s arms for what felt like an eternity before anyone spoke, just touching each other and basking in the afterglow of the intense lovemaking.

  “Mari is going to think we’re incapable of lasting for any length of time, Luca.” Baelion chuckled when he finally opened his eyes to look at her. “When I get my hands on you, Mari, I seem to lose all my control.”

  “You’ll hear no complaints from me,” she answered, stroking his blond locks away from his face. “Being with you two is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.”

  “Just wait until we have a proper bed to pleasure you in, Marisol,” Luca added, turning to his side, propping his head up with his hand. “There are so many things I long to do to you both.”

  Mari’s heart did a little flip-flop in her chest at his words. This was the first time they’d mentioned anything about wanting to see her again once they were safely off this planet. Did they truly want some kind of relationship with her? Or was this just pillow talk that would be forgotten once they dropped her off and collected their paycheck? She didn’t have the guts to ask them outright. The thought of their rejection was paralyzing.

  “Speaking of getting off of this hellhole, how much longer do you think it will take us to get to the resort?” she asked, trying to casually change the subject.

  “The weather has cleared up, so if the wind is in our favor, we should be able to get there tomorrow evening, I hope,” Luca answered.

  “Let’s get some sleep then. We’ll leave at sunrise tomorrow.” Bae pulled her in close and nuzzled his nose into her neck, causing her to smile. She felt like a little teddy bear in his arms.

  Marisol was looking forward to getting back to Sirus. She’d had quite enough of the wilds of Draxis. But would going home mean saying good-bye to Luca and Baelion? She tried not to hope for something that wasn’t going to happen. Life seemed to love disappointing her.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  This time when they woke the next morning and gathered what they needed to take with them, Mari was unusually quiet. Luca could see that she was jumpy, as well. Once they went through the roof latch, she wouldn’t let the gula cub down even for a moment, and her gaze was searching every inch of the vines under their feet for something that could be a danger. He felt as though he’d failed her when that horrid little creature had bitten her. He needed to be more diligent.

  “Baelion will shift so we can put the saddle we made on, Mari.” Luca motioned her over to give Bae more room on the far side of the shelter rooftop. “Don’t worry, I’ve got my eyes out for any more of those flying animals.”

  “I know.” She gave him a strained smile. “Now I’m just freaked out about everything. I guess I’m just not cut out for gallivanting across alien planets, huh?”

  “You’re far braver than you give yourself credit for.” He took Bae’s shorts from the other man and put them in the pack along with his own. “I haven’t met a female like you before, Marisol. You’re a credit to your race.”

  She tried to blink away the wetness in her eyes, but he saw it. It was truly baffling that such an amazing female could not know her own worth. Were the males on her planet really that ignorant? If this were true, then the Coalition might have trouble in the future protecting Earth from raiders of all types, and if treasures such as Marisol were being so woefully neglected, then Luca wasn’t sure he would object.

  “He’s right, love.” Bae leaned in to give her a soft kiss on her lips. “You are a gift beyond measure.”

  She didn’t reply as Bae walked over and shifted. Luca grabbed the seat they’d made out of the huge, thick leaves surrounding them and set it astride his mate before pulling the vines around him to secure it.

  “Wow, this is incredible.” Marisol ran her fingers along the stitches holding the pieces together. “It’s like a full-on McGyver job.”

  “I don’t know what that means”—he laughed—“but the foliage in the larger trees is so sturdy it was quite easy to sew it with the smaller vines—especially when we have such helpful claws to assist us.”

  “What’s the little basket at the front for?” she asked before he plucked the mewling gula from her arms and dropped him inside.

  “Up you go.” He then picked her up and swung her over into the seat before securing the ties around her legs and waist.

  “Wow, seat belts and everything,” she mused as she settled in, laughing at Tigger as he put his paws on the edge of his bucket and peered over the edge cautiously.

  “We wanted to make certain that even if you grew tired, it would be safe.”

  The soft look she gave him was worth all the trouble they’d gone to. He could tell from her surprise whenever they did something for her that her previous mate hadn’t taken care of her as he should have.

  “Thank you, Luca.”

  He smiled back at her before giving her the satchel to wear across her back. Then he moved to the other side of the rooftop and waited for Baelion to lift off. Once they were in the air, he shifted himself and joined them. It was going to be a long day, and he was eager to get started.

  * * * *

  Baelion was exhausted. They’d been flying for most of the day, and he was so relieved when they spotted the next shelter the map had indicated in the canopy. This one was much lower to the ground than the last one, and it concerned him a bit. They hadn’t had any run-ins with any more predators since the beast that
attacked them at the cave, but there were plenty large enough to cause trouble if they were scented.

  He landed and once again shifted before Marisol could attempt to dismount. He couldn’t help himself—he loved her noises of surprise.

  “Bae!” She laughed, finding herself now straddling the man and not the dragon. “I told you to give me some warning first.”

  “Where would be the fun in that?” he teased as he wiggled out from beneath the saddle and helped her to her unsteady feet.

  “Oh man, I think my entire lower body is asleep after that.” She rubbed absently at her behind, then grabbed Tigger and set him down to wander. “Where did Luca go?”

  “I think he’s just doing a quick search of the immediate area to check for predators,” he answered as he used his shifted claws to saw through the thick vines that had grown over the roof latch. “As we get closer to the resort, they seem to be more active.”

  “Oh.” She looked around as if something was going to jump out at them.

  “Don’t worry. I don’t scent anything near us,” he said, pulling the heavy door up and peering inside. “Stay up here for a moment. I’m going to clear out the shelter, and it will get cold.”

  “Okay.” She sat down beside the door to wait for him.

  Baelion jumped down into the darkness and waited for his eyes to adjust. He’d have to clear away the vines over the windows as well, or they would be in complete darkness for their stay. There were only a few small insects to discard, and a small stream of his venom took care of that rather quickly, leaving the air inside with a chill.

  “All clear. Come, I’ll help you.” He popped his head up and reached out his arms to Mari just as Luca came into sight and landed behind her.

  “Tigger, come on!” she called out to the cub. His little ears perked up and he came running toward her.


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