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Finding Our Course: Collision Course Duet

Page 21

by Ahren Sanders

  My stomach clenches when he crushes his mouth back to mine and moves his hands down my back, cupping my ass. Instinctively, I bounce into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist, careful not to break our kiss. He walks backwards and turns when he hits the wall, leaning me into it.

  “I want you right now.” He swivels his hips into mine.

  “Yes, now.” My voice quivers.

  His tongue licks down the column of my throat, tasting each inch of skin. By the time he reaches my collarbone, I’m panting. My body spasms with anticipation.

  “I’m going to set you down, and I want you naked,” he commands.

  When my feet hit the floor, I tear the sundress over my head and slip out of my panties. Luckily, my sandals slide off easily. I reach for my strapless bra, and the heat of his gaze stops me.

  “Let me.” One hand reaches behind me and snaps the clasps effortlessly. Once it falls, his eyes turn liquid.

  “Almost thirteen weeks. That’s how long I’ve dreamed about this—your naked body, your lips swollen from my kiss, your hair falling down your back, begging me to thread my fingers through it. Jesus, you bring me to my knees.”

  Sexual energy surges through me, and I jump back into his arms, sealing my mouth to his. I try to pour every emotion I’m feeling into the kiss. My arms and legs crush him, never wanting to let go.

  He moves again, and I feel the softness of the comforter on my back when he lays me down gently. We break away, breathing hard, and I loosen my grip.

  “Need you,” is all I can get out.

  I bat his hands away when he reaches for his shirt, wanting to be the one to pull it over his head. I’m grateful he changed out of his dress uniform before we went to dinner. The first touch of my hand to his hot skin sends us both scrambling. We can’t get him undressed fast enough, and we fight with his clothes. Finally, he hovers above me with his knees between my legs.

  His eyes lock with mine, and I freeze.

  “Tell me you love me, Devon.”

  “I love you, Bryce.”

  One hand plays softly with my hardened nipple while his mouth clutches onto the other. I bow off the bed into his touch, moaning at the sensation. He goes down my body, kissing slowly, until he gets to my pelvic bone and stops.

  “What the fuck is this?” He stops, sitting back on his calves.

  “Surprise.” My fingers run over the skin where the naval anchor is inked.


  “You don’t like it?”

  “I love it. “

  I scrunch my eyebrows, confused.

  “I planned to take my time, worshiping every inch of you, but this tattoo is sexy as fuck. Now I can’t wait.”

  He crawls back up my body with energy radiating from his hard stare. One finger slides down my stomach, stopping briefly to rub circles around my belly button. The lower he goes, the faster my pulse races. He finally touches me in the right spot, and I arch into him, groaning.

  One finger slides easily through my wetness, followed by another. My hips buck into his hand, pushing deeper. He twists them leisurely as his lips brush along my collarbone. The warmth of his breath coats my skin all over, driving me crazy with anticipation. He teases me for another minute then expertly rubs his thumb over my slit. I whimper in need. Desire coils in my stomach, begging for release.

  “Come for me. Don’t hold back. I won’t let myself dive into your pussy until I hear you come.”

  “Feels so good,” I moan.

  “Babe, I need to be inside you.”

  He presses the edge of his palm to my aching clit, moving in a circular motion. My hands clutch his back, the muscles rippling under my touch. I clench his fingers hard as the orgasm hits, sending me shattering against his hand. My nails dig into his skin as I try to catch my breath.

  He jerks up lightning fast, hauling his body back and kneeling. His hands circle my waist gently as the tip of him teases me, rubbing up and down. Our eyes lock as he slides into me gently. I feel every hard inch of him slip into my wetness.

  His hands squeeze my hips as a look of possession clouds his face.

  “Mine,” he growls when he’s rooted all the way in. He goes slowly at first, controlling his movements. I arch my pelvis into his and change the angle. He starts to thrust wildly. My hand goes around his neck, pulling up, and I position myself flush against him. Our skin is on fire as he pounds into me from below. I grind roughly and suck on the skin at his neck.

  “Give me another one, Dev. I’m not going to last much longer.”

  One hand moves lower, and he runs his fingers along my backbone until he reaches my ass then squeezes. On instinct, I clench my muscles, and he growls. Suddenly, the room starts to spin as my release rushes through my body. It builds fast, and I throw my head back, begging for it. Bryce latches onto my nipple roughly, and I scream. He cries out my name and empties himself into me. The feeling of his dick pulsing sends another round through me, and I clutch him tightly. He strengthens his hold, anchoring me to him.

  Gently, he lays us down, staying rooted inside me. Our hearts beat in rhythm as our bodies stick together.

  “Fucking perfect,” he mutters against my skin.

  “Ummhmm,” I agree.

  We stay tangled in each other for a while before I gently roll him back and reach for his t-shirt. He leans on an elbow and watches me closely. I scan his body and shiver at his toned physique. He was fit when he left in June, but now, he’s completely chiseled. Before moving away, I enjoy running a finger down his breastbone, sliding over his pecs until I skim the defined ripples of his abs. My mouth runs dry when I reach his belly button and the happy trail that leads to his still hard erection.

  He reaches up quickly, clasping my wrist. “Babe, you ready for round two?”

  I jump back, dislodging my hand, and run to my suitcase, grabbing the box on top. When I crawl back on the bed, he raises an eyebrow.

  “This is a late birthday gift.” I hand him the box. “Open it.”

  “Thought the tattoo was my gift.”

  “Consider it an additional gift. Now open it.” I bounce on my knees.

  He slowly unwraps it and lets out a loud whistle when he sees the watch inside. “This is awesome, Dev. How’d you know?”

  “Nate may have mentioned something about this specific watch you’d been eyeing.” I wink at him.

  “Babe, not to sound ungrateful, but this particular watch is expensive—”

  “Stop right there.” I put my finger to his lips. “Don’t worry about the price. A few of the cheerleaders asked me to take their senior pictures. They paid me.”

  He nods and gives me a small grin. I take the watch from him, fasten it around his wrist, and hold out his arm for us to admire. “It looks perfect.”

  I yelp when he tugs me close and rolls us over, trapping me under him. One hand frames my face as his eyes burn into mine. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  My heart melts. “Bryce—”

  He studies my face for a second and leans in to kiss me lightly. Our kiss turns heated, and soon, he’s positioned between my legs again. He glides into me and braces on his elbows.

  “No gushiness, but tell me you know how much you mean to me. That you understand how much I cherish you.”

  “I do,” I say, swallowing the lump in my throat.

  He rests his forehead against mine, never breaking our gaze. The last few months apart fade away as he makes love to me slowly. I finally feel whole again.

  Chapter 14

  “Stop!” I swat Bryce’s hand away from my hip, zipping my cheer skirt.

  “Nope, been dreaming of this for years.”

  “Quinn!” I shout, running to the door. “We have to leave now.”

  “On it!” she screams back.

  We meet in the living room, stuffing all our things in our bags frantically. Today is opening day of football season, and we are split into groups to roam the alumni tailgating areas. The game is not for
three hours, but we have a strict schedule.

  Bryce and Dean both emerge from the bedrooms, still in their pajamas, smirking at us. Quinn has a scowl on her face.

  “Gonna be late. Coach is gonna shit… badass boyfriends,” she mutters under her breath.

  “We’ll be okay,” I try to assure her. “I’ll drop you off at the team meeting point.”

  She relaxes and gives me a thankful look then slices her eyes to Dean. “You’re lucky Devon and Bryce are here. I’d like to rip you a new asshole!”

  “Welcome it,” he replies nonchalantly.

  Bryce tries to hide his smirk but fails. I grab Quinn’s arm, leading her out of the house before she blows a gasket. Her whole body is tense, the vein in her neck ticking. Once we get into my car, I brace for the impact.

  “He’s fucking crazy! He’s on the sidelines today with Bryce.”

  “That’s what has you in a tizzy?” I question her.

  “That and the fact that he went into my email, introduced himself to my team, and invited them all to brunch tomorrow. He sweet-talked everyone, telling them how proud he was for our success and saying he wanted to treat us to a nice meal.”

  “He went into your email?”

  “I left my computer open when I took a shower last night. That is not the point. He’s doing this so he can meet Hank. Is this not the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever heard of?”

  “I think you may be overreacting. Dean’s very charming, and he probably genuinely wants to meet your friends.”

  Her head spins toward me with a look of horror. She reaches to feel my forehead and then pinches my arm hard.

  “What the fuck?” I slap at her hand.

  “Are you sick?”

  “No! I’m trying to be a voice of reason. Who cares if he meets them? You’ve met his friends. It’s pretty common for couples to introduce each other to the people they spend time with, especially in our situations—long distance relationships, traveling abroad, etc. I’d chill if I were you.”

  Her lips split into a scary grin. “Okay, Devon, I’ll chill. Let’s pick up this conversation in a few hours.”

  We pull up to our group meeting spot and luckily find a place to park so I don’t have to drop her off. Our coach splits the groups up, and we make our way around campus for meet-and-greets and pictures.

  Two hours later, we meet back at the authorized entrance to the field, and I’m surprised to see Bryce leaning casually against the brick wall. The minute our eyes lock, my skin tingles. His gaze rakes up and down my body, and I literally feel him undressing me.

  A hand grazes my arm as Jeremy, my cheer partner, tries to help me with my bag. In less than two seconds, Bryce is taking it out of my hand and tugging me into him possessively.

  “Bryce Randolph, Devon’s fiancé.” He extends his hand.

  Jeremy looks between the two of us and then surprises me by throwing his head back and roaring in laughter. He shoves his hand in Bryce’s. “Jeremy Silver, Devon’s partner.” He continues to chuckle.

  “Did I miss something?” I try to think of what’s funny. They ignore me, still holding hands.

  Bryce’s eyes narrow at Jeremy, then his face splits into a wide smile. “Guess you’re not surprised?”

  “Surprised why it took so long. We’ve been practicing for weeks.”

  “I wasn’t able to get here until now.”

  “Nice to meet ya, man.” Jeremy drops his hand and slaps him on the shoulder. “And you have nothing to worry about. I prefer a certain redhead.” His eyes slice to Roxy, who is currently rummaging through her bag.

  “Got it. Glad to know.”

  “Hello.” I wave my hand in front of both their faces. “Can we recap this conversation in normal, human being language?”

  “Devon, I don’t pay attention to all the gossip, but apparently, you had a grand proposal that had all the girls going ga-ga. News travels fast, especially with this group. I figured, sooner or later, he’d want to meet me,” Jeremy tells me matter-of-factly.

  “Oh, okay, but did you just tell us you’re interested in Roxy?”

  The guys exchange a look and shake their heads. “I told your fiancé he didn’t have anything to worry about because my sights are set elsewhere. Take it as you will.” Jeremy gives a chin lift and walks into the facility.

  “What are the rules about public displays of affection in your uniform?” Bryce nibbles on my earlobe. “I’d really like to hike your skirt up and wrap your legs around me right now. Feel your body plastered against mine while I kiss you hard enough for everyone here to know who you belong to. If I could get away with it, I’d slide my fingers directly into you and make you scream my name.”

  My knees go weak, and I grip his arm for support. Beads of sweat trickle down my neck and back, the heat of his words scorching me. “Stop,” I whisper unconvincingly.

  “You thinking of me inside you? About my tongue in your pussy before I fuck you senseless?”

  “Why are you doing this?” I whimper, unable to stop the image running through my mind.

  He spins me around and presses his hard erection against my hip. I glance around, but no one is watching us. My body heat rises to the point of combustion when his breath tickles my ear.

  “I’m doing this because I will fuck you in this uniform tonight. It’s not fair you didn’t wake me earlier this morning. You’ll pay for it.” His thumb grazes the bare skin of my stomach. “You’re trembling. This tells me you want me as badly as I want you. Am I right?”

  “Y-y-y-es,” I stutter.

  “Good girl. Give me a kiss and go join your team.” He straightens, twists me into him, and pecks me lightly, patting my ass.

  When he steps back, I blink out of my daze. He’s smirking as he slips his hands in his pockets. “Have a great game. See you on the field.”

  I open my mouth to reply, but Quinn links her arm through mine and pulls me to the door. She mumbles something about us being ridiculous. This time, I have to agree.

  I suck down the remaining water in my bottle and scan the field, watching the stadium empty. Jeremy pats me on the back and then disappears through the tunnel to the locker rooms. Quinn plops on the ground dramatically, blowing out a deep breath.

  “I’m exhausted. First game of the season kills me.”

  I nod, searching for Bryce, and see him walking my way with Dean. There are two people following him, and when they get close enough, I squeal, sprinting to them.

  Shana’s arm stretches out, and I fly into them. She hugs me back, twisting us in place.

  “This has turned out to be quite the start of a semester for you. I’m extremely impressed with your work, Harris.”

  “Thank you, Shana. That means the world to me.” My voice clogs with emotion. I step back and hit a wall of muscle. Bryce’s arms wrap around my waist, holding me to him.

  Professor Grant gives me a small smile as Quinn greets Shana. She starts to introduce Dean, but Shana holds up a hand.

  “We’ve all met. I’ve spent the last quarter of this game with these guys dissecting every play on the field.”

  “Really? How’d that happen?”

  “I emailed Henry that I was coming. We made plans to finally meet,” Bryce replies. “Shana being here for the weekend was a surprise, but I figured you’d be excited.”

  “Actually, Bryce, I’m here for a while, working on a special assignment. Devon and I haven’t found the time to get together since I arrived in Virginia,” Shana informs him and leans into Professor Grant’s side.

  My chin tips to the ground as I try to hide my smile.

  “Well, if you’re interested in joining us, I invited her team from Brazil to have lunch tomorrow. I’d like to meet them and hear more about your trip.”

  My smile vanishes, and I snap my head up, turning quickly. Bryce’s expression is relaxed and calm, but his eyes are challenging me. He knows I won’t start an argument with him in front of not only my professor but also my mentor.

  He unwraps his hold on me and throws his hands up with innocence. I squint my eyes but am distracted by Quinn’s loud cackling. She bends over, holding her stomach, and laughs obnoxiously until everyone in our group is smiling—except me.

  “How does chillin’ sound now?” she goads me.

  I straighten my shoulders and give her an evil glare before pasting on a smile and turning to Professor Grant and Shana. “The lunch is a complete surprise, but I agree with Bryce. It would be great if you could join us.”

  “Another time. We have plans tomorrow.” Professor Grant declines.

  We small talk for a few more minutes before Shana promises to contact me soon, and they leave. I watch Professor Grant slide his hand down her arm and link their fingers together. She turns and gives me a quick wink. My heart warms at the small act, and Quinn exhales loudly beside me.

  “Looks like we don’t have to worry about match-making them anymore.”

  “I guess not. They’re really cute together.”

  “Now that I know their story, he’s totally hot. A bit dorky but still smokin’. ”

  “Totally agree.”

  “Are they a couple? I thought they were only colleagues but seeing them together blows that theory out of the water.” Bryce looks at me confused.

  “It’s a long story, but I hope it ends with them as a couple,” I answer and don’t elaborate. Then I remember his stunt earlier and give Quinn a small pat, indicating to go along with me. “Anyway, I’m totally disgusting and can’t wait to take a shower and get out of this sweaty uniform. You agree?”

  “Absolutely, I need a shower ASAP.” She fans herself. “Why don’t we clean up here in the locker room and meet y’all at the bar?”

  “Perfect idea!” I sing a little too cheerily, smiling at Bryce.

  He’s not amused. The heat and energy from his glare surrounds the small space. His body is stiff and rigid. He breathes in deeply, exhaling slowly. The bright blue of his eyes darkens, and I’m suddenly hot all over.


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