Rejected By His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Rejected By His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 14

by Briers, M L

  “You’ll fit right in.”Dale assured her and she couldn’t help but twist her head on her neck and wonder which village he’d escaped from, and if they wanted their idiot back.

  “I’m Fae, or did you forget I don’t get all furry and bitey with an inbuilt need to chase bunnies?”She snorted and he offered her a gentle growl, berating her.

  “You’re my mate.”He informed her, as if that was explanation enough.

  “I can’t believe you’ve already bonded…”Petra gave her friend a knowing look. It was a cross between smug and supremely smug. It was only hours ago that Jill was in a tizzy about having a mate and a Lycan one to boot, and here she was with his mark buried deep into her shoulder. Jill shifted on her stool to get a better look at her friend, and then she dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

  “Oh please, if life hadn’t of got in the way, you would have had your knickers around your ankles long before I did.”Jill scoffed returning the look and adding a little raise of her brows to challenge her into denying it.

  For a long moment Petra just stared back at her, and then with a shrug off just one shoulder she conceded the point. Returning her attention back to the mug of coffee on the kitchen counter in front of her, she palmed it in her hands and sighed in that wistful way that told Jill all she needed to know.

  “He is very…”She sighed again.

  “Very. They both are, and just wait until you bon him naked…”Petra’s head snapped around on her neck and she glared at Jill full force.

  “And how would you know if I’d bonked him naked or not?”She demanded.

  Jill’s lips went into an instant pout as she winced at her mistake. But she knew Petra. The woman was like a British Bulldog with a bone, once she had hold of it there was no getting that sucker back again. She’d even guard it in her sleep, one eye open and a ready growl awaiting anyone who tried. She might as well spill the beans rather than be poked and prodded for the answer until doomsday.

  “Brad heard a noise outside. He looked out of the bedroom window…”She turned her eyes on Petra and gave her a pointed look. “Lycans have very good eyesight.”She informed her as the colour rose to a deep crimson in Petra’s cheeks. She pushed the mug away from her and dropped her forehead against the counter top. Mortified was a mild word for what she was feeling.

  “Was there anyone who didn’t see us having sex?”Petra groaned out just as their mates strolled into the kitchen.

  “Probably not, but we are Lycan, so sex outside is the norm around here.”Brad chuckled. The grin on his face spread from ear to ear, as he took in the sight of his new pack sister, blushing profusely as she rolled her head against the counter top and groaned loudly. The feel of her mate’s breath against her cheek was like a caress and stilled her instantly.

  “Besides it wasn’t sex, it was so much more than that.”She didn’t need to look at him to know he was grinning. It was so evident in his damn voice.

  “Mr smug and Mr smugger…”Petra pushed up from the counter and rallied towards her mate. “Sex is sex, and you may be very good at it…”

  “Thank you.”His grin doubled in size, ear to ear as he stuck out his chest proudly.

  “But, it was just sex…”Petra wanted to deflate his ego, but she had no ammunition with which to launch an attack. He was very good at it. He was build like a Greek God and his manhood was more than impressive, where could she draw fault with any of that?

  Dale reached out and snatched her from the stool before she even had a chance to think about it. She wrapped her arms and legs around his body in full preservation mode as he swung them around and started off for the doorway.

  “Then I’ll have to take you upstairs and we can work on perfecting that part of our relationship.”He teased.

  “How like a man to want to perfect the sex part before anything else.”Jill scoffed from her stool, but Petra wasn’t complaining. She was more than happy with any activity that involved them getting naked and being wrapped around each other.

  “Like you weren’t practicing all afternoon.”Petra shot back over his shoulder as her mate sped up towards the stairs, leaving her friend behind to mull that over. Jill watched Petra being swept away until the kitchen wall blocked her view. When she turned back on the stool towards Brad he still had that ear to ear grin on his face.

  “Want to practice some more?”His eyes sparkled with the promise of the adventures he offered and she didn’t have to think twice about his offer. Pushing her mug across the counter top away from her, she grinned back at him and raised her eyebrows suggestively.

  “I thought you might be a tad tired…”She teased and heard the low growl of desire that rumbled through him.

  “Is that a challenge to my virility?”He asked as he narrowed his eyes on her and she went to open her mouth to answer, but he cut her off. “Because if it is, well then I’m going to have to rise to that challenge and prove to you just how virile a mate you have.”He warned, as straight faced as he could manage considering he was still grinning from ear to ear inside.

  Jill narrowed her eyes and made sure that she understood just what he was telling her. When she was sure she had it straight within her mind she lifted her chin defiantly and rolled her shoulders. “I’d say it’s a very strong challenge to your virility.”Her words ended on a squeal when he yanked her from the stool and slung her over his shoulder. “Caveman style…”She chuckled as her body swung helplessly down his back when her mate stalked out of the kitchen on fast legs. “I like it.”

  Rafferty followed Jed through the woods. He was more than careful to stay downwind from the Omega as they went. Jed’s tracking skills wouldn’t be anywhere near that of a Beta, but it wouldn’t take a lot for him to catch the scent of his wolf on the breeze, and then he would be forewarned that he was being tracked himself.

  Knowing the woods like he knew the back of his hand, Rafferty knew exactly where they were and where they were headed towards. A few minutes more and the thick woods would open up into a clearing on the packs side of the lake. It was the boundary line that ran alongside the vampires land, and fewer patrols came out this way because human activity was few and far between.

  When they reached the clearing Rafferty took up a position from where he could see not only what Jed was up to, but where he was sure to keep downwind, as well as offering a view of the other track into the clearing. He didn’t want any surprises. If this man was out here for his health he would be very surprised. Just from the Omega’s nervous disposition he knew Jed was up to something, it was what that something was that Rafferty needed to uncover.

  With a quick scan around the area Jed made for the base of the large oak, nestled just back from the lake towards the second path that had been cut into the undergrowth. Crouched down on one knee, he shoved his hand inside the hollowed out base of the old tree and felt around. When he seemed satisfied he had what he wanted he pulled out a tightly wrapped package, about the size of a hardback book, shoved it into his partially opened jacket and yanked the zip up towards his chin. Getting to his feet he took a step back and gently played his foot over the earth to hide his knee print in the ground.

  Rafferty snorted his contempt within his mind. He had his confirmation that the Omega was definitely up to something, but what the hell did you hide in a hollowed out tree that you couldn’t hide within your own cabin? Slowly and very quietly Rafferty backed into the dark shadows on the woods. He wasn’t ready to confront the man yet, not if he could get all the answers that he needed before he had to challenge him on it.

  Rafferty felt every inch of his age, and that was too damn old to be counted any longer. He was tired, irritable and he longed for the comfort of his bed. He’d spent the night walking in circles around the alphas cabin after Jed had gone out on patrol, just in case the wolf had doubled back. He knew the Alpha and Beta were with their mates. He might be damned old, but he still had better hearing than most humans did and the sound of mating wasn’t something you could ignore easily.
That thought brought a smile to his lips, although at six in the morning he had more than resented it. The Fae had been safe, but he still felt better knowing he had eyes on the place.

  Rafferty wasn’t as past his sell by date as the damn vampire seemed to think he was either. He knew the blood sucker was out there, up in the trees, watching the cabin and the surrounding area just as he was. But he chose to ignore him. He had nothing against the corpse per se, but they had something of a falling out eighteen years ago and he hadn’t much cared to debate it since. Not once his old Alpha had informed him not to speak of the Blackwell sisters again.

  He was still there; perched up in the tree like a damn crow ready to snatch some poor unsuspecting soul away to the other side. But still he kept his eyes downwards as he walked back towards the cabin. He taken the time to shift back into human form and had dressed in the clothes he’d stashed under the porch the night before. Now he was prepared to get himself some much needed breakfast from the Alpha’s kitchen. They might not have known what he’d been doing all night, but they still owed him a hearty meal.

  “You look like you had a good night…”Jade’s voice caused him to stop and turn on his heels towards her as she made haste towards him. “Was it wine, woman or rabbits that kept you up all night?”The twinkle in Jade’s eyes made him clear his throat as she raised her brows expectantly.

  “Well it wasn’t wine, I can tell you that much.”He snapped back, and then remembered himself. It wasn’t her fault he’d gotten no sleep and felt as if he’d been steamrollered over by a damn tractor with a trailer attached. He rolled his eyes playfully in his head and gave a low chuckle of mischief. “That’s not to say it didn’t have something to do with women, but there certainly weren’t any rabbits involved.”He offered with a cheeky grin and saw her smile spread across her face.

  “I think the older you get the more incorrigible you are.”She offered as if it was a secret she was sharing with him.

  “Well when you get to my age you might as well throw caution to the wind, there might not be many more throws of the dice left.” He grumbled and heard her snort a laugh.

  “I hear that. You wouldn’t want to leave this life with any regrets or unfinished business. Best to take the bull by the horns when the opportunity arises.”Jade’s smile had faltered, and for a long moment she looked as if her thoughts were far away, and Rafferty couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking about. But she snapped back into the present and the smile was back on her face, only this time it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

  “Right now that bull is breakfast and I’m planning on a big one.”He motioned towards the Alpha’s cabin and Jade chuckled. There wasn’t many mornings since losing his partner that Rafferty didn’t invite himself to breakfast at the Alpha’s.

  “Will you tell Dale that I looked through the archives last night and pulled the information we have on his mate’s mother. Tell him that I’d be happy to show her anytime she wants to come by.”Jade had already started to walk on, leaving Rafferty to turning his interest back towards breakfast.

  “Will do.”He called after her as he started off towards the back door and whatever mouth watering offerings the young Beta had in store this morning. For a male that boy could cook, and Rafferty was more than appreciative of that fact. Personally he couldn’t boil an egg, but that was the good thing with pack life, there was always someone cooking somewhere.

  “Breakfast.”Brad placed the offering down in front of his mate as if it was a fresh kill that he was offering to his Alpha. He watched as her eyes grew wide as she took in the mountains of food in front of her and snagged her bottom lip with her teeth.

  “Wow, and how fat do you want to make me?”She lifted her eyes and pinned him with her gaze. His brows drew together over his nose and he shook his head.

  “You need to eat …”

  “Not enough to feed a small village.”Jill giggled. She knew how Lycans ate, but what he needed to understand was she wasn’t a Lycan. She couldn’t have eaten that amount of food in a whole day let alone one sitting. “But on the bright side, at least you can cook. I can’t even boil water, unless it’s in a kettle and even then it’s fifty-fifty on how it’ll turn out.”

  “That’s something we have in common.”Rafferty announced as he strolled into the kitchen and took the stool at the end of the counter, eyeing her plate with glee. He lifted his chin and savoured the mixture of scents in the air, he could taste breakfast already.

  Jill pushed her plate towards the older man. He looked like he needed it far more than she did. “Here, you get started on this, and I’ll have a coffee and a bacon butty.”She turned her eyes back to Brad who growled a gentle reprimand in her direction, but that didn’t stop him from reaching for the bread and butter to make her sandwich.

  “You need to eat more…”He growled.

  “When I get pregnant I’ll eat for two, until then I’ll eat a human sized portion, thanks very much.” Jill scoffed as she lifted the mug of coffee to her lips and hesitated when she saw that Brad had stopped making her breakfast and was just staring at her, his mouth slightly open. “Is your mouth open because you’re hopeful of catching flies or is something amiss?”

  He snapped his mouth shut as his brain kicked back into gear. He palmed the counter and leaned in towards her, his eyes locked with hers as a small smile crept onto his face. He looked… kind of strange…

  “We haven’t talked about pups…”Brad started and she couldn’t help but scoff at his words.

  “We haven’t talked about much of anything…”She raised her brows suggestively and he grinned harder.

  “Ain’t that the truth.”Rafferty mumbled to himself as moment before he bit into the large sausage speared on the end of his fork. Brad frowned at the elder and then dismissed him, turning back to his mate.

  “You’re open to having pups?”He had wondered as he’d made love to her, as he’d touched her belly, imagining it swelled with his pup, and as he’d spilled his seed within her how the hell could he not?. Lycans were family orientated. There was nothing more rewarding than filling a home with pups. But the Fae…

  “Well not right this instant…”Jill offered and heard Rafferty snort a chuckle. “But you’re Lycan, so I guess we’ll be shucking the little buggers out like peas soon enough.”She grinned back at him, mischief filling her eyes. “But in the meantime I firmly believe that practice makes perfect.”She offered and watched his grin spread from ear to ear, like the cat that got the cream, or maybe the wolf that got the rabbit.

  “A woman after my own heart.”Rafferty chortled. Half of his attention taken by the sound of the other mates moving around upstairs, before the echo of feet on the stairs sounded around the house from the staircase.

  Brad finished making his mate’s breakfast as Dale and Petra came into the room. Rather than stuff bread full of bacon, he’d rather be taking his mate upstairs for some more practice in making pups. But he wouldn’t be fulfilling his duties if he didn’t make sure she was fed properly. Now he had two more mouths to feed, and the only thing that was on his mind was how quickly his mate could finish her food…

  “Good morning.”Dale offered to the gathering as he took his place next to his mate at the counter.

  “For some.”Rafferty grumbled with a mouthful of food. He chewed twice and swallowed hard, remembering he had a message for the Alpha. “Jade said she has what you wanted, and anytime you’re ready it’s there for you, just go by.”Rafferty delivered the message and set his sights back on his plate.

  “That’s the elder who controls the archives.”Dale informed Petra as Brad shoved two mugs of coffee in front of them and set about heaping food onto plates. “She’s obviously found something about your mother.”

  “When can we take a look?”Petra was both eager to find out what she could about her mother, and yet she was also a little nervous at the enormity of what was facing her. She would finally learn the truth. She’d never actually thought this day would ever come
, now that it was here, well, it was kind of epic.

  “After breakfast, you must be pretty hungry.”He raised his brows at her. The look in his eyes was purely feral as the memories of last night played within his mind.

  “Ravenous.” She offered back to him and brad cocked an eyebrow at his mate.

  “She’s ravenous.”He offered as if he was accusing her of something and Jill couldn’t help the small mischievous smile that touched her lips.

  “Doesn’t that tell you more about you than it does me?”She cocked her head to one side and waited for the penny to drop. Rafferty’s deep chuckle rolled down the counter towards them and Brad’s eyes widened in shock.

  “I thought we settled that last night.”He growled at her in disbelief.

  “Your virility or lack thereof, is not an issue between us…”Jill teased back, trying to keep the grin from her face as sniggers went on around them. But her mate wasn’t the least bit amused. Throwing down the tea towel onto the side like a gauntlet, he stalked around the counter and headed straight for his mate. Turning her in place on her stool he reached for her and tossed her up and over his shoulder again.

  “Wait…”Jill snapped out and her mate hesitated. Looking over his shoulder he watched her reach for the uneaten half of the bacon sandwich and once she’d snagged it with her hand, he set off again out of the kitchen.

  “I suppose we should be grateful they came up for air.”Rafferty snorted, spearing another sausage on the end of his fork and lifting it up to inspect it for a long moment before he snapped his teeth into it.

  Dale and Petra were on route to Jades cabin when his mobile went off. He fished it out of his back pocket and checked the caller ID, Tony, his second Beta, came up on the display.


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