Curve Ball (Stadium Series Book 2)

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Curve Ball (Stadium Series Book 2) Page 5

by S A Clayton

  He nods, understanding that what I’m describing is what all of us want in a partner. Obviously, there are those like King who thrive on how much pussy they can get and where, but for me, it’s never about that. I’ve always wanted that one person to come home to, kids running around and a family to miss while I’m away.

  “I’m happy for you, man.” Will gives me a sly smile before he goes back to looking at something on his phone. I do the same until I overhear a conversation that sets my teeth on edge.

  “He thinks he’s the shit, but honestly, I’m here to take his spot, to prove that there are better players around.”

  I know T.J. is talking about me. He’s an infielder, someone that can play multiple positions and something our team desperately needs, but I really wish it came from someone other than him.

  “You seriously think you’re better than Anderson?” Lopez questions and from the uneasy tone in his voice, I know he’s uncomfortable having this conversation when I’m within earshot. I don’t blame him.

  “Hell yes, I do. The guy is a has-been. His play this year is proof and if he keeps thinking about that pussy he’s got back home, I’m going to be able to sweep in and take his job right from under him.”

  My fingers grasp the armrests so hard you can see the whites of my knuckles because I refuse to engage. No matter how much the guy makes me want to punch a wall, I can’t give in because then that would give Coach yet another reason to get pissed.

  Lopez must say something about me hearing their conversation because T.J. cackles and says, “I don’t care if he hears me, I want him to know I’m a threat. He knows I’m coming for him.”

  I roll my eyes, Will chuckling beside me.

  “Is this kid serious?”

  I shake my head while shrugging my shoulder just as Coach gets up out of his seat near the front of the plane, stopping in front of my row. He eyes Will and me, saying nothing before he turns to T.J.

  “I don’t want to hear another sound out of you. Got it? We are a TEAM, not a fucking rookie free-for-all. You support each other or I send you right back down to the minors, understand?”

  T.J.’s head nods so fast that I can’t stop the laugh that bubbles out of my chest. But T.J. and Coach send me a look before we all go back to ignoring each other. Just the way I like it.

  A few hours later we land, everyone rummaging for their shit as we head outside to the waiting cars. Just as my feet connect with the concrete, Coach calls me over.

  “I wanted to talk about what happened on the plane earlier.”

  I have to think about what he’s talking about and then I remember the outburst with T.J.

  “I wanted to remind you that he’s not here to take your job. He’s here to showcase what he can do and that’s it.”

  I fight a smile because the thought that that scrawny dickweed being better than me is laughable.

  “Coach, no offense to Taylor, but I’m not worried. He might talk a big talk, but he hasn’t played a single inning yet, so I’m not worried.”

  The small smile on his lips lets me know that he feels exactly as I do, but as the coach, he can’t say it. So, when he pats me on the back and heads toward his car, I stand still, that is until Will comes up behind me.

  “What did Coach want?”

  I tell him as he leads us toward our car.

  “He seriously thought you’d be threatened by that pixie stick? The guy hasn’t even played a game yet.”

  “That’s what I said. He just wanted to make sure I knew my job wasn’t in jeopardy.”

  I think back to the conversation I had with Justin and wonder if what Coach said was bullshit just to placate me, or if he believes in me more than management. I shake the thought out of my head as we head toward the hotel, where I plan to call my girl and get some much-needed sleep.



  I spent days racking my brain, trying to figure out a way to help Mel, hoping an idea would pop into my head. Then I talked to Josh after one of his games and he reminded me that during his tour of the gym, Henry showed him some empty space above the gym that was supposed to be converted into a living space. That’s when I fell in love with the idea of turning that space into Mel’s new studio. My only issue now is convincing Henry that it’s a good business decision.

  I cocoon myself in my bedroom, researching how to create revenue with the addition of the dance studio. If I’ve done the numbers correctly, Mel’s studio will create so much visibility not only for Steven’s Place but also for Mel herself, so I hope when I show these figures to Henry, he’ll agree. Just as I’m about to turn off the light and try to get some sleep, my phone buzzes beside me.

  Josh: Hey, Gorgeous.

  I honestly love that he calls me that sometimes, even when I don’t see the woman he sees, it’s nice to hear.

  Me: Hey there, superstar. How was the game?

  I already know that they won, and I also already know that his home run late in the game is the reason they won. I remember the look on his face as he hit that home run and I smirk, knowing he’ll be talking about it for weeks. If it were me, I definitely would.

  Josh: Oh you saw that did you?

  I roll my eyes at the cocky response. I would expect nothing less of him, and he deserves it. So I text him back, teasing about how he obviously fixed his swing. When he sends me a winking face, I ask what he’s doing.

  Josh: I’m at the hotel. All the guys are out celebrating.

  I tilt my head, wondering why he’s not with them. He should be out since he’s the reason they won.

  Me: You’re not with them?

  Josh: I wanted to talk to you.

  I swear I melt right there in the middle of my bed. This man has me wrapped around his finger, and he’s not even in town. My phone goes off again with another text.

  Josh: What did you do tonight? And why are you up so late?

  We text back and forth for a bit about his idea for Mel’s studio and how I plan to make it work. He agrees that our idea will not only help Mel but help Henry and me in the long run. The more we talk, the more I realize I miss him. I miss his voice; I miss the way his fingers always seemed to find my skin no matter where we are, and I miss being able to see him whenever I wanted. So before I think better if it, I text:

  Me: I miss you.

  It doesn’t take long for his response, making my smile grow with every word I read.

  Josh: I miss you too, Sunshine. Trust me, you are all I’ve thought about since I left.

  I love the fact that I’m on his mind as much as he’s on mine. It’s comforting.

  Josh: And the number of cold showers I’ve taken is embarrassing.

  The image of Josh naked in the shower sends a hot flash right to my core as I squirm in my bed, wishing to God that he were here to take away the ache that comes on whenever I think about him.

  Me: Well, when you get back, I promise to show you exactly what I did to myself while you were away.

  Shit. I may have gone too far with that one. Flirting over text is one thing, but this is crossing a line I don’t know if I’m ready for, or if he is ready for.

  Josh: Fuck, what I wouldn’t do to be there with you right now. I bet you’re wet just thinking about how good my cock feels, aren’t you?

  Jesus, I’m instantly turned on, wondering how the hell a text message could get me so hot and bothered. Before I have the chance to text back, my phone starts ringing in the palm of my hand.

  “Josh?” I half pant, half moan into the phone.

  “Sunshine, I needed to hear those moans, or I was going to go crazy over here,” he groans as I lean my head back against the headboard. “Fuck… if I was there…” He starts as if in prayer. I close my eyes and picture him right in front of me, beside the bed.

  “What would you do?” I plead, hoping he doesn’t stop, knowing I’m too worked up for him to stop now.

  “You wanna know what I would do to that sexy body of yours?” he whispers as I groan, letti
ng out a breath, hoping he continues. “I would kiss every inch of that silky skin, I would start with your neck, at that place behind your ear that drives you fucking crazy.”

  My hand travels down my breasts, squeezing because I’m so turned on that I can’t seem to concentrate.

  “Then I’d kiss those perfect tits of yours, sucking each nipple into my mouth and making sure you were writhing under me.”

  God, his voice is pure sin.

  “Fuck, Josh, I wish you were here,” I admit, pinching my nipples as my hips involuntarily lift off the bed as a grunt leaves my throat.

  “You touching yourself, Sunshine?”

  No sound comes out of my mouth as my fingers continue to play with my nipples, sending jolts of arousal straight to my clit.

  “Take off your panties, Harper,” he demands and I shiver.

  Fuck, do I love when he gets bossy.

  “Yes…” I put the phone down, putting it on speaker as my hands find their way to the edge of my panties. I hear rustling in the background and when a loud moan comes over the speaker, I shudder, my fingers finally finding my folds.

  “Are you…” I ask, hoping to God I get to hear him get off like this.

  “Fuck yes, I’m jacking off to sounds you’re making, sweetheart. They’re fucking intoxicating.”

  My head falls back against the headboard once more as my hips circle my own fingers, begging for release.

  “If only you were here,” I whisper. “What I wouldn’t give to have your hands on me right now.” I picture those hands traveling up the soft skin of my thighs, parting my legs slowly as my head tilts to watch as his breath lightly brushes over my sex.

  “I know, sweetheart. I’ll be back soon.”

  I moan as my fingers find my clit as my body starts to convulse with every pass.

  “I’m gonna make us feel better right now, okay?”

  I nod, knowing he can’t see, but my grunt of approval sends a soft chuckle through his lips. Slapping sounds start to get louder and louder as my breathing becomes more and more labored. I can picture his hand wrapped around that cock, stroking and squeezing until my eyes close and I can’t take anymore.

  “I want you to fuck that pussy for me. Can you do that?” he asks as I sink my fingers through my folds, feeling my arousal coat them.

  I gasp when my thumb brushes my clit, knowing it won’t take but a few strokes to make me come undone. Not with the way he’s talking.

  “That’s it, Sunshine, fuck that perfect pussy, pretend they’re my fingers, pretend it’s my mouth on you and my fingers getting you off.”

  Damn, I want that so bad.

  “Josh…” I moan. “This feels so good. I need to come soon. I need to come so bad.” His growl reaches my ears as he grunts his approval.

  “I know, me too.” His labored breathing and the sounds of his fist as it jerks his cock sends my body into overdrive.

  All I need is some more of that dirty talk, and I know I’ll fly right off the edge.

  “Take those fingers and play with that clit, I know you love when I suck it, making you moan my name over and over again.”

  I do as he asks, and the heat builds as my fingers start to move faster and faster.

  “I bet you taste fucking amazing right now.”

  Fuck, he’s driving me crazy.

  “I need to hear you come, sweetheart, I need to hear you scream my name.”

  I can’t help the loud scream that comes from within as my fingers delve into my core as the heat travels through my entire body.

  “Come for me, Harper. Come with me right now…” he demands and it’s as if a bomb goes off inside me.

  I scream his name over and over and over again until I register his grunts as he comes with me.

  “Fuck…” he groans as we both lay there breathing heavily as reality starts to set back in. We just had phone sex. And it was incredible. “That was amazing,” he mutters as I smile. I can’t believe we just did that.

  “That’s one way of putting it.” My breathing is labored. I lean over and grab some Kleenex from my nightstand, cleaning myself off before taking my phone in hand and heading to the bathroom to wash up.

  “I can’t wait to sink into you when I get home. I miss you so much.” My heart does a little flip at those last three words, loving that he’s just as attracted as I am.

  “I miss you too. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?” I ask, not knowing if he’ll have the time, and also not wanting to sound too eager.

  “Hell yes, you will,” he says as I lie back on the bed, feeling the day catch up to me as the exhaustion takes over.

  “Good night, Josh.”

  “‘Night, Harper.” With that, he hangs up and I lie in bed grinning like an idiot.

  As I walk into the gym, I smirk as Henry tries to explain a leg press to a woman that is clearly more into checking him out than listening to what he’s saying. I head into my office, turn on my computer and pull out my proposal for Henry, and read it over once more. I know Henry is family and more likely than not he will say yes, but I want to go in there prepared. One day this whole place will be mine and I want him to know that I take it seriously and that I do not want any handouts.

  Just as I sit down, loading my emails, I notice a figure standing in my doorway, and from the floral scent that suddenly overtakes my office, I know without looking up who has graced me with her presence.

  “Angela, what can I do for you?” I ask, still looking at my screen, hoping she gets the hint and leaves me alone before I throw a stapler in her direction.

  “He’s going to get bored with you. Trust me,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest and giving me that bitch look that all girls know how to pull out at the right moment.

  Well, it looks like the news that Josh and I are official sure has traveled fast to the wrong people. I give her a glance and wonder when I stepped back into a middle school fight over a boy.

  “Oh really?” I lean back in my chair as my eyes meet hers, crossing my own arms and smiling. “He hasn’t seemed bored these last few weeks.”

  The voice in the back of my mind is telling me to shut it and act like an adult, ignore her and she’ll go away, but for once in my life, I want to flaunt something in her perfectly annoyed face.

  “Really? You think a couple of weeks is going to make him fall in love with you? You’re delusional.” My whole body tenses at the four-letter word she just uttered, and I have to remind myself that Josh never said it.

  “What Josh and I do outside of this place is none of your business. But just to be frank, he seems to be very happy with what I have to offer.” I get out of my chair and make my way over to where she stands, watching her back straighten the closer I get. “I get that you have a crush on him, and by all means, continue to dream about what it would be like to be his girlfriend.”

  She rolls her eyes as I grab my phone and proposal off my desk and step past her through the door.

  “Because that’s all they’re ever going to be. Dreams.” And with that, I walk away and head into Henry’s office feeling, if only for a moment, a sense of triumph.

  “What’s up, Buttercup?” Henry asks as I stand in his doorway, watching as Angela makes her way toward the back of the building. I take a step into his office and sit in the one chair that sits opposite his desk. His office looks pretty much the same as mine, except all of his walls are covered in memorabilia he’s collected over the years and mine are filled with art.

  I take a deep breath and place the printouts in front of me. “I wanted to talk to you about something. I don’t know how you’ll react to this, so please try to keep an open mind.” I pray he can do that for me, at least long enough for me to convince him that this is a good idea.

  “I already know what you’re here to talk about, Harper.” He gives me that look that tells me to sit tight and let him explain. “This is about what happened to Mel, right?”

  “You know about that?” I ask, trying to figure out how he
found out. I know Mel wouldn’t have said anything, and I know I didn’t either.

  “Um…” Henry looks around the room, picking up anything and everything to avoid making eye contact and at that moment I know exactly who spilled the beans.

  “You talked to Josh, didn’t you?” I don’t need to see the nod of his head because I know it’s true. But when he does, I deflate and sink back into my chair. I’m going to kill that man when he gets back home. “That man, I swear to god, I ask him to stay out of it and he does the opposite.” I glance over and witness the happiness in Henry’s eyes.

  “To be fair, he did warm me up to the idea because he knew I wouldn’t be keen on change. He really cares about you, you know.” His eyes sparkle and I know that look, the one that tells me he knows more than he’s letting on.

  “I know. I like him too. I just wanted to talk to you about this alone. I don’t need anyone to fight my battles for me,” I admit, feeling my annoyance grow with every passing breath.

  “I know, sweetie, but I will still hear you out. To be honest, I’m still on the fence, so go ahead and see if you can persuade me to change my mind.” I know he’s humoring me, but I go along with it since I worked my ass off and I don’t want all that work to go to waste.

  “Okay, that’s fair,” I mutter, sitting up straight. “What do you already know?”

  He explains what Josh told him as I sit and wait for him to finish.

  “I know you probably think it’s too much change and to be honest, it will be. It will be a lot of work but I promise it will not affect the day-to-day life around here.” The skepticism is there but I continue. “I know you’re worried but I think I’ve come up with a plan that will make sure that the least amount of disruption happens.”

  He leans forward on his desk, his elbows resting on the wood. I know I’ve hooked him.

  “I’m listening.”

  “The upstairs has its own entrance out front, which made it perfect for an apartment, but is actually perfect for Mel’s dance studio because it will allow the kids to come and go through that door and not through the main gym. I will also make sure that Mel has the only key for the door down here that leads upstairs so we don’t have to worry about stragglers.”


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